Dudemon — Digimon MMD Amethyst Guild: Izanamon Nami Mode

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Published: 2023-11-22 02:18:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 2547; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 6
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"We who invite"

In the timeless expanse of creation, I, Izanamon Nami Mode, emerged as a deity from the swirling forces of the universe. Alongside my beloved husband and divine counterpart, Izanamon Nagi Mode, our sacred mission was to shape the world, to bring life to the barren cosmos.

From the heavenly heights, we descended to the earthly realm, standing upon the bridge between heaven and earth. With the divine spear Ame no Sakahoko, we stirred the vast oceans, and as our ethereal essence met the earthly waters, the Digital Areas took form beneath our touch. Each island, every contour, was a testament to our love and cooperation, a living testament to the beauty of our creation.

“Ah…this must be my destiny”

As we embarked on the grand canvas of creation, my husband and I stood as celestial parents, gazing upon the world we had birthed. From our heavenly vantage point, we watched with delight as our creations, like children in a distant playground, frolicked and revelled in the marvels of existence. It was a time of boundless joy and profound sorrow, emotions swirling within me like a tempest, for we were the mortal's shepherds, guiding them through the labyrinth of life. 

And as time unfurled like the delicate petals of a cosmic flower, my beloved husband and I made a solemn decision, one that defied our divine origins and power of creation. We resolved to create life, not through the power of our divine might, but through the undying love that bound our souls.

The union of our hearts, a cosmic dance of passion, gave rise to a new beginning, a testament to the purity of love and the gift of life. In that sacred moment, the universe itself seemed to hold its breath, as if acknowledging the extraordinary power of love that defied all expectations and limitations.

But our euphoria was not to last, for the hands of tragedy soon reached out to touch our lives. When I, gave birth to the fiery god Hi-no-Kagutsuchi, the flames of his birth consumed me. The searing pain, an inferno of torment, engulfed me, burning me from within. The agonizing flames devoured my essence, leaving me a charred, smoldering husk. In that agonizing crucible, my ethereal beauty was reduced to ashes, and my once-glorious form lay in ruins.

By the time I opened my eyes, I was no longer within the realm of the living. I descended into the underworld, Yomi Area, a realm where the eternal night reigned and death held sway. The connection that had once bound me to the world above was severed, as if the heavens themselves had cast me adrift in this desolate realm. I realized, with a heavy heart, that I had been chosen by Yomi, singled out by the Area itself to be its god, its keeper. The chains that bound me here were unbreakable, a metaphysical tether that wrapped around my soul, binding me to this land of perpetual night.

Yet I persevered. I knew that my husband will find me, no matter what.

“Nagi….I will be waiting for you”

Driven by love and longing, my beloved husband eventually ventured into the land of Yomi. In the realm of shadows, where silence reigned and the cold grip of death held sway, he sought to reunite with me, to shatter the abyss that divided us. But the encounter in Yomi, the reunion he so fervently desired, was not what he had envisioned. The sight of my scarred and withered form, my once-divine visage now reduced to a ghostly specter, surprised him. The radiant goddess he had known was transformed into a haunting wraith, a testament to the cruel toll that Yomi had exacted upon me. Yet, the kind and gentle words from his mouth convinced me that he still loved me, regardless of the form I took. He pulled my hand towards him for an embrace….

…. until he screamed. My flesh, my soul, and my essence as the guardian of Yomi immediately try to consume his entire being. He shoved me away, with an expression I had never seen before.






….and Hate.

I know that my husband wasn’t being himself. The oppressive influence of Yomi, the sinister grip of that dreaded realm, had twisted his very essence, warping his actions and obscuring his love for me. I knew, with a heavy heart, that he still harbored affection for me, but it was as if a malevolent force had come between us, orchestrating a sinister dance of separation. The knowledge that our love was still alive, buried beneath the shadows of Yomi's influence, only deepened my despair. I felt betrayed, as if the universe itself had conspired to wrench my beloved from my grasp. I was rejected, not by choice, but by a cruel fate that was beyond my control. 

The burning anger within me smoldered like a firestorm. I was fuming, my heart aflame with indignation and a profound sense of injustice. The once-unbreakable bond between us had been shattered, and I was livid, consumed by a fiery wrath that roared within me, fueled by the bitter taste of a love unjustly denied.

“WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?! WHY?!”

I chased after him, yet he continued to run from me. The frantic pursuit through the realm of shadows only served to intensify my despair and anger. With each fleeting step he took, each fleeting glance he cast over his shoulder, seemed to stoke the seething tempest within me, a tempest of emotions that threatened to consume me.

Yet, as I extended my desperate reach towards him, he managed to break free of Yomi's suffocating grasp, emerging into the world of the living. With a heavy heart and a final, mournful gaze, he sealed the entrance to that wretched abyss, a colossal boulder blocking the passage back to the underworld. 

I was left standing alone at the precipice, the weight of the unyielding boulder symbolizing the culmination of my despair, a stark reminder of a love forever lost to the darkness.


“Then….a thousand and five hundred shall be born each day. Each day, new life shall continue to fill this world…. The world that we both created…. This is….our oath, Nami. I….”

I could hear it in his voice. In the deepest part of my heart, I knew that he regretted his action. He did not mean for any of this to happen. He just wanted me to return by his side. He still love me….

We both still love each other….

For a moment, my mind cleared up. The seething hatred that had been boiling within me just seconds ago, like molten lava, had momentarily abated. In that respite, I yearned to respond to him, to utter the words that would bridge the unfathomable chasm between us. I ached to hear his voice, to see his face once more, to touch the love that had once bound us in an unbreakable bond.

But I knew deep down that this was no ordinary moment. It was a sinister ruse, a deceitful illusion orchestrated by the malevolent influence of Yomi Area, a trickster that aimed to ensnare my beloved and corrupt the world we had painstakingly created together. I could not, I must not, allow my husband to fall victim to this artifice, for the fate of our world, our creation, hung in the balance.

And so, with a heavy heart and a silent resolve, I chose the path of restraint. I dared not harm the very world that we had nurtured, the legacy of our love. I remained silent, pretending that I had dissolved into the shadows. It was a painful act, one that was borne of love's deepest sacrifice.

As my husband stood there, his voice calling out into the void, my love for him, though buried beneath the shroud of silence, remained an indomitable force. A tear, unbidden, traced a path down my cheek, lost in the darkness, as I hoped against hope that he would leave, carrying our shared love with him, untarnished by the wiles of Yomi.

The continued silence in the air convinced me that my husband had finally left me. The creeping influence of the Yomi Area came crawling back inside my mind again, turning me back into its guardian deity. I understood that after this, I, Izanamon Nami Mode, will cease. All that will be left is my body, bounded forever by the unholy mud of the Yomi Area.

I am….Izanamon Nami Mode. 

The wife of the creation god, Izanamon Nagi Mode.

The cursed goddess of death

I am…

“She who invites”.

Izanamon Nami Mode by
Izanamon Nami Mode MMD model by

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