92mechas — Maestro #10 Bad to the Bone

Published: 2019-10-26 04:57:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 1487; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 2
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Hey guys you know what this means more Music Dude or in this case Maestro. Yep another fully fledged Maestro story this time with some... friends in tow. That was the one thing I never liked about those one off super hero becoming a villain episodes, they only ever lasted ONE episode!!! To me that always felt cheap and boring and never really explored the concept. Worry not for Maestro is sticking around for a good long while. Plenty of misadventures are coming ahead for him whether he likes it or not. Happy Halloween

As always Sugar Skull and Wicked belong to :iconHuggableRogue :

While Red and Malice belong to :iconAskTain :

And the story name is another obvious refence to the song of the same name by George Thorogood youtu.be/IyhJ69mD7xI

Anyways onward to the actual story...

    “This just in, the thief Sugar Skull has attacked the five-star hotel, Golden Flower. The area has been cleared by the police any attempts to enter have been denied as the aforementioned criminal has taken multiple hostages.”

    Troy closed his phone. The emergency report came out ten minutes ago and it only took half that time for the situation to change. Sugar Skull had brought out a hoard of her dark minions which had begun tearing apart the police’s barricades sending everyone into disarray. Second, Wicked showed up. Troy nearly left well enough alone, but he used some classical music and, it’s a good thing he can tell when someone uses a voice modulator. Thus Troy, sitting on one of the buildings next to all the action changing into uniform. Weirdly enough no police, guess they’re too busy downstairs to look up lucky him. Every time he received a call from Sugar Skull, he’d hope that she could handle her own problems. Yet she always had a knack for disappointing him.

    He was disappointed in a lot of people, himself included. When he finished getting into character, he knew he had to enter the fray, but as he looked out seeing the situation he froze. It was as if his fears had manifested in the form of Sugar Skull’s shadows, taking control of his legs and forcing him to watch the carnage below. Police fighting off shadow creatures, Wicked taking the offensive against Sugar skull, and he was supposed to help the criminal. That inner voice was telling him what he had to do to keep his secret in the dark but how could Troy or Music Dude help her?

    A flash came as bright as a star from inside the hotel, once everyone could open their eyes again the shadows were gone; Sugar Skull was down on the floor in front of the police. Wicked stood above her like warrior, battle scars littering her armor. The light shimmering off her blade hand. It was at that moment Troy’s mind flashed back to that night where it started and just like that night that little voice became a roar drowning out all his morals and worries. Troy wasn’t a fighter, Music Dude was cautious, but that voice told him the one thing he needed to remember. Right now, he was Maestro.

    To the public it appeared as if Maestro came rocketing from the sky. He tackled Wicked so hard that they rammed right through the police barricade like they were paper. Maestro had arrived and he was a force to be reckoned with. Still having the impact of his surprise entrance, he with some heavy metal empowered strength, began ripping and tearing into the hero like a monster. He rent the chest plate in two to find a map of complex circuitry within. Before he could make another hit Wicked Blasted him off using her newly formed blaster.

    “Sorry bud, you’ll have to do better than that.”

    Maestro made a perfect ballet landing next to Sugar Skull. The villainess in turn immediately used her powers to amass all the surrounding shadows. Orbs of dark energy jumped from every policeman become a pulsating mass in front of the thief. She raised her hands to the sky and the darkness began to take form. With her arms splayed out her dark construct became a wall separating the three from the police. She then proceeded to walkup to Maestro her sly smile already prepared.

    “Bout time you showed up, I was getting lonely.”

    “Shut-” before Maestro could finish another laser blast struck him, followed by Wicked lunging at him. The attack was too startling, he couldn’t bring up a defense against Wicked. She hit him with a spiked uppercut to the chin, landing him a few feet away. As he scrambled to get up, Wicked picked him with one arm. Then with even more force than he thought possible she slammed him back on the ground.

    “I just wanted to say the only reason I’m here right now was that I was hoping to pay you back.”

    “You really have nothing going on in your life, do you?” Maestro said snarkily, which resulted in him getting his face smashed in.

    “Someone’s talkative this’ll be satisfying.”

    “Get off! I’m still using him.” Out from the sidelines came a darkened skeletal arm colliding with the armor-clad hero sending them tumbling off Maestro.

    “Don’t worry, you’re next.” Wicked said as she prepared a new blade.

    Maestro tucked his hand into his pocket and switched songs. He had thought about what his best bet would be if Wicked and him would ever go toe to toe again. The answer was simple, but it was a gamble. He went in taking the offensive almost immediately it was clear that Maestro was severely under powered. He had no strength to hurt Wicked, nor speed to evade, or durability, or healing. To the others it was as if he was completely normal, much to their confusion. With each attack Maestro made Wicked blocked them with ease or let him hurt his own hand on the metal plating. As Maestro’s attacks weakened Wicked became all the cockier.

    “Jees, and I thought this was going to be fun this is just boring.”

    Maestro made one last attack which Wicked grabbed. The next thing he realized he was reeling backwards after a taking an agonizing headbutt from the hero. Delirious and tired, he would have fallen backwards if it wasn’t for Wicked keeping him on his feet. He would have fallen unconscious too if it wasn’t for the pain from the last attack. At this point all he could muster was to grab onto the hero’s arm as he was pulled in closer.

    “So then Maestro, how does it feel?” Wicked said readying her sword for the final strike.

    Maestro smiled “Not bad Achilles, how about your heel?”

    What the technological hero hadn’t noticed was that Maestro weakly placed his other hand on the exposed part of her armor. When contact was made the night lit up as suddenly jolts of electricity passed between the two adversaries. Then just as abruptly they launched clear to opposite sides of the battlefield. Maestro got up, lightning dancing across his right arm and shoulder. Wicked however, did not.

    Sugar watching the spectacle unfold then rushed to Maestro’s side as soon as he fell. She tried to check if he was okay but quickly moved back after being shocked by the ambient electricity surrounding her companion. His body jolting from the energy it now contained. She looked over at Wicked, it looked like a corpse the only sign of life being the muffled shouting from inside the metal casing. The lights that riddled the suit once as green as the thief’s eyes were now black as the night sky. Dang one touch was all it took. She looked back at her partner, sparks bounding off him and she felt just a little tinge of fear in the back of her head

    “Hey buddy you good?”

    “Nope, excuse me for a moment.” Maestro placed his hand on the ground, letting most of the energy leave his system. He took a deep sigh of relief as he slumped down onto the ground, his head pounding as much as his heart.

    “What did you do?”

    “I depowered her-” He raised his hand to his face there was still an arc of electricity running through his fingers but faint enough to put him at ease. “Literally”

    “Well that’s… new, let’s go.”

    “Hold up.” Maestro said looking over at the powerless adversary with pity. He pointed down at Wicked. The electricity responding to his desire, culminating in his finger and fired like a bullet. When the energy made contact with the hero she went from catatonic to quite literally bursting with energy. The metallic hero lunged forward at Maestro fury seething in her voice. She was hell bent on making the two-faced individual pay.

    “I’m gonna-” Maestro prided himself on his good ears. He could hear a lot, even without using classical music he still had exceptional hearing. Yet, he didn’t hear her finish that statement. All he could hear was the last bit of electronica he was listening to and the snap of Sugar Skulls fingers after that it all turned into a dark ominous void. It lasted for a moment but once it passed, he could hear the honk of cars and dogs barking. They were in a new location, at least new to him anyways.

    Once they had arrived his first instinct was to determine what this place was. He examined what could only be described as the embodiment of this city’s seedy underbelly, broken windows, apartments in shambles, trash everywhere, and he was certain he had heard gunshots in the distance. This place clearly had all the red flags. Considering the company, he was with he knew they’d never come here without a reason. Despite the less than stellar location he looked at his captor with a warm smile “Well, have a good night, catch you and throw you in jail later.”.

    As he tried to leave, he found that his legs wouldn’t move according to his own desires. His legs were frozen in place. He tried to get to his phone but soon realized it wasn’t just his legs it was his whole body that was frozen. For one second Maestro went into paranoid ramble but just as quickly he realized what was happening and that fear Troy was known for became the unrelenting fury that Maestro was known for. As he twisted his head over his shoulder it was plain to see on his face all the anger and wrath was aimed at the thief that was behind all the misery in his life.

    Sugar Skull on the other was left unphased by Maestro’s murderous aura. She knew better than to fall for his bluff. He might get angry, but he doesn’t like hurting people, and he would never kill someone. Instead she took his bluff, sauntering her way over to her captive audience caressing his shoulders as she got close. She finished little jaunt when she was face to face with Maestro her hand comfortably resting on the musician’s stubble. She stared at him with her life draining eyes and Maestro closed his. So it was just a fluke, thank god the thought came into her mind. With her sense of superiority restored she relinquished her partner from his impromptu cage.

     “Sorry buddy but long story short I booked us for a business meeting over dinner.” She said with a cheerful smile that betrayed her menacing glare.

    Maestro fell to ground, his hand grasping at his chest in an attempt to calm himself down. Despite his panic, he was already getting the picture. She thought she could blind side him, but he had already figured it was the next step in her plan. She wanted to make this arrangement permanent, the best way to do that was to keep eyes on Maestro as much as possible. It’s rather easy to keep eyes on a criminal just put them on a team. By their nature, they’re all paranoid, not trusting each other for one second. He may have figured that was her plan days ago, but that doesn’t mean he was ready to do anything about it.

    “Alright let’s get this over with.”

    “Man, that really is becoming your catchphrase.”

    “Where’s the meeting?”


       “No no nononononononononono NO!”

       “Come on man it’s not that bad. It’s just a little bar.”


       “And here I thought you were nice.”

       As of this moment the two were in a rather ridiculous scene. He was on his back trying to crawl his way up a set of stairs. Meanwhile Sugar Skull, his captor, had a grip on his leg and was making sure he made no progress on his objective. Earlier, she had led him here to what she said was a little bar. It was in the middle of the only decent street of the entire rundown neighborhood. Their destination was in the basement of an apartment block, the singular entry point was an outdoors staircase to a metallic door. The reason why he was freaking out the way he was had nothing to do with a supervillain grabbing at his leg, or anything else from this horrendous situation he was. The cause for his alarm was the dim, stuttering neon sign just above the reinforced door. The Stacked Deck. The moment that sign came into view all he could do was try to flee as fast as he could, and thus the world is how it is now.

       After being fed up with his tantrum Sugar Skull used some of her solid shadows to bind her partner once again. With that problem solved she knocked on the door and was greeted with a pair of bloodshot eyes and a very tired voice.

        “What game are we playing tonight?”

        “I’m pretty sure I’m down for some old maid, right?”

        “I believe that was yesterday’s game, my apologies.” The metal slot closed.

        “Well that’s just great.”

        Sugar Skull felt rather frazzled from earlier. The most tiring thing tonight was dealing with her partner. Now all that work and listening to Maestro complain and she couldn’t even get him where she needed him. She lowered her associate back down to earth as she walked her way up the staircase. With a wave of her hand her phone apparated within her grasp. A few button presses later and she was in a call with her soon to be appointment. She was lived, at one moment she was sly and friendly and then immediately became brash and irate. “Well fine but you had better hurry up and make sure you tell your ‘partner’ to learn some manners!”

        She opened the portal once again and sent her phone back. With her fingers working over her temples as a way to relieve her stress she returned back to the stairs.

        “Okay so they’ll be here soon, and they’ll be able to get us in. In… the… mean…”

        Sugar was looking at something she didn’t expect, even from her partner. Maestro was standing next to the doorman, a rather well built, tone man that had a rather Jamaican facial features and was sporting cargo shorts and a tank top. The two were chatting as if they were old friends with the door wide open. All smiles making a few jokes, but they soon realized the thief was watching them. Now that their talk was decidedly over Maestro moved passed the door with the doorman ushering him inside. Sugar Skull tried to follow but the door man stopped her.

       “Hey Sir, are you sure she should be allowed as well?”

       “Don’t worry she’s with me.” He said with a smirk.

       The doorman allowed her inside, much to her confusion. The door closed behind them with a loud bang, and all semblance of light had escaped, the only exceptions being the villainess’ glowing eyes and a pale glow emanating from the corners of the room.

       “Apologies sir this is our security room. You should pass through over here.” The door man led them to the other side of the room and opened the door. The duo was immediately hit with a deafening wave of cheers and music. This was what a meta-criminal bar was like, the place was big with a couple of booths a bar counter and a few pool tables. It had all the makings of that one quiet, depressing bar, if it wasn’t for the clientele. All types of people were here from mammoth sized and midget, robotic to alien they had one thing in common they were all criminals. This was a place for the criminals to relax, to celebrate, to plan, and to network with other likeminded individuals. Tonight, that’s was why he was here, or more appropriately that’s why someone else brought him here.

      While Maestro was frozen in front of the entry door. The crowd reasonably being suspicious about him kept their eyes fixed on him waiting to see what his next move would be. That was until Sugar Skull revealed herself from behind and the crowd went into an uproar of applause. The following events were the some of the most perplexing moments he had ever experienced. Sugar Skull pulled him along introducing him to everyone in the bar as she socialized with her ‘co-workers’. The weirdest part was how normal it felt. He had heard the stories, all the backstabbing and betrayal just to make some extra money. He’d always assumed that they were either using someone or being used, at least that was his experience. Yet seeing Sugar Skull talking, laughing sharing drinks with all these criminals, some he defeated before. It’s like they were old friends, for the first time that night Maestro felt like he could relax.

      After a few more conversations the two settled into a booth in the back, signified with a framed photo of the Hive Five and the words “V.I.P - Very Important Party Animals” underneath. After they sat down the bar tender came by asking for their drinks. Maestro ordered a mojito and the bartender left. Now they were left with each other. Since he walked into the bar the Sugar Skull had been the center of attention, he’d been keeping himself away from the spotlight. Now came the time to talk and he had quite a few questions to ask.

      “Hey, Skully?”

      “Yes Maestro?” She said, her voice sounded like a giddy schoolgirl, albeit a little forced.

      “Who are we meeting with?”

      “Well now that you mention it-”

      Before she could finish her statement, a loud crash came from the entry door. An automatic response came from every patron in the bar. Those with claws bared them, fighters got into their stances, weapons primed and ready. The only one who didn’t react was the bartender he was the calm and order in a room a rowdy chaos.

      “Everyone just calm down if it were an actual hero we would have been alerted, so everyone just calm down or else.”

      “Yeah you better now-”

      There’s only one person he could think of that would talk like that, their voice rough and cocky. Someone he’d dealt with. All he could do was mutter under his breath “no.”


      Malice, maniacal, violent and loves to kill anyone he can get his hands on, the only thing he loves more would be the lady right behind him. On que a woman’s hand came to rest on his shoulder, and in an instant Malice’s animalistic posture was withdrawn back to a more ordinary presence.

      “Now now Malice we need to be civil at least until we finish our meeting.”

      “No!” Maestro said, now with desperate fervor.

      Red had arrived. The onlookers were irate at these two, but Red’s icy cold glare shut them up in an instant. Any sense of cheer that was in the room had been devoured by Red’s presence, leaving behind only anger and jealousy. The only shred of joy left in the room was on Sugar Skulls face.

      With a sick and twisted glee, Sugar Skull shot up from her table and beckoned them over. With each step closer Maestro could hear more than he wanted to ever know. Every mutter under someone’s breath and each sharp inhale from a criminal as Red crossed them. Everyone wanted Red gone or worse but all that proved was how feared she was because no one dare try to challenge her or her companion. Red, Malice and Sugar Skull. Maestro knew on principle that any day he had to deal with one of these three was a bad day but all three at once was an absolute nightmare.

      Red and Malice sat down opposite Skully and Maestro, with a crowd of criminals listening in. Their suspicions were quelled quickly when Malice started shouting at them followed by a couple of glares from Red. With that the others went back to their respective socializing. Now with some privacy acquired Red decided to begin the conversation with Sugar Skull.

      “Let’s discuss.”

      “Yeah, now you already told me that’d we’d team up in order to get some serious stuff but what do you need specifically?”

      “Simple, we need some schematics first in order to plan our entrance.”

      “And this place would be?”

      “Abstract Labs.”

      The smile that had held itself on Sugar Skulls face dropped. Abstract Labs, a research area devoted to help in understanding magic items. Supposedly any and all findings they have they immediately go to use in increasing their security. It was one of the places she had always fantasized about breaking into but to actually try it was another thing altogether. It was said that that every guard doubled as a mage each fully capable of rather impressive magics in their own rights. The worst rumors though were the kinds of things they supposedly did to trespassers. Criminals who tried to break in would never come out the same. It was one of the only places in Jump City no one with common sense would ever steal from if they valued their lives. Which means they had quite the treasure trove of magical items within.

      “Are you serious?”

      “I do not joke.”

      “Believe me I live with her.” Malice chimed.

      “Continuing, Yes I’ve discovered that the sudden disappearance of many of the magical items that resided within this city was a rouse. With my findings, from various dealers and others I have determined that Abstract Labs has been secretly purchasing them.”

      “But aren’t they legit? Why would they need to be so shady about how they buy their stuff?”

      “They aren’t affiliated with any government or justice league they are a private company.”

      Malice came in “Which means which means they don’t answer to anyone and only care about understanding magic, which is bullsh*t. It’d be better if we had some other people to act as meat shields as well.” The maniac finished, staring down Maestro for emphasis on the meat shield comment.

      “Okay say I have the schematics and I’d be willing to help you. What exactly do I get out of it?”

      “Speaking of payment, I have devised quite the generous payment plan.”

      Red opened her jacket and laid a profile folder in front of Sugar Skull. She flipped a few pages and both the thief and Maestro’s eyes widen. This was a profile for Troy or more appropriately Music Dude. They just stared down in awe as Red continued explaining.

      “I made sure to do my research and it would seem that we have a common enemy. Even I will admit it was rather difficult gathering information on him. It would appear he actively works to keep both himself and the inner workings of his abilities a mystery. This is a compilation of all the knowledge I could ascertain of him. If you help us, I can guarantee his permanent termination.”

      Sugar Skull and Maestro looked at each other. She was smile and he was worried, story of their lives in a way. Both of them were curious to see what Red had discovered on her own, they both were aware that the blood mancer was intelligent but if they accepted their little arrangement would be over and that was much more valuable.

      “Sorry but my partner and I got Music Dude handled on our own.”

      Malice, the malicious killer known for his ever-present smile, let his jaw hang wide open which slowly came back to less creepy more giddy smile.

      “What the f*ck did you say?”

      “We’ve got Music Dude covered.”

      The killer’s eyes lit up and he erupted into fits of deafening laughter. “HIS NAME IS F*CKING MUSIC DUDE!? REALLY!?”

    Maestro never did tell them his superhero name did he. After some focus he managed to push his anger back down. That was until Sugar Skull started laughing too. He looked over at Red and she was looking towards the wall with her hand over her mouth. He wasn’t sure but that was closest she ever looked like she was laughing. They were talking about murdering someone and they’re laughing about their name, his name. They really do think little about other lives, but what should he expect they’re a bunch of killers, and he’s with them.

    Maestro slammed his hands down on the table getting the others to silence their laughing. He got square to Malice’s face, the serial killer looking so relaxed cocky he’s probably thinking about slicing his neck open just for the fun of it. All he wanted to do was leave but he’d never get the chance, but if he didn’t get a break, he’d lose it. Maestro faked a snarl at Malice then left the table towards the restroom now with the entire criminal assembly watching over his shoulder. Kicking the door down he shouted to anyone inside. “EVERYONE OUT NOW!”

    When all he got back a couple of curses from the patrons, he decided to take care of it himself. He calmly walked in and closed the bathroom door behind him. Within five seconds at least three supervillains were sent flying out, clear to the other side of the bar causing quite a bit of collateral damage in the process.

    Seeing all this Red looked over at Sugar with a disappointed glare. “I believe you should take care this, no?”

    No arguments there, Maestro was Sugar Skull’s charge. If she doesn’t keep control of him, he’d do whatever he wants, which the running pattern would suggest getting in the way of her work. As she walked over the bartender tried to stop her telling her something about how it’d be for the best that he should be left alone. The thief didn’t care whether it be Maestro, Music Dude, or Troy no matter which name he used he was too dangerous to be left alone. She knocked on the door and was met with Maestro shouting in her face “NO ONE ALLOWED!!!”

    “Dude it’s me.”


    At this point the villainess could hear the snickers from the others. Her reputation was on the line, this was a matter of pride. She busted down the door, much to the dismay of the bartender. Now the two were alone in a bathroom. Sugar Skull closing the door behind her and Maestro sitting on the opposite side of the room. It’s time they had a talk.

    “Alright Maestro you’re not an edgy teen, quit sulking and get back out there.”

    “Look I will I just need a minute or two to-”

    “Sorry but who’s working for who here?”

    “Working would imply I’m being paid.”

    “We both know how well that ended.”

    The room filled with silence, that was still a sore spot for both of them. Yet considering how well it worked out last time Sugar Skull wanted to prove that she could control him. She’d be able to get everything she’d ever dream about. All he had to do was play along and everything would be just fine.

    “You don’t get a vote I’m the one in control.”

    “Jeez this sounds like a mom talking to their teenager.”

    “I said that like a minute ago! You’ve done nothing but sulk, complain, get angry and embarrass me in front of those two. The way it’s going I’ll only be able to get 10% of the goods in that place. This is your fault now get back out there and fix your mess.”

    Troy’s clung to those last two words your mess. After everything she’d done to him, she had the gall to call this his mess. In that instant his inner Maestro took charge, and all the fury he kept inside came bubbling to the surface again. His rage was signified with one solid punch to Sugar Skulls darkened right eye knocking the thief down to the ground. He wanted her to feel all the stress she put him through, to shout all his rage out of his system and that’s exactly what he what he was going to do.

    “I didn’t make this mess you did! You were the one who black-mailed me, gave me this stupid costume. The only reason my life sucks right now is because of you. The worst part is I don’t even know why. What did I ever do to you to make you want to ruin my life!?”

    “I mean can you blame me? I’m a thief and your one of those hero types. You just need to get over it it’s part of how things work.”

    “Are you kidding me!? Thanks to you my stress is through the roof, I haven’t slept at all this week! If it wasn’t for my healing powers my body would have given out. Everyone acts like this is normal but it isn’t and it shouldn’t!”

    “Yeah whatever can we get going…”

    “What is wrong with you!? I get in the way of your plans to freaking steal from people and you decide the that I deserve to have my life hijacked not once but twice! I mean was I really that big of a nuisance to you? Last I checked I let you get away with… more than… I… should… have.”

    Troy fell to his knees as the realization hit him harder than any criminal had ever hit him before. I did this to myself he thought. He had the chance to stop her but was more worried about himself now he was in this situation because of his own inaction. No, everything Sugar Skull had done since then had been because he’s been giving her slack for as long as they’ve known each other. There were Dozens of dead bodies, lives this villainess had stolen he could have stopped but he hadn’t and now he faced the hard truth, he was responsible. At this point Sugar Skull didn’t have to do anything Troy had defeated himself, any will to fight he had left was him just trying to keep the tears back, which he failed at like everything else. He looked back up towards Sugar Skull. At first, she appeared confused but Troy was able to make her go from confused to stunned with only one sentenced.

    “You were right…. I’m not a good person.” Was all Troy could say before falling apart.

    Sugar Skull was going through her own realization. She could describe Troy Jones in a number of ways some even paradoxical. He could be musician and an optimist one second. Then a vigilante and a paranoid pessimist the next. His powers made him adaptable while his paranoia kept him cautious. He could lie, manipulate and be downright villainous when he wanted. He’s an opportunist yet at the same time always had a plan. He understood others and knew how to talk like no one else.

    This is the beast that Sugar Skull was struggling with, she knew with his brains and powers he could do anything, which is exactly why she was doing what she was doing. This more than just getting what she wanted, she wanted to prove a point. He belonged on their side. Whether he liked to admit it or not they’d worked long enough before to understand each other. She knew the kind of person he was, and that kind of person wasn’t a no name superhero. He had a mind like hers but just wasn’t willing to cross the line. All she needed was to keep Troy on a leash and maybe he’d see things her way. However, for all his benefits he was a double-edged blade. Anyone who dealt with Music Dude eventually understood that he does everything with a purpose. His powers make him unpredictable and as she’d learned earlier no one knows what he’s truly capable of. Knowing him he’s probably already started planning on how to get out of being Maestro.

    Yet, seeing him as he was now on his knees on the verge of tears, he looked pathetic. He didn’t look like a backstabbing bastard, self-righteous superhero, or a destructive villain. He just looked like a person in over his head. I know what you’re thinking don’t do it, you need to keep him in line came a familiar ring from her patron. Despite her better judgement and Som’s, she felt something, deep in the back of her mind. Something she never before, a modicum of sympathy. She sat down next to the broken man. Never having been in a situation where she needed to comfort someone let alone her own rival, the best she could come up with was a side hug. Which turned south fast as thanks to the magic of her choker caused an intense burning sensation on Troy’s right shoulder.

    “Hey OW!” Troy jumped over to the side.

    “Sorry sorry I tend to forget I can do that.”

    “Yeah right, probably just wanted to rub salt on the wound.”

    “Look I get it, I black mailed you. And pretty much took over your entire life.”


   “Yeah again.” Sugar Skull said in the most apathetic voice she could muster.

   “On top of that everyone wants to kill you. Other Criminals would kill MD given the chance and at least a good quarter of the heroes out there would try the same the rest would probably throw you in jail. I really have screwed you over.”

   “You are really terrible at pep talks you know that?”

   “What I’m trying to get at is it’s okay for you to feel angry and afraid, heck most would consider you insane if you weren’t. But what I need is for you to play along when I need you to. So, trust me-”

   Troy’s death stare made an ugly return from under his hood as he replied using his rough maestro voice for added impact “Trust you?... Really!?”

   Sugar Skull in response backed away a little getting a bit nervous “Okay bad choice of words I’ll admit but it’s the truth.”

   Troy was rather confused by her statement, but she continued “Now that you’re playing both sides if anyone figures out that any of your identities are related, to be honest? You are done for and… so would I.”

   “The moment you’re found out, everyone else would know that I had a superhero as a henchman. Then everyone else heroes and villains would go after me to. Our first agreement was that we were supposed to trust each other but now we have no other choice. So do you think you can?”

   Troy wasn’t sure if he should believe her or not. Considering how every other time trust was desired she’d always take his lenience too far which as he had realized earlier came to disastrous effects. Still, there was something in the way she spoke this time, she didn’t sound devious or even slightly sarcastic if anything for a first it sounded as if she was worried. There were so many secrets and lies in his life now it felt good to have some honesty or maybe Troy just needed some time to come up with his plan on how to end this whole Maestro ordeal. It didn’t matter what the reasonings were because for either answer the result was the same. Troy put his hand on her shoulder. “Sure for now.”

    With their moment of emotional vulnerability done they needed to get into some better spirits. Luckily, Sugar Skull had the perfect remedy.

    “You know I just realized I can finally use my joke.”

    “Your joke?”

    A playful mischievous smile crossed her face “Welcome to the dark side, ha!”

    As quickly as Troy’s anxiousness came it receded and was replaced with some genuine snickering “Sorry but I’m not on the dark side you should know I follow my own beat.”

    The two laughed for good couple seconds. This is exactly what Troy needed, to laugh all his worries away it had been way too long. Tonight had been way too stressful for this wannabe vigilante “Never in my right mind did I think I would be black mailed by my arch enemy into working with two other people trying kill me in a place I used to work for surrounded by people that’d want to kill me.”

    “Wait you’ve worked here before?”

    Troy looked away blushing profusely. “Y-yeah but not this one.”

    “But I thought you could only work in the Stacked Deck if you have a criminal record.”

    Troy turned away even more not wanting her to realize but the gears in Sugar Skulls head were already turning. If she was stunned before now, she was downright astonished and it showed on her face. Now her mischievous was back and bigger than Troy had ever been “Troy Jones do you have a criminal record?”

    Troy on the other hand shot up to his feet unwilling to look at her “What I did in High School doesn’t matter. Besides, I believe we need to get you your cut of the deal with Red out there.”

    “Do you have something in mind?” She said.

    In response Troy just offered his hand to her while adjusting his hood back to its intended position. With his costume back to how it was he gave her a smirk, the kind only a super villain could do “Come on just trust me.”


    Red and Malice were discussing amongst themselves when the two arrived back at the table. With Maestro’s outburst handled the Stacked Deck had finally relaxed. The shadow duo slid back into their seats. It was all about establishing dominance Red knew that it can be taxing keeping a subordinate in line but that display showed how little control she had, a major mistake.

    For a villain there’s only one way to get back from losing your reputation, fear. Fear was worth more than money, here it would be considered a second currency. Fear provided influence, manipulation, information but you had to make your anyway you can. The best to get someone to be feared was either a display of power or have someone show the results attracting their ire and Troy was always good at being afraid.

    Maestro was not acting he truly was nervous and afraid the entire night, but it was buried under his frustration. After the talk he was no longer angry but that only meant nothing was holding back his anxiety from manifesting.  Based on what little information they had on him everyone thought he was a strange close quarters combatant shadow mancer teaming with rage. In his first debut he successfully took down two superheroes singlehandedly, sending one of them running and the other to a hospital. Now he was reduced to a sheepish welp awaiting orders from his superior. With this display all the villain’s previous boastfulness and pride turned into exactly what Sugar Skull wanted, respect. All except for Red who was as stone-faced ever.

    “Apologies for my friend it turns out he has some history with you.”

    “I… I was there when Malice attacked the fair and uh I heard rumors that you two were the ones that attacked the library before all hell broke loose.”

    Red face showed no emotion, normally one would be embarrassed or at least apologetic about nearly killing a potential business partner. But if there was anything Troy learned from tonight’s escapade, all of them were far from normal. The most they got as a reaction was a sneer from Red and Malice.

    “Well, now that that has been settled payment of 20% of the treasures within”.

    “N-no” Maestro blurted

    “Hey dipsh*t Red wasn’t ta-“

    “Two questions…. Why us? Why now?”

    “I was addressing Sugar Skull, as an underling you should be aware of the fact that you are someone who follows orders, not make them.”

    Maestro retreated inward. He should have known they would listen to him. As far as this side of the law was concerned power meant everything, everyone was either an asset or a liability when it came to negotiations. The only thing they knew about him was that he was a rowdy, unprofessional, henchman. Which meant he was the liability. That was until Sugar Skull chimed in “Hey, don’t talk down to him like that. He ain’t your lacky he’s mine and I say he brought up some good points so please answer them.”

    Red let out a deep frustrated sigh. This night was unexpected to say the least she just needed this over with and fast “Fine, the truth is we have reason to believe that the laboratory will be moving soon. I found some peculiar energy readings. My hypothesis is that they plan to do a mass teleportation of the entire complex soon. Once that occurs there will be no tracking them.”

    “Sounds like something you need now. Now why the help?”

    “As I would have said earlier before you interrupted, the facility is using a large-scale ritual circle to limit unauthorized magic inside. I’ll be able to counter it slightly however any magical abilities would be limited.”

    “Good thing my powers are only partially magic so it shouldn’t affect me that much. Now the final question why us?”

    “Sugar Skull was shown to be quite adept at acquiring the necessary schematics of the facility. Plus her teleportation and minions would be considered quite beneficial-”

    “You’re a lying.” Maestro stuttered

    “Hey *sshole don’t talk to-”

    “I-I did my research on you two and let me just- I’m pretty sure you didn’t hire us because we were your best option. You’ve got a reputation a bad one even for criminals and I’m thinking we were the only ones to pick up the call. So how about this we split the treasure 50-50 but you get first dibs on what’s in there.”

    “Well maybe the little f*cker better shut up and learn his place before he becomes another number on my record.”

    “You don’t scare me, you annoy me.”

    Malice looked down at Maestro’s hands. He had them clench to keep them from shaking but he couldn’t them from shaking completely “Look who’s lying now.”

    “Now back to the matter of payment. I’ll be lenient and split the rewards, approximately 30% for you.”

    “Not worth the risk it needs to be 40-60 at least.”

    “Unless you suddenly learned how to deactivate a magic circle. I don’t see you having anything to do beside support, so you’ll be paid like support.”

    “What about getting the group into the building It’s still a normal building right so they should have a few points of entry?” Maestro asked.

    “Assuming that the building doesn’t have a magically enhanced alarm system even then, based on the schematics the facility is highly advanced with intricate security systems, our break-in needs to be taken with the utmost care.”

    At that moment Maestro smiled. It was full of deception and sadistic glee, a smile someone would wear when they’d already won the game. Maestro, Music Dude, Troy they were all many things but, in the end, they were the kind of person that always happened to be useful in the most surprising ways. “We don’t have to break in because I know the code.”


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