Galron2 — Kingdom of Onendarien: Vampire OC [NSFW]
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Description Salieri Supporter:

Name: “Noire” or Lady Elena Noire

Age: 23

Race/Species: Human (Vampire)

Gender: Female

Physical Appearance: Pale skin, eye colour changes between blue and red depending on situation, beautiful face, and small lips. Black hair, tied, in a bun in public, but in a pony-tail or left long and down in battle etc. Fringe at the front is short, but for a small parting of hair that hangs slightly over her right eye. Small breasts, nice hips, strong build but graceful; stands around 5 foot 10 or a little more.
Clothing: Long sleeve white silk shirt, black under the arm bodice, not too tight to inhibit movement. Black short skirt in meetings and combat, dark purple in public; black leggings and high-heeled boots, but don’t have any effect on speed of movement, and sturdy, difficult to break. Also, black leather belt, with a silver bat with extended wings on the buckle.
Equipment (when preparing for real combat): Black steel armour, women’s breastplate, pauldrons, and gauntlets with sharp studded knuckles; shoulder pauldrons have spikes on them. She wears a black skirt, leggings and high-heeled boots, rather than leg armour and sabatons.

Personality: Faithful and Loyal to her cause, cunning, a brilliant mind, gentle and caring, but to only a trusted few. Otherwise, hard, commanding presence. She is of course a Vampire, and this calls for blood drinking, but she will not feed on people she likes, only those she hates, or else something she hunts.

History: Elena Noire was once Lord Salieri’s mysterious advisor, very few knew of her existence. She served her master for many years, she had started out as the daughter of one of his Guard Captains but when her potential was recognised, she rose to the rank of Lieutenant by the age of 18. She was an intelligent, quick-thinking girl, and as a result, she was rewarded, not for serving for money and power, but for her unwavering loyalty to Salieri alone. One night, when Salieri was elsewhere, Noire discovered a would-be assassin in her lord’s room. In an attempt to chase him away and call the guards she was badly injured, the assassin escaped, his blade had been poisoned. Salieri was informed she had maybe a week to live at the most, and acted very differently to his normal self. If it had been any other servant, he’d let them die, if it was one of his inner circle, he would personally end their life. But Noire was unique, almost an apprentice and as such Salieri still required her service. He sought out every remedy as the time began to run out, until he had exhausted every attempt at healing. A Vampire Lord, by the name of Gregori Mortas came forward, offering his help as long as he chose his reward.
A deal was struck; Mortas would turn her. But when Noire was one of the living dead, Mortas requested that she be taken with him, to improve her training and teach her how to survive as one a vampire. He claimed her skills needed honing before she could return, and grudgingly Salieri let her go; but Noire was never to see her master again. She spent several years in Mortas’ castle, training, learning, adapting, until her mentor gave her permission to return to Onendarien. But on her return, she found it changed, the Lord was dead, his followers scattered or hunted like dogs, and a new king sat upon the throne. When Noire discovered the base of the die-hard Salieri cultists and what they planned, she was completely ready to do whatever she could to aid them.
Noire returned to Mortas and informed him of what had occurred, requesting that he give her anything to use and exact vengeance. Mortas had respected Salieri, and he treated Noire as a daughter; he gave her the title of Lady of his land, and the rank of Blood Knight Commander. Mortas promised that if she required aid, if the need was dire, that she should take a spell that, when its symbol is traced on a wall, it would inform Mortas that she needed him, and he would bring as many of his kind and allies to help her alone. Noire thanked her mentor and he presented her with five final gifts. The first was a mount, a Dread Stallion, black as the night, eyes as red as blood, and strong as an ox, its name was Marcel, named after a fallen vampire who had served Mortas. The second gift was a cloak, a fine one, dark purple on the outside, black within, a black bat with outward wings and a red blood drop beneath it was emblazoned on the purple. The third gift was a helmet, the Sanguine Helm, red steel, a bat wing decorating either side of the helmet like ears, and a fine helm it was, a Bascinet Avenger Helm. The fourth gift was in two parts, the first, was a pair of sunglasses, to protect her eyes in the day; and the second, an umbrella. Noire was confused until shown. The umbrella was also for sun protection, but concealed in it was a long sword – Blood Song. The last gift was special, a magic staff, obsidian coloured with a red round stone set in the top. Mortas was very proud of it; it was one of two he had, his own, the same but with a purple stone, was called the “Herald of the Night”, it served to summon vampires. The one he gave her was the “Horn of the Damned.”
“You will not return alone, Elena” Mortas had told her, lifting her chin to look up at him. “When you ride to vengeance, you shall be at the head of a force to be reckoned with, a force I have not called upon in some time, but will serve you and you alone now. Go with my approval, and may your enemies tremble with fear when the ground shakes, their water is as blood, and their food as ash.”
The following day, it was clouded, perfect time to march. With her horse saddled and packed, Blood Song at her back, covered by her cloak, and the helmet on her head, she walked a distance from the castle and with an almighty cry, stabbed the Horn of the Damned into the earth. “I summon the Legion that knows no sleep, the army that knows no fear, and the soldiers that know neither death nor pain, to serve their Lady, wielder of the Horn!”
The ground trembled and cracked; it broke and ruptured like something pulling its way from a bag. Noire mounted her horse and watched as shapes began to claw their way from the earth. Scores of the undead, skeletons, soldiers of past battles, fleshless, lifeless, fearless; the Legion of the Damned was a fearsome sight. There were all manner of weapons, dual, two-handed, weapon and shield, and archers too. Some 10 tall skeletons approached and bowed. “My Lady, we are those who have risen to lead your army, we are the Revenants, when we fall, and it is difficult to best us, it may take time, but another shall be ready to arise and carry on our duty” said the lead Revenant. The others crossed their arms at their chests and disappeared into the earth. “I am Zerash, your servant, my Lady; the army awaits your command.”
Zerash side stepped and 11 undead mounts appeared, he mounted one, and ten well armoured skeletons with lances, shields and swords mounted the others. Noire lifted the staff, “To blood and vengeance!” She cried, and a roar was the response. The army marched for a few days before finally coming to the border of the Kingdom. This border was unguarded, leading into the dark mountains and wastelands somewhere to the West of the main towns. Lady Elena Noire marched to avenge her master; she was no weak mortal, she was a Vampire, a Necromancer, wielder of the dark arts, a warrior and a commander. Her lord would return, either by her hand, or another servant, but she would do everything to protect her master’s spirit, and any who would seek to disrupt the rituals of revival would know the true meaning of fear and wrath, she would make sure of it.

Strengths: Agile and Stealthy; also fast and quick reflexes as well as great strength. As a Vampire, she can see at night very well and has a strong sense of smell and of hearing, even the lightest of footfalls. In the day, she can see, her eyes are unchanged. Noire is an experienced strategist and great tactician, capable of matching moves, as if in chess. Underestimating her combat experience is fool hardy, she is a well-trained dualist, especially with rapiers or single-handed swords.
(Note: Not to mistake her with Vampires of European legend, she does not sleep in a coffin or grave/crypt; furthermore, what would normally wound a vampire only annoys or slows her, as seen below.)    

Weaknesses: As with most Vampires, garlic is still an over-powering weapon and sunlight too can kill her and burn her skin. Silver is effective, but only to wound. Stakes work, but must be made of Ash, and driven into the heart (driven anywhere else in the chest will only prove fatal for your health as Vampires become enraged at being so close to death) Crosses and holy water don’t work, they will act only as annoyances that can be overcome. Vampires can be harmed by blessed weapons too.  
Weapons: “Horn of the Damned” – Doubles as a mace, sides can be folded over crystal to create a crenelated mace.
Blood Song – Red Steel, extremely sharp, blade also causing severe bleeding when struck with it. It doubles also as an umbrella to protect from sunlight.
Spiked/studded Gauntlets
When in ‘other’ forms – Use of teeth and claws.
Marcel, Dread Stallion – Fast and strong, equipped with horse armour, but not exactly required because he is an undead horse.

Abilities/Skills Above Average: Hypnosis – Noire can hypnotise several people to do her bidding.
Vampire Screech – Causes disorientation and loss of nerve.
Flight and Climbing – Noire can climb buildings, even flat surfaces, and can fly in human form but only for a few minutes and more in a manner of gliding.
Arcane Sorceress – Noire wields some magic, such as trapping hexes, or useful abilities such as fire balls, or temporary shields. She can also go undetected by all but the greatest masters of magical seeking and warding.
Shape Shifting – Noire can become a bat to escape or out run enemies. She can also become a dire wolf and if strong enough, summon wolves.
Life Drain – As usual, she can heal herself and gain strength through the drinking of blood.
Nightmare Form – Noire must conserve a great deal of power to assume her ultimate form; a monstrous bat, at least 7 feet tall, a couple feet taller than her human form. Her arms become great black and leathery wings, large claws, her feet become talons and her face assumes that of a bat, yet her eyes change between pure red and human on rare occasions. In this form she is a terrifying sight, and it can be tough to overcome her, extremely difficult to wound her though so large. She, once in this form can buffet people with her wings, or shred several enemies with her claws.
Spawn of the Vampire – A Vampire Lord/Lady may bite a mortal victim, but not kill them, should this occur, Vampire Spawn is what that unfortunate will become.  The Vampire Spawn are turned people, now undead slaves, but with a percentage of intelligence, enough to understand commands and just about process thoughts. They may use weapon, but are dangerous if their master is threatened; they will pin down enemies and mercilessly attack, aiming to kill, but not in the quickest way. They too drink blood, but cannot turn others. They can climb walls like their masters; however, Vampire Spawn can be harmed with most conventional vampire repelling equipment, unlike their master who can only be harmed with some silver or blessed weapons and only killed with an Ash stake in the right place.  
Finally, the “Horn of the Damned” used in two ways
The First use – It is possible to raise fallen soldiers, both good and bad, inhabiting them with a small amount of malevolent spirits. Once possessed, they serve until no-longer needed, where upon the corpses are abandoned, it takes concentration and command to control the spirits; or if the connection is broken for a length of time, the spell will fail.
Second Use – The user plunges the staff into the earth and calls upon the undead legions. Depending on the skill of the Vampire, anywhere between twenty and several hundred of these skeletons may be called.
There are some types of undead:
1 – The Skeleton warrior, armed with all manner of weapons, wearing different types of armour and helmets, sometimes carrying shields. Also skeleton missile troops can be seen such as crossbowmen, javelin throwers and archers.
2 – Undead Cavalry; simply well-armed and armoured undead horsemen, using lances, long spears, shields and swords.

3 – The Revenants; powerful undead warrior-mages, capable of using spells to impede movement, but also masters of fighting, often in heavy armour with sword and shield. Up close, they have red eyes in the sockets of their skulls, testament to how they are more powerful than their lesser counterparts. There is only ever one at any time serving as a second-in-command, but should that one fall, and it takes great skill and strategy to overcome a foe known to devastate entire squads, another is sure to be summoned soon enough to replace it.
Also, she controls a force of Vampire Spawn, armed and encased in black armour, wielding black weapons; the Black Guard. They are her elite fighters, led by a second revenant to keep them focused.  

Rank Requesting To Be In: Salieri Supporter

Sample Post: Less than a month had passed since her arrival in the dark mountains overlooking the area known as the Cataclysm Catacombs. Noire sat at a table with a large map of the kingdom spread across it. Upon it were little pieces, some representing bases, others representing troop movements. She took a rest from studying the map as her servants were doing the finishing touches on her new base. Noire closed her eyes and thought back to when she arrived here. Her forces had marched from Mortas’ realm, it took them three days to cross the dark marshes and when they finally reached their destination it was cloudy and foggy. They sighted an encampment and marched to it; it had held around thirty cultists, and they were at first terrified by the disciplined ranks of skeletons that appeared out of the mists. But when Noire came forward they led her to a secret entrance to their main base. Within, she had found many supporters preparing for war, but that was not what she wanted to see; a large chamber held preparations for a ritual, and only one objective was clear. Noire swore to the leaders of the cultists and dark mages that she would aid them.
They pointed out a location from which she could conceal her forces and simultaneously strike from. She remembered riding up a winding pass before coming to a gaping cave mouth.
“This will be perfect” she had said. After that, the skeletons went to work, carving out fortifications, battlements, walls, until it looked like a proper stronghold. Then came the inner decorations, not much, no need for any large complexes, the skeletons needed no barracks, no food hall. An armoury and a main cavern for Noire were made, and the appropriate materials were found; a couple villages disappeared from the coast of the sea, but nothing too noticeable.
Noire awoke slightly as some of her soldiers marched past the room, patrolling the corridors. Her bedroom was quite large, very much a cave in its own right. There was her dining room, her bedroom, her planning room, her own armoury and another large open space where she practiced her skills. The floors and corridors had carpets, the stone had been smoothed. To her luck, she had summoned also some past engineers and builders too with her army, and they had been great with their work once instructed.
Noire returned to something that happened only five days previous, Zerash, her loyal Revenant and lieutenant had come into her room when she had only just awoken; it was early morning.
“My apologies, my Lady, but a messenger has arrived, he looks to be part of the Cultist forces, shall I send him in?” Zerash had said, bowing.
Noire had dressed herself in a crimson and silk robe and then replied, “Yes, let him in, Zerash.”
When the messenger arrived, he did not speak, he simply bowed and handed her a scroll. When she opened it, it read –
“Lady Noire, you must help us, the forces of the false king have discovered our location and threaten everything. We have fought off a patrol, but our initial phases of the ritual must have attracted the enemy’s mage circle. We prepare to defend the ritual to our last breath, and have already recalled any roving parties to aid in further preparations. Our sorcerers are summoning beasts and abominations, and hired goblins and mercenaries too are all being placed in defensive positions; not only for us, but for any chance of His return, the presence of your army is demanded and must become reality if we are to succeed.”
Noire had taken only a short time to reply, sending the messenger back after telling him, “Tell your leader, the Legion of the Damned is coming, do not fear, it is our enemy who should be afraid.”
Now, at the present time, Noire studied the map; enemy raiding parties had discovered entrances three, seven, fifteen, and twenty-one. They quickly overran the first defending forces and pushed onwards. Some of the entrances led nowhere, the lives of the defenders sacrificed to lead the enemy on a wild goose chase. But on one occasion they had actually found a true entrance; fighting was raging in the caverns, caves and catacombs, both sides seeking to push the other back.
Noire still had yet to play her hand, but she had also given something to the cultists; a special gift. A force of vampire spawn, made from villagers or minor patrols she had turned but not killed. She forged dark steel armour and weapons, crossbows made from dark wood and serrated arrows and bolts. She encased these servants in this armour and summoned a second Revenant, known as Kerik, to lead them. Numbering around half a company, they form her Black Guard, loyal to her and her alone. She dispatched them to guard only the most vital and valued points of the Salieri supporters’ base.
Dressed in her day wear, her bodice, silk shirt, purple skirt and leggings and boots, Noire moved about her bastion. It was big, but not noisy, some skeletons conversed but it wasn’t like any normal army, they didn’t drink, nor did they eat or sleep. She did of course dig out a large area and fill it with dirt; there any skeletons she didn’t require could be laid to rest until she needed to awaken them.
She found Zerash drilling some skeletons in an open part of the cavern.
Zerash noticed her but did not halt his drills, “Mistress, the sun is up, I would advise not straying outside until later.”
“Thank you, Zerash” she replied, “but I realise that already; I came to check all was well and organised.”
“The army but awaits your command and your will shall be so” said the Revenant, ordering the skeletons to continue as he stepped aside to follow Noire.
Noire walked up some steps on the left, up onto the inner wall within the cave. Archers and guards stood around, rigid and prepared. She moved towards the light of the entrance to the outer wall, out in the sun. As she approached the door that led out to the wall and battlements, two skeletons raised an awning and followed, shading her from the deadly glare of the sun. Another servant fanned her, as a fourth brought a glass of water. Noire sipped it as she gazed out over the blackened landscape, a veritable wasteland to the left, the mountain passes and Cataclysm Catacombs ahead and below, and the Kingdom beyond the Dark Forest to the right. Noire smiled, soon these lands would know what true fear really was, and her master would return and be restored as the rightful ruler.
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Comments: 8

Draco-94 [2014-04-22 20:11:56 +0000 UTC]

I gotta say, I'm a sucker for vampiric stuff. :3 Well written.
And I know it's a poointless question but what kinda sunglasses was she given? Also, I love the belt design, as well as the bat form.
Ever watch Helsing or Hellsing Ultimate? The Vampire Spawn ability reminds me of the Ghouls from there.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Galron2 In reply to Draco-94 [2014-04-28 20:00:48 +0000 UTC]

You know, its also odd that when I click on your image that takes me to your page it says
(And below)
"Watches you"

Draco-94 watches you

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Draco-94 In reply to Galron2 [2014-04-30 08:15:34 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, you turned me on to your works, so I figured I'd keep an eye out on when new ones came up. Also, it helps me not forget to actually geting around to reading them lol.
And why do I read that comment in Allistair's voice from Dragon Age? lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Galron2 In reply to Draco-94 [2014-05-01 12:33:55 +0000 UTC]

You can do Alistair's accent? No way

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Galron2 In reply to Draco-94 [2014-04-28 19:58:02 +0000 UTC]

I've heard of Hellsing
And its not pointless
The best way to describe would be kinda square (ish) lenses
Black, with shields on the flanks of the eyes, kinda like
If you see glasses, there's the bit that bends via a hinge
Imagine the lens going from its normal position, around that corner and half way to the ear

I'll be basing a book on my demon + Vampire hunter
But enlarged
Maybe I'll upload some stuff

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Draco-94 In reply to Galron2 [2014-04-30 08:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Hellsing's awesome sauce :3
And if I'm not mistaken, that would be called goggle sides. Nice.
Sweet :3 I look forward to it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Galron2 In reply to Draco-94 [2014-05-01 12:34:24 +0000 UTC]

You have read my vampire OC right?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Draco-94 In reply to Galron2 [2014-05-29 03:21:43 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0