KuroHage — COF: Round 3- Vs. Trinity Quin

Published: 2010-04-09 08:24:12 +0000 UTC; Views: 621; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 4
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Description He remembers the eyes on him… Those eyes that see into his soul, the pure innocent soul of a child… untainted by the human blood that streams through his veins.  He hears the whispers… the calls of disdain… of what a filthy half-breed he is.  A God copulating with a human… It not only affected Kyosuke as a child, but expelled the shadow of the father Kyosuke had.
He remembers nothing of his father, only a beaming dark brunette that he assumes was his mother…  But how and why she ended up birthing him…. He cannot fathom…  The images are like old film strips, pieces cut out and missing, other's having coffee spilled on them blocking some faces out…  His mind fast-forwards, as a teenager, trying to make a living on a hellish planet… where humans cared nothing for a lost child.
Then the image of the auburn brunette, a sneer on his face and a mockery directed at him.  Having no idea of his abilities, only a rebellious teen without a family and a home, his left eye gone from a fight he picked as a child but the auburn brunette appearing blind… but then the correction comes out… The brunette isn't blind, he just walks around with a blindfold covering his eyes.
'What a freak…' Kyosuke remembers thinking.
'I heard that. It's wise not to assume… I am a telepath, you know…'
The pieces then are gone… He remembers nothing but being taken to the telepath's home, cared for, his mentality pushed to the limit in which brings out his darkness abilities.  They were teacher and mentor… when they became lovers, he can't remember.  It just coincided like they belonged together… but when the other disappeared without anything of a goodbye, Kyosuke did everything he could to get the other back… But to no avail.
He awoke with a start then, the telepath's name on his lips.
He hears the small chortle, 'You called?'
"Why are we doing this…?  Why are you running from me?"
'Would you believe if I told you I don't love you anymore?'
"Lies. You wouldn't watch over me if you didn't care."
A chuckle, 'You know me too well…Well… let's say the life of a telepath isn't all fun and games, Kyosuke-chan.'
A face of almost a pout from Kyosuke.
The other continued, 'If I touch another without focusing my thoughts, the mental overload can easily kill me… I'm getting older… My aging is that of a human… not slowed down like a demi-God's. You're difficult to kill, Kyosuke… I have a fragile life that can flicker and go out at any moment… As much as I wish to have my last breath taken by you, I cannot bear to see you in pain.'
"…Should I give up then? Give up on you?" The tone contained no emotion, dead and lifeless.
'What? You don't like our scavenger hunt?' A laugh then at the bad joke.
"Kiyoshi… you agh… asshole!"
'Love you too, baby. But keep on searching… Find me and you get a surprise…'
Kyosuke wanted to give up then and just go home, but that stubborn side of him just pulled him forward.  He was in another part of the Malakai falls, numerous lavender dogs running about, the air pure unlike the rest of Meridian.  Then an announcement from his wanted and yet unwanted roommate in his mind.
'Seems like you're wanted in the dreglands.  The other contestants are already there.'
"And now you're helping me. I will never understand you."
Nonetheless, Kyosuke called forth a void, his guard up now that the remaining contestants were there.  What met him when he left the void's protection, was a despicable place, graffiti and rotting materials which made the location's structure.  Kyosuke wrinkled his nose in distaste, the foul smell hard to get used to.
A young man… woman… transvestite… hermaphrodite… with glasses, a small girl with a torn jacket, and… crazy wacko whose chicken on outrageous growth hormones he ate.  Oh god… not him and his nutty jokes…. How did he end up out of the dimension he sent him into?  Best not to ask… Was there a wall without despicable trash he could bang his head on? No?  He settled for a facepalm.
But before words could be exchanged, before the epic four-way battle could start, a strange flying greenish demon began speaking.  A djinn he calls his species, Beezley his name… Apparently he's an announcer in Queen Freya's place.  And apparently the goddess is terribly sick, suffering from terrible convulsions and internal bleeding.  And yet she promises to give the winner a wish?  Kyosuke questions whether this isn't a guardian battle but a battle for the warrior worthy enough to kill a goddess.
The small perky girl speaks up first, "Should we split into pairs to find a way out of this place?"
The wacko is sending Kyosuke a glare. Still sore about losing Kyosuke suspects, but he ignores it, only nodding to the farce.  He isn't charitable to his opponents, not wanting to teleport the others out which would leave him tired, vulnerable.
"I fought the wacko with his hormonal growth chicken already so I guess I'll take tranny here.  Come on, she-he," Kyosuke waves the emotionless statue of a person over.
'It'd be wise not to anger her. She has power, this one… Definitely not like the last two…' Kyosuke hears Kiyoshi in his head.
'Now you tell me that.' Kyosuke snaps back in his mind through their connection.
'You know me, always late. Besides you could use some slapping around.'
Kyosuke growls under his breath, but before the battle between the two contestants can begin, a ghostly apparition appears, the warmth of flames above them.
"I am Nuku, Lady Freya's fire dreg… As you know, Lady Freya is a fertility goddess, born in an Eden for Gods and Goddesses only...  She is a reincarnation of Lady Frigg, a previous fertility goddess that met her demise when mating with a dragon.  Reincarnated into Lady Freya, Lady Cyprus watched upon her, jealousy brewing within her for serving to what she considers a lesser being.  As you heard from Lady Freya when this tournament began, she had been banished here… but she was banished for being in love with a human, a species that has reproduced to immeasurable numbers, and because she committed such a crime for a fertility goddess, she was banished here with her court.  But she is in terrible shape, close to death…  Even Goddesses can die…"
The two of them only listened to the fire dreg with respectable silence so the being could speak.
"Please… I beg of you… Lady Freya may not last much longer… A victor needs to be found…" The dreg than flew off, supposedly alerting the other pair of the horrid news.
Amid a wasteland, with strange, foreign creatures, a strange roar in the distance, another sound like a buzz of a swarm and a hiss of a wildcat at once.  Unexplainable creatures burrowed under infested and disgusting ground.
"Shall we, tranny?" Kyosuke called forth his onyx sword.
The other was stone-faced, no emotion on her still face, her eyes fixed on Kyosuke, an almost sneer on her face, "Your disrespect will be paid for… in blood…" Her tone carries a dark, eerie undertone...
Kyosuke is blasé about it though, having dealt with worse things.
'Trinity Quin the puppetmaster… She makes bonds of blood with any who cross her. It'd be wise to take this fight seriously…'
'You know her?' Kyosuke questions through his mind.
'No, we're from different dimensions. I merely picked her brain for the information I needed.  Without her knowing of course…'
'You're an ass, you know…'
A false sadness, 'I help you and I'm still an ass. Woe is me…'
'Stop being dramatic. Thank you for the information.'
'Finally, some appreciation!' Clear sarcasm.
'I can do without your quirks until this fight is over, thank you.'
Silence. But Kyosuke knew the other was still keeping tabs on him, a mental link that kept watch on his actions.  Not because the other didn't trust him, the other was protective.  Protective enough to kill anyone who touched his lover, or did anything to him, but why the other let him fight, Kyosuke had no idea.  Perhaps because he watched every moment.  That and Kyosuke only fought a kid and a moron so far.  But now, it seems like the hermaphrodite, transvestite was actually an extremely good fighter.  One that fought with magic through blood.  Good to know he didn't have any wounds at the moment.
Kyosuke watched the other closely, finding it difficult to read her expression, his grip tightening around the handle of his blade.  If he was to win this battle, he'd have to end it quick.  Otherwise she'd get his blood and turn him into nothing more than a puppet.
A blink and Kyosuke was gone, the grip on his sword having his knuckles turn white, the sword poised to strike, a swing at the figure, but she was gone.  A grit of teeth, 'She's good…I didn't know she had teleportation abilities.'
Drip… drip… drip…
The steady sound… he whipped around wildly, unable to see from the dust everywhere, trying to find the flat board of a chested female, the smell of blood reached his nose, but it wasn't his blood.  The other was a masochist?
Then the streams of blood had wrapped around him, squeezing him and keeping him in place.  He couldn't teleport out of the hold as it would bring the other with him as they were connected by the blood streams.  So that left….
Kyosuke closed his eyes, opening a void in Trinity's bloodstream, and once filled with enough blood he teleported it elsewhere in another dimension.  The blood then fell away from him, walking forward as the puppetmaster fell to her knees, exhausted.  
"I took some of your blood away, so you're now anemic.  Continue using your blood and you'll collapse." Kyosuke drawled out as he sent his sword away.
That stony glare was fixed on him, those red eyes fixed on his blue ones.  Then suddenly a smirk as Trinity smirked up at him, "Don't underestimate me. I can still fight."
As Kyosuke stepped back in caution, a red turtle jumped on his shoulder, Kyosuke's eyes going wide in sight of his carelessness.  She was a puppetmaster so she had puppets… How careless could he be…  The turtle bit his neck, Kyosuke's hand reaching to his wound, the blood saturating the ground as the turtle returned so its master on the ground as if to protect her.
As the other appeared to be casting a spell, Kyosuke wasted no time in sending a blast of darkness towards the other, but then he couldn't move, couldn't control his body, could only watch and listen to the voice that seemed to echo inside his head.
"You are now my flesh doll… Kyosuke…"  The other closed crimson eyes as she focused, her look as stern as ever, "You will do what I command… And therefore… you lose…"
'No… I have too much to fight for…' But Kyosuke couldn't stop when he took his own sword from where he sent it and stabbed himself in the gut.
The blade pierced through organs, the pain immense in his system, but he couldn't move, couldn't do anything.  The blow wouldn't kill him, not when the blood of a god flowed through his veins…  The God of darkness… But the name he called was not his father's…
No answer… But he could move again, and took the opportunity to turn his internal organs and body into an empty void.  The only thing keeping him alive was his God genetics.
'I managed to send her out of your mind… You are mine, Kyosuke… Now… I checked elsewhere… She is fighting for her sister's freedom… but her sister was free long ago… She has no point in fighting. The 'Lady Freya' of this tournament tricked her into this.  Stunned her sisters to force her to fight.'
"Trinity… you have no goal in fighting… Your sisters are free and okay… They were merely stunned to force you to join this… tournament." Kyosuke revealed, but the other appeared stern.  "You have something to live for.  I won't kill you… Not when you have Birdie and Ruri waiting for you at home…  You are anemic, but I will send you home to rest…"
Kyosuke closed his eyes as he sent the girl home to her sisters.
"Goodbye, tranny…" He smirked at the derogatory nickname as he walked away.
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