Digint — Full Of Crimson: Chapter 1, Childhood
#alphonseelric #edwardelric #fma #fullmetalalchemist #fmab #fullmetalalchemistbrotherhood
Published: 2016-11-02 21:10:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 101; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description “Mom?”
Trisha felt a tugging at her side. She turned to see a small blonde child holding onto her gown. She smiled “Good morning Edward”

The boy continued looking up innocently, with his tired eyes. “What’s for breakfast?” The young boy questioned. He interrupted himself with a yawn as tears welled up, just to be wiped away. He continued “Al is bothering me cause he’s hungry”

Trisha picked the boy up and gave him a kiss on the forehead. She held him close in her arms and answered her son “We’re going to have oatmeal sweetie” Trisha giggled “We always do”. With one more kiss she put the boy back on the ground and continued with making breakfast. “It won’t be done for a while though, so go play outside for a bit”. She heard the young boy run down the hall calling out to his brother.

“Mom says we’re gonna have oatmeal Al!” The eldest brother ran smiling to his younger brother.
“Is it the good sweet kind?” Alphonse asked curiously.

“It’s the same thing we have EVERYDAY Al gosh!” Ed remarked pretending he too knew it was the same from the beginning. He let his know it all face form into a smile “But mom says it’s gonna be a bit!” Ed grinned, “So that means we get more time with the swing!” He exclaimed excitedly as he ran to the yard.

“Wait!” the younger brother called out, “You got to use it first last time brother!” Alphonse ran after his brother as they began to argue over the swing.

Trisha could hear the cute banter between the brothers as they played and waited for their breakfast to be made. She couldn’t help but let out a laugh. She was happy. They were happy. The sun couldn’t shine any brighter for them she thought. She had her family, her friends, and her life she always wanted.

“That will be 2,115 Cenz sir!” The man at the counter chirped.

“Hmmm that’s cheaper than usual.” Hohenheim replied. “Is there a sale today?”

“Ah! Yes, we have a sale on our breads today!”

“Well then, maybe I should get more! Don’t want Trisha thinking I missed something” He chuckled.

“How is Trisha? You know… after…” the man hesitated, knowing this subject was a heavy one.

“She is doing much better. It has been 4 years since then. Why haven’t you asked sooner?”
“I… Just wanted to let you two have your personal space!” The store clerk replied nervously. “I just couldn’t imagine having to go through something like that!” he paused, “Also from what I’ve heard, she never leaves the house anymore.”

Hohenheim stopped for a second and then continues. “That’s because she has her loving husband to do needless errands for her!” He grinned.

“Well she better get some fresh air soon! You’re leaving for that studying trip soon aren’t you?” The man asked.

“… yes, yes I am” Hohenheim tone suddenly got serious, it quickly shifted into a fake smile as he waved goodbye to the clerk. As he walked the dirt path he couldn’t help but think. “Would she be ok? She has told me countless times it was fine… she understood… but can I really just leave her?” He had thoughts like this all the way home. By the time he arrived, the sun had almost set upon the hills that surrounded their little house.


Hohenheim snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Trisha scream. It was a blur as he ran into the house to see something horrible.

It was Edward, their eldest child. With a dead cat in his hands. The blood dripped off his fingers and down to his elbows, with an innocent smile on his face. His arms were extended as intending to give it to his mother.

Trisha looked pale and frozen in place with terror. “Ed…Ed h-honey…” She could barely speak the words she needed so desperately at that moment.  “Oh… oh dear…”

“Edward!” Hohenheim called out at him. “Put that thing DOWN!”

The boy suddenly look confused, But did as his father told him to.

“Go to your room NOW!” Hohenheim demanded.

Edward winced as his father yelled at him. He dejectedly trudged back to his room.

Hohenheim attention turned to his lover. “Trisha dear!” he grabbed her and held her close. “Are you ok?” Whenever she nodded, He let out a sigh of relief.

“Why… why did he…” She started.

“Sssssshhhhhhhh” He silenced her calmly. “It’s ok Trisha, he’s just a boy he doesn’t know better.” He kept hushing her until her body calmed. “That’s why we’re here. To help them learn what’s right from wrong.” He reassured her. After Trisha had calmed down, he took care of the mess on the floor. He wondered if Ed did this to the beast, or if he found it like this and wanted to show his mother. He hope it was the latter, but there was only one way to find out. After he took care of the dead cat, he headed into his children’s bedroom. “Edward” he said coldly.

“….” The young boy remained silent.
“Where did you find that thing?”

“I didn’t find it” Ed replied quietly “I killed it.”

Hohenheim felt like he had been sucker punched in the gut. His little boy killed it? “Why, Edward…” He asked.

“Because it was annoying me, so I tore it apart.” He said it with such sincerity and innocence, it was sickening.

“Edward, you must never do this again, you scared your mother to death!”

The young boy then became distressed to hear this information. “I scared mom?” He clutched the bed in anger. “I... I’m sorry..” Edward began to tear up. “I don’t wanna scare mommy!”

“Don’t apologize to me” Hohenheim told his son, “Apologize to your mother.”

The blonde boy nodded and ran out of the room. Hohenheim let a sigh of relief go from his body. His son was ok, everything would be ok. He told himself he didn’t know what would possessed the boy to do such a thing, but that was a lie. For every time he saw the top of the child’s arm… he was reminded by the sign of the devil itself.

“Why were they angry at me” Edward wondered out loud. “Why weren’t they proud of me, why did it scare mom?”

“It did look kinda gross brother” His younger brother stated. “Maybe you should make it look better next time.”

“Nah, Dad told me NEVER do it again”

“Well you better not then!”

“Oh really? Cause I didn’t just say that Al!” Ed got up from laying in his bed. “I’m going to play outside!” The eldest ran out of the room.

“Wait brother! Lemme go too!” The younger one hurried after him trying to get on the same pace.
They both ran out to the hillside playing and laughing.

“You can’t catch me Al!“ Ed giggled, “You’re a slow dummy!” Ed ran from his now angry little brother, laughing at his distress and want to catch up to him.


Ed turned to his brother had tripped over one of the tree roots and watched as he rolled down the hill. His younger brother started crying, and mother came out to help him. Ed cautiously went down the hill after him, trying not to make the same mistake Al did.

“Oh honey you have scrap on your knee!” Their mother said concernedly. “Here just let me-“ Before she could finish grabbing a bandage, the wound was covered in red sparks, as it healed itself. “I… oh my…”

“It’s k momma!” Al smiled, “It gets better by itself!” He then quickly got up and rushed at his older brother. “I’m gonna get you!” He ran once more giving chase to Edward.

“Yeah right!”

The mother looked at them play in dumbfounded confusion. It was almost settled in, but she refused to view them that way. They were her children… but… between the cat, and this…. What exactly did Hohenheim do to bring their children back?
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