BlackestKnight049 — Spooky Saturday
#abdl #babies #baby #diaper #diapered #diapers #girl #girls #halloween #mess #messing #messy #toddler #toddlers #diapering #spooptober #bodyswap #bodyswapping #messydiaper #body_swap #bodyswapped
Published: 2016-10-26 20:34:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 34276; Favourites: 94; Downloads: 0
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Description Everyone has something they fear most, whether it’s something as common as darkness and monsters or as silly as the mascot of a brand of cereal. On All Hallows Eve, the scariest time of the year, these fears become even more terrifying, bone-chilling, spine-tingling, and paranoia-perpetuating. On this night, five individuals will come face-to-face with what they fear most, and the results will be anything but pretty. Tonight, one mother’s fear will become a horrifying reality. She is smart and shrewd, two key aspects of her success as founder and head of a baby care pharmaceutical company. Her baby daughter shares several things with the woman that gave birth to her - eye color, intellect, and sarcastic wit chief among them - but is obviously not ready for such responsibility any time soon. Like with many pairs of people, one cannot help but wonder...what if you do a simple switcheroo? Let’s find out, in...Spooky Saturday!

Today was the big day! Cassidy Swallows had an important business meeting this Saturday morning. Like always, she fretted a bit, but her confidence and cool head in the face of pressure would once again win out over fear. It wasn’t so different from her school days, when she had a big test coming up, or an event to organize. No matter what happened, the brown-eyed brunette started such days waking up to the familiar sound of the nearby alarm. She would reach for her glasses and step out of bed, beginning the day with a determined outlook.

...well, she would have, if Cass could feel them on the end table. Instead, all she felt was the soft cushion she laid on, as she blindly moved her hand about with her eyes still shut.

‘I guess I can just lay here another minute or two. That’s always an option...’ Her thought was sarcastic, of course, but that didn’t make it sound any less appealing. She sighed, eyes still closed, wondering if this was going to be symbolic of her day. Soon, Cass felt that familiar urge to use the bathroom...which went away surprisingly fast. Stranger still, she felt even warmer beneath the sheets... ‘Oh, great, Cass...you’ve just wet yourself for the first time in about two decades...I’ll just have to deal with it when I...’

It was at this point that things definitely wasn’t adding up. First Cass couldn’t find her glasses, and then she had suddenly relapsed in continence by over twenty years. Now, as her eyes opened and everything came into focus, she realized something was way off. The fact that Cass could clearly see without her glasses was just half the issue; the other half was what she was looking at. “Why am I...?!” She was in her daughter’s room, sleeping in her crib. Above her was the pirate ship mobile that she had custom made, just for her two-year-old bundle of joy. On top of her were the ocean-themed sheets, around her were the bars of the crib, and beyond that were the pink-and-purple walls surrounding the room. But the greatest revelation of all was now upon her... “No...this can’t be...!”

She hadn’t swapped sleeping spots with her daughter, Cass was her daughter, in everything but mind. She threw the covers off, looked down at herself, and saw the poofy purple nightshirt she had put onto her just last night! She also saw the very bulky nighttime Playtime Pants swaddled around her, which looked like it had been thoroughly filled overnight; considering these diapers went just a bit beyond her feet, it was no ordinary accomplishment. Cass cringed as she shifted in place, hearing and feeling the squishiness beneath her, while she got into position kneeling in front of the bars of the crib.

“Wen! Wen! Awe you thewe?!” It was unsettling to hear her daughter’s voice come out of her own mouth, including the slight lisp. Cass had a horrifying thought, one that was unfortunately very likely to be true. If she was now in her daughter’s body, then...

“Lemme sleep a few more minutes!” Hearing her own voice, a voice that had barely whined at all when she had become an adult, sent chills down Cass’s spine. Or Wren’s spine, in this case.

“Wen, I need youw help! Please, sweetheawt!”

“It’s Saturday! I wanna sleep in!”

“Wen, you always sleep in!” Cass reminded, unimpressed.

“Who cares?! Just lemme sleep!”

Cass sighed, shaking her head. If her daughter wasn’t going to respond to normal communication, then she had no choice but to resort to a tactic commonly used by babies: “WAAAAAAAAHHHH!!” It surprised her just how good she was at this; then again, she was now a baby herself, so it only made sense.

“Cass! Wha...?” Wren’s trailing off hopefully meant that she realized what had happened, and sure enough, she had. “Waaaaaah! I’m...I’m old!”

“Mid-twenties isn’t old!” Cass replied, offended. “Now get ovew hewe!”

“I can’t see clearly! Ow!” The telltale sounds of Wren bumping into the walls made her mother sigh again.

“Glasses, Wen! My glasses awe on the end table!”

“I can do it without ‘em! Ouch!” Eventually, Wren (in Cass’s body) managed to stumble into the room, where she immediately regretted it. “Eeewwww! Why’s it smell so bad?!” she complained, covering her nose and mouth.

“Now you know what I have to deal with evewy mowning,” Cass replied.

“Ugh...I had no idea I stunk so bad!”

“Babies can’t smell theiw own diapews, so I get it.” She shrugged.

“D...Don’t tell me I hafta...!” Wren cringed at the mere thought.

“Yes, Wen, you hafta change youw diaper. Ow is it my diapew?”

“No! No way! That’s disgusting!” Wren shook her head, backing away from the crib.

“I’m the one who deals with it evewy day, and you don’t see me complaining! Much...”

“Please...can’t you change me yourself?” she pleaded.

“Have you evew twied changing youw own diapews?!” Cass angrily replied.

“I...I-I’m sure you can do a better job than me...” Wren gave a nervous smile.

“Wen, not only do I now lack the motow contwol to pwoperly change a diapew, but I also have the added challenge of changing a diapew that’s on myself. I’m suwe you could do a bettew job, even if it’s youw fiwst time.”

“But...this is me we’re talking about here, Cass!” she whined, picking up her mom.

“Well, now you get to see what you’we capable of, up close!” Cass crossed her arms.

Wren deeply sighed, looking at the lumpy, bulgy diaper that she had produced last night. For once in her young life, she hoped she didn’t go too much... “H...H-Here goes nothing...” Wren steeled herself, looking down at her own body lying on the changing table, especially the bottom half. She took deep breaths through her mouth, hands over the diaper tabs; Cass, meanwhile, looked upward in confidence and curiosity. She had not been in this position since she herself was about Wren’s age, and it was a feeling that was...unique, for lack of a better word.

Uggk! Mmmmph...!” Though she could not clearly see, Wren saw enough to be thoroughly disgusted and nauseated. Her face went pale as she tried her best to clean Cass up; many wipes were used in the process, and Wren came close to spewing from the front end because of the nastiness of cleaning the back end. But eventually, through endurance and resolve, the dirty job was done without any further mess created. “I’m never using a diaper ever again...” Wren spoke, strained, as she dashed RashGard onto her mom.

“Please, you’we gonna mess youwself silly once this is all ovew!” Cass replied, smirking.

“That’s if this ever ends...”

Cass was hit with a horrifying thought; what if this was a permanent change? Wren forever stuck as an adult, and her mother regressed back to toddlerdom...it was enough to make her quiver in utmost fear. “I...I-I’m suwe this’s just a one-day kinda thing, y’know?” Cass said, nervously smiling.

“Hmmm...alright! My first diaper change ever is now complete!” Wren grinned in victory, proud of her accomplishment.

“Um, Wen...” Cass, however, looked down at herself in concern. While Wren had successfully applied the daytime variant of Playtime Pants (which only came down to her ankles instead of her feet), the diaper was put on backwards.

“Oh yeah...I’m not supposed to turn you over...” Wren chuckled, blushing a bit from embarrassment.

“I told you to get my glasses, Wen!” Cass said, crossing her arms and glaring.

“I was freaked out, okay?!” Wren picked up her mom, who sighed.

“Can you please get them now, sweetheawt?”


Wren might have started the morning off making mistakes, but Cass knew it was only natural when you’re suddenly in the odd situation they found themselves in. Surely with accurate eyesight, she thought, her daughter would now be able to more competently emulate her mother for the important meeting later this morning. But of course, the first few minutes of their day just had to be a perfect reflection of what would occur. To start off with, Cass had to instruct Wren on how to use the toilet. It wasn’t that she didn’t know how to use it; rather, it was her adamant refusal to act like an adult. “Wen, you’we not weawing diapews to wowk!” Cass commanded, after finally getting her daughter onto the porcelain throne.

“But what if I have accident? I might forget to go, and...”

“You just want that cushy feeling back,” she replied, unconvinced.

“Well, that too...” Wren stuck her tongue out, unapologetic. With that out of the way, the next step was showering. Cass instructed her daughter on the mother’s routine, though the result was less than optimal; Cass’s brown hair wasn’t quite as neat and dry as it usually was, even after combing and blow-drying. Not to mention the difficulty of tying said hair into a short ponytail...

“You’ll have to do without it, Wen. Thewe’s not enough time...” Cass sighed, shaking her head.

“Good! This stupid thing’s a nightmare!” Wren replied, tossing the hair scrunchie aside in frustration. Step three in morning preparation was picking an outfit, in which Cass hoped would go just a bit more smoothly than the previous two steps. Unfortunately, Wren proved to be fussy yet again. “Why can’t I wear this, Cass?!” she whined, holding up a pink T-shirt.

“Because it’s not pwofessional, Wen...” Cass spoke, sighing, one hand over her forehead.

“But all your purple suits are dull! Can’t I wear something a bit more...me?”

“You’we dwessing fow me, wemembew? You can weaw the pink shiwt when you come home.”

Begrudgingly, Wren complied, donning a dark purple suit and matching pants. Finally, before heading off to work, came the most important meal of the day. Cass was almost certain that, with her experience and instruction combined with Wren’s decent knack for cooking (having only ever used an Easy Bake oven), that breakfast would be a cinch. Her hopes were dashed to bits once again, as she had forgotten that Wren wasn’t so good at the art of multitasking. Thus, the bacon ended up being burnt and the eggs undercooked. “Don’t look at me like that!” Wren complained to her annoyed mother. “I’m not used to having motor control!”

“It’s weally not that hawd...” Cass sighed yet again, resting her head on her hands on the highchair’s tray.

“At least the toast came out okay...” Wren spoke, nervously smiling.

“I’m glad thewe’s something edible!” her mom said, taking a bite out of her breakfast. “But you need mowe than toast...”

“Waffles, then!” Wren replied, short, placing two into the toaster.

“Good enough...” Cass shrugged.

“Ugh...” Her daughter sat down, slumping. “This grownup stuff is really hard!”

“I know, sweetie, but you’we doing okay...” Cass gave her a comforting smile.

“I guess...” Wren sighed. “I still don’t know what to do during this meeting...or what it’s even about...”

“That’s why I’m gonna tell you!” Cass went over the various details of the meeting, and Wren tried her best to take notes in-between bites of toast and waffles, and sips of coffee (which she found disgusting, even with cream and sugar). However, with every other sentence that Cass said, Wren had questions to ask for further clarification. Even with Cass constantly insisting that there wasn’t enough time to go over every last detail, Wren wanted to be absolutely prepared. Cass, meanwhile, had to get used to being carried around and having cushy undergarments on her lower half. If there was one good thing to come of this, it was to experience firsthand that her product was functioning as intended, even when backwards.

“Ahhh!” As it turned out, she would also test out just how well it could hold in a mess. Out of nowhere, Cass was hit with a stomach cramp, which quickly faded as she uncontrollably emptied into her Pants. A part of her wanted to resist the eruption down below, but she knew it would have been pointless; thus, all she could do was turn a deep shade of red as the diaper beneath her warbled and expanded. “Oh...” Cass looked downward at her diaper upon completion, seeing the damage she had just done. It was definitely the usual business when it came to her daughter.

“Heh heh!” Wren snickered. “Now you’re the little stinker in this house!”

“I-I nevew knew how hawd it was to contwol it...”

“And that’s why I’m staying in diapers for another two or three years!” Wren grinned, proudly nodding.

“We’ll see about that...” Cass replied, pouting. “Now, could you change me again?”

“Oh no, little lady!” Wren spoke, adopting a motherly tone. “You’re not getting changed just yet!”

“What?! Why not?!” Cass angrily asked as she was picked up by the armpits, her messy diaper sagging a fair bit.

“Playtime Pants can hold another mess or two, and Mommy’s got a big meeting today! You’ll just have to wait until she comes home later!” Wren placed Cass into the living room playpen, where she grabbed onto the net and glared upward.

“Wen, please be good today!” she pleaded.

“Awww, don’t worry sweetie!” Wren condescendingly spoke, patting her mom on the head. “Mommy’s been doing this for longer than you’ve been alive! She can take care of things juuuust fine!”

“I’m sewious!”

“And so am I,” Wren added, smirking. “Now, Mommy’s got to catch a taxi and get to work!” She quickly went upstairs, as Cass grumbled and clenched the netting in rage. Before too long, Wren came back down, briefcase in one hand and a diaper in the other.

“Put that diapew back!” Cass demanded. “You’we too old for that!”

“Says the little girl with a poopy diaper on her butt!” Wren retorted, sticking her tongue out. “Bye-bye!”


And with that, Wren left the house, leaving Cass alone with an icky diaper strapped around her waist. She sighed in defeat, shaking her head in utmost despair. Whether this lasted for a single day or for the rest of their lives, one thing was certain in her mind:

“...I’m finished...”
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Comments: 11

mh512862 [2019-03-06 08:07:33 +0000 UTC]

a very funny switch of things.  I wish that would happen to me sometimes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MarcytheYokaiVampire [2016-11-24 04:53:20 +0000 UTC]

I really hope there's a part two, even if it is a Halloween story!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to MarcytheYokaiVampire [2016-11-24 20:03:37 +0000 UTC]

It's not on my priority list, but I might expand on this idea one day...

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

MarcytheYokaiVampire In reply to BlackestKnight049 [2016-11-25 07:34:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RachafX [2016-10-31 06:07:12 +0000 UTC]

This is the first hilarious abdl story I've ever seen. 😂😂😂😂😂😂

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to RachafX [2016-10-31 21:03:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Glad you loved it!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ABDL868686 [2016-10-26 22:51:52 +0000 UTC]

This was great, you should continue the story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to ABDL868686 [2016-10-26 22:59:10 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I might expand on this idea one day.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Cyatommorrow [2016-10-26 21:29:52 +0000 UTC]

I like the role reversal. I hope that the baby isn't driving. Hopefully she'll take the bus or a yellow cab. Nonetheless, great job! 

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

BlackestKnight049 In reply to Cyatommorrow [2016-10-26 21:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Wren's definitely hitching a cab to work! Thank you!

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Cyatommorrow In reply to BlackestKnight049 [2016-10-26 22:03:07 +0000 UTC]

No problem, Knight. I always enjoy reading your stories!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0