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| SessieLou
# Statistics
Favourites: 19; Deviations: 53; Watchers: 15
Watching: 18; Pageviews: 5857; Comments Made: 396; Friends: 18
# Interests
Other Interests: photography, motherhood# About me
39 year old mother of one toddler boy named Milo, my passion is photography with a particular fascination for macro work and portrait work (especially children).I pass my time being a good mummy and go nowhere without my camera (which is a Samsung GX20 with a variety of lenses).
I reside happily and peacefully with my partner, John and son, Milo in a leafy suburb of Hull, UK.
Please feel free to contact me, visit my website or catch me on RedBubble (user id: mum2milo or Sarah Pett-Noble)
Thanks for visiting, and I offer you a warm welcome :D
Current Residence: Hull, East Yorkshire, UK
Favourite photographer: Anne Geddes
Favourite style of art: semi abstract; photography
Operating System: Vista