55five5 — Mistaken Identity

#betrayal #cruel #fatal #giant #giantess #gts #quicksand #shrink #shrinking #sink #shrinkingfetish #bondage #burial #buriedalive #cement #drowning #footfetish #peril #sinking #quicksandperil #giantesscaption
Published: 2019-09-01 20:09:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 24591; Favourites: 64; Downloads: 43
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Nineteen-year-old unpaid intern Rob works hard for his cocky, arrogant boss, Jason, desperately hoping to someday begin climbing the corporate ladder. When Jason asks him to go move his car at the end of the workday Rob can think of a good few places the douchebag could shove his keys, but he keeps his mouth shut, assuring himself once again that he’ll only have to brownnose like this for another couple of months until he finally catches a break…

The assailant who had been waiting on the backseat of Jason’s car struck the moment Rob shut the driver-side door. The young intern barely even registered the sharp scratch of the needle at his neck; he was pumped full of potent synthesised shrink virus in an instant, and everything went black.

Some hours later, Rob was stirred from his groggy, druggy slumber by the sound of voices.
- …and you’re sure it’s him?
- It was his car, who else is going to be driving it?
- Yeah, sure, he just looks a little… weedy, you know? I figured he’d be… bigger? Like, this little runt here is the fucking guy who’s been sleeping with my-
- Boss, he’s two inches tall. ‘Course he looks fucking ‘weedy’. This is the guy. Trust me.
- …eh, yeah, alright, you’re right…
- Look, give me a second, will you? I want to have a talk with our little friend here before we get this done.

As soon as Rob tried to move a multitude of aches and pains suddenly jolted into his awareness; his arms were cramping, bent awkwardly as they were, with both hands pinned at the small of his back, and his legs ached agonisingly in their awkwardly twisted, hogtied position. He managed to force his eyes open, but what he saw was no more comforting: a flat landscape of weird gritty sediment that crunched painfully under his chest every time he tried to move, and overhead what looked like a gigantic wire mesh, some ten feet above him. Rob realised either something was very wrong with his perception, or the man standing over him, who he could just about crane his neck up far enough to see, was enormous.

- I won’t ask you to look up at me, you’re a bit ‘tied up’ right now, I can see that, so you can just listen while I explain how this is going to go down.
- I don’t know if you knew the mistake you were making, sleeping with her. I don’t really care. You messed with someone people far tougher than you go way out of their ways not to mess with, you know that? Honestly, if you did know what you were doing, who she was, I’ve actually gotta commend you, cause you’ve got some serious fucking balls.
Rob squirmed as he felt the enormous man loom over him, literally shadowing his entire body.
- You fucked my wife, didn’t you Jason?
Oh fuck.
Rob shook his head frantically, his muddled fugue clearing instantly as all the pieces of this terrible mistake finally fell into place for him.
- I know you did, don’t you fucking deny it.
Rob huffed and struggled in his bindings, desperate to break free or at least uncover his mouth so he could plead his innocence. The realisation that he had sprung a trap intended for his smug jackoff boss, that he was going to suffer the consequences of that prick’s misdeeds, was too horrifying for words.
- So, like I said, I’m going to explain how this goes for you now.
- The first thing I want you know, so you've got time to really process what's coming before it happens, is that this is not some interrogation; this is an execution. Your execution. You fucked around, and you got caught, and now the price you pay is: I get to enjoy your slow fucking demise.
Squealing muffled cries of horror and disbelief into his gag, Rob’s frantic squirming became yet more desperate. If he could just make the situation clear, that he had done nothing wrong, he would be free from this nightmare in a single utterance.
- Now, as for what is going to actually happen to you? well I figured an old-school crime deserves an old-school punishment, and since you’re so small it’ll be a hell of a lot easier than it was back in the day.
As Rob continued to struggle two other men trudged over to stand by the ‘boss’, their footfalls crunching in the gravelly dirt.
- You got the stuff?
- Sure, only need a bucket or two anyway.
- God I’m so fucking glad you started using this shrink-shit boss. I used to hate cutting up the bodies, now we can bury a guy like this in a single brick and get rid of him for good!
Rob’s guts turned to ice. Bury!? No, no no NO!
- So should we..?
- Yeah, go ahead, get it done. I want this little bitch gone already.

Rob craned his neck, trying desperately to keep the men stepping over and around him in view, unable to peer far enough up to see the heavy yellow buckets they carried.
- Don’t dump it all on him at once. I want him to watch it suck him up, nice and fucking slow.
- Heh, anything you say boss.
There was no way they were actually going to do this. They had the wrong guy! They couldn’t kill him for something he hadn’t even done! From behind him on both sides Rob heard the men empty their buckets with thick, wet plopping sounds. It wasn’t until he felt the first sensation of slimy, icy-cold wetness ran up against his pants leg and between his knees that Rob realised what was going on; the gravel, the sediment, the wire-mesh - it was cement! They were going to drown him in fucking cement! Within seconds the chilly, chunky, grey semi-liquid was sloshing up Rob’s sides as he thrashed and bucked in terror, his squirming becoming uncoordinated with sheer animal panic as the reality of just how he was going to die, how these evil sons of bitches were going to execute him, struck him with full force.

Behind him out of his line of sight the wall of sluggish sludge rose and began to ooze between his raised legs, plopping down on to his backside, spattering over his writhing hands. As it did a sudden memory struck Rob with nauseating horror: just a couple of hours ago, as he tossed him his car keys, Jason had smirked at him, a strange smug grin Rob had quickly dismissed that now made him want to whine with misery. The bastard knew! That sick fuck had knowingly sent him to his death! Probably he had already skipped town with this guy’s wife in tow, leaving Rob, his disposable little intern, the fall-guy, the sucker, to suffer an awful fate for the sake of someone he utterly despised. Jason had every right to be smug: he was going to get away with all of this scot-free, and there was nothing Rob could do about it.

Rob shrieked into his gag in frustration and misery, howling with impotent rage as the first globs of the slimy stuff made its way beneath his chin, pooling under him, its lumpy surface becoming pock-marked by tears that fell raggedly down from his blood-red, infuriated face. As more cement began to flow between and around his legs the weight upon his back quickly grew, and soon Rob felt his breathing becoming shallow as his diaphragm was crushed into the ground, his clawing fingers disappearing beneath a torrent of muck. Rob clenched his eyes shut as the grey ooze beneath him rose slowly up to meet his face. In real terms the surface of the cement was less than a millimetre from the tip of his nose, and no matter how much he strained he couldn’t lift his head any higher. The muscles in his neck were starting to give. Some part of Rob still hoped against hope that this was all some kind of twisted joke, that any second now someone would fish him out of here and this would all just be over.

In a way, Rob got his wish. A moment later a slop of thick grey cement slid fatly along his back, dropping heavily onto the back of his head and forcing his face down with an inaudibly small splat into the slime beneath, silencing his blubbering instantly as his entire head was consumed in one single squish.

Rob’s bare feet were suddenly the only part of him stuck up out of the cement, his toes scrunching and flexing in the open air, legs kicking and wriggling as far as their bondage would allow. After a minute or so Rob’s final exhalation popped fatly on the surface of the cement directly above his submerged head. Rob managed another ten seconds of squirming before his legs suddenly shot out, straining hard and shuddering as his toes spread wide. Rob gurgled and hacked beneath the surface, choking as his body forced him to suck gouts of the hideous cold sludge up his nose, into his mouth, down his throat, his eyes wide open in horror even in the depths of his concrete grave.

Far above Rob the ‘boss’ grinned, soaking in his vengeance: the little bastard was drowning, and revenge was sweet.

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