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| WalksInBeauty2013
# Statistics
Favourites: 2; Deviations: 3; Watchers: 0
Watching: 3; Pageviews: 680; Comments Made: 3; Friends: 3
# Interests
Favorite visual artist: She likes Vincent Van Gogh, He likes Dali,Hopper and Waterhouse.Favorite movies: The Fall, Pan's Labyrinth, Star Wars (original three)
Favorite TV shows: Father Ted, The Gilmore Girls, AbFab and more...
Favorite bands / musical artists: We'd need more space than this can give us.
Favorite books: She likes all of Jane Austen, He likes H.G.Wells.
Favorite writers: Jane Austen, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, H.G.Wells, John Irving and Andrew Davidson.
Favorite games: Board games--we're not really gamers.
Favorite gaming platform: Please see previous answer.
Tools of the Trade: Nikon D3100, FUJI FinePix HS20EXR, Picmonkey, PhotoShop CS3, GIMP, CameraBag, iPhone 4s and apps.
Other Interests: Nature walks, cooking, baking, pen-palling, philosophising, languages, reading, movie viewing, and falling asleep to a good thunderstorm.
# About me
We are Alan and Nadia.He's in the UK, she's in the US. He's a baby from the 70s, she's a baby from the 80s. He doesn't drink tea or coffee, she'd have coffee in an IV drip if she could and loves tea both hot and iced. They both love Britcoms, Star Wars, Star Trek and the like. They're both a little nerdy, photographers and artists at heart--lovers of nature and a good laugh.
We hope you will enjoy our deviantArt page and that you'll come on by and say hello!
We have two beautiful blogs Walks in Beauty and Nature Delights.