0Elysian0 — its time

#tfpknockout #tfpoc #tfpfanfic #tfpknockoutxoc
Published: 2023-09-13 05:28:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 2559; Favourites: 13; Downloads: 1
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Description Kayla and Knockout finally make it to the town of Livingston, Texas, the abundance of literally nothing, no malls, no raceways, just woods, a small town and casino and
a Native American reservation near by. they finally make it to their new home and knockouts actually impressed with the amount of land they had, he could literally walk around peacefully without another human seeing him, the house was nice aswell, it was a two story with a wrap around porch, and a nice balcony for the master and second room. they had a long driveway that circled around and  back to the front entrance which had a gate so only they could enter along as they had the remote, their was nothing but trees at the entrance so you couldn't see the house at all from the road. towards the back corner of he house there was a nice pond and beside that was a giant metal storage building with a nice paved road leading to it, it was surprisingly nice, it had windows and two big doors and three garage doors as well and a balcony, this is the place where knockout would be staying for the time being. 

Kayla steps out of the car and stretches her arms 
Kayla: Okay, I'm going to go say hello and prepare my parents, if you'd like you can go check out the storage house 
Knockout: alright... ill go and prepare myself as well 
Kayla: hey, dont be so nervous, it'll be Okay, I promise 
Knockout: I know, will it be okay for me to walk around??
Kayla: of course, thats the reason fowler chose this place, its hidden from the main road and there's nothing but woods, so you'll be fine
knockout: Good to hear, now go say hello to your parents 
Kayla nods and heads to the front door
knockout then drives up to the storage house
he transforms and walks around 
he looks at the pond and looks at his reflection
Knockout: okay, okay, you look good, no signs of scratches and the finish is looking fantastic 
he still feels uneasy and just splashes some water in his face like its gonna help
Knockout: oh primus im not prepared! 
Kaylas knocking on the door
Lauren: Kayla! ohhh how's my baby girl, Marco! Deja lo que estás haciendo y ven aqu! ( Stop what your doing and come here!) your daughters here
Marco: im coming! 
he walks to the door and hugs Kayla 
Marco: Ayee! mi niña hermosa ( my beautiful girl) We've missed you 
Lauren: come in! its so hot outside rightnow 
Marco: hey, its not as bad as it was in jasper 
they close the door
Kayla: I've missed y'all so much, how are you two doing 
Lauren: well, its been a difficult transition, the hospital are at least an hour out, and the people here are kinda boring..
Marco: What your mother means is that its been okay, were still adjusting to the changes...
Kayla frowns
Marco: what's wrong mi niña 
Kayla: I wanna say im sorry... if I told you both the truth about..well the team ive been working with, none of this would've happened.. 
both parents look at one another and sit on both sides of Kayla
Lauren: Kayla, were not mad at you.. 
Marco: we understand you couldn't say anything to us in order to protect us, Mr. Fowler had spoken to us on the reasons why, but what happened isn't your fault 
Lauren: all we cared about was your safety my love
she hugs Kayla and kisses her forehead 
Marco: Its in the past, lets move on from it, what's important is that were all together 
Lauren nods her head in agreement and quickly stands up
Lauren: Now! Where's your friend at? ive been so excited to meet him
Marco: Him? I didn't know it was a boy? 
Kayla: Yes dad, its a boy..
Lauren: I told your father but you know him. 
Marco leans in to whisper in Kaylas ear 
Marco: she's been talking about this for awhile ever since we got out of the hospital
Kayla: Okay... Hes here but I had him check out the Storage house
Lauren: you what! oh darn it, I hope he hasn't gone in yet
Kayla looks at her mom with a puzzled look
Kayla: is he not supposed to go in there? 
Lauren: No, I completely forgot to tell you to not let him in, I decorated it for his surprise 
Kayla: awe mom, he'll love it, but I doubt he's gone in, he likes to keep his boundaries until he asks permission for things like that
Marco: huh, im starting to like this boy already
Kayla: Come on dad, you know hes not like, a guy, guy..
Lauren:  He knows, He's  just teasing  
Kayla: before you both step out... please don't freak out or faint or anything.. he's really nervous to meet y'all and I want this to go well
Lauren: Dont worry dear, we've been prepared, but I can't say much for your father, he may embarrass you..
Kayla: oh dad please dont 
Marco: I won't, your mother has already threatened to kick me to the couch 
Lauren: thats right! now lets go greet um.. what's his name 
Kayla: His name is knockout 
Both parents nod as if they were memorizing what to say to him
They step out of the house and go around to the back 
Lauren and Marco both look at the Aston Martin sitting on the driveway 
Lauren: oh my 
Marco: Kayla! you never said he was an Aston Martin? you realize he's a very expensive sports car
Kayla: yes dad I know, thats why it was hard to be with him in jasper 
they both go up to knockout in his vehicle mode 
Kayla clears her throat: Knockout, this is my mom and dad
just then knockout Transforms into his robot mode and both her parents look up at him in amazement and their speechless
Kayla: Mom, Dad, meet knockout.. My guardian.. 
Knockout: Hello Mr. and Mrs Martinez, its a pleasure to meet you
Lauren: hello knockout, my names Lauren, and this is my husband Marco, its nice to finally meet you
Marco: Nice to meet you knockout
knockout kneels and lends a servo out to shake their hands 
Lauren: Now! lets all go into the storage house, its hot outside 
they all agree 
knockout signals to allow Lauren and Marco go first and Kayla follows behind
Lauren: Marco can you get the door 
Marco: of course 
Marco struggles to open the door
knockout: oh, allow me to get this for you
Lauren: oh! knockout dear, can you close your eyes for me when you open it
knockout nods ad opens the door 
 Lauren and Marco: Surprise!!
knockout opens his eyes and sees a banner saying "Welcome Home" 
Knockout: wow, you both did this for me?? why 
Lauren: well, when fowler told us what happened and the real reason why our daughter was so secretive, it was because she was protecting us and her new friends. Since you chose to come live with us, We thought wed make you feel comfortable 
Marco: Not only that knockout, but I heard that you've saved our little girl more than once, so I thank you for keeping her safe 
Lauren: My Husband and I also did this because we wanted to thank you for saving us as well, if it wasn't for you, none of us would be here righnow 
knockout: no need to thank me, I know how much Kayla cares about both of you, so I couldn't imagine how shed feel if something happened to the both of you
Lauren: your so noble knockout, now why don't we all take a seat, ill go get us some refreshments, water knockout? 
Knockout: oh, no its okay Mrs. Martinez, I can only have Energon
Lauren: ohh its those blue canisters fowler brought, alright then, ill be back in a jiff 
Marco: let me go help dear, have fun you two, much not to much fun 
Kayla blushes
Kayla: dadddd
Lauren: Marco, hush, we'll be back
Marco winks and walks away with Lauren 
Knockout sits down and is quiet 
Kayla notices: are you okay knockout? you seem very nervous 
knockout: honestly, I am, I was so unprepared to meet your parents, I honestly thought they scream in terror when they saw me... 
knockout then looks down at Kayla whos sat down next to him
Knockout: is it that obvious 
Kayla: yeahhh, but thats okay, I think this is going really well, they were actually excited to meet you, well my mom was, my dad was just there.. existing 
she giggles
Knockout: Your parents are very nice for doing all of this for me
Kayla: they wanted to make you feel at home
Knockout reads the banner that says " welcome home" 
Knockout: welcome home... huh, that sounds nice
he lifts her up
Kayla: well, now you can see me everyday... your never getting rid of me now 
Knockout: I wouldn't want it any other way, 
she begins to giggle and he smiles looking at her 
Lauren and Marco both spy on then from the doors 
Kayla opens her eyes and sees them
Kayla: Mom, Dad, I know your not spying on us 
knockout looks over at them as well as if he was embarrassed 
Marco: it was your mothers idea!
Lauren: oh hush, you both are so adorable 
Kayla blushes and knockout looks off to the side 
Kayla: mom pleaseee stop
Lauren: oh please, im your mother, I can say my daughter and her friend look cute 
Kayla and knockout both look at one another because they know they need to tell her parents that they actually love one another 
Kayla: actually mom...dad.. there's something we need to tell you.. 
Lauren: oh drat, I left the cookies on the oven, Kayla, can you go grab them for me 
Kayla: oh, of course mom
Lauren: thank you sweetheart, then you can tell us what you were going to say
Kayla smiles and nods
knockout places her on the ground and she walks toward the house 
Lauren sits and drinks her tea
Lauren: So knockout, how long have you known Kayla for?
Knockout: Oh, Ive actually known Kayla for about two years now 
Marco: ah, so you've been around for awhile, its nice to finally meet the man who's always been by our daughters side 
Knockout: well, your daughter is a sweet person, and I want to be able to protect her from anything that may come our way 
Lauren: im happy my daughter has someone like you in her life, we've always been so absent due to us being on shifts at the hospital back to back 
Marco: yes, whenever were home, Kaylas already asleep, so we never really get to hear how school is going or see what's going on with her.. we just never have the time to be.. well parents
Kayla enters the room 
Kayla: Im back, mom you did a great job making these 
Lauren: there's three missing , did you eat them 
Kayla giggles 
Kayla: I may have had two on the way over 
Marco: I may have had one
Lauren: Aha! 
Marco: you can't blame me, you only make these cookies on special occasions
Marco looks at knockout 
Marco: My wife has the gift of making the most amazing foods and desserts 
Kayla: yeah, that she only makes on holidays 
they both laugh 
Lauren: I can stop cooking if thats what y'all want 
they both laugh and beg her not to stop 
knockout smiles looking at the family, its small... but its his new family
Kayla looks up at knockout and he lifts her up
Lauren and Marco smile at one another 
Kayla: mom, dad? 
Lauren: oh, yes honey, go ahead and finish what you were saying 
Kayla breaths in and holds knockouts servo
he realizes that she's about to tell her parents about them
Kayla: mom, dad, I know there's a lot of things you want for me... a good career, a good husband, and a family..
both her parents look in concern
Kayla begins to shake feeling like she will disappoint her parents until knockout speaks up
Knockout: I love your daughter 
Kayla looks art knockout because she didn't think he would say that and she then gains the courage 
Kayla: And I love knockout... 
knockout puts her down 
Kayla: and im so sorry if this wasn't what you both wanted for me.. I understand if your upset with me.. 
knockout frowns thinking that they will never approve of this
Kayla tears up and her parents both embraced her 
Kayla wasn't expecting them to react this way 
Marco : Oh Kayla, baby no, your Mother and I have known this for a long time
Kayla: You what..
Lauren: you showed all the signs of being in love with him, whenever you talked about him, or the way your face would light up, or the way you both were acting earlier when your father and I came back.. I know when my daughters in love with someone, its a mothers instinct 
Kayla: and your really not upset with me 
 Lauren: Of course not Kayla
Marco: we could never be upset with you for something like this
Kayla hugs them both
Lauren: so how long have you both been dating..
Kayla: well, its been about two months, give or take 
Knockout: the feelings I had for Kayla have been around for awhile though... I just didnt know how to tell her
he blushes 
Lauren: well, you are perfect for our daughter 
knockout: even though im not human... 
he looks back down 
Lauren: knockout dear, you may not be human, but you have a good heart, you've protected our daughter, you've cared about her and her interests, you love her for who she is and above all, you make her happy. her father and I couldn't ask for a better man to be with her
Knockout looks at Kayla and smiles 
Knockout: your daughter actually saved me... I never knew I could love someone, let alone a human... looking into her heart, I ended up discovering myself
Kayla and knockout both look at one another and give each other a loving smile 
Lauren smiles at them and Marco smiles too
Marco: so this is how you stole our daughters  heart,  So when are we gonna start seeing kids
he winks 
Kayla and knockouts eyes widen and they both get embarrassed 
Kayla: oh no! dad really!! Mom!
Lauren: oh Marco, your embarrassing her 
Marco: im her dad, what do you expect
Kayla: thats another thing we wanted to talk to you both about... knockout and I can't have children together... 
knockout: even if we wanted to, my kind can't have children with humans, only from our own, and we can parent other beings who have been born from our planet itself.. 
Kayla: I know you both want to be grandparents, and I want you both too... but its just.. impossible 
Lauren frowns, Marco rubs her shoulders, Kayla not being able to have kids really made her sad and Kayla sees this
it also worries knockout because he knew this would happen 
Knockout: Mrs. Martinez.. I know how much this means to you, it means a lot to Kayla as well, I may not be able to have children... but.. Kayla and I have decided on adopting a child 
Kayla looks at knockout, she didnt think he'd be willing to raise a human child with her 
Knockout: since I was created without parents, I had no one... no one to call family... eventually I found a crowd to be with so I wouldn't be alone.. but it turned out to be a bad place, and I did'nt have any good bots to look up to.. If Kayla and I can Adopt a child.... then we can ensure that this child gets welcomed into a loving home.. just as you all have done for me today.. I never had a family to call my own until today.. 
Lauren looks up at him and smiles
Lauren stands up with Marco
Lauren: Knockout, even though you cant have children, Its okay, We are so happy to have you be apart of our family
Lauren looks at Kayla and knockout 
knockout squats down next to Kayla 
Lauren and Marco walk up to them 
Lauren: Adopting a child is a perfect idea, you both will be doing a great thing
she takes knockouts servo and Kaylas hand
You both have my blessings
Marco also puts his hands on theirs
Marco: you love my daughter?
Knockout: yes sir I do
Marco: And you will always be there for her no matter what??
Knockout: of course, id never leave her side
Marco smiles
Marco: then you have my blessings as well
Kayla tearfully  Smiles and hugs both her parents 
Kayla: I love you both so much! 
Knockout smiles and decides to go into his holoform 
he taps their shoulders 
Lauren and Marco both look and see the knockout in his human form holding Kayla by her waist and holding her hand
Kayla: this is us... knockout has this hologram he can turn into when he wants to lay low, of blend in
Lauren walks up to knockout and touches his hair and holds his chin making knockout blush
Lauren: Oh my goodness your so tall,  look at all that hair, and your face, your so handsome knockout
Knockout: oh, why thank you  
Marco: look at that red hair, you can see that from a mile away
Lauren: be nice Marco 
Marco laughs 
they hug Kayla again 
Lauren looks at knockout and pulls him into a hug 
hes never been hugged like this before so he embraces it and smiles.
Lauren: Kayla would you like to help me cook dinner tonight 
Kayla: of course mom
Kayla holds knockouts hand 
Marco: sorry sweetie, im borrowing him for a little bit 
knockout stays quiet and is shy that her dad is taking him 
Kayla: dad, what are you planning to do with my boyfriend 
Marco: I wanna get to know my future son in law 
Lauren: Mhm, well dont scare him offf
Kayla: please dont embarrass me dad 
Marco: Dont worry baby girl
Kayla smiles and walks off with her mom inside 
Marco: So knockout, do you enjoy racing 
Knockout: I do enjoy racing every now and then
Marco: oh please I know that look, you were like me when I was young, I would race my firebird down highways and at meetups
Knockout: really? Kayla never told me that?
Marco: She doesn't know, thats actually how I met her mother, her mother was at a meetup and we got to know each other and we ended up going to the same university together, we just never told her because she thinks were boring 
he laughs 
Knockout actually gets excited that he has someone to talk to about racing 
Knockout: I don't think thats boring at all! I think its amazing 
Marco grabs knockout
Marco: while the ladies are cooking, why dont we take some laps on the track? 
Knockout: Yes! I mean, that would be a great idea  
Marco: we can go drive in my old porche
Knockout: I actually have a better idea 
Lauren and Kayla finish making dinner and walk out to see dust coming from the field 
Lauren: what in the world have the guys gotten them selves into 
Kayla begins to worry and follows behind her mom 
they both see knockout racing around the track 
and Kayla facepalms her face and so does her mom 
knockout and Marco drive back and knockout transforms with Marco in his hand 
they laugh heading back
Kayla has her hands folded and Lauren has her hands on her hips tapping her foot
Lauren: having fun?
Marco: Knockouts fantastic! he races perfectly
Kayla: dad, can I have my boyfriend back now
Marco: were just having a bonding moment
he smiles at knockout and he puts him down 
Kayla: oh knockout, your covered in dirt 
Knockout: thats okay
Lauren: at least you both had fun, knockout, there's actually a washing station is youd like to rinse off
Knockout smile
Knockout: thank you mrs. Martinez
Lauren: please, call me Lauren, your family now dear 
Knockout smiles and heads to the washing station 
Kayla: im gonna go with him 
Lauren: alright, we'll see you both in a bit 
Kayla walks off 
Marco: he may not be a human, but he really loves our daughter 
Lauren: I can say the same for Kayla, our daughter is in love
Marco pulls Lauren close 
Marco: you think he wants to marry her? 
Lauren: I dont see why not, hes so protective of her, the way he looks at her... its like he'd do anything to keep her safe, he pays attention to her facial expressions a lot, so he knows when somethings wrong with her.
Marco kisses her cheek
Marco: Our girls happy, thats all that matters, now... lets go inside and eat 
Lauren: oh no, you need to rinse off to and change, your not going to dinner like that 
he laughs and they go inside 
- - - -- 
Kayla: Finally some alone time, do you need help with your grill or tires? 
Knockout: its okay, I got it, I had a lot of fun with your dad 
Kayla: thats good, im glad you both are getting along 
Knockout: well we both have something in common now 
jayla: which is? 
knockout: well, we both enjoy racing, and 
Kayla: And?
Knockout: We both love and care about you..
Kayla: awe 
He picks her up 
Knockout: im really glad I got to meet your parents Kayla
Kayla: I am too, im happy things turned out well.
Knockout: but im confused about one thing
Kayla: and that is? 
Knockout: What did your parents mean by " you have our blessing" 
Kayla smiles
Kayla: It means that they are okay with our relationship, that they accept it... they are allowing us to continue with the future basically.... 
Knockout: Thats great Kayla 
Kayla: in other terms, they would be okay with us getting married and having a family
Knockout smiles 
Knockout: Kayla, thats the best thing that can happen... also can I kiss you
Kayla: You dont even have to ask me that anymore 
they both kiss one another gently 
Lauren: knockout, Kayla, dinner is ready! 
Kayla and knockout finish their kiss and he goes back to his holoform and they walk hand in hand back to the house 
Knockout: She knows I can eat food right? 
Kayla: she knows, but have you actually tried to? 
Knockout stops and ponders this question..
Knockout: honestly, I haven't... Ive never used my holoform long enough for it to need energy.. but, for your sake, I will see if I can..
Kayla: then your going to love what we cooked
Knockout looks at her getting excited and kissed her lips 
she smiles and he pulls her close as they walk back into the house. 

The end!

This was a long read, but this important to the story.
i'm going to bed now, Goodnight!
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