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| KieronWiltsh
# Statistics
Favourites: 0; Deviations: 0; Watchers: 0
Watching: 0; Pageviews: 1284; Comments Made: 9; Friends: 0
# Interests
Favorite movies: I like medieval style movies with a type of fairy-tale story. I also enjoy action films and comedies.Favorite TV shows: I love TV shows like LOST, Prison Break, Breaking bad, Dexter and Doctor Who! They're all such creative and unique ideas.
Favorite bands / musical artists: I generally like any type of music except for musicals and heavy metal.
Favorite books: I don't read as often as I should.
Favorite games: I love games which are based either on real-life or on unique ideas like most MMORPGS however some MMORPGS lately have been a repetitive. Runescape was unique. I don't think Runescape is as good as it used to be but it has a lot of great memories.
Favorite gaming platform: PC, Playstation 3 & 4.