1997kid β€” 1997kid's Best Teams Meme

Published: 2014-10-29 15:49:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 9769; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 6
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Description Well, I have not seen anyone do this meme before (if there is, I want someone to post them in the comments), and this is the special project I had. I have been gone from the Total Drama fandom for a week., and I have sure missed you (though many of you supported me on my WDAS Atrocities and Admirations). I want to say that this list is not necessarily based off of challenge wins, but the team chemistry, the organization of the team, the tactics, leadership roles, etc. I have to say right now that 's polls inspired me to make this meme.

13th. Killer Grips (TDA)
This team is a fucking mess. Trent was throwing challenges and was a mess otherwise, Izzy was so unfocused, and did not really listen to her teammates, Justin was a lazy mother fucker, Owen did not really have the focus, and lost them a few challenges, and while Beth and Lindsay tried to keep the team together,m they were too busy obsessed with Justin and one another at times. Otherwise, this team had little to no organization, everyone was so unfocused, untalented, and the only reason why they did not get wiped out is because they kept on having people return. When Courtney returned, they had a lot more organization and focus.

12th. Toxic Rats (TDROTI)
Like the Grips, they had absolutely no organization outside of B (who left fairly early), Scott is a cancer to his team by throwing the challenge, Lightning was not a team player and did not have much focus, Sam is useless, Dawn is invisible, Brick tried, but they still sucked, and when Jo entered the team and Scott left, they got a bit better, but still sucked. There is no teamwork or team chemistry in this team.

11th. Team Victory (TDWT)
They are better than the other 2 teams because they at least had a somewhat efficient leader in Leshawna, and they actually had some organization with the challenges, and actually stuck together and motivated one another when they were getting picked off. But in challenges, they were horrible, all of the girls were too focused on guys, Harold quit and was arrogant, Ezekiel is.....Ezekiel, and DJ is a cancer to his team, an did not leave when he got the chances to. They suck.

10th. Team Kinosewak (TDPI)
I thought they would be a better team than they ended up being. Max and Scarlett were kind of doing their own thing, though it was kind of challenge-based, Samey and Amy were a mess of their own, and their drama is always a distraction, Topher is useless as hell and did not even do half of the challenges, Rodney tried, but he was a fail and was focused on his pathetic love plot. What I can say that went well with them is that Jasmine is a good leader, and she definitely organized them in an orderly fashion. When Sky switched with Max in the final team challenge, I guess she was alright. They had some organization, but the team was a bit too disjointed.

9th. Villainous Vultures (TDAS)
Well, they are pretty strong as individuals, but as you would expect, there are a bunch of villains who do not listen to one another, and some fighting over being leaders. The challenges that they did win were based off of luck (Heroes vs Villains and Moon Madness), and individual work (Food Fright and Suckers Punched), but otherwise, they never really listened to one another, barely know what teamwork is, and are stronger as individuals than teammates. A bit unorganized, and too untrusting of one another.

8th. Team Chris is VeryX4 Hot (TDWT)
While for the most part, they were not that bad, they were not really good either. Alejandro was the leader of his team, but it is hard when you have such incompetent members, like Noah, Owen, Izzy, and Tyler. Β When Duncan returned, his drama caused more of a rift with his team, and they only started to consecutively win when the Amazons went to wrecks. Many of the team members needed to be more proactive, but otherwise, they are not that bad as a team.Β 

7th. Screaming Gaffers (TDA)
This team was the superior team in TDA, but they had countless issues as well. Heather, Gwen and Leshawna were always bickering, and after Gwen left, it became a huge issue, and the conflict with Harold and Duncan was a huge distraction and discord amongst the team. This becomes more apparent after Gwen and DJ leave, and the Leshawna lie thing totally crumbles the team. DJ was barely noticeable, but a bit useful to his team from the Chef situation, and Gwen..............self explanatory. While they could stick together, they fell apart after DJ left, and never really recovered, throwing away their organization and teamwork.

6th. Mutant Maggots (TDROTI)
Well, they are the superior team in Revenge of the Island, and they actually worked well together. Jo was a really good leader.....most of the time, and when her and Brickw ere ont he team together, they were great leaders to one another, and despite the issues (stupid love triangle), they all listened to one another and got the job done. Everyone got their tome ot shine and to contribute (Cameron in a fee episodes, Anne Maria in Creepers, Zoey and Jo in Runaway, so on and so on), and they were really organized. Things fell apart when Scott joined their team (and he was not even trying to throw those challenges), and there was a huge amount of distrust when he switched with Jo.

5th. Team Amazon (TDWT)
Yeah, yeha, yeah. I know amy of you think they should be higher, but they won some of their challenges based on luck, and I said earlier that this does not necessarily have to do with challenge wins. But after looking at them, there is some disorganization, and a lot of trust issues. Gwen, Courtney, and Heather all had issues, which distracted the team, Sierrra' s Cody obsession was creepy to the entire team, and when things are bad with them, they are really bad. They can work togehter, but there are many times that they cannot get it together. All of them (but Cody) are talented people, and if they worked together more and had mroe of that team attitude, they would be higher on my rankings.

4th. Heroic Hamsters (TDAS)
Yeah, they only won 3/7 teams in TDAS, but I do think that they are the better team. One thing is that they are very encourging and welcoming to one another, which is really great for the team atmosphere. They plan a lot, and they listen to one another to accomplish the challenges they needed to get done. It seems like they are all friends, and they just treat one another with the upmost respect. Within the first 3 episodes, Courtney was the thorn on their team, but once she was switched with Duncan, there was more of that team attitude, and mroe of that appreciation. And unlike the villains, when they lose, they do not play the blame game, but just own it.

3rd. Screaming Gophers (TDI)
I would have put the Screaming Gophers higher, but there is one thorn on their team, that affected them from the beginning to the end; Heather. She was just overly cruel, bossy, and her fighting with Beth, Leshawna, and Gwen for personal reaosns were a HUGE distraction amongst the team. They did have a lot of organization with how to handle challenges, and they are a very strong team. They got a lot done,a nd they wer successful in many of their challenges, but getting rid of their biggest thorn would have made them a lot better. A bunch of strong players nonetheless.

2nd. Team Maskwak (TDPI)
OMG. Shocking that they are higher than the Gophers. Well, that was on purpose, and I will explain why I think they are the second best team in the show. Sky is a really good motivator, and a really good leader. After they got rid of Leonard and Beardo, they really flourished, and all of them worked well together, though Sugar's hatred with Ella became too much, and clearly made her team uncomfortable. They all proved to be of use (yes, even Dave at times) in the challenges, and they work really well together. There is little to no issues with this team that I can really point out.

1st. Killer Bass (TDI)
Yes, I do think theyta re the best. I know that they lost half of their challenges, but even still, they are a very strong team, and they all have their strong moments, well......excpet for Ezekiel. They had a few leaders (Duncan, Courtney, and Geoff), and they all helped their team immensely. They used the strengths of some of their teammates to win challenges (DJ in Up the Creek, Duncan in Dodgebrawl, etc), and while they had their issues with one another, it never affected them when it came to challenges (unlike the Gophers). There is a lot of people with a lot of different skills that worked to their advantage, and they truly know how to separate personal vendettas from performances in the challenge, with great organization skills.

Well, that is my list. What do you think of it? Who do you think is the worst or the best team? Seriously, talk.
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Comments: 30

Anis2704 [2021-01-12 21:13:51 +0000 UTC]

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lonerpx [2019-07-07 16:50:24 +0000 UTC]

If Scott wasn't a prick for sabotaging his team would've won something for a change.

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LordIxis [2014-12-21 17:06:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, the Toxic Rats were a complete mess. Yeah, and Starlow in Toadal Drama Island Returns is like Scott in TDRI in the fact that both throw challenges to vote out their own members. In Starlow's case: Toadette. Might I mention I DESPISE Scott?

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1997kid In reply to LordIxis [2014-12-21 18:43:20 +0000 UTC]

I despise Scott too, and he only made it as far because of the switch with Jo. There was no sense of unity with the Rats, and it was really, really boring o watch them disintegrate in every single episode (though it was well deserved).

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SideshowJazz17 [2014-11-17 20:17:03 +0000 UTC]

What I always liked was the dynamics of each team, particularly in TDI and TDWT. The Screaming Gophers had this whole Us vs Them thing going on among the girls, which was good for drama, but on the whole, the Killer Bass felt more like a team. The only issue in the Bass was Courtney always arguing with Duncan, and that was just set up for them becoming a couple, which I thought was a really enjoyable dynamic in the season. Like Bridgette said to Heather in Episode 5 on the idea of sabotaging a team member: "The Killer Bass have more class than that. We're a team."
What I liked about Team Victory in TDWT is that they all seemed friendly and supportive of each other. In spite of all of them leaving very early,they were a great team. The main problem with Team Amazon is just that everyone on that team fights, although that time in the Japan challenge when everyone stormed off was funny because they argued about who went each way when they stormed off. And then Cody and Sierra won their challenge! Finally, Team Chris is Really Really Really Really Hot...I found the team as being one that was cordial on the outside, but having quite a lot of issues bubbling underneath, eg: Noah distrusts Alejandro, Alejandro despises Owen, Izzy doesn't really work with her team. There's all this tension and I think the main issue is that Alejandro, while a good leader, hurts the team dynamic as a group that works together.

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AfricanAsura [2014-10-30 19:47:22 +0000 UTC]

you think you can make this meme into a blank?

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1997kid In reply to AfricanAsura [2014-10-30 21:03:16 +0000 UTC]

I'll do it very soon.

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Sonic2125 [2014-10-29 23:53:04 +0000 UTC]

Team Chris is x4 very hot is one of my favourite teams because they had lot of myΒ top Fav. TD characters (Etc. Tyler, Noah, Owen and izzy)

I also love Team Maskwak because of the diverse characters and their interactions

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GundamSamuraiAkira [2014-10-29 22:58:32 +0000 UTC]

I can seriously get behind naming the Killer Bass as the best team. For all the reasons you listed. Let's face it, the teams were at their finest form in Island.

Can't say much on the TDPI teams, so I'll take your word on those.

I don't know how to feel about either the Hamsters or Vultures. TDAS also made the mistake of making some really idiotic team switches that muddled things greatly, and again killed the whole heroes vs. villains theme which almost instantly became a footnote. They really abused the switches this time around. The only nice thing I can say about them (And the only nice thing I can say about the season) is that they finally broke the Strong Team vs. Weak Team formula that I can't stand. Both sides had their shares of wins and losses, you didn't have one team that won every match and the other so weak to the point where the entire idea of teams became irrelevant.

Team Amazon was formidable. If it hadn't been for the later tensions or Sierra's annoyance, they'd arguably be the best team. Arguably.

Maggots were alright, but this season also abused the team switches. Rats were a disaster, and the ones I did enjoy got booted fast.

Team Chris was alright, but probably did not have the strongest makeup.

Team Victory was a massive disappointment. Great players and likable characters, plagued by a ludicrous losing streak that is lacking in sense or even a point.

What else is there to say about the Killer Grips? Gotta give TDA Courtney credit for at least restoring some life to the team before they disbanded, but how come that wasn't the case so much sooner? This team is a big part of the reason why the season blew because there wasn't really much of a competition going on at all with one team losing every match no matter what they did. This is a competition series the cast is in, teams like this rob it of any real drive or tension.

There's my two cents, I apologize if it's all over the place.

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1997kid In reply to GundamSamuraiAkira [2014-10-30 00:40:32 +0000 UTC]

Yes, the teams in TDI were one of the best, absolutely. Great balance and chemistry.

The team switches in TDROTI and TDAS just became too damn much, and it was really unnecessary. There is a difference between shaking things up, and trying desperately to throw a twist for no reason other than just to do it. That is the one good thing you can say about TDAS, since that formula just irks everybody. It is so sad that they did not keep it for TDPI. The teams in TDROTI should have been merged in Episode 8. Late merges are one of my biggest pet peeves about the show.

If they got rid of some of those tensions (there was some early on), they could have easily been the strongest team.

The entire point of Team Victory was for a stupid gag that literally no one found remotely funny. Massive disappointment indeed.

The Killer Gripsis just a fail. Literally all the lazy, dumb, or clumsy people are put together, and we just watch them ruin themselves. I will give Courtney that, because it is rightfully true, and it is the one time that their team had any sense of direction. They were definitely one of the biggest flaws in the first half of TDA, and like you said, it took away the suspense of it all.

It is fine.

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GundamSamuraiAkira In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-30 00:56:12 +0000 UTC]

Couldn't have summed it up better myself.

I know, it's getting to be such a tired trend, I hate the team switches. I know they're meant to spice things up, but they become predictable when you make them routine, and a lot of choices either are not taken advantage of or worse, make no sense at all and ultimately contribute nothing to the plot. And now that you can just expect them to happen eventually, now often more than once, they're not really a twist anymore. It's just a tired gag now.

The one and only good thing. There needs to be actual competition for a series like this to work. Works better when you can't be certain who's gonna win and who's gonna lose.

Late merges?

Absolutely. I loved the team and most of its members, and it could've been the greatest team if not for some of the tensions they had. Amazon was greatly enjoyable before things got as heated as they did.

Team Victory is the biggest problem with TDWT's first half. I can't imagine why anyone would find it funny, and I wish the writers would take greater pains to avoid something that is so cliched. For nearly half of a season, the gag is that they're named "Victory", so surely they're always gonna lose.........I get the punchline, but that doesn't mean it's funny.

Exactly. If the Killer Grips were not such a pathetically weak team, TDA might not have been quite as boring as it was. I mean the season has a lot of problems like the beginning of all of the character derailments and some rather unimaginative challenges, but to have one team lose nearly every challenge while one marched on totally uncontested was lazy, anticlimactic and lame. Everything something titled "Action" should not be. You'd think that given that season's reception, easily the least-talked about season today, that the writers and directors would realize that playing up one team as hopelessly weak in the face of another is just something you don't do. That's a lesson to take from the Killer Grips. Courtney did manage to restore some competitive life to that remaining fraction of the season but by then, the season had already taken too many hits to really recover from it.

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1997kid In reply to GundamSamuraiAkira [2014-10-30 15:56:41 +0000 UTC]

The team switches got ridiculous in ROTI, and it is nothing but a gag that we expect in every season, and a few times a season now. But I ma sure they won't get that message about these annoying and useless team swaps.

Late merges are when the merge start way past the halfway point of the season. So in ROTI and PI, the halfway point is Episode 7, and the merges for both of these seasons are in Episode 9 (5 merge episodes). TDWT had their merge at Episode 19 (8 merge episodes), when their midway point was in Episode 14.

Team Victory is the first half's biggest issue, and it only got more and more ridiculous.

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GundamSamuraiAkira In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-30 22:33:31 +0000 UTC]

I wish they would stop, I hope the complaint has reached their table. These things are just lazy and pointless, and too many of them are just plain stupid. They've added almost nothing to this series. The routine has run its course.

You think those late merges had an inherently negative impact on the pacing of those seasons?

The first half would've been fine if somebody, anybody from Victory made the merge. I don't see why at least one couldn't have. A joke that is dragged out that long just isn't worth it, it's painfully predictable. Commissioning a whole team just for the sake of a joke? That's not how jokes work.

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TheBlackHoodedGamer [2014-10-29 22:13:00 +0000 UTC]

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1997kid In reply to TheBlackHoodedGamer [2014-10-30 00:44:40 +0000 UTC]

I never even noticed that. What a coincidence. To be fair, all of the Grips but Courtney were Gophers, so they were not technically related to one another.

Thank you so much. I could not think of anyone better than the Bass or worse than the Grips either, though when it came to challenge wins, this meme would be listed differently. The Villains made a lot of dumb decisions. Eliminating the easily manipulated Lightning, and put all of the blame on Jo, so you could get rid of her? Not the smartest.

Team Kinosewak really are a joke. Almost all of them were too caught up in their own gimmick to focus on gameplay and the challenge. It is utterly pathetic when it comes down to it. Amy, Samey, Rodney,a nd especially Topher are the biggest examples of this. How in the hell do you have someone who did notcompete in half of their challenges? The Maskwaks are better in every single way, and it was smart to get rid of the deadweights Beardo and Leonard.

Thank you.

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TheBlackHoodedGamer In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-30 01:19:13 +0000 UTC]

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1997kid In reply to TheBlackHoodedGamer [2014-10-30 15:59:41 +0000 UTC]

Scarlett was decent on Kinosewak, and better than most, but she still did not do much herself. It is sad that most did not care, but if you don't care about the competition, you don't deserve to be there long.

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LuigiTheMan5000 In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-30 01:14:14 +0000 UTC]

"The Villains made a lot of dumb decisions" *only lists two*

Getting rid of Lightning so early was dumb yes but getting rid of Jo wasn't that dumb. She's a strategic threat and a physical one. Plus you don't really need a good reason to eliminate a person you personally want gone. That's not how the game works. Heather, while mad about Lightning getting voted off thanks to Jo, she just used it as an excuse to get the others to vote her off too. Plus I'm not sure if you were watching, but she took out one of their own players(Scott).Β 

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1997kid In reply to LuigiTheMan5000 [2014-10-30 03:14:52 +0000 UTC]

Well they still made more dumb decisions that the Heroes did, and did not work as well together. Yes, you do need a reason, and preferably a logical and good one to get rid of someone. Whether it is the fact that they are a floater, or that the person is a threat or whatever. Jo was pretty flanderized in the episode to justify her elimination.

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YoshiAndCody [2014-10-29 21:17:32 +0000 UTC]

talent BUT CODY? are you fucking stupid? Episode 3. Cody helped his team win. DumbfuckΒ 

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1997kid In reply to YoshiAndCody [2014-10-29 21:53:17 +0000 UTC]

Boo fucking hoo Cody stan. It still does not take away from the many times that he has been nothing close to useful. Get bent, and gtfo my content with your disrespectful ass. Bitch.

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TheDipDap1234 In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-30 12:54:30 +0000 UTC]

Oh god this kid annoys me deeply. For some reason, i'm glad i'm not the only one. He makes me hate Cody even more!

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1997kid In reply to TheDipDap1234 [2014-10-30 15:50:30 +0000 UTC]

He did accomplish that; make me annoyed by Cody even more. Had the nerve to come and start shit on my post with personal insults. A simple block did the job.

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TheDipDap1234 In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-30 16:32:32 +0000 UTC]

Man, and I thought the Mike fans were annoying.

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Du-Loch [2014-10-29 18:58:00 +0000 UTC]

I think Team Victory was my favorite team. I genuinely enjoy every single character, except for Harold. Shame they were the punching bags of the season...

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1997kid In reply to Du-Loch [2014-10-29 19:17:55 +0000 UTC]

I liked them too, and most of the characters are my favourites (except Ezekiel), but yeah, the whole joke of Team Victory was utterly tiring and predictable.

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Konogo [2014-10-29 18:23:00 +0000 UTC]

TDI: Bass vs Gophers. I'll agree Bass was the better team when it came to organization and teamwork mainly because the Gophers had major conflicts that usually all stemmed from Heather

TDA: Gaffers vs Grips. Gaffers were the better team if going by your judgement.Β 

TDWT: Amazons vs Chris vs Victory. I personally felt Team Chris was the better team when it came to team work(at least until Duncan came onboard), Victory is right 2nd and Amazons are last due to major issues with Gwen, Courtney and Heather. Plus it didn't help Sierra was stalking Cody.

TDRI: Maggots vs Rats. I'd agree that the Maggots were the more efficient team when it came to cooperation and teamwork. Rats had many problems with the ones you listed out.

TDAS: Hamsters vs Vultures. While it pains to me say it, the Hamsters were probably the better team when it came to really being a team even though the Vultures have much stronger players, since it's a villains team full of villains, the teamwork and cooperation would obviously be lacking.

TDPI: Maskwak vs Kineosewak. Maskwak definitely takes it when it comes to being the better team with teamwork and all despite Sugar's unwillingness to work with Ella. Kineosewak had too many problems for me to even list.

So overall, I agree with most of what you said and at the same time, disagree with some of it as well.

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air30002 [2014-10-29 17:28:06 +0000 UTC]

I might have to make one of these lol. Anyway, I agree with a lot of this. The Rats are forgettable at best and were haunted by team switches and bad luck. Team Victory just couldn't win And the Grips could never work together.

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1997kid In reply to air30002 [2014-10-29 17:50:02 +0000 UTC]

I would actually love to see a teams meme from you.

The Rats were definitely forgettable, and it is so convenient that Scott got switched when he did -_-. Team Victory did win twice, but Chris made those reward challenges. The Grips were lucky they had all of those returns.

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AnOptimisticSnarker [2014-10-29 17:06:25 +0000 UTC]

I find it funny how the teams from the first season are overall better than the ones from later seasons. I mean, shouldn't teams get BETTER as time goes on. I digress, but yeah, the Bass and the Gophers were amazing teams.

Also, you have to be the only person to put the Hamsters over the Vultures. Everyone else does the opposite, so it's cool to see a differing view on TDAS' teams.

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1997kid In reply to AnOptimisticSnarker [2014-10-29 17:11:53 +0000 UTC]

I know. It is really sad to see a show get worse in every single aspect. I honestly think the teams are put in the backburner when it comes to focus on the show. It also does not help when every successor sans TDAS always has a loser team.

The Villains won a challenge more than the Heroes did, but the Heroes are more organized, welcoming, and cooperative than the villains. It is always nice to see an opposite opinion.

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AnOptimisticSnarker In reply to 1997kid [2014-10-29 17:19:02 +0000 UTC]

It really is sad, and the teams should be a major thing seeing how they are teams. I mean, come on! The contestants interact mostly with their teammates. And yeah, the loser team thing is just not appealing. I mean, the Bass were underdogs, but they were never seen as weak, just underdogs.

That is true, and the Villains had no sort of organization. I mean, they were really dysfunctional when it comes down to it. The Heroes had better teamwork and generally got along better. The Bass are still my favorite team though.

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