2wolfan — EBC: Friend or Foe

Published: 2014-08-05 03:39:57 +0000 UTC; Views: 1518; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 4
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Description An RP with the awesome ripple09 <3
This RP one of the few important LAST EBC RPs Kid will have. The other important few are Cany, Andro, Kallisto, and Niam. I'm removing Kid from the group so I can replace him with my new serval EBC chara. (I'm keeping my serval as my personal OC, sorry ;w; ) In the meantime I have been working on Kid's excuse to leave EBC which is a secret he had for several months. I hope you guys like it! ;; w ;;

Also, for other EBC members...i'm sorry if you wanted to RP with Kid and never got the chance to.

                                                               KidxNebula RP || Friend or Foe?

After catching a good night's rest the lion rose on all fours and gave a great big yawn. Afterwards he gazed at the clouds above, thinking on who else he needed to give a talk to. It's been about two weeks since Kid returned to his empire and he had yet to catch up on some ol' friends of his, let alone the new cats but—he wasn't into meeting new cats all that much.

He had more of a loner attitude 'cept the cats he knew when he was a cub. "Maybe I should visit Angel, after all...he is Rue's mate. She would want me to catch up with him, i guess." he muttered to himself and started pacing to Lake Blackwater.


Nebula had been awake since the early hours of the morning and was currently plodding about the shadow empire borders. She hadn't explored this area yet and so was unfamiliar to her. She soon reached a large expanse of water and proceeded to lap up some of the cool water. A few drops rolled off her chin and landed in the water creating a few ripples that radiated outwards. The air was still and so was the water. She took a deep breath and began to lay down.

Before she touched the floor she heard the faint sound of paw prints from Fire Empire's territory. She crouched down, getting as low as possible to hide herself in the surrounding grass. She waited.


It took him awhile to get through the sand meadow before he reached the lake, given that he kept looking over his shoulder to see if he was being followed. His leader wouldn't take him lightly if she knew he was going to sneak into Shadow territory, especially to see a friend there.

Coming into Nebula's view, Kid analyzed the lake in front of him. It was still and everything seemed quiet, but something didn't smell right. He looked over the lake, squinting his eyes as he tried to spot where the faint smell was coming from. Nothing. Perhaps it's the land's aroma? He couldn't figured out what but he was in too much of a hurry to stand on one spot for long. Keeping a cautious eye he walked along the lake's edges. Unaware that someone lurked within the grass.  


It didn't take long before Nebula saw a strange cat come into view. Her heart started racing and she started to get nervous. She had never had to confront anyone and hadn't encountered anyone from any of the other empires before so she had no idea how they would react. She decided to stay low and observe the cat before she took any action.

She soon noticed that a lion was heading towards the borders and it looked very much like he intended to cross it. "What do I do?" she thought "What if he attacks me?" She took a deep breath "I promised Evander I would do whatever it takes to defend the empire and that's exactly what I will do!" she focused her sight on the approaching lion and leaped out of the grass in front of him. "STAY BACK!" she shouted "Don't you dare cross the border lion, we don't want any trouble do we?".


Unlike Nebula, Kid did have several run-ins with other cats before. So he wasn't completely nervous, but he was nervous about being caught. He didn't want to disappoint his leader, Andro, nor did he want to be captured...again. No, If the time comes where he was put into that situation again, Kid wouldn't think twice before fighting back. He would rather die trying than being locked up again.

Just inches away from reaching Shadow's borders his ears then pricked from a sudden noise ahead of him. He narrowed his eyes to study the grass in front him, thinking that it was some rodent since Lake Blackwater was known as a good hunting spot for rodents and turtles. Though, he was gravely mistaken.


"Don't you dare cross the border lion, we don't want any trouble do we?"

Startled, Kid leaped several feet back "I'm not looking for any trouble!" he hissed, "I'm just—looking for my friend." he muttered the last part.


Nebula stared into the lions eyes but saw no hatred in them, if anything she saw anxiety and possibly a touch of fear. However she couldn't be completely sure before talking to the cat. She stopped growling and regained her composure but was far from relaxed.

"You say you're looking for your friends? Whom may I ask are you looking for?" she lifted her head and smiled slightly in a way that looked as if she had achieved something, like she had driven him into a corner and there was no way to escape.


The raven-mane lion tried to become less tense, but it was inevitable. Even if they were a few feet apart, he continued to display an unease expression as he hissed. Should I risk it? I've been spotted though, there's no point trying to sneak in her territory without her alarming the camp. The lion pondered for awhile until the leopard decided to bring her growling to a stop. Mimicking her, he too brought his hissing to a stop and slightly lowered his guard.

That smile...can I really trust her? No, I can't. I can't afford putting Angel at risk, Rue would never forgive me if anything happens to him. "He's a Shadow cat. I'm sorry, but that's all I can say." he muttered.


Things started to calm down so Nebula began to become more at ease, though still not letting her guard down.

The lion "He's a Shadow cat. I'm sorry, but that's all I can say."The lion replied.

"Hmmm" She seemed to be able to see that he meant no harm, perhaps she could trust him... for now anyway.
"You seem to be okay lion, although I think we should now each other a little better before we continue, What is your name? Mine is Nebula."


Kid didn't look away for a sec, but he did slightly relaxed his muscles as soon as Nebula appeared to be less of a threat. The lion retracted his claws, for the moment, and flicked his tail. "I guess I should thank you for the compliment." he huffed, "Right, it only seems fair if we shared a little info about ourselves." he nodded yet wasn't so sure If he should completely trust her. It's not like she was a hunter though, so there's no harm in trying...right?
"My name is Kid. Now I have a question for you, what are you doing so close to Fire territory?"


"My name is Kid. Now I have a question for you, what are you doing so close to Fire territory?" said the lion.
Nebula inhaled sharply and stared at him "I've heard that name before" she thought "I'm sure someone mentioned his name back at camp before I left, who was it though?"
She shook her head and her facial expression became neutral again. "Kid huh?" she said "Well Kid, I'm here to keep an eye out for intruders like yourself" she chuckled and gave the slightest of grins. "May I ask again who you're meeting again? I think I heard your name being mentioned by someone back in Shadow Empire".


The white lion patiently waited for Nebula to either respond to his question or reminisce if she had heard of his name before. Kid still had a hunch that she wasn't all that bad as he thought she would be. Her chuckle and slight grin convinced him too, thus he gave in and decided to trust this Shadow feline. "Uhh...you have? who—I mean..." he pawed his back mane a bit, almost trailing off "I wanted to see a lion named 'Angel'. It's been awhile since we last talked so...yeah. I was going to try and sneak my way to him but...as you can tell I kinda screwed up."


Nebula's eyes widened as she remembered Angel behaving wierd around the den, as if he had something to hide.
"The light pelted lion with the dark mane? Yeah I know him. He was acting kind of strange back at camp and now I understand why."
She thought for a moment "He doesn't seem that bad, maybe if I got to know him better I might be able to trust him. But I can't just yet."
She raised her head and sat in front of him.
"Well then Kid" she said trying to sound friendly and calm "let's have chat. Get to know each other,  you seem nice enough" she gave crooked grin and looked at him with kind eyes.


"The light pelted lion with the dark mane? Yeah I know him. He was acting kind of strange back at camp and now I understand why."

Strange? Kid pondered for awhile about it before he came to realize why he was acting kinda 'jumpy'. True, he was hiding his friendship with the Fire-empire white lion but he was also hiding one important thing. Which was the fact that he had cubs with a Ice-empire cat. Rue, Kid's sister. He did trust Nebula now, but not enough to mention the relationship those two cats had. Thus Kid just return a smile and nodded "Yeah, that's like Angel." Glancing around their surroundings he then gave an unsure respond "Uhh, sure. I was planning to chat with Angel but I suppose I can talk to him another time. Would be nice to know another Shadow cat beside Angel. But...do you know of another place we can chat? We might get spotted by other felines in this open spot."


"Hmm good point" Nebula turned her head to scan their surroundings to understand where on the border they stood. "I believe there's a small cave not far from here. Few shadow cats know about it and I often use it to grab a few minutes peace away from camp. Don't worry it's not far from the border
should you need to make a quick get away".

She stood up and began to walk swiftly north-westwards towards the river channel. After a few steps she reached a stump where she jumped up to look for any incoming patrol groups in the area. No one was around, she turned back to Kid and whispered "Follow me" she lowered her head so she was more hidden by the surrounding vegetation and continued to walk on.


"Peace, huh?" Kid flicked his tail and his ears perked upward. Upon hearing there was a place with some peace and quiet almost sounded too good to be true. Back in his empire he grew annoyed by how much noise the camp brought up. This small cave didn't sound half bad, and getting to know the enigmatic leopard did slightly pique his interest. "All right. I'm still not familiar with all of my empire's surroundings so...that'll have to do." The lion softly spoke, giving a nod. He wasn't the fastest feline but the short distance did made him feel at ease, if he were to ever need that quick get away.

Thus the raven-head padded right beside Nebula. Keeping his eyes out for other cats other than fixing his eyes on her. However, once she leaped on a stump to get an overlook it made the lion pivot his attention back at her. He lowered himself a bit, hiding between some bushes until Nebula instructed him to continue following. "Right" he whispered in response, lifting himself off the ground before mimicking her tactics. Picking up his pace he then caught up with her, whispering back "Are you sure you want to go through with this? What if you get caught?"


Nebula spoke quietly "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll be fine" although she could never be completely sure.
The two soon reached what just looked lit a medium sized crack between some rocks. Nebula took a moment to scan the forest around them and the canopy above but there was nothing to be seen apart from a lone bird flying above.
"Get inside quick in case someone sees you" she said with a sense of urgency.


Kid cocked his head slightly before responding with a simple "All right." She seemed to know what she was doing, so he decided not the question her twice.

Soon after they approached what looked like a large rock, with a cut in between, which made the raven-mane lion come to a halt. He studied the crack for awhile, that was, until he heard the other told him to get in. Taking note of the dire tone she used, he immediately did as he was told and padded quickly inside. Once inside, the lion gave a cautious glance at the surrounding walls before turning to see if Nebula made it in.


Nebula took a moment to stand outside the cave to get a last glimpse of the surrounding and anything that might be lurking there. She turned to head into the darkness but jumped suddenly at the sound of a breaking twig. She didn't want to take any chances with meeting another Shadow cat, after all she was with a member of an enemy empire. "Wait there." She whispered, her pupils dilated to make out the harder to see parts of the forest.
She slunk off into the bushes for a few moments leaving Kid in the cave.

Waiting for what seemed like forever, Kid's eyes started to droop. Yawning he rested his lower jaw on top of his crossed front paws. Just when he felt his vision getting blurry a sudden noise among the bushes nearby made him jolt up. The lion hunched his shoulders and narrowed his onyx eyes, analyzing a pair of blue eyes that seemed to look at his direction. The pair of eyes then disappeared for a brief moment as the silhouette leaped inside the cave. Rather speechless Kid backed up once more and allowed a hiss to escape him. Though, just as it came out of him it quickly cease once he recognized the feline. "What took you so long?!" Kid coughed up, he gave her a glare though deep inside he was glad to see her again. "I'm sorry, I had to be certain no shadow cats were lurking nearby. I did found one and it took awhile for me to convince him that I had everything under control around these neck of the woods. The leopard said rather calmly before sitting down, returning a soft smile in the process. Kid sighed and mimicked her posture, dropping the glare he gave her earlier.

The two felines then settled in the cave, discussing their outlooks on the empires before Nebula brought up and important topic. "W-wait, Aries is gone??" the lion gasped, raising on all fours as he couldn't grasp the thought of her leaving him without saying anything. "Uhh, yes. She left the Shadow Empire about a few days back. Why are you so surprised?" she cocked her head, a bit curious to know. Kid sighed once more, deciding to tell her the truth this time. "I didn't attempt to sneak to your empire to see Angel. I was looking for my mate, Aries. She was a blacksmith and she was also carrying our cub ....I suppose she had too much respect for her empire and left without saying a word. It's my fault." Kid bowed his head, a bit mad at himself for what he had caused. He didn't meant to make Aries leave her empire, especially when she had a great reputation. "You're the first feline I've ever told this to, please...don't tell anyone. Least, not until I leave the empires. I have to find her." It took a moment for Nebula to absorb everything that the lion told her, though, she respected him for trusting her with such an important role. Both of them continued to discuss between one another before the moon's light glimmered on the cave's entrance. Kid seemed upset at first over the whole ordeal, but thanks to Nebula's comfort- he managed to build enough confidence to go through what he needed to do. Never did he picture himself befriending a feline so quick and entrusting her with something so important, but he was grateful he did.

Nebula might be a newcomer, but it seemed like she had years of experience within the empires. Giving her a last embrace, he then paced out of the cave and the two gladiators padded to their respected empires. Parting with a content smile as they revere each other.

Kid might not ever see her again, but he'll never forget his FRIEND. 

Characters mainly mentioned--;; Rue, Angel, and Aries. 

Nebula (c)
Aries (c)
Rue (c)
Angel (c)
Kid & art (c) 2wolfan

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Comments: 58

2wolfan In reply to ??? [2015-03-14 13:45:32 +0000 UTC]

;; w ;; dON'T LOOK AT THIS! i can do so much better tHANK U |D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Seelish In reply to 2wolfan [2015-03-14 14:13:37 +0000 UTC]

it's awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to Seelish [2015-03-14 15:33:00 +0000 UTC]

thanks again, dear. I rly appreciate it ;; u ;; 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ripple09 [2014-08-29 19:12:34 +0000 UTC]

Sorry it took so long for me to comment XD 
Omg they both look amazing Wolfan 8D I really love the bakground as well, nice dark foliage just like I would imagine in Shadow Empire c:

It was an amazing RP and is actually the first I've actually completed without getting bored and giving up XD It's a shame Kid is leaving but I guess every character would run their course in groups like EBC. Not every character will stick around forever, but it's still super sad ;n;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to ripple09 [2014-08-30 22:50:17 +0000 UTC]

pfft, you didn't have to comment silly x3

eeee glad you like it buddy!!   I'll admit, the background was p rushed, but I'm glad you like it either way ;; Also glad I /guessed/ Shadow's environment aha. I envisioned as that thanks to your amazing RP replies <3 

It sure was I here you there.. I too end up dropping a few RPs because of that reason, or just bcuz I'm not motivated to continue it? Yeah, eventually everyone will leave. Heck, most of my old friends are already gone :'D So..eh... it is sad. I'm glad i got to meet you just in time though! You're cool~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ripple09 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-31 13:29:18 +0000 UTC]

You to buddy :'D

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2wolfan In reply to ripple09 [2014-09-01 02:05:26 +0000 UTC]

thankies hon ;; w ;; 

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ripple09 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-09-02 21:43:55 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to ripple09 [2014-09-03 12:23:57 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ripple09 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-09-06 18:42:44 +0000 UTC]

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2wolfan In reply to ripple09 [2014-09-09 07:08:51 +0000 UTC]

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ripple09 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-09-11 19:27:22 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to ripple09 [2014-09-15 02:35:43 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Jackie-GR [2014-08-23 13:40:29 +0000 UTC]

Great drawing!! I love the positioning and background! And the color scheme is awesome asdfghjk

You prabobly don't need another heartbroken Kid fan, but :'D I love Kid, and I've told you before. He's one of my favourites, if not the favourite I'm really happy he's going to live on though! And that you are staying in EBC!  Minerva is an amazing character too

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to Jackie-GR [2014-08-27 15:19:24 +0000 UTC]

aAH! Thank you so much! ; w ; 

Really honored to hear that, and I'm sorry i got to this late! School isn't making it any easier for me to reply fast ...orz. Anywho, yeah, I have been developing kid for like- three years or so? So it makes me glad to hear I'm doing some justice on him. And I would never make him die c: dfjdskfj and thank you for reminding me! I totally forgot to leave that out D| Seems like I won't be staying in EBC anymore ; w ; I just can't keep up, basically. So Minerva is just going to be one of my personal OCs. 👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jackie-GR In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-27 18:56:43 +0000 UTC]

What?!  No! You're leaving? That's so sad..! ;-; Well.. Life happens and I understand. It is time consuming. Gonna miss you though!  ^^ I change my previous statement: The most important thing is that you're not leaving dA! Please don't tell me otherwise :'D That's too much at once..!

You're very welcome though! I'm looking forward to see more of Kid outside the Empires  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to Jackie-GR [2014-08-29 05:50:51 +0000 UTC]

yUP! i'm just finishing up this RP i have with Andro and then I'll make my final picture for EBC ; ^ ; indeed, and i wish it wasn't! ngh. Thanks though, rly means a lot :'3 ahah no no, i won't leave dA any soon x'D I sacrificed other websites in order to stay here. And thanks man! I only wish I met you before. Would of been cool rping with you  

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Jackie-GR In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-30 23:08:05 +0000 UTC]

That's good!! :'D You're very welcome ^^ RP'ing with you would've been awesome. But I'm glad I met you nonetheless  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to Jackie-GR [2014-09-03 12:45:57 +0000 UTC]

I know >.< But yeah, you seem cool so i'm glad to have met ya too! Can't wait to see more of your awesome work! I'll be watching <3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Jackie-GR In reply to 2wolfan [2014-09-07 17:37:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!! Ditto

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Lunet12 [2014-08-13 15:43:12 +0000 UTC]


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2wolfan In reply to Lunet12 [2014-08-19 05:49:23 +0000 UTC]

JUST MY LUCK /criiiies

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Lunet12 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-19 05:56:07 +0000 UTC]


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2wolfan In reply to Lunet12 [2014-08-21 21:21:40 +0000 UTC]

Ahah, i wish it was possible but- I no longer have cats in EBC xD 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lunet12 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-21 21:51:05 +0000 UTC]

;-; //cries to death

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2wolfan In reply to Lunet12 [2014-08-21 22:02:35 +0000 UTC]

;w; //flops on you

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Lunet12 In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-21 22:05:44 +0000 UTC]

//dies again from being flopped on

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Kiraaii [2014-08-07 21:30:55 +0000 UTC]

can this emoticon describe my feels about the thing i just read in the desc.

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2wolfan In reply to Kiraaii [2014-08-08 05:25:01 +0000 UTC]


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SaintPumpkinMuffin [2014-08-06 23:59:23 +0000 UTC]


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2wolfan In reply to SaintPumpkinMuffin [2014-08-08 05:03:16 +0000 UTC]

KID'S SO GOMEN  //flops
Maybe we can do a Kally and Kid RP? ;; 

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SaintPumpkinMuffin In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-13 15:40:14 +0000 UTC]

What's your reason for it, Wolf? If you don't mind telling me. 
I want to. Perhaps we can just wait a tiny bit until my rps dwindle? I've gotta million going on. *facepalm*

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2wolfan In reply to SaintPumpkinMuffin [2014-08-17 20:11:01 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, I suppose I don't mind telling you Basically I'm starting to feel like most of my friends are leaving EBC, and I'm not really warming up to the newcomers? Idk,I just don't think I can keep up anymore <\3
ugh, I know how you feel D| in that case, don't worry about it~ On my last EBC pic I will mention Kid's final thoughts of his friends he's going to leave behind, including Kallisto. So, it's all good c:

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SaintPumpkinMuffin In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-17 23:35:06 +0000 UTC]

Aw, that's a shame. ;-;
Whatever you feel is best, then. I'm sure you could find more people to click with eventually.
that's even more depressing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to SaintPumpkinMuffin [2015-01-25 18:18:12 +0000 UTC]

it's crazy how long i have been keeping this on my stacks aha.
Anyways, I still have yet to write out Kid's story behind his leave but i will- eventually xD Like Tiki though, i finally composed myself and I'm being more active with EBC once again :'3 Right now i only have Minerva in the group, but soon i'll have a snow leopard mix in Fire as well
I'm going to close my RP list after this reply, but if you want to RP Kallisto with my Serval- i can squeeze you in too~ I'm behind on a lot of RPs so don't feel too pressured about replying back quick. Just let me know if you want a starter or smth and i'll list you in my RP Tracker Journal^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SaintPumpkinMuffin In reply to 2wolfan [2015-04-20 01:54:48 +0000 UTC]


I think that Kalli and Minevera would be a hilarious combo. If you want to rp, I'd be willing, but I'd have to wait until May when my schedule clears up ;D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

2wolfan In reply to SaintPumpkinMuffin [2015-04-21 03:07:08 +0000 UTC]

OH' MY YOU'RE NOT KIDDING... KK YOU WIN *gives and answers a day after* 

Ahah indeed, I'm super psyched! And yeees! that's perfect |'D My schedule clears up around that month too so it works out! x3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SaintPumpkinMuffin In reply to 2wolfan [2015-04-21 13:47:03 +0000 UTC]

Perfect! Just let me know when because I have an awful memory

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2wolfan In reply to SaintPumpkinMuffin [2015-04-21 15:09:39 +0000 UTC]

Ahah, don't worry i can relate with that |'D So i went ahead and added you on my RP TRACKERS /o/ I'll poke you when the time comes ;3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Skykian-Archives [2014-08-06 01:04:14 +0000 UTC]

Dammit and I just got into Fire.

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2wolfan In reply to The-Skykian-Archives [2014-08-06 22:30:36 +0000 UTC]

I'm so gOMEN Sky! ;; 
I couldn't even finish that kid-icarus meme you told me a year back x'D ...orz

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celestialMayday [2014-08-05 12:26:07 +0000 UTC]


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2wolfan In reply to celestialMayday [2014-08-05 22:33:59 +0000 UTC]

//Cries with you

BTW, you still have Hope right?? Maybe those two can have one last RP before he leaves? It's up to you tho! :'D he's going to miss him...orz

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celestialMayday In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-06 14:25:30 +0000 UTC]

Yep. c: And I'd love to. ;-; We all sure are gonna miss Kid. u_u Just lemme get back from my vacation. |D

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2wolfan In reply to celestialMayday [2014-08-06 23:02:19 +0000 UTC]

And I'm sure Kid's gonna miss you guys ;; w ;; Ooh!, sure, I can wait <3 Btw, hope you're having fun over there~! I'm going to leave for my vacation this coming monday ouo

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tenebra-Fengari [2014-08-05 03:46:50 +0000 UTC]

This was great to read, Wolf

On a side note...

Kid? Y-You're leaving??? D:

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2wolfan In reply to Tenebra-Fengari [2014-08-05 22:29:20 +0000 UTC]

djfskf Thanks, dear!

yES, Kid gonna leave EBC real soon...

Prolly by the end of this week ;w; /sOBs

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Tenebra-Fengari In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-05 22:56:05 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome ^u^

I'm seriously going to miss seeing him and his grumpy self T_T

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2wolfan In reply to Tenebra-Fengari [2014-08-08 19:11:48 +0000 UTC]

And I'm going to miss him interacting with empire cats :< Kid's not dying though, so I will continue to update him and draw pics. He's just not going to be in EBC anymore :'3

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Tenebra-Fengari In reply to 2wolfan [2014-08-08 20:43:44 +0000 UTC]

Same here; but it's a relief to hear that he's just leaving the empires and not dying. Either way, I can't wait to see more pics of him, EBC-related or not ^^

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