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# Statistics
Favourites: 79; Deviations: 28; Watchers: 1
Watching: 4; Pageviews: 4077; Comments Made: 94; Friends: 4
# Interests
Favorite games: outdoorOther Interests: kung Fu
# About me
Hey my name is Alexandros, I am a hobbyist in art, if you need any design then don't hesitate to contact me either send me a note, or on my email address if you have some idea that we can work with, then get in touch, i am looking for work.Moreover, i enjoy rebuilding, renovating spaces etc.
About me, i try outdoor activity as much as i can i love nature walking, and am fascinated by swimming, cycling, food, relaxing, sleeping... i am a sleepy cat.
Also, i draw a bit, as a hobby and nowadays as means to earn some cash.
For good or bad i have been a gamer, spent plenty of hours with gaming
- not that i didn't have fun - since age 12 (i think my first game console was Atari and then i got a Nintendo back in then 90's) but most of my addiction came from PC-games. Today i use that as another source of inspiration. But i am mostly interested in signage designs and interfaces when it comes to art making.