DarkAlchemistNinja — DANquotes 37
Published: 2019-08-20 21:45:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 4586; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 0
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Description 04:04:33 PM Do you guys think that someone has made a pogo stick that has a dildo at the top of it? Must have happened right?

06:05:12 PM Druideacht: So... on your Lime-Green suit
06:05:29 PM I could only find a size 3 times smaller than what you are... will that be an issue?
06:06:09 PM
06:06:29 PM * DaringBlitz couldn't afford the copyright-tangent agreement for the auto-fitting tech that the PowerRangers' suits use
06:06:58 PM Turns out, I blew our budget (and 100 times that) on the mech.
06:08:54 PM But each cabin has a combination hookah and coffee maker, that also makes julienne fries!!!

Yuya: whenever i hear wierd noises around here regardless of if cat or something supernatural my instictual catchphrase is 'whatever it is you're doing, i'm 90% sure you should stop'
Kuramababe:  Sounds legit XD
Shar:  Ghost or cat pooping? Either way you should probably stop.

08:54:54 PM * Druideacht :situpon: RunikBlitz
08:56:23 PM Hey
08:56:38 PM fine i see how irate
08:56:42 PM ...
08:56:42 PM No man I'll just talk about the Facebook movie all day shit man you have to be so interested in the shit i have to say about the facebook movie fuck dude I just watched it a year and a half ago fuck jesse eisenberk man he fucked over spiderman crazy winklevoss twins rowing. Trent resin oar did the soundtrack fuck this guy who invented facebook i don't like die i can't think of who the fuck invented facebook all i can think is the guy who played the guy who invented facebook WHO THE FUCK INVENTED FACEBOOK!!?
08:56:47 PM irate?
08:56:51 PM *i rate
08:57:03 PM DarkAlchemistNinja: MARK ZUCKERBURG!!!
08:57:07 PM :lel:
08:57:30 PM and was that at me or druid? or both?
08:57:34 PM druid
08:57:49 PM * DaringBlitz slaps Druideacht for not acknowledging DAN

10:01:00 PM here it comes and its not crumbs its kinda runny not so yummy it everywhere even in my hair but i don't care because i'm a bear with underwear.
10:01:36 PM I....
10:01:53 PM well that's stuck in my head

[10:57 AM] Sharingan Sannin:
'so what do you want me to be to you, Yuri?... A father figure?'
"a brother? a friend?"
-noncommittal noise-
"a boyfriend then... I'll do my best."
- Yuri!!! On ICE episode 4 -

10:11:57 PM ** BaronVonJohnJon has joined
10:12:02 PM so I did the demo...
10:12:06 PM the walk those guys walk though...
10:12:24 PM Not sure whether to be impressed or annoyed
10:12:32 PM you're late to the demo
10:12:35 PM lol
10:12:43 PM there's a month long of events in the demo you have to wait for now
10:12:55 PM and i just laugh at team skull at this point
10:12:59 PM no point being annoyed
10:13:06 PM won't change anything
10:13:21 PM it's so weird tho...
10:13:25 PM is it like... a condition
10:13:40 PM it's called the 'wannabe gangsta' virus.
10:13:46 PM quite uncurable
10:13:53 PM what do you mean about month long of events
10:14:04 PM talk to LITERALLY everyone
10:14:09 PM oh man... so many people have that

05:13:28 PM ** DaPineapple has joined
05:15:13 PM ** DaPineapple has left [killed: my finger slipped]
05:15:17 PM ** DaPineapple has joined

05:22:32 PM AustralAnima: it probably was RunikBlitz or Druiditch that mentioned me.
05:23:01 PM One o' them, yeah.
05:23:11 PM I AM DYING
05:23:43 PM One-Man-Party: *Druideacht
05:24:18 PM DarkAlchemistNinja: thank you

02:15:00 PM i am groot.
02:23:22 PM ** Lady-Ra has joined
02:47:30 PM Lady-Ra: DAN is groot again.
02:47:39 PM i am groot.
02:47:54 PM I am Groot
02:48:01 PM Oh god, it's contagious.
02:48:32 PM Quick, we need to burn the bodies before it spreads

07:00:07 PM Solrock's cry >.>
07:04:49 PM Lady-Ra: Sounds like someone doing that thing where they whip their finger up and down along the lips.
07:05:00 PM What the hell is that even called? Does it even have a name!?
07:05:21 PM i knoooooooow
07:05:24 PM and i dont think so
07:05:32 PM But I just did it and it sounds exactly like that thing except without the distortion.
07:06:08 PM XD
07:06:12 PM :rofl2:
07:06:33 PM Face flap, wabba wabba, dweeberlips, bubba wubba, elderberry, boysenberry, mumble rumble, kazoo kiss, flubber de dub, bagel-facing, flubbering.
07:06:46 PM What the fuckity hell
07:06:50 PM o.o
07:06:58 PM Those are apparently various names for it.
07:07:01 PM b...bagel-facing?
07:07:15 PM But there's no official name for it as far as I can see.
07:07:28 PM Lady-Ra: Apparently... :u

[5:53:56 PM] ScreamoShaymin: honestly, I just need vid.me content
[5:54:04 PM] Sharingan Sannin (Minami): ah.
[5:56:20 PM] Sharingan Sannin (Minami): if you don't care about what said content is I can record something dirty and upload it on your account.
[5:57:38 PM] ScreamoShaymin: can't upload porn
[5:57:56 PM] Sharingan Sannin (Minami): did I say porn? look at where your mind goes immediately, sir I take offense to that.
[5:58:55 PM] ScreamoShaymin: something dirty is usually nsfw
[5:59:08 PM] Sharingan Sannin (Minami): rude. my car is filthy

06:49:31 PM Shit...
06:53:35 PM If you insist...
06:53:44 PM brb
06:53:51 PM lol
06:54:00 PM o.o

11:18:52 PM DaringBlitz: so i'm in planning with my friend to create a Kender who has Uchiha powers and carries a Death Note but has no idea what the hell the notebook even does.
11:19:20 PM he wants a kender with that, or that's your kender?
11:19:29 PM thats my kender
11:19:37 PM O.O
11:20:07 PM and he's the DM?
11:20:13 PM She is the DM yes.
11:20:17 PM she, sorry
11:20:38 PM we're trying to make my kender as clumsily powerful as possible just to piss off my brother
11:21:01 PM Well, if she Okays it...
11:21:27 PM like instead of writing names in the death note, every time he takes it out he just starts a grocery list, gives everyone a panic attack and then gets distracted.
11:21:55 PM Somewhere in the world, veggies begin dying of heart attacks.
11:21:59 PM 'milk, eggs, water.... is that a dime?'
11:25:42 PM and then he'll accidentally activate a one tomoe Sharingan and be like 'whoa cool i can spit fire' and then set himself on fire.

[08:02] DoomGuySenpai: I wont own plants
[08:02] DoomGuySenpai: there was one time i had gotten a cactus
[08:02] Sothe:
[08:02] DoomGuySenpai: watered it for the first time since i got it in 3 months
[08:02] Sothe: rip ficus 2k15
[08:03] DoomGuySenpai: it exploded...like litereally exploded, there were juices on the walls
[08:03] Sothe: that's am azing
[08:03] Sothe: I need this cactus you speak of
[08:03] DoomGuySenpai: right? xD Im not allowed to own plants anymore ;;

02:57:42 PM =A= I need pain
02:57:57 PM painkillers* :I ...welp, that was an interesting point to accidentally hit enter
03:03:58 PM .-.
03:07:38 PM ScreamoShaymin: I NEED PAAIN!

09:53:30 PM whats the code for Magearna
09:54:11 PM 8675309
09:54:20 PM ty

Lucifer - TFW you're looking for shit to watch on Netflix and make the realization that both DRRR and X2 are on Netflix.
Headless - xDDD
Dus - watch the series of unfortunate events plz
Sk - That's what they said....DRRR
Lucifer - HA

05:19:34 PM I'm gonna go to bed and then go poop.
05:19:36 PM uh.
05:19:39 PM switch those.
05:19:50 PM my head hurts...
05:19:52 PM thats probably best
05:19:57 PM don't poop in the bed.
05:20:02 PM hehehehehehe
05:20:02 PM hehehehehehe
05:20:09 PM I DO WAD I WANT!
05:20:16 PM do wad huh?
05:20:21 PM its your mess i guess

02:15:29 PM DarkAlchemistNinja: you think my english is bad. . . my sister JUST said " Ive done did my research on that"
02:15:53 PM she brakes even my little english
02:20:02 PM ah i recognize that cadence of speaking.
02:20:08 PM tis called 'redneck'
02:20:13 PM meaning no disresepct to your sister at all
02:20:19 PM oh no
02:20:28 PM she very red neck
02:21:16 PM LovelyKohai: years of watchign Larry the Cable Guy have made me fluent in Redneck-ese
02:21:53 PM >.>
02:22:36 PM LOL
02:22:45 PM redneck-ese XDDDDD
02:22:49 PM
02:23:16 PM XDD

07:55:49 PM LoverBestBuddy: so my brain just had a random thought while i'm rping a scene between a catboy and a vampire....
07:56:51 PM LoverBestBuddy: Is fuckng a vampire considered necrophelia?
07:56:56 PM pretty much
07:57:02 PM but how bout this
07:57:15 PM would fucking a catboy be zoophilia?
07:57:29 PM brb
07:57:40 PM not in this case, no. because he's not in cat form.
07:57:54 PM technicalities dan
07:57:59 PM
07:59:00 PM Gareth: i would never have sex in my cat form. -huffs- rude.
07:59:30 PM ...my brain should be donated to science when i die... that is if they can find it.
07:59:46 PM DarkAlchemistNinja: i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/n…    
08:00:27 PM pft
08:00:44 PM o.o;;
08:01:37 PM it's been missing for quite a while..

01:41:44 PM ** PeachyParfaits has joined
01:41:44 PM Hi! Welcome to #ThePokemonGuild ! Please read the Rules and have fun chatting!
01:42:25 PM McDonald's has strawberry parfaits
01:42:27 PM >.>
01:42:44 PM ** PeachyParfaits has left [connection closed]

07:08:51 PM WAKE UP EVERYONE!!!!
07:09:04 PM I'm in a bit of a theory-crafting mood...
07:09:08 PM and I like opinions
07:09:36 PM * DaringBlitz covers his ears, "WHEN I STARTED YELLING I DID MEAN FOR OTHERS TO START YELLING TOO!!!!"
07:09:43 PM
07:09:47 PM vicoden land
07:09:53 PM
07:10:11 PM I was about to ask... "Who is Vicoden?"
07:10:20 PM HA
07:10:59 PM Vicoden.... Vincent.... My brain built a bridge.... without a reason....
07:11:09 PM lol
07:11:20 PM lol
07:11:37 PM But... I want an opinion on 'Secret Skill Rolls'.
07:11:47 PM don't add too much wasabi
07:12:14 PM These are basically skill checks that, rather than the players rolling, the DM rolls so the players dont know what the roll is.
07:13:14 PM lol DarkAlchemistNinja

07:54:14 PM * Koharu-Harubi only now realize she's being slept on.
07:59:21 PM Koharu-Harubi: Cat?
08:00:08 PM No Druideacht is sleeping on me.
08:00:38 PM >.> I fail to see the difference.

07:17:29 PM AustralAnima: i had Toro sashimi
07:17:37 PM and salmon of course
07:18:00 PM or... maybe not.
07:18:27 PM Do the toro shimmy
07:18:58 PM sa-sa-sa-shimmy
07:19:12 PM :rofl2:
07:19:14 PM i've missed you.
07:19:16 PM wierdo
07:19:32 PM I've missed me too
07:19:40 PM Really dunno where I am.
07:20:02 PM Think I'm over somewhere... over... I... OK, I dunno.

DAN: on crunch time with cosplay for detour atm and we just got a new swearing machine.
Tenko: LMAO!!! I was gonna be like, "Where'd you get it, and where can I get one?"

DAN: soo i just said 'demon genital Lucifer'...
Kuramababe: oh? what do demon genitals look like, Lucifer?
DAN: Gee, Ashiya, i think you'd know better than me based on how far your head resides up Maou's ass.
Kuramababe: HOW RUDE!
RaRa: ... can't say he's lying, Ashiya...

Hiei (Yuya): excalibur ............... WHY
Excalibur: FOOL
Death the Kidd (Yuya): GO FUCK YOURSELF
Excalibur: D: FOOL
Death the Kidd (Yuya): don't make me turn into Hiro
Excalibur: ;-;
Death the Kidd (Yuya):i will
CircusMonster: ;-;

Tas: 'I found it, by the way; while you guys were all messing around locking me out of rooms (aka fighting for their lives).'
Everyone else in his party: 'found what?'
Tas: -look of exhasperated patience- 'what have we come all this way to find? the Dragon Orb!'

05:46:15 PM Ah... food.
05:49:21 PM Food is my only source of nutrition
05:51:50 PM food is merely entertainment for me.
05:51:59 PM i get my nutrients through photosynthesis
05:52:28 PM I get my nutrients through parasitic development
05:53:31 PM i get my nutrients through psionicly sucking the energy from others.
05:54:32 PM i made my hypothetical bed, now i must lie in it
05:54:33 PM >.> how the hell you even say that shit
05:55:12 PM that. shit.
05:55:13 PM
05:55:16 PM -shot-
05:55:19 PM pft
05:55:42 PM gunned down by a pun-down
05:55:50 PM er
05:55:54 PM that wasn't a pun
05:56:54 PM nope that was me being a hyper-literal jackass

08:00:08 PM * ZoeyLowe is away. [is gone for sleep and achool]

Raistlin Orniphicus - Yesterday at 8:18 PM
pukes half-digested permits onto xin Invictus Grey
Xin Invictus Grey - Yesterday at 9:56 PM
cleans up after raistlin Orniphicus  GO TO HOTH!!! NOW!

03:09:33 PM [#1715] Which chemical element with atomic number 58 is the most common lanthanide metal, noted for its stable oxidisation states that do not oxidise water?
[ Category: Science ] [ Hits: 11 ] [ Misses: 26 ]
Clock by BoffinbraiN
You have 35 seconds to answer!
    Use !hint for a hint!
03:09:43 PM !hint
03:09:43 PM Here's a hint: ----um [1 word]
03:09:59 PM Anyone? 10 seconds remaining!
:trivia: by Psychodesignz

03:09:59 PM Here's a hint: c---um [1 word]
03:09:59 PM motherfuckium
03:10:02 PM that is NOT HELPFUL

03:49:29 PM that’s no good, it doesn’t have luposlipophobia
03:50:05 PM which of course is fear of being chased round the kitchen table by a timber wolf while wearing socks on a freshly-polished floor

04:28:12 PM [#1074] What is the capital of Iran?
[ Category: Capitals ] [ Hits: 18 ] [ Misses: 16 ]
Clock by BoffinbraiN
You have 35 seconds to answer! Use !hint for a hint!
04:28:29 PM irun
04:28:36 PM !hint
04:28:36 PM Here's a hint: t----- [1 word]
04:28:38 PM Anyone? 10 seconds remaining!
:trivia: by Psychodesignz

04:28:38 PM Here's a hint: ----a- [1 word]
04:28:50 PM No one got that one!
04:28:50 PM Acceptable answers were:
04:28:50 PM Next question in 10 seconds!
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