BlackestKnight049 — A Misuse of Magic
#abdl #diaper #diapered #diapers #elf #elves #fantasy #mess #messes #messing #messy #transform #transformation #transformations #transforming #transforms #diapering
Published: 2015-09-20 02:31:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 15413; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description It was a frigid winter night. A powerful blizzard swirled outside, harsh winds blowing and snow rapidly falling onto the white mountain. Even for the Frost Elves that called this place home, it was never wise to be outside in such unwelcome conditions. Thankfully for six elves, they were inside a small, sturdy cabin that protected them from the storm outside; unfortunately for them, it was part of a training exercise.

The conditions for success sounded simple: 24 hours inside this cabin, as the blizzard roared outside. Minimal provisions were given to the six, including food, water, tools, and a magic “allowance”, all of which they had to share. They had no choice but to cooperate, as hoarding provisions and acting against the group’s best interests would result in penalties upon return. And of course, they were monitored throughout the exercise by magical glyphs etched onto the interior walls, which were highly reminiscent of eyes.

Currently, the elves had been cooped up with each other for about 23 hours, and they had made good use of the limited items at their disposal: The last of the food and water had just been consumed, the tools served their purpose quite well, and there was a decent amount of magic left. The chill from the outside storm seeped into the cabin ever since they got there, but the six managed to quickly solve that issue. Using a fair amount of their magic, they summoned a sort-of sconce in the center of the cabin, its four curled legs attached to the wooden floor. On top of this object rested a glass orb, inside of which burned a magically-induced fire, whose heat radiated throughout the cabin to counteract the cold.

The young, all-female group was currently huddled around the fire, using buckets as stools. Like most Frost Elves, their skin was pale-white with a slight bluish tint to it. They were all dressed similarly: Black long-sleeved tunics with a small pin attached right above their hearts, displaying the complex insignia of the Frost Elves, with long brown pants and black boots as their lower body attire. Their hair was varied and all single-tone colors, ranging from short and silver, to long and brown, to medium and black, to ponytailed and brown. Their pointy ears were mostly unpierced, save for two girls, one of which had several earrings on both ears.

“I’m glad this is almost over,” one of the Frost Elves spoke, rubbing her gloved hands close to herself.

“Has the 24th hour started yet, Serala?” the elf with many ear piercings asked.

“Not quite...” a third spoke, leaning over to check one of the walls, which had 22 markings on it.

“Patience, Nori,” a fourth said, trying to calm the second down.

“Excuse me for not being like our wizened elders, Morgan!” Nori retorted. “I haven’t slept one bit since we started this damn exercise!”

“That’s why we’re here in the first place,” the first elf reminded. “So that we may be as--”

“Shut it, Lorelai!”

“L-Let’s not fail our training at the very end,” a fifth elf worriedly spoke, trying not to look too fearful.

“It’s okay, Gwen; Nori’s not that hotheaded,” Serala teased.

“Okay...um, Erina?”

Gwen addressed the sixth and final elf, who was currently looking downward, wincing. Her arms were crossed over her lower torso, and she slowly rocked back and forth.

“You don’t look so good...” Morgan spoke with concern.

“Just...a stomachache...nothing serious...” Erina spoke, strained.


For Erina, the first 8 hours went by without incident. During hour 9, she felt her insides churn, as if an invisible hand wrapped itself around them and lightly squeezed. The “hand” would relinquish its grip for a time, only to come back, then leave again. But now, as the final hour approached, she felt as if the “hand” tightened its grip, and kept tightening it, causing a constant, increasingly-unbearable pain.

“Nnnngh...” (I...I don’t think I can make it one more hour...)

“Erina, just use your bucket and throw it in the waste pile,” Morgan said, pointing to one of the corners of the room.

“I...I don’t want to...”

“Why not?” Nori asked.

“I...hate using these things...!”

“So what, you’d rather ruin your trousers?”


An audible gurgle came from Erina’s stomach, and she bit her lip as she felt the pain that accompanied it.

“M-My insides feel like...like they’re gonna explode...”

“It will explode...out of you,” Nori remarked with a smirk.

“You could just use magic,” Serala suggested.

“We’ve used enough on this!” Morgan argued, motioning one arm toward the flame orb in front of them.

“We’re not running that low either,” Lorelai said.

“Did you not hear what I just said?” Gwen complained.

“We’re not going to fail just because we used up all our magic!”

“Please...stop arguing...!” Erina moaned, leaning in as far as she could.

“It’s either the bucket or your pants. Take your pick.” Nori crossed her arms, looking at the suffering elf’s way as she tauntingly smiled at her.

“N...Nori...!” Erina shot her a dirty, infuriated look, as she began to tremble.

“What? It’s the truth. Don’t get so--”

Erina swiftly stood up and zapped Nori with a bolt of magic.


Nori screamed in agony as the bluish-white bolt struck her; its light radiated throughout the cabin as the victim of Erina’s angry action began to change form.

(What’s...what’s happening to me?!)

Nori’s body turned pure white, including her clothes, as her cries began to fade. She felt herself horizontally bend forward in half, yet there were no sickening breaking of bones, or even the horrifying sensation of being mangled. Her hands’ fingers melted into each other, and her arms wrapped themselves around her legs. Her mouth, eyes, nose, and hair seemed to sink into herself, until they were completely gone, as if they had mixed with the rest of her transforming body.

Soon, there was an explosive puff of air where Nori stood, and in her place, a soft, folded diaper gently landed on the floor. The front of it depicted the elf’s terrified face, frozen in time and colored blue.

(What...what did you do to me?!)

Nori “heard” herself scream, but none of the other 5 elves seemed to notice. In her newfound state, she did not have the typical senses of living creatures, like smell, sight, and hearing, yet she could still “feel” what was going on. It was something the transformed elf could not put into words; all she knew was that this felt wrong and disempowering.

“Aaaah!” Erina yelped as she dashed towards the diaper, one arm still around her lower body; everyone else was too awestruck to move.

“W...What are you doing...?!” Gwen spoke, mortified.

“Choosing!” Erina replied, taking the white object and running toward the other side of the cabin.

(No...don’t tell me you’re gonna...!)

As quickly as she could, she dropped her lower garments and wrapped the diaper around her waist in their place. It was quite comfortable and fitted her perfectly, but that’s not what mattered to her at the moment. What was important was that she could finally relieve herself of this miserable condition.

(Oh Gods...please let this be over quick!) Nori thought as she braced for the worst.

Erina stopped fighting herself, allowing it to flow out into the replacement pants she had not even been wearing for five seconds. She squatted down, face red and eyes tightly shut, as she noisily emptied into what had once been one of her cabin-mates, which slowly drooped down from the increasing weight. She did not know how long it took her, but she didn’t really care about that, or anything else for that matter.



A content smile spread across her face once the invisible hand’s pressure on her bowels had completely ceased. Erina opened her eyes and stood back up, looking down at the now-full diaper around her waist. There was a perverse joy in seeing it sag so much, not to mention how Nori must be feeling from her cabin-mate’s disgusting act.

(You...I can’t...why did...uuuuugh!)

As it turned out, she felt completely violated. Having to “feel” her cabin-mate use her in such a way was among the most revolting, despicable acts she had ever experienced. If she still had a mouth, she would have vomited, but without any bile or even a stomach, she had no choice but to suffer in silence. It was actually even worse that she couldn’t spew her sick; the sensation she “felt” at that moment was as if she was about to puke, but simply couldn’t. To say it was agonizing is a vast understatement.

“Thank you, Nori! I feel so much better now!”

Erina naughtily grinned and patted the front rim of Nori’s transformed state, enjoying her newfound relief in more ways than one.

(When this is over, you’re gonna be so dead!)

“What did you just do?!”

Erina had just remembered that she was not alone, and quickly turned her head to face the remaining elves, all of which had their mouths wide open in shock.

“Um...I turned Nori into a diaper, and...well...” She stuck her tongue out and blushed, looking both embarrassed and mischievous.

(Real cute, bitch!)

“You just failed this test for all of us, Erina!” Gwen angrily said, pointing at the elf.

“I failed, but you guys are still good, right?”

“No it’s not ‘still good’!” Lorelai explained, also enraged. “Did you seriously forget that we’re all being judged at once?!”

“Oh...shit...heh heh...” Erina nervously smiled, stretching the neckline of her tunic.

“Is...is Nori dead?!” Morgan spoke, pointing at the disobedient elf’s drooping diaper.

“No, she just got turned into a diaper,” Erina replied, stretching its front rim. “And she’ll turn back to normal soon, so no worries, right Nori?”

(Yes worries, you sick freak!)

“So...she felt all of that?” Serala asked, looking appalled.


“Uuuuuugh!” Serala shuddered, feeling a bit sick.

“So...what now?” Erina said. “We failed, right?”

“We wait one more hour until we get chewed out by Celta,” Lorelai said, sighing afterward. “And you turn Nori back to normal.”

(Yes, please!)

“The magic’ll wear off once we’re done!” Erina said. “Until then...”

She walked over to the waste pile in the corner, undid the diaper, wrapped it closed, and tossed it with little regard for her cabin-mate.

(You are fucking Orc meat, Erina!)

“Can someone get me a washcloth?”

“Coming...” Serala spoke, shaking her head.

As Erina cleaned herself up, Lorelai sat on her bucket close to the fire, with one hand on her chin.

(Hmmm...we’re already screwed...so...)

“Hey Erina...how did you do that spell?”

“Oh, I just wanted to turn something into a diaper,” she replied as she finished cleaning. “I just thought, ‘I really need a diaper right now,’ and zapped Nori. Simple, really!”

“I see...and...do we have enough magic left to cast that?”

“If I’m not mistaken, you could probably cast that spell an additional two times,” Serala said.

“So you could turn two objects into diapers, and share them with us?” Lorelai continued to ask.

“People, not objects,” Erina explained, pulling her trousers back up. “It costs more magic to turn nonliving things, and we don’t even have enough for one cast!”

“Then...that means that...”

The other four elves looked at one another, terrified. They had all reached the same conclusion, and did not even need to say anything.

“Two lucky elves get to feel a special elf-diaper between their legs!” Erina grinned, approaching them.

“Mmm...m-m-must we do this?” Gwen spoke, shaking head to toe. “I-I don’t think this’s a good idea...”

“It doesn’t matter! We’re already in for it, so what’s a little extra mischief gonna do?”

“Get us further in for it?” Morgan angrily replied, as if it was obvious. “Do you really want to risk that?”

“M-Morgan’s right, we should--”

Erina interrupted Gwen by shooting both her and Morgan with the same spell that Nori had been inflicted with.



Just like the first victim, the targeted elves turned white, bended forwards in half, folded their arms across their legs, had their faces melt into themselves, and “poofed” into diapers. Their horrified faces were on the front, also colored blue.

“I think we have our winners!” Erina said, grinning.

(Gwen?! C-Can you hear me?)

(Please don’t use me like Nori! I-I-I don’t wanna...!)

“...and...now our m-magic is just about gone,” Serala spoke, again shaken.

“U-Um...do we have to...use them?” Lorelai asked Erina, who walked over to the diapers.

“Do whatever you want with them!”

Erina extended both arms, one to each remaining non-transformed elf, who reluctantly took the diapers from her hands. They examined their former cabin-mates, open-mouthed in shock, and unsure of what to do with them.

(Please don’t use us too!)

(Make it quick if you have to!)

“S...Sorry, Morgan...” Serala spoke to the padding in her hands, slowly walking away.

(Just...don’t do anything nasty...)

“I don’t have to go, so...you’re safe, Gwen...”

(Thank you, Lorelai!)

Erina sat down at her bucket, not paying attention to her cabin-mates’ changing, as she thought about what had happened the last couple of minutes.

(I’m glad I didn’t have to use that damn bucket! I don’t know how the others managed it, but it’s just...nasty! Not to mention everyone else can see, and hear...okay, that still applies with diapers, but at least no one will see me! I seriously can’t wait until I’m an official guard...then I can finally wear those diapers everyone raves about! No one’s got better diapers than the Frost Elf army!

Y’know...this was kinda fun! I might just do it again...but will it be as entertaining if I just transform something rather than someone?)


She looked up to find Serala standing in front of her, red in the face and wearing what was once Morgan.

“You like it, huh?” Erina grinned in approval.

“Y...yeah...it’s...very comfortable...and fluffy...!”

Serala double-patted the front of her diaper, then the back, smiling from the rustling it made.

(Th-That feels weird! Cut it out!)

Morgan “felt” as if she was simultaneously being tickled and poked, but was unable to laugh or cry out in irritation.


Serala looked to her right to find the other Frost Elf diapered as well, also blushing.

“I...I think I’d feel better about this if I didn’t know I was wearing Gwen...”

(Same here, Lorelai!)

“But you do like it, right?” Erina asked.

“Y...Yeah...maybe I’ll cast that spell of yours on something that isn’t a living thing...”

“Like Orcs?”

“That’s, what, the 50th time I’ve heard that joke?” Lorelai shook her head, unimpressed.

(I thought it was funny...heh heh!) Gwen “spoke”.

“Ha ha ha!” Erina stood up. “So, since we’re all out of everything else, I figured I’d do this!”

She pointed her index and middle fingers at the other two elves, and a brief spark flew out of each finger and landed on the elves’ torsos; Serala and Lorelai felt a slight tingle.

“Yeah, that’s it for magic,” Serala said.

“What the heck was that, anyway?” Lorelai asked.

“Just a spell.” Erina smiled, her eyes looking away from her.

(I don’t like where this is going...) Morgan thought to herself.

“What...kind of spell?” Lorelai had a slowly-building sense of unease.

“Y’know...just, a spell.”

“It’s never ‘just’ anything with you, Erina!” Serala angrily said.

“I suppose you’re right.” Erina shrugged, still smiling.

“Then...what did you...?”

It was then that an audible gurgle came from both Serala and Lorelai, and the diapered Frost Elves clutched their stomachs in pain. If the “invisible hand” slowly closed itself on Erina’s insides earlier, then it quickly tightened its grip on both of them, to the point that they could barely hold it in.


(No, please!) Morgan “pleaded”.


(I-I don’t deserve this!) Gwen thought.

“Now you two can use your diapers to the fullest!” Erina spoke, chuckling as she gave the two elves some space.

“Gwen...please forgive me...!” Lorelai spoke, strained, as she started going first.

(I’ll--urrrrgk!--I-I’ll try...mmmmgh!)

Similar to Nori before her, Gwen felt completely violated and disgusted; she wanted to throw up from her cabin-mate’s messing, but was simply unable to do so, given the state she was in. Lorelai, meanwhile, did not feel the same sense of pleasure of having to empty herself into a former cabin-mate as Erina had, outside of the natural relief that would come from no longer having a stomachache.

“I...I-I can’t...hold it anymore!” Serala then began to use her diaper alongside Lorelai.

(Eeeeeegk! Just make it quick! Aaahhh!)

Lorelai and Serala were both squatted down next to each other, producing nauseating noises as they filled their ever-drooping diapers. Erina, meanwhile, stood close to the waste corner of the cabin, laughing at her cabin-mates’ deeds. From here, she wouldn’t have to take in the strong odor that undoubtedly radiated off of the other two.

“You don’t have to worry much longer, Nori. You’re gonna be having some company soon!”

(You are the sickest fucking elf I’ve ever met! I’d rather be captured by Orcs than spend another second with you!)



The two elves had soon finished their dirty business, standing back up and deeply blushing from what they had done.

“I...I-I-I can’t believe that we just...!” Lorelai covered her face with her fists.

(I-It’s...o-okay, Lorelai...ghhhhk!)

“W-We’re going to be in s-so much trouble!” Serala moaned, clutching her shaking head.

(At least you...you didn’t have to put up with...uuuuuuugh!)

“How was it?” Erina called out from across the cabin.

“Humiliating, degrading, disgusting, infantile...” Lorelai answered.

“And just plain cruel!” Serala added.

(That’s putting it lightly...)

“Heh heh!” Erina grinned. “Well, I hope you don’t plan on staying in your diapers now that you’ve used them!”

“But...w-we can’t just throw them away!” Serala said, concerned for her cabin-mates.

“We can’t really keep them on either, Serala,” Lorelai argued. “I’m not standing up for another hour!”

“Ohh...it does feel really gross...” Serala stuck her tongue out in disgust.

(How do you think I feel?!) Morgan complained.

“I-I don’t want to do this, Gwen, but...I don’t really have a choice...” Lorelai lamented as she walked over to the waste corner.

(A-At least we’ll be back to normal soon...) Gwen told herself.

“Same here, Morgan...but you’ll be fine! Just...just take a nap or something...”

(I can’t take a nap like this!)

The two elves undid their used diapers, wrapped them closed, and dropped them near the one that was Nori not too long ago.

(At least we’re miserable together...) she thought to herself, unsuccessfully trying to stay positive.

(C-Can you two hear me?!) Morgan “yelled”. (Please, talk to me!)

(This is going to end...it won’t last forever...) Gwen repeated to herself.

The three diaper-elves were close to one another, wrapped around the output of the other three elves, and surrounded by all six’s earlier waste. Not a half-hour earlier, Nori, Morgan, and Gwen never would have thought that they’d ever end up in a revolting, torturous situation like this one. The sole saving grace of it being temporary was little comfort to them, especially knowing what awaited them upon returning to normal.

(All because I was being honest with that...that sicko!)

Nori was the only one whose anger would not fade. Gwen and Morgan reluctantly accepted their fate and tried not to let it get to them too much, but the first elf to have suffered Erina’s magic was not going to let her disgusting ways go unscathed. It didn’t even matter if Celta, their overseer for the exercise, was going to punish Erina to the fullest for failing; nothing would be as satisfying as dishing out the payback firsthand. With every passing second of the final hour, Nori’s hatred only further intensified.

As for the other three elves, not much more was said amongst Erina, Lorelai, and Serala during the last hour. The misbehaving elf was the only one that seemed to be in a positive mood, as the other two looked awkward, embarrassed, and generally worrisome.

Soon enough, 24 hours within the cabin had passed, and the six elves, regardless of their physical state, were magically transported back to the Frost Elf city they called home. Specifically, they found themselves in Celta’s office, which was decorated with all sorts of high-rank items like insignias and displayed equipment. The elf herself stood behind her desk, gazing at the materializing girls with stern, silver eyes. Her hair was short and brown, and her skin was whitish-blue; her clothes were more elaborate and detailed, as befitting her higher status, and there was a distinctive, cushy outline that could be seen through her pants.


Nori screamed at the top of her lungs upon returning to her natural state, clothes and all.

“Phew...” “Finally...”

Gwen and Morgan merely breathed a sigh of relief, doubling over and grasping their thighs.

“Your time is up,” Celta spoke in a very professional voice. “And I have to say, it was almost perfect.”

All six elves felt varying degrees of shame, and displayed them in various ways: Looking down, frowning, wincing, hand-wringing, and clothes-tugging.

“You were quite cooperative throughout most of the exercise, you used your resources intelligently and sparingly, and you helped temper any potential outbursts before they went too far. However, what you did towards the end was not at all becoming of a proper Frost Elf soldier.”

Celta’s gaze landed squarely upon one elf, who gulped and looked very uncomfortable.

“Erina, your transformation spell upon Nori, Morgan, and Gwen was nothing short of unacceptable. What you did after that was...even more so. You single-handedly earned the failure of the entire team.”

“But...why not just punish me, then?” Erina argued. “I was the one that--”

“Because the actions of one soldier can cost the lives of the entire squad,” Celta countered. “Cooperation is key to survival, and if you cannot trust and work with each other, then your lives are as good as forfeit. It isn’t fair, but neither is war.”

“Celta, ma’am, I refuse to work with that...that...deviant ever again!” Nori spoke, pointing a threatening finger at Erina.

“I am not reassigning you again, Nori. Your behavioral issues are in dire need of adjusting, and you’ll just have to learn to cooperate. You are not entirely the victim here.”

“I’m to blame?!”

“In part. Provoking your comrades is what got you into your position to begin with. However, Erina is far more at fault for casting the spell on you, Gwen, and Morgan.”

“Unbelievable!” Nori crossed her arms, huffing at the supposedly unfair situation.

“W-What about us?” Lorelai said, quickly moving her head to look at Serala and Celta.

“Your desires to have Erina repeat her disobedient action was also unacceptable. You may not have known what would happen, but it does not excuse it either. Having said that, Erina is still the one most responsible for this, make no mistake.”

“Ohhh...” Serala and Lorelai moaned, slouching and looking down in shame.

“So...what’s the punishment?” Erina asked, staring right into Celta’s eyes with little fear.

“A magic seal placed on all of you. Until one week from tomorrow, none of you are allowed to use any magic.”

“You’re punishing me too?!” Nori once again complained.

“Don’t think I’m unaware of your plans for revenge,” Celta spoke with her eyes locked on her. “I will not tolerate any misbehavior from any of you.”

She waved her hand across the six elves, magic radiating from it as she silently chanted a spell; her subordinates felt a tingle in their chest, and they knew they were now cut off from their magic pool.

“I will be keeping my eyes on all of you, especially you, Erina.”

“Y-Yes ma’am,” she replied, nervously nodding.

“Now, get some rest, all of you. Tomorrow you will resume regular training. Dismissed.”

Celta sat down at her desk, causing a soft rustle, as Erina and the others all left the office and walked back to the barracks. When the elf responsible for failure looked at Nori, she received a hateful, merciless glare that gave her chills. The others were not nearly as angry, but they too did not seem comfortable being around her.

(Oh well, it was worth it!)

Erina did not mind it too much, though. Her action roughly an hour ago was relieving and perversely enjoyable, especially since she did it to the elf she had the least love for. As long as the damage wasn’t permanent, it was nothing worth freaking out about, in her mind; even she had mercy, to a degree.

(I can’t wait to try it again! Maybe I could try it out on an Orc! Or perhaps I could try turning an actual inanimate object...but that won’t be as much fun...)

The weeklong lack of magic was of little concern to her; Erina planned on what she would do for next time. But for the moment, she had to wait out the punishment she received, and settle for swiping from the army’s diaper supply. Sooner or later, Erina would do it all again, with little regret.
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Comments: 6

mikey-the-little [2015-09-20 03:17:48 +0000 UTC]

Well then. That was certainly original.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to mikey-the-little [2015-09-20 03:26:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Warlockguy [2015-09-20 02:54:04 +0000 UTC]

I want to see how Nori will take revenge 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to Warlockguy [2015-09-20 02:59:36 +0000 UTC]

I didn't think that far. I'll leave it to you to imagine what she does!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Warlockguy In reply to BlackestKnight049 [2015-09-20 03:27:20 +0000 UTC]

I have some thoughts

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to Warlockguy [2015-09-20 03:40:29 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure you do!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0