000SkyArrow000 — Vampire Knight Fanfiction by silentangelawaits

#zero #vampireknight #yuukicross
Published: 2016-04-30 18:12:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 339; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 0
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Description ....I respect that friend so much....I try to respect other people......but when I think about her is not only about respect.......I don't want expose her.........but I would like to show her clearly that I enjoy read her fics and poetries.....and much more than that.....I admire her ideas and feelings......people say love is love...... no matter what gender ........and even if we have our diferences....something natural in any friendship..... I relate so much with her ideas and feelings..........her ideas about love are so pure and sincere......I really hope she is ok and never feel bad for what she feel and are.....exactly for be so special and kind.....and everytime I think if someone could be judging her in real life....only make me think they are blind to the beauty of her feelings and soul.....no matter the one she choose to love.......I only hope that one gave her all the beauty she keep deep inside.....

I like to talk with her.......and something funny is the fact the character I most respect in vampire Knight is Kaname......and reading her fic.....she put so much feeling in Zero and Yuuki.....that make both better in her fic than in the anime in my opinion .....and I started to really support that couple in her fic...I admit I didn't finish read all the fic.....but when I read I try go deep in the feelings .....and the way she try show us the perpective of their mind and heart......its just so amazing and pretty...

here the link of her fic >>>>>>>>> silentangelawaits.deviantart.c…

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Comments: 22

AnjoSolitario [2016-07-03 20:53:49 +0000 UTC]

Que liindooo desenhooo!!! *___* Que perfeitooo!!! Ficou muuito lindoo mesmo!!! Ainda mais pelo fato de eu amaar tanto o Zero e a Yuuki! *-* Mas me recordo que eu também gostava muito do Kaname... Que era lindo! *-* rs Eu lembro que sempre ficava na dúvida de quem a Yuuki deveria ficar... Mas faz taantos anos que assisti a esse anime, que nem lembro mais no final com quem ela ficou... xD ^^" rsrsrs... Mas o desenho ficou lindíssimo! ♥ Salvando na minha galeria de Vampire Knight em 3, 2, 1! rsrsrs

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to AnjoSolitario [2016-07-04 02:22:07 +0000 UTC]

Agradeço de verdade pelo seu comentário....nossa.....muito legal de verdade acessar aqui e ler todos seu comentários....obrigado de verdade.

Não lembrava de você ter assistido o anime....lembro de ter comentado com você uma vez....mas na época você não tinha assistido.

Eu respeito mais o Kaname no anime......mas a fanfic que li aqui no DA era sobre o Zero e a Yuuki...e nossa....realmente respeitei como a pessoa escreveu de forma tão profunda sobre os sentimento dos dois...como uma releitura da serie explorando mais o cotidiano......mas acabei não lendo todas postagens da fic...e ainda esta em desenvolvimento....nossa....queria ler e assistir tantas coisas.....mas acabo as vezes so deitando na cama e não assistindo nada....ou lendo...enfim....melhor retornar para o comentário.

muito gentil você me dizer isso....obrigado novamente.

no anime ela termina com o Kaname..na segunda temporada...embora eu respeite o Kaname........admito que preferia ela terminar com o Zero....mais pelo fato do Kaname ser irmão dela.........mas antes disso....na primeira temporada sempre torcia mais pelo Kaname....... tinha uma vampira de cabelo branco que a estoria achei bem tocante também 

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AnjoSolitario In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-07-11 00:32:39 +0000 UTC]

Ahh, que isso... De nada!!! ^-^ Que bom que você fica feliz com todos os comentários... =]

Sim, mas eu assisti sim, acho que foi depois mesmo... Eu adorava! Tanto é que na época assisti um episódio após o outro direto... xD rsrsrs

Hum sim... Poxa, entendo até como é isso... E em relação a isso também acontece muito comigo, por ter vontade de ler e assistir tantas coisas, mas ao final do dia, já chegando tardão em casa e a exaustão também, acabam me levando direto ao sono e cama... x_x

Ahh, de nada... =]

Huum, poxa, nem lembrava disso, com quem ela havia terminado no final... Viu, minha memória às vezes também falha... Nãové só a sua!! xP hahaha

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to AnjoSolitario [2016-07-17 21:57:02 +0000 UTC]

eu também gostava muito.....sempre gostei de animes assim....sinceramente que sinto falta de assistir animes assim.....muito tempo não não assisto......e sinceramente sinto que é pela falta de produzirem mesmo algo nesse estilo...minha esperança de ver um anime assim novamente era a continuação de NANA.....mas acho bem difícil de sair......e a autora deixou claro que não faz mais o manga por questões pessoais.....eu entendo que ela tem a ida dela é claro ne...e até passou mal um tempo....mas é realmente uma pena.....era um dos poucos mangas que seguia....e era realmente tocante...e tinha chegado em uma parte que fiquei na expectativa de vaarios anos de voltar.......mas mesmo assim não me arrependo de ter assistido/lido

exatamente....o que é um pena

kkkk.....mas no meu caso assisti mais de uma vez......fora que costumo lembrar dos detalhes de varias series assim que tem drama....

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AnjoSolitario In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-07-23 16:45:11 +0000 UTC]

É verdade... Eu também gosto de animes parecidos com Vampire Knight... Mas como você disse, não tem muitos desse estilo né, pelo menos dos que conhecço, pois ando tão por fora de animes para assistir... Até mesmo pela falta de tempo e interesse em certa parte, pois de um tempo pra cá me afastei bastante desse mundo de anime em decorrência de estudos, trabalhos, rotina totalmente mudada né... Mas a única coisa que não deixo de assistir é quando lançam algo novo de CDZ! xD rsrs *-*

Humm... Já ouvi uma colega minha falar muito desse anime "NANA", mas nunca tive a curiosidade de assistir... Para você que o assistiu e parece ter gostado taanto... Do que se trata? Fala sobre o que? #fiqueimaiscuriosa xD rsrs

Pois é... :/

Noossa! Mais de uma vez?! =O Então você gostou muuiitoo mesmo hein!! xD hahaha

Hum sim... rs... Já eu não gravo todos os detalhes assim não... rs A não ser que seja uma coisa bem tocante e profunda... rs

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to AnjoSolitario [2016-09-11 12:16:13 +0000 UTC]

entendo....recentemente...dos ultimos anos para cá acredito que não lançaram mais animes nesse estilo romântico...com drama...e que não fosse apelativo....

gosto de cdz....mas até cdz sinto saudades das sagas e filmes mais antigos.....até prologo do ceu era tudo muito especial....depois caiu muito a qualidade....até mesmo de manga....episodio G mesmo que tinha começado até a comprar manga....tinha parado.....uma pena que cdz parece ter meio que se perdido mesmo o foco...mas sempre será uma serie que considero muito é claro......mas quando paro para assistir....assisto mais algo do clássico até o filme do prologo do céu....mas ainda que não acredite que irá voltar a ter algo tão profundo e especial como o clássico foi....admito que assisti soul of gold ....e que teve momentos legais.....e omega...assisti todos episódios que tinha os clássicos....como as cenas da Saori  e o Seiya....mas não por ser Omega...mas por ser a Saori e o Seiya.....e a cena do Ikki sempre acaba sendo épico independente do cenário que ele aparece....

ah....mas antes tinham animes mais românticos e com drama que eu gostava de assistir além de vampire knight....nos últimos anos acredito que não foi lançado nenhum....mas antes tinham sido lançados alguns bem especiais.

sem dar spoiler importantes...NANA conta a historia de duas garotas ....uma de uma banda de punk rock....e outra uma garota normal que fica amiga da banda....e mesmo parecendo ser de mundos diferentes elas criam uma forma relação de amizade....e embora as musicas sejam muuuuito bonitas....não é questão de ser anime de banda....é sobre a vida mesma.....é de uma profundidade os personagens.....e nesse anime mostra algumas coisas bem tristes e cruéis da vida...mas que são a mais pura verdade.......o anime mostrar varias decisões erradas que a garota comete.....e embora alguns momentos pode aparentar que é comedia no inicio.....e ter me sentido bem mal por mostrar como se ela fosse um tanto fútil....o anime mostra exatamente como é cruel definir as pessoas de forma simplista....e no final todas pessoas se sentem solitárias e tristes.....e cada pessoa lida de forma diferente com toda essa carência que consome agente.....pois independente de ter uma personalidade mais forte...ou mais fraca....ainda que as pessoas fiquem sozinhas ou fiquem com varias pessoas....no final ninguém quer acabar sozinho....ainda que permaneça sozinho as vezes....o anime é bem depressivo....e eu me identifiquei com ele por motivos óbvios....depois de assistir o anime...li o manga...mas a mangaka parou de escrever por ter adoecido...e depois de melhorar decidiu não dar continuidade por focar na saúde....claro que respeito....mas é uma pena....gostaria de verdade que tivessem contratado pessoas para ajudar ela finalizar o manga....o manga vai bem além da historia do anime....e é o tipo de obra que a melhor sequencia é assistir o anime...e depois ler o manga...as cenas que tocam musicas no manga...depois de assistir o anime...a musica começa a tocar na cabeça enquanto lê...e eu adorava ler o manga escutando as musicas do anime....algumas escuto até hoje.....aquela personagem Layla de cabelo rosa...ela é desse anime NANA.....é um anime que te faz sensibilizar de verdade por alguns personagens....odiar alguns....e se identificar muito com outros....é retratado o cotidiano e os sentimentos deles de uma forma muito humana....realmente da para sentir a angustia....e o quanto algumas partes machucam de verdade....e não é questão de serem personagens bons ou ruins....são bem humanos mesmo....

sim...gostei....quando gosto de um anime gosto de verdade...desse estilo mais tocante então...eu as vezes lembro as cenas completas apenas escutando musicas do anime

mas apenas gosto de verdade de animes e obras quando tem algo bem tocante e profundo

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Contradictory55 [2016-06-11 22:41:06 +0000 UTC]

Your drawings... they capture so much emotion that I can't help but feel like there's a story behind every picture and that is just something excellent to me because I am someone who loves words and stories and your pictures convey that same feeling ><

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to Contradictory55 [2016-06-12 20:38:41 +0000 UTC]

oh dear.....thank you so much.....I loved that comment.........and what you said.....I really like to think about romantic stories with deep feelings......almost sad and complex.....that make me feel better........means a lot to me your words

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Contradictory55 In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-06-14 03:46:57 +0000 UTC]

Good, because I mean every word
If I may, can I suggest a really beautiful story to you? It is sad and complex and almost surreal I think. Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami.
It's rather explicit and open about sex, but it is beautiful nevertheless.

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to Contradictory55 [2016-06-27 00:13:30 +0000 UTC]

of course you can my friend.......I respect a lot complex and sad stories about romance.....I admit when I really like....I even keep some inside my mind......I am only bad with tittles names....but the stories when touch me so deep...I keep inside me......move me a lot when I see something that make me relate in that kind of stories......so...I thank you for suggest something new for me.....really kind of you.....you can do that always my dear friend

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Contradictory55 In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-07-24 02:25:52 +0000 UTC]

I am glad, and I hope that the story touches you as much as it touched me.

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to Contradictory55 [2016-07-24 13:03:12 +0000 UTC]

wow....I would like to talk about it with you.....but looks so hard......I am still reading the book.....but I am doing really slow now due the fact I wished the book had like much more pages........but I admit I stop in some parts for touch me so deep......the last one I admit I even cry.....I relate so much with some moments......talking about the feelings........and I admit I don't like books that talk about something physical in relationships beyond kiss with so much details....anyway...I am sure you know what I mean.....but that make the story more real not avoiding that......and during the story it made even more sad some parts......wow......it made me so sad.....but don't misunderstood what I am saying.....I like that kind of deep and complex feelings.....like tragic romantic stories....so I am in love with that book....and to make easier for me to accept some parts when describe some things that make me shy......I am reading in English....and not in my native language....

Thank you so much for tell me about that book.....is like read about life....I laught reading about that guy "storm trooper"......I didn't feel confortable with the way that rich guy treat women and his girlfriend (same way I don't like the way all men treat women in real life)......and Naoko....oh my......touch me so deep inside....that book looks like something so unique....some parts is like really live that moment and try to understand what Naoko is feeling....and when she cry or feel so lost and broken....looks so hard hold back the tears.......and even wanting to read all the book.....in the same way I am so afraid with the end.....I know that will hurts a lot.....and be special....the book have a heavy emotion ....impossible don't relate with some depressed feelings

I really thank you for let me know about that book....I don't usually read what others tell me.....but for you know my taste.....and for you do poetries so lovely...I decided to read it......and I thank you so much for that.....

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Contradictory55 In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-07-28 21:04:02 +0000 UTC]

I am glad that the book met your tastes another friend had suggested it to me, before I had really begun talking to you, and somehow the book just seemed like it would fit you.
It is heart-breaking and bittersweet in so many moments, and that is why I love it because writing should be like that. It should touch on reality and make people feel.

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to Contradictory55 [2016-10-23 23:07:31 +0000 UTC]

I think the same about "...writing should be like that. It should touch on reality and make people feel."............and after read that book.....I can say it touched me so much.....I relate a lot with the feeling of really care and wish the best for someone....and feel lost to feel even trying hard....not be able to reach the one we like....I admit some moments was exaggerated talking about a physical contact.....but in the end I respected due the fact the book was so deep into the emotions............thank you for have suggested to me read that book. 

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Contradictory55 In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-11-14 05:04:44 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure It was another friend who lent me the book actually, so you have her to thank as well. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to share books.

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MagiaBlanca [2016-05-02 04:51:25 +0000 UTC]

i said i dont like that much that serie, nut i like this drawing, so good!!

hey then i would restart reading your fic to leave comments again, but you have to wait, im now at my exams week in the collegue.

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to MagiaBlanca [2016-05-07 23:36:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for your comment my friend.

About my fic you already gave me so much support........much more than that our conversation about saint seiya was something really great during the years..........don't worry if you don't have time to post comments....I already feel thankful for all the comments you already posted until now my friend...

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silentangelawaits [2016-04-30 22:38:05 +0000 UTC]

I just wanted to say thank you so much...when reading this it touched me really your very kind to say such kind words about me an it means a lot an what you think of my writing Iv honestly not ever thought of it as anything good or that it really reachs anyone an thank you so much for reading my fanfiction an other words its much appreciated honestly i could cry an not in a bad way im just that moved...an that yo want to pass it on so thank you so much i had to comment an let you know because honestly im speechless...the fact you went into detail an that you enjoy my work an want to show that is not something im sed too so i honestly dont know what to say but thank you...just thank you....after the day iv had ....this brought a smile to my face...

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to silentangelawaits [2016-05-01 22:21:41 +0000 UTC]

You are very welcome my friend......and if you feel uncomfortable with anything I had wrote in that drawing or with the fact I posted the link to your fic here.....you can always feel free to ask me to delete it.....I did that for you....even being something little...to show you how much I respect you.....and to make you smile even if for a second....and if that really made you feel better even for a little time...I am really glad.....cause you really deserve be happy and receive a lot compliments......but of course sometimes trying to do something good.....we can hurt something without notice.....so.....if you feel uncomfortable if that post you can send me a note to change or delete it.....

I am really happy to return and see you here.....I know I am really depressive and even had something thoughts to leave DA exactly for me afraid to hurt others with my own thoughts.....but I miss here so much.....and of course....I miss to talk with kind people like you....   

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silentangelawaits In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-05-02 12:42:30 +0000 UTC]

your too kind my friend an no i don't feel uncomfortable by it if i thought so i would have said its a sweet gesture an i respect it a lot i appreciate it more than you can imagine so thank things have been up an down a lot lately an truth be told some time a go things go pretty bad...the only thing now i am trying to move forwards best i can an try to regain how i once was an gain that confidence an everything i lost could take me awhile...thank you so much for doing this honestly its kind of you...

yes iv been pretty distracted an have'n't had much time to be on here for awhile but i will try to come on here as much as i can an no its alright i can be depressive my self so i cant really say anything an aw miss talking to you too an i wouldn't say i was kind but thank you that's nice of you to say...

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000SkyArrow000 In reply to silentangelawaits [2016-05-08 04:08:42 +0000 UTC]

make me sad the fact you are facing hard times my friend.......but unfortunately be delicate and keep so much feelings during the years make harder all problems we need to face all days.......talking about myself is like that.......I hate myself most time for be like that.....for feel weak.....for feel so much.....but in the same why looks so important to me during the worst moment have something to look deep inside me that looks precious....hurt and all......but make me remember something warm even if looks so dark everything around it

hope you gain that confidence you are looking for.....but even if you are facing all that pain and problems....make me glad to feel a part of you remain the same.......you are a great person my friend....and I am really glad to have met you here on DA...

but I was not here during all that time...so even if you won't be here always I can't even say anything about that.....I thank you for the time you have already spent here.....yeah.....I know you can be depressive sometimes.....I know looks unfair to say that......but that part of you that make me relate so much in your works......unfortunately  the sadness is what make me close to other people.....but I feel thankful for met nice person through all that sadness.....even if looks so depressive to think in that way....don't make me feel lonely while I a here on DA

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silentangelawaits In reply to 000SkyArrow000 [2016-05-08 17:15:17 +0000 UTC]

no i understand what you mean its through or suffering pain or sadness or even depression or hardships we connect to other people our experiences allow us to do so an to be able to relate a understand each other i think is a good thing because then we can connect properly as people an with our emotions our hearts an minds an generally know one another iv found iv gained so many friendships this way an honestly in a weird way i think its good because i feel much clother to these people an understand each other so well an how our minds work. 

i think once you know how someone works an the past they have gone through the pain an how they feel you know them for real an you know them properly not just the happy side but you know them an can talk to them even when there sad or not most people i feel do not try to understand you when your upset angry hurt or depressed or anxious but those few who do are the right people i feel they are the ones meant to be around you.

i am glad to talk to you on here as always my friend your kind as always well hope your doin okay too an we can chat whenever so no worries as i said i will try to be on when i can but take care okay an feel free to read any of my works when you feel like it 

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