ARC33 — Ariel's ticklish Adventure
Published: 2009-11-21 02:50:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 19368; Favourites: 71; Downloads: 24
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Description "Well I'm leaving!" Ariel shouted to Eric. "Bye! Have a good week!" "Thanks!" She blew a kiss to him as he waved goodbye. Ariel was leaving to go visit her friend Jane Porter, now living in the Jungle with Tarzan. She had not seen her for a while, so she decided to visit.
Ariel had gone by boat with the captain that new Jane, since her father could not turn her into a mermaid at the time. The boat pulled into the island on the shore. "Thank you captain for taking me here!" Ariel said beaming. "Any friend of miss Porter is a friend of mine!" Ariel stepped down off of the boat to wave goodbye as the captain sailed, but was interrupted by him. "Um, miss Ariel, if you don't mind me asking, why are you wearing heels and a lovely dress in a jungle?" he asked curiously. "Well I want to look formal for my best friend right?" She replied giggling. "Hahaha. I suppose so. But miss Porter did have a rough time here with that kind of getup you know! Boot stolen, dress teared, baboons after her, and foot tickled!" He said laughing. "Oh don't worry! I'm sure I'll be fine!" "As you say! I'll be back to pick you up at night!" He pulled out of the shore as Ariel waved goodbye. The captain was right too. Ariel was wearing high heel boots with a lovely yellow dress. "Well, time to start walking!" Ariel had treked through the jungle until she finally came upon Tarzan's home. Ariel knocked on the door with a funny rythm to it. The door opened with Jane standing in the doorway. "Ariel!" "Jane!" They both said happily. Jane and Ariel sat down on the couch drinking tea that Jane had made. "So Jane, the captain had told me about your first danger with the jungle, hehe!" She said giggling. "Oh yes, danger danger haha! But I thought you remembered that?" Jane asked. "Well it's a little fuzzy to me." "Well I'll explain again!" So Jane explained what happened with the baboons and tarzan and her first meet. "WOW! That's some first encounter hahahah!" Ariel said laughing. "Indeed it was haha!" "So all he did was wiggle your toes, and you busted out laughing?!" Ariel replied laughing loudly. "HEY! I am very ticklish on my feet! But thank God that was the only thing that happened, those baboons were vicious!" Jane stated. "Yeah what happened to them anyway?" "Well they helped us free Tarzan's family, but they still dislike me to this day. Luckily though, they dislike the Jane Porter who had the yellow dress and high heel boots!" She said happily. "Oh I get it! So they don't know it's you who took the sketch from their baby!" "Yup, and I sure am glad! They would take my boots again probably! Hahah!" She replied laughing. Ariel and Jane talked all day long about their husbands, life, and other funny things. "Well, it's time I get going." Ariel said as she walked to the door. "Thanks so much for coming! You'll be back tomorrow right?" Jane asked. "Yes I will! I should be here in the morning." Ariel shouted back as she climbed down the treehouse. "Bye Ariel! Oh and be carefull in the jungle! Lions, tigers, and baboons come out late!" Jane shouted. "I'll be fine! Bye!" Ariel waved goodbye to Jane as she walked through the jungle. Ariel began to think to herself, "Wow, Jane's really clever of using her old outfit for the baboons. I would have-" Ariel stopped in her tracks. She then came to realize, that she was wearing a yellow dress with high heel boots! Ariel sqeaked a little, "Oh my gosh! I have to get out of here, quick!" She ran as fast as she could through the jungle. Ariel ran and ran out of the jungle, but eventually she realized she was lost. Ariel stopped, panting. "Oh dear, what am I going to do?" Ariel decided that she would have to stay in one spot for the night. Ariel came upon a bamboo thicket, and decided to sleep. "Oh this is going to be a roguh sleep..." Ariel said to herself as she faded away. But it was not along sleep, for she was awoken by something tugging at her boot! "*Yawns* What- what is that..." She said sleepily. She was too sleepy to even see what was tugging at her boot. But it was too late, for whatever it was stole her boot! *Plunk!* the boot came off Ariel's foot, and the something had ran away! "HEY! Get back here!" Ariel shouted as she chased whatever had her boot. She chased the thing all the way up to a huge clearing and a big tree. When she saw what it was, it was none other then the baby baboon. "OOHEHEHEHEAHAHA!" It laughed, as he put the boot on his head, pretending like it was a hat. Ariel gasped. She knew if the baboon cried, she would be in trouble. Ariel walked up to him slowly, "Hey little guy! Would you mind giving me my boot back?" Ariel pointed to her boot on top of the baboon's head. The baboon shooed her away with his hand, making whining noises. "Oh come on, you wouldn't want my toes to be cold would you?" Ariel lifted her foot to the baboons height, and wiggled her toes. But the baboon bit her big toe, and Ariel yelped. Ariel's face was bright red as her hair, "Alright that's it! I want that boot NOW!" Ariel shouted. But the baboon would not give in, still holding it tight. "Alright, I want it on the count of 3! 1... 2... HEY LOOK BANNANAS!" Ariel tried to trick the baboon, but he already knew better, and hugged it tighter then ever. Ariel had no choice, she snatched the boot from the baboon with full force. As they tugged and tugged, the baboon had done the one thing that Ariel had horrified. He cried. "WAAHAHAH! EHEHEAWAHAHA!" Ariel paniced, "Aww, it's ok it's ok!!! Look here see you have the boot! It's fine, please don't cry. Comon it's alr- AHHHHHH" Ariel shrieked. She turned around to see a snarling pack of Adult baboons staring right at her. She could tell that they were angry. She backed away slowly, "Oh... hello! Um, it's alright now haha! He can have the boot! See? He's got it, you can even see my foot is- AUGH!" Ariel shouts as she trips. The horde of baboons lunge after her. "AAAAAAAHHHH!" She shrieks as she runs for her life. She runs through the jungle, tearing her dress, and stumbling. "AHHHAH! OHH NOOO!" Ariel screams as she sees the giant gorge that Jane had told her about. Only this time, there was no ape man to save her. Luckily, Ariel was a little more expierienced in adventuring than Jane. "HERE GOEEEES!" She shouted as she jumped onto a vine over the gorge, and swung all the way over to a huge tree branch. She sat down with her legs straight, gasping for breath. "Now THAT was close..." She lied down gasping. But then she heard something chattering outside the branch. Ariel crawled over it and looked down. She saw nothing, but then suddenly, "GRAAGGHGH!" The alpha baboon and the baby baboon jumped up the branch growling! "AHHHH!" Ariel shrieked as she backed up to the brim of the branch. The 2 baboons were growling, but chattering too, as if they were talking to her. Ariel was frightened, but tried to speak, "What- what do- do you want?" She asked shaking. The baboons seemed to understand and they pointed directly at her boot, chattering. Ariel began to understand what they wanted: Her other boot. But Ariel was stubborn, "No way! Not the other one!" She pulled up her leg with the boot on it and shook her head to indicate no. The baboons growled at her loudly. They began to slowly crawl to her, but the baby baboon accidently tripped over Ariel's now bare foot. "AHAH!" She sqeaked. She pulled back her bare foot to her chest, scared. Then, the baby baboon whispered to the Alpha something sinister. The alpha nodded in agreement. Then without warning they both grabbed her barefoot and tied it with a vine! Her bare foot was now hanging in thing air! "HEY! What do you think you're doing?" Ariel struggled to free her foot, but it would not budge. Then the baby baboon crawled to her helpless foot, and gave it a light stroke with his hand. "AHAH!" Ariel laughed loudly. She then realized horribly, "Oh no! They're going to tickle me until I give them the boot!" She thought to herself. Then the 2 baboons tickled away at her foot. "AHAHAHAH! NOOO PLEASE STOOOOP HAAHAHAHHAHAH!" She shrieked with laughter. But they would not stop, they went even faster then before. "AHAHAHAHAH! STOP PLEASE NOAHAHAHAHAHA! WAHAHAHAH!" She pleaded, with tears streaming down her face. Then, the baboons stopped. Ariel was gasping for breath, believing that it was the end. She looked at the baboons, and they pointed at her boot. She realized that they would not stop until she gave up the boot. But Ariel was stubborn, and shook her head no. "GRAGHGHG!" The 2 baboons growled. They lunged at her foot, and were now licking it!" Ariel shrieked with agony, "AHHAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOO PLEASE AHAHAHAHAHAHAH! STOP STOP STOAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WOAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEASE PLEAAAAAAAHAHAHAH!!" They continued licking and licking away, until Ariel finally gave in, "ALRIGHT AHAHAHAHAH I'LL GIVE YOU THEHAHAHA BOOT AHAHAHAH JUST STOPPAHAHAHAHAH!" She pleaded. The baboons stopped licking, and gave her a chance to breath. "Oh... oh...." She was almost out of breath. The baboons then growled and pointed at her boot. "ALRIGHT ALRIGHT! Just a second..." Ariel took her boot off, *PLUNK* and have it to the baboons. "HERE! Now just go away!" The baby baboon snatched the boot and had both on his head. The alpha growled and carried the baby with him out of the branch, trying to untie her foot, but it was very tight from her struggling. "Oh dear... Now how am I supposed to get back?!" Ariel whined. She sat down on the branch, thinking to herself, "Gosh, those boots were expensive. I hope I never see those baboons again..." Ariel then thought of a way to get to Jane's! "TARZAN! TARZAAAAAN! TARZAAN I NEED YOU! PLEASE TARZAAAN!" She shouted loudly for 3 minutes. She then saw a swinging figure of a man! "That's him! It has to be!" But unfortunatley it was not him. When he got closer, Ariel could see it was another wild man, and she backed all the way to the brim of the tree branch. The wild man swung onto the branch, curious about the strange woman. "AHHH! Alright, please just stay back." She pleaded, but the wild man did not listen. He continued to crawl up to her, like a curious animal. "I said stay back! Don't come- don't come any closer! STAY BACK!" She shouted firmly, slamming her foot on his chest. The wild man stopped, and looked at her foot curiously. He then took her foot and was inspecting it. "What are you- what are you doing?!" Ariel asked. Then the wild man began wiggling her toes, causing her to bust out laughing. "AHAHAHAH! NO PLEASE DON'T! I'M VERY TICKLISH! AHAHAHAHAH!" Ariel cried with tears streaming down again. But the wild man continued ti wiggle them, enjoying her smile. "STOOOO AHAHAHAH PLEASE STOP AHAHAHAH! I BEG YOUOOAHAHAHAHAHAH! AHAHAHAH!" She pleaded, but he would not stop. The wild man wiggled and wiggled, until he was stopping slowly. " Ahaha.... no get off..." Ariel started, and then the wild man began to look under her dress!" "No get off... GET OFF... GET OFF NOW!" She tried to kick him, but the wild man had a firm hold on her foot, and her other was still tied up! She was wearing underwear luckily, with a top under it. The wild man ripped the dress off and looked at her curiously. Ariel began to shake nervously, "What is he going to do?!" She thought. The wild man noticed her exposed belly, and crawled up closer to see it. "Umm... wha.. what are you..." She stated nervously. The wild man then put his finger tips on her belly and stroked it. "EEEP!" She shouted loudly. The wild man then started running his finger tips up and down on her belly! "AAHAHAHAH! NOOOOO AHAHAHA NOT AGAAAAAIIN AHAHAHAHAH OAHAHEHAHAHAH!" Ariel tried to stop him, but she was laughing too hard for her hands to work. The wild man continued to stroke harder and swifter. "OHOHOAHAHAHAH PLEAAAASE STOOOPP AHAHAHAHAHH! AHWHAHAHAHAH!" Then a sound came from the distance! "UAHAHAH!" It was Tarzan! The wild man stopped and swung away into the jungle. Tarzan swung onto the branch, "Ariel, are you ok?" He asked worried. "Uh... oh.. I'm... fine.. just need some... breath." Ariel replied gasping for air. Tarzan untied her foot, and put it down gently. "What happened to you?" Ariel waddled up onto her knees, "It's a long story..." Ariel explained what had happened to Tarzan. By the time she was done, it was almost morning. "Well, sounds like you went through Jane's adventure!" Tarzan said laughing. "Yeah... I'll say. You mind taking me back to Jane now?" Ariel replied, looking tired. "Sure" Tarzan helped Ariel crawl out of the branch and picked her up. "Um, do you want to get your boots back?" Tarzan asked. Ariel perked up, "You can do that? Are you sure?!" "Yeah why not? We just have to find those baboons!" Tarzan replied smiling. "Alright! Let's go!" Tarzan carried Ariel, swinging into the jungle.

Will Ariel and Tarzan find the baboons? Will Ariel be tickled yet again? Find out next time!
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Comments: 6

zomms [2021-12-13 07:50:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mattjohn1992 [2020-04-13 17:53:44 +0000 UTC]

Great story, Nice, hi 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

hollygigglesxo [2015-01-02 00:37:23 +0000 UTC]

cool story

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FF23 [2009-11-21 22:48:23 +0000 UTC]

Great story! Thanks.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ARC33 In reply to FF23 [2009-11-22 02:00:14 +0000 UTC]

Np, should be coming up with a part 2 soon, I couldn't just let this go lol.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FF23 In reply to ARC33 [2009-11-22 21:06:04 +0000 UTC]


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