105697 — Man's Arrogance: Kong

#gaira #kaiju #kong #sanda #skullisland #mansarrogance
Published: 2019-06-19 18:36:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 9339; Favourites: 105; Downloads: 8
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Description Kong: God of Skull Island
Other Titles: King of the Primates, The Mountain that Thunders Death, 8th Wonder of the World, King of the Jungle

Intro: Throughout the Pacific, legends speak of an island in the high seas. They say it was once part of a great land that has since sunk beneath the waves and is surrounded by a perpetual tempest that guarded it against intruders. Those who break through the tempest will find themselves in a place where wingless dragons, titanic crawlers, and demon spawn thrive. Above all else, the legends emphasize a near-mythic beast of such caliber that there is almost nothing on this planet that can rival its might. It and two other beings, the mighty behemoth of the sea and a flying fortress that feeds of flames, makeup what these people called "The Apex Trio". Of course, these legends were regarded as mere myths, fantasies that the natives came up to entertain each other. It wasn't until a particularly adventurous scientist and his oddball team discovered defining evidence that the legends were true, right down to the letter...

History: It was 1937, and the United States was still suffering from the Great Depression. William Russell, who had just graduated from college was finding it hard to secure a job. Eventually, he managed to become a naturalist studying the effects of apex predation on animal communities. He partnered up with a man named Carl Denham, who was a wildlife filmmaker. Together, the two made a name for themselves, filming live footage of lions, crocodiles, and other predators and publishing a paper on the group's effects on the ecosystem. In 1940, the two were met by an officer who simply referred to himself as "Cooper" who asked the men for a private audience.

The trio was escorted to a hidden military base somewhere in the Pacific Northwest. William and Carl were later informed as to why they were brought to the area: a decade ago, a warship that was sent somewhere in the Equatorial Pacific never returned from its secret mission. It wasn't until months later that three survivors were seen drifting on a makeshift boat off the coast of Ecuador. When retrieving the crew members, a strange creature that looked like "a miniature dragon with four, spike-layden wings and a sword for a nose" jumped from the boat to follow the three men. The men were questioned and later sent back to their homes, while the creature, dubbed "Stymphalia", was quarantined to the present site. He showed the creature to the two men, who looked at the animal with both awe and disbelief. Cooper continued, stating that from what they gathered from the three survivors, there was an unexplored island in the Equatorial Pacific that was harboring strange lifeforms. Cooper wanted to form an expedition immediately, to assess whether the island could be of any use to the American government, but to do so, he would need to form a qualified team who would be prepared for whatever the island may throw at them. William and Carl were chosen for their accomplishments of studying and surviving in the natural habitats of the animals that they were researching. Along with them, they were joined by anthropologist and archaeologist Anne Darrow, military captain Englehorn, adventurist Bruce Baxter, and a small platoon of trained soldiers. They were also briefed on bringing Stymphalia on their expedition, as it was stated by the survivors that "she would be of major help when they reached the island". Within the next few weeks, the expedition set off on the warship nicknamed "The Venture" from a port in Ecuador, sailing off into the unknown.

After traveling for a week or so, the crew saw what looked like the giant storm clouds that the survivors spoke of. They continued to push forward (despite several crew members saying it was too dangerous). After what seemed like an eternity, the boat finally broke through the cloud cover, and the crew found themselves gazing at an incredible sight.

The ship set anchor, and the crew made their way towards shore. After setting foot on the island, Stymphalia immediately made her way to the front of the team, sniffing at the ground and frolicking in the sand. Eventually, she started heading towards the jungle ahead, with the team following suit. As they penetrated deeper into the island, strange creatures started appearing from the surroundings. Several of them seemed to be ready to pounce, but Stymphalia's presence seemed to deter them from following through. Eventually, Stymphalia led the team to a large set of ruins. Within moments, people painted in black and yellow started to emerge from the surroundings, armed with spears. The only reason why there wasn't a total massacre was due to two things. One was Stymphalia's presence, and the other was a man who came running out of the bushes shouting out to stop. The man addressed himself as Gregory Stevens and explained to the team that he was one of the four survivors of the warship that went missing a decade earlier, only he decided to stay on the island due to personal reasons that he refused to disclose. He led the team to the island's center where they would be safe from the dangers that would come when night fell. As they continued onward, they arrived at their destination: a massive mountain (the top of which was occupied by a massive plant-like mass with a blooming "flower") filled with cave entrances and surrounded by a wall covered in bloody, wooden spikes. Passing through the wall's security, the team made their way into a cave entrance, descending downwards via a carved out "stairway". When they reached the bottom of said "stairway", they laid their eyes upon something they could not fully comprehend: a massive civilization, filled with people and other lifeforms. As they made their way through the underground habitation, a flock of creatures similar to Stymphalia was gathering around a much larger figure roosting on a ledge near the top of the ceiling. Several titanic theropods were resting on the ground, gazing upon the team with demeaning glares. Finally, they stopped at a massive rock that looked vaguely like a throne. Next to the rock were several large apes varying in size and age, looking at the newcomers. Finally, a large shape came from one of the openings of the cave above the team. It descended to the ground with a thud, and that was when the team had their first good look at the titan. It was also a giant ape, though it was larger than the others and had a taller forehead. The beast made its way to the rock. It was at this moment that Gregory uttered words that would forever be engrained into the minds of all the members of the expedition: "Yep, that's Kong."

Eventually, the team returned to the civilized world, but after witnessing what the island had to offer, it was clear this wasn't going to be a "one-time trip". In the next few years, Monarch would be formed, whose development would be spearheaded by William Russell. Thanks to the recent boom in the U.S. economy following WWII and the formation of the United Nations, Monarch was able to send more and better-prepared expeditions to Skull Island, where they learned about the native titans that thrived in its boundaries. They also learned more of the mythology behind each of the superspecies living on the island, from the great "tree" perched on the top of Kong's fortress to the four-winged sword beasts that fluttered through the air. Perhaps the most terrifying beast though was what Gregory called "Akujin The Devourer", a beast so apocalyptically dangerous, the Iwi refused to even speak its true name. The creature dwelled deep beneath Skull Island, locked away thanks to the efforts of the great tree. Gregory mentioned that the last time the beast broke free, it reduced the entire landmass into the (relatively) tiny outcropping that it is now. It is said that if Akujin were to fully break free again, it might bring the entire island down to the inky depths. Monarch later confirmed the existence of a gargantuan being locked beneath the island, but it seemed it was firmly sealed away at the island's core...

But it wouldn't be for long. Somehow, someone managed to infiltrate Monarch and got away with the locations and information of several titans, including information on Akujin. What followed was a plot to seemingly annihilate humanity. From what information they could gather on the titans listed in the Monarch files they had access to, the saboteurs created a device that would weaken the great tree while simultaneously rousing Akujin from its sleep, not only ensuring the sinking of the island but also potentially plunging the planet into another mass extinction. As the infiltrators boarded a boat headed to Skull Island, they quickly broke off from the rest of the group and activated the device.

On December 5th, 1952, all hell broke loose. The great tree seemingly started writhing in pain, and only a moment later, the ground started to erupt lava. Finally, a draconic head burst forth from the ground, attached to a neck bristling with obsidian-black scales. It opened its maw to reveal its lower jaw was split into three parts, each packed to the brim with teeth. While the rest of its body was still trapped, it slowly started to wriggle out from its bedrock tomb. Soon it would be free to reign down destruction upon the planet.

But Kong wasn't going to have any of it. He arrived by the still-emerging Akujin and charged at it with full force. The two creatures fought in a battle that rocked the whole island. Kong's agility and speed gave him an edge in evasion, but Akujin's disproportionate size advantage meant that he was relatively unscathed by Kong's attacks. The match continued like this until Akujin finally caught Kong off guard by blasting him with a beam of energy. The beast tried to devour Kong (the head being the same length as Kong is tall), but Kong held the creature's jaws back as best he could. Slowly but surely however, it was clear Kong was loosing as more of the serpent's body inched out, putting more pressure on Kong. It was then that the allies of Kong, including members of his family, jumped in and did their best to push back the great devourer. At the same time, Monarch operatives, including William Russell, located the interlopers and destroyed the device they had created. With the device destroyed, the great tree recovered from its ordeal and started to send down jaw-tipped vines and strange, glowing clouds from the summit. As the other titans dealt with Akujin, Kong seemed to be "revitalized" by the glowing clouds the great tree had sent down, so much so that his entire body started sparking. Joining the battle once again, Kong's electrical state started pushing back the devourer. He started to repeatedly pummel the head of the beast while the great tree's roots and vines dragged it back down to the island's core. Akujin tried to bite into Kong, but the ape's reflexes were too fast. Kong one-upped his punches by giving them an electric jolt to further incapacitate the beast. The efforts of all those involved in defeating Akujin were working, as the great beast vanished beneath the surface and back into its prison, but not before Kong broke off a section of its jaw in a fantastic display of power and lightning.

Today, Kong still reigns as both king and god of Skull Island, protecting his home, family, worshippers, and allies from all manner of threats. Monarch doesn't interfere with any of Kong's work unless necessary, knowing that he can properly defend the island, and sometimes the world, from any threat that crops up on the island. The broken jaw piece of Akujin that he carries around with him like a personal weapon is proof of his power...

Description: Despite his stature and somewhat lackluster-appearance, Kong is considered to be one of the most powerful beings on the planet, up there with the likes of Godzilla and Mothra, and for good reason. His physical strength is exceptional, capable of lifting twice his own weight for short durations and throwing objects as big as himself straight into the air. He is quite capable of smashing through solid stone with his fists, and his canine teeth (which have much higher concentrations of titanothite than the rest of his bones) can penetrate deep into the hide of armored titans. Despite his size, Kong is extremely nimble and fast, perhaps due to his more primate-like physiology. He is capable of jumping extremely high as well as expertly climbing through the tallest trees and mountains of the island due to the opposable thumbs on both his hands and feet. Despite getting most of his energy from the sun via fur that contains algae-derived chlorophyll, he does seem to consume food more frequently than other titans, usually scavenging meat from large carcasses or plucking fruit from the great tree on the top of his mountain.

Kong possesses two extraordinary traits that set him apart from other mammals. One is his rapid regeneration. Even though Kong's thick skin and dark-grey matted fur provide a decent-deal of protection from most foes, it can be penetrated. However, such wounds seem to heal within minutes. Kong can loose up to 60% of his skin layer, as well as even some parts of his skeletal muscles, which can be regenerated within a few days to a week. The secret to this seems to be that the regeneration gene that is turned off in so many mammals is turned on in the case of Kong. The only other mammal with such a trait is the family known as the spiny mice, who can regenerate entire sections of skin, cartilage, and even muscle. In the case of Kong, however, the regeneration happens on a much faster scale, suggesting another factor may be at play in Kong's regeneration...

The most noteworthy thing about Kong, however, is his bioelectrical properties. When faced with extremely powerful foes, Kong will start to draw upon bioelectrical forces from across the island, after which his body starts to spark with electricity. He can then use this power to a deadly effect, using electric punches that can shoot out currents pushing his enemies back (though this only works when the fists make contact with the enemy). He can also stun foes by grabbing them and channeling his electricity into their bodies. Finally, he can release his power in a short-range pulse that both pushes and electrifies enemies caught within its limits. Kong only uses this power when absolutely necessary, usually due to the fact it can quickly drain him, after which he needs to recuperate with a few hours of solar-bathing. No wonder when it came to a scientific naming contest for the species, Zuesopithecus kong came only one vote short of a tie with Titanopithecus kong.

Kong and his family were the only members of their species Monarch encountered, but fossils off the coast of Skull Island show that the species was much more numerous, perhaps being driven to near extinction due to the sinking of most of the island. Even considering this, the past-extent of the island may not have been large enough to produce a viable population of T. kong. Indeed, fossil discoveries made in the early 2000s seem to suggest the species had a much wider distribution than one could infer just based on their current status...

Behavior: Kong is a king who usually spends his days patrolling his territory, maintaining the balance that keeps the island together. At the end of each survey trip, he goes back to his mountain fortress where he is greeted by his family and allies. Despite his mostly stoic appearance when out on the hunt for intruders, Kong shows signs of happiness and excitement when he is around his family, often playing with his offspring, mates, and his two younger twin brothers, dubbed "Sanda" and "Gaira". Kong has even been seen showing appreciation for some of the humans that come to visit him, including Dr. William Russell and Carl Denham, who he seemed to view as "capable men who could lead their tribes" as one Iwi tribe member put it. Kong has also shown grieving behavior as evidenced by his apparent reaction to the natural deaths of some of his worshippers over the years he was observed.

Kong and his family live in a mountain fortress that leads to a hollow Earth pocket that seems to act as a "base of operations" in a sense. Tunnels were found littering the entire island. All of them seem to lead far beneath Skull Island, and each one spontaneously spews out hordes of "hypervores", highly carnivorous beasts that seem to devour everything in their path. Some of these creatures, like the "Skull Crawlers", breed at a phenomenal pace, and even have adaptations that could allow them to escape the island. If this were to happen, they would wreak havoc upon the global ecosystems, causing major changes to the environment as a whole. Luckily, Kong and his allies seem to keep these beasts under control, with the great tree keeping the most dangerous "hypervore", Akujin, locked away in its prison. In short, Kong and his allies are the only things standing between the beasts of Hell and the mass annihilation of the rest of the planet.

As for his mental health, Kong seems to be in a far better state than any of the other currently active titans, perhaps due to the support of his family, allies, and worshippers that help him in his quest to defend Skull Island and the world from the horrors that lurk beneath it.

Kong is owned by Legendary/Universal/Warner Brothers/any other studio that currently owns the character.

A titan that isn't drawn in side-view? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS!!!

In all seriousness, here's a bit about Kong, a little bit of lore, the introduction of Sanda and Gaira, and the first OC titan by name to be introduced into this universe.

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Comments: 12

Lediblock2 [2019-06-20 19:31:44 +0000 UTC]

Interesting choice to have Sanda and Gaira as Kongs - honestly, this whole thing is really neat. The angle of Skull Island being mostly sunken, multiple types of hypervores lurking underground, giving Kong a unique weapon - it's neat to see fresh stuff like this being brought into a fanmade Godzilla universe. Back in the day, there was next to no innovation - now, there's all sorts of fresh, unique ideas coming out from all over the place!

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Gorgomoloch [2019-06-19 20:11:16 +0000 UTC]

really nice work

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105697 In reply to Gorgomoloch [2019-06-20 00:40:07 +0000 UTC]


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Gorgomoloch In reply to 105697 [2019-06-20 00:54:59 +0000 UTC]


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DinoDragoZilla17 [2019-06-19 19:35:59 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Will you be drawing Stymphalia and Akujin? I’d love to see what they look like. This is actually shaping up to be one of my favourite Kaiju fanfics on here! Hence I’ve given it a collection in my favourites along with my other favourite ones, go check out the others, they’re also awesome!
Also, how does the category and rank system work? What does each one say about the Kaiju?
Also, I’ve just realised who the Fire Eater is. Sneaky reference to their first movie there!

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105697 In reply to DinoDragoZilla17 [2019-06-20 00:39:49 +0000 UTC]

Indeed, I will be drawing Stymphalia and Akujin, along with the rest of Kong's allies that helped in his fight with Akujin.

The Category System works like this.
Category 1: 0-10 tonnes
Category 2: 10-100 tonnes
Category 3: 100-1000 tonnes
Category 4: 1000-10000 tonnes
Category 5: 10000-100000 tonnes
Category 6: +100000 tonnes
(Which reminds me that I put the wrong category number for Kong XD)

EDIT: Changed Kong's category

The rank system basically means how much influence a creature has on its environment. They rank from Omega (relatively little influence), Beta (moderate influence), and Alpha (very high influence).

The Aggression System is basically how tolerant the titans are to humans. 1-2 (yet to be disclosed titans) who are extremely tolerable of any life form they come across, 3-4 (Mothra, Kong) who are tolerant of humans (and other titans) as long as they don't harm them or the ones they care about, and then 5 (Godzilla) have almost zero tolerance for humanity.

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DinoDragoZilla17 In reply to 105697 [2019-06-20 06:15:30 +0000 UTC]

OK. Thanks for explaining that!

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PCAwesomeness [2019-06-19 18:45:13 +0000 UTC]

Gotta love how King Kong is also the only kaiju in this series that has life figured out.

Anyways, nice! I like how multiple incarnations of Kong were used in this picture!

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105697 In reply to PCAwesomeness [2019-06-19 18:46:46 +0000 UTC]


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PCAwesomeness In reply to 105697 [2019-06-19 18:47:59 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

BTW, what's Akujin supposed to be? I was under the impression it was a Skull Crawler, but it has a split jaw and it fires blasts of energy from its maw...

Also, is this "Stymphalia" creature a Leafwing?

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105697 In reply to PCAwesomeness [2019-06-19 19:21:13 +0000 UTC]

Akujin will get a description soon, but its supposed to be a gigantic, volcanic serpent/dragon-esque being which inspired the myths of Apophis Jormungandr, and a giant, volcanic serpent from Mapuche mythology that I forgot the name of..

And no, Stymphalia is not a Leafwing.

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PCAwesomeness In reply to 105697 [2019-06-20 00:44:43 +0000 UTC]


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