SmashleyAshley — Twins Or Triplets? (Pokemon Comm) [NSFW]

#panales #abdl #ageplay #cynthia #diaper #machine #modification #modified #unbirth #omutsu #windel #cynthia_pokemon #lusamine #lusamine_pokemon
Published: 2024-01-14 09:51:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 42551; Favourites: 585; Downloads: 36
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Description “Mom! You can't put me in daycare!” Lillie argued, pulling away from her mother as the taller blonde dragged her towards a two-story building. "I'm eighteen!"

“You should have thought of that before you tried to run away like a child!” An annoyed Lusamine countered as she forced her daughter towards the building painted in pastel colors. Just above their heads was a  large sign above the front door that read "New Beginnings Daycare" in glowing neon colors. 

“You can't enroll me in a daycare for babies!" Lillie shouted, still tugging on her mother's arm before adding, "I'm pretty sure the staff will turn you away!"

That's why I found an automated daycare that will do whatever I tell them." Lusamine snickered, pulling her unhappy daughter through the automatic sliding glass door and into the facility.

True to her mother's words, Lillie didn't see a soul inside the lobby. The floors were clean, no traces of footprints and the air had a sterile scent, not unlike something she had smelt in a hospital. 

"Mom, I really don't like this place!" Lillie whined, feeling uneasy in the futuristic reception area. "Can't you just lock me in my room at home?"

“I've tried that before, and you managed to get out. I'm not going to make that mistake again!" Lusamine replied, looking around for a robot or a screen she could communicate her demands to. 

Across the room were two sets of doors which led deeper into the daycare. On one door read the phrase "nursery wing" and on the other side of the room had a door with a sign that said "new arrivals" on it. 

"New arrivals!" Lusamine declared. "That's us!"

“I don't wanna be here!” Lillie shouted as she was yanked from her spot by the front door and pulled by her eager mother deeper into the building. 

Lusamine walked confidently through the double doors, dragging Lillie into the much larger room before coming to a stop. There were no robots or any humans waiting for them as Lusamine had expected. In fact, the only thing that both women saw was a very long conveyor belt which led into the wall while a modern, digital kiosk, stood next to the belt. Just beyond the kiosk was a steel partition that prevented either blonde from seeing where the machine truly led, but Lusamine had a feeling that it was built specifically for processing and delivering new arrivals, like her daughter, to the nursery wing.

"Now we're getting somewhere!" Lusamine smiled, pulling Lillie with her as she walked up to the large digital screen.

Lillie remained silent, watching her mother press various prompts on the screen. She caught glimpses of the word "baby" and "delivery" amongst the options her mother selected which infuriated her. "I'm not a baby!"

"Guest is not a baby." A computerized voice announced, confirming what Lillie had just screamed while momentarily startling both blondes.

"Look, you hunk of junk!" Lusamine barked bitterly before continuing, "My name is Lusamine and I'm paying your company a lot of money to watch after my trouble making daughter; if I say she's a baby then she's a damn baby!"

"Both guests are not babies." The machine repeated in a calm, neutral tone.

"She. Is. A. Baby!" Lusamine shouted, letting her temper get the best of her as punctuated her final with a kick to the base of the kiosk with the tip of her high heeled covered foot. 

"Uggh! That hurt!" Lusamine cried, lifting her injured foot off of the ground.

"Mo-" Before Lillie could even say a word the computer's voice interrupted her.

"Ba-baby det-detected in New Arrivals area!"

"Finally!" Lusamine exclaimed in an exasperated tone while holding her sore foot. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to leave my dau-!?!"

Lillie watched in horror as a pair of mechanical arms with white gloves grabbed her mother by the back of her hair and yanked her into the air. Another set of arms grabbed at her mother's dress, ripping it to shreds until her mom was only in her underwear. 

Lusamine cried out in shock as the machine held her above the ground. She was powerless to stop the hands from grabbing at her beautiful white dress, tearing it from her body until she was wearing nothing but her white bra and matching panties. She looked on in horror as her daughter stood there, watching her have her bra and panties torn from her body. 

“Don't just stand there!” The older blonde demanded in an angry tone as she tried to cover her breasts and blonde bush. "Help me!"

Without hesitating, Lillie ran over to the kiosk and looked over the screen. Luckily, the hands were busy holding her mother in the air and didn't try to grab Lillie. She watched the monitor flicker every few seconds but otherwise it was still operating which was a relief to the girl. If her mother had broken the control panel then there would be nothing Lillie could do to help her mom.

"Stop staring at the screen and do something!" Lusamine screamed, beyond angry as she squirmed in the air.

Lillie immediately pressed the first option on the screen without thinking which brought up a prompt asking for the baby's age. 'This is perfect! I just have to put my mom's age into the database and the computer will release her when it finds out she's an adult!'

"I think I found a way to get the machine to let you go!" Lillie declared, typing forty one onto the screen using the digital keyboard. 

"Preparing preschool aged child for enrollment!" The computerized voice announced as the long metallic tendrils threw the startled blonde onto the conveyor belt.

Before Lusamine could even register what the computer had said she was flung onto the stiff, conveyor belt which caused her to hit the back of her head against the stiff surface of the belt. Dazed, and momentarily confused, the naked adult was carried past the now open partition where she was dumped off of the end of the conveyor belt into a tiny, plastic pink wash basin meant for a baby or a small child. Her short fall into the plastic tub caused a large splash which sent most of the water from the infantile bathing tub.

"Oww!" Lusamine whined, rubbing her sore bottom as she sat in the ridiculous baby tub. "That hurt!"

The computer scanned the whining woman, making sure she wasn't injured, and noticed that the tub no longer had any water in it. A quick correction was issued by the machine which caused a torrent of bathwater to pour down from an opening in the ceiling. Lusamine looked up just in time to get blasted in the face by a soap filled waterfall. 

"Hey!" Lusamine cried out, flailing her arms around in a poor attempt to shield herself from the water pouring all over her body. Coughing and spitting up soapy water, Lusamine shouted to her daughter in a desperate voice, "Stop this stupid machine!"

“I don’t know how to stop it!” Lillie responded, pulling her attention away from the window in the wall and back to the kiosk's touch screen that read forty-one months old. 

"That explains why it thinks she's a preschooler." Lillie muttered to herself as she tried to turn off the machine.

While Lillie was fiddling with an unresponsive screen the glove wearing metal arms were quick to pull out a hose with a shower head and turn it on. Her mother's angry screams could be heard coming from beyond the see-through glass panel in the wall as the hands started rinsing her mother's long, luxurious hair.

“Stop messing with my hair!” The disgruntled blonde yelled out, trying to bat the showerhead above her head away from her hair.

Lillie pounded on the screen, frustrated by the unresponsive kiosk that was ignoring her every attempt to stop the machine from bathing her mother. She dared to glance past the kiosk and saw the mechanical arms manhandling her mother, dunking her head under the shallow, knee high water repeatedly to remove the frothy shampoo from her long locks. "What kind of machine would treat a child like that?". 

"I'm going to go find some help!" Lillie called out to her mother as she ran away from the kiosk and through the doors of the new arrivals area.

Lillie was running so fast that she didn't even notice the figure dressed all in black until she ran smack into them. With a groan Lillie looked up, apologizing profusely as she peered past the woman's breasts to make eye contact with the much taller blonde. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to run into you like that." 

"It's okay." The calm and even voice of the woman replied. "I was traveling past this daycare when I overheard your mother arguing with you, but by the time I called out to you guys your mother had already dragged you into this place. I was worried about you, so I decided to follow you two into this place."

The blush covering Lillie's face vanished when she realized who she was standing in front of; the former Shinnoh League Champion: Cynthia! 'If anyone can help me rescue my mother It's her!'

"I don't have time to explain but I need your help! The machine is going crazy in there and it has my mom!" Lillie all but shouted at the blonde.

"I'm glad I trusted my instinct." Cynthia replied, her gentle smile becoming a stoic look of determination. "Lead the way."

Lillie nodded and turned around before running back through the double doors that she had literally just escaped from. 

Cynthia briskly jogged behind the younger blonde, not knowing what to expect as she entered the room. The former Champion was immediately startled by what she saw as she looked beyond the panel, coming face to face with the girl's naked mother who was being scrubbed from head to toe by glove wearing hands that were wielding bristle tipped scrub brushes. Completely caught off guard by what she was seeing, Cynthia said the first thing that came to her mind, "how did she end up in there?!"

"She wanted to enroll me in this crazy place and kicked the machine when it refused to listen to her." Lillie explained, pausing to try to put into words what happened next. "After she kicked it the machine must've malfunctioned because it started ripping my mom's clothes off and then it threw her onto the conveyor belt." 

Cynthia glanced at the partition once again, not feeling as bad for the terrible mother as she felt a moment ago. "It's good to see her getting a taste of her own medicine, but we need to stop this. Where are the controls for the machine?"

"I tried everything I could to stop the machine, but the screen stopped working once I typed in her age!" Lillie exclaimed, pointing at the flicking screen on the kiosk.

"I see. Does the computer respond to voice commands?" Cynthia asked, trying to ignore the sight of Lusamine getting her crotch scrubbed.

"Don't talk to it! That's what started this whole thing!" Lillie pleaded.

"It's alright." Cynthia reassured the young girl. "Let me give it a try."

"Computer!" The former Champion announced in a commanding tone of voice. "Release the woman you have in your care!"

"There is no 'woman in the care of this facility; only a preschooler being prepared for class." The computer responded.

Unbeknownst to the former Pokémon League Champion, the computer had run its own scan on the blonde while she was standing there.

Cynthia subconsciously took a step back, alarmed by what she had heard the computer say. "I don't know how you came to that conclusion but you're wrong!"

"Cynthia!" Lillie screamed. "Look out behind you!"

The metallic tendrils had silently snuck up behind the blonde Pokémon trainer and, before Cynthia could react to Lillie's warning, they had scooped her off of the floor by the back of her arms.

A single glove appeared in front of Cynthia who struggled against the two hands that held her in the air by her arms. The glove tugged on her long black coat, trying to pull it off of her body, but the arms holding Cynthia were making it impossible to strip the blonde of her prized black fur trimmed coat. 

"I'm not a child!" The accomplished blonde shouted at the ceiling as she kicked and screamed, losing her black heels in the process as the glove wearing hands tried to figure out how to remove her coat.

It appeared that the lone glove had given up on the v-neck coat and started working on her black trousers. The hand tugged on the bottom of her pants, where they ended above her now bare feet and easily pulled them down on the first attempt, much to Cynthia's chagrin. The pantsed former Champion tried to cover her matching black panties, but the gloves holding her up prevented her from moving her arms.

Lillie found herself standing still, absolutely petrified and slightly confused by the fact that the machine hadn't picked her up yet as she watched the hands finally rip Cynthia out of her trademark coat. 

"You'll pay for that!" Cynthia roared, particularly annoyed by the fact that her favorite coat had been split in two down the back.

'Why is the machine going after everyone but me?' Lilie couldn't help but wonder as she watched the hands pull Cynthia's black top from her slender body.

A full body blush spread across the blonde's pale skin upon coming into contact with the artificially chilled air in the room. She was literally being dangled off of the ground by a pair of gloved hands, wearing nothing but her black bra and matching panties in front of a girl she had just met. The former Champion would've thought things couldn't get any worse than this if she hadn't already seen what the machine was capable of doing.

Cynthia felt one of the clumsy gloved hands tug on the back of her bra straps, unintentionally pulling the clasp open and freeing the former Champion's breasts. An angry scream left her mouth as she tried and failed to shield her breasts as the other hand went for her panties. The large cartoony fingers grabbed her silken panties by the waistband just above her manicured bus and pulled the sexy garment down her hips with unrivaled speed. 

Before Cynthia knew it she had been completely stripped naked and dropped onto the conveyor belt. Shooken up from her sudden fall, the blonde looked up from the belt at Lillie as the conveyor shuttled her through the partition and into the processing area. Within seconds of passing through the opening, the partition was immediately sealed off by a metal door closing, trapping the former Champion inside with the blonde girl's mother who was still yelling. Unlike on the other side of the glass, the sound of her ranting was no longer muffled and could be heard echoing off of the walls of the sterile, enclosed space.

"When I get out of here I'm going to find out who owns this place, buy it, and burn it to the ground!" Lusamine declared in a defiant tone as the gloved hands finished drying her off with a pair of fluffy white towels.

To Be Continued...

Art by the ever talented

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vhioawpe [2024-04-01 06:25:34 +0000 UTC]

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Fraochan611 [2024-01-14 23:21:06 +0000 UTC]

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SmashleyAshley In reply to Fraochan611 [2024-01-14 23:32:39 +0000 UTC]

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Sorewachigoyo [2024-01-14 13:38:56 +0000 UTC]

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