SmashleyAshley — The Future Of Amazonian Fertility Pt. 7 [NSFW]

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Published: 2022-12-02 07:17:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 28518; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 3
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Description Previous: The Future Of Amazonian Fertility Pt 6

Caroline was awash in a sea of perpetual darkness, constantly floating in and out of both consciousness and the amniotic fluid that she knew she was submerged in. Yet she was always reaching out with her hands like a blind woman seeking a wall to guide her in search of an exit. Even though she knew that she was trapped within Matilda's womb It was all unknown to her. She had no way of knowing if she was upside down or right side up, but finally, after minutes of feeling around she was able to grab onto something. Despite her small victory, she couldn't figure out what exactly is in her hands; it's long and feels like a cord. Suddenly, she realizes that she has once again grabbed her umbilical cord for what must've been the hundredth time. 

In a fit of rage, she kicked with both of her legs and connected with the wall of her womb; her biological prison. If she was on her own two feet, it would've been considered a jump, but Caroline was simply too pisssed off to care if she was hurting Matilda or not. The long cord in between her balled fists suddenly begins to shake and pulsates as Caroline begins to feel a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. It feels like she is losing her appetite, like she is being fulfilled or like she was in the process of eating, but that's utterly impossible. After a moment passed, a tremendous feeling of contentment and tranquility slowly lulled the geneticist into a deep sleep. 

---On The Other Side Of The Compound---

Zsófia laid in bed, staring at the ceiling after leaving Caroline alone with Dr. Devereux in a subterranean ward of the facility. She spent hours lying with her head on the pillow worrying about her little Caroline, fearing that the crazy doctor had taken her away from her forever. Every hour or so, she would check her phone, hoping to find a missed call from Dr. Devereux to retrieve the Little Geneticist and guide her back to her private suite, but that call never came. With nothing better to do, Zsófia would look over the events of the day on her phone's news feed. It seemed like a decent distraction from the overwhelming anxiety that continually threatened to overwhelm her.

Once she came across the fashion trends for new mothers and their Littles, she had thrown her phone across the room in a fit of rage before rolling over and crying into her pillow after seeing the pictures. Try as she might, she couldn't stop thinking about Caroline or the fact that she was still in that damn ward; that unholy place where Littles went to join with the desperate Amazons who would do anything to become mothers in the most literal sense of the word. 

She was nothing like those women! 

Yes, Zsófia wanted to spirit Caroline away from this facility and spoil her for the rest of her days in a lavish and luxurious nursery where she would have everything a baby could ever desire. However, she wanted to adopt Caroline the traditional way; the normal way! She wanted absolutely nothing to do with those women who were crazy enough to risk destroying their babies! What was going on in the depths of this facility was wrong and immoral!

Zsófia wanted to be a mommy, but she wouldn't dare risk Caroline's life like the fiends in the underground lab were doing!

As dawn approached, Zsófia struggled to keep her thoughts positive as the image of herself walking away from Caroline kept plaguing her conscious thoughts. Why didn't she scoop Caroline up and run for her car the moment she got off the phone with Dr. Devereux? Why didn't she tell Caroline what was happening to the Littles at this research center? At least that way she could've gotten Caroline to leave of her own accord.

Zsófia pulled her face out from the hot and moist confines of the pillow which was soaked with her tears. Despite how she felt, despite how much she wanted to keep crying, the surface of the pillow had become unbearable for her face to endure. She flipped it over and laid on her side, wanting nothing more to fall into a deep sleep; the giant woman was both physically and mentally exhausted. 

Out of the corner of her eye Zsófia noticed a glimmer of morning light catch the barrel of her nickel plated nine millimeter pistol which sat on her dresser. Thoughts of the front came flooding back to her. She recalled being dispatched with her squad to aid an allied platoon to help liberate a village on route to the Capital of what was once an enemy nation. Images of dead and dying Amazons littered the streets of the once quiet village came flooding back to her in that instant. The dead were partisans and were killed by the hands of her countrymen and the allied forces whom her squad had been assigned to. It had been bloodbath, but they prevailed over the poorly trained defenders.

Troops slowly walked the streets with their machine guns drawn as a few searched the dead and dying for anything that could aid them in their future engagements. It was at that moment a group of Littles emerged from a battered building and started firing on them from a busted in doorway. 

Zsófia replayed the scene slowly in her mind as she watched the horrible moment unfold; a comrade from the allied nation had taken a bullet in the shoulder from what she thought was the enemy. In a split second, she was on the ground and returning fire before he had dropped to the street. 

How she wished she hadn't been so well trained.

If she hadn't been so fast on her toes she wouldn't have ended the lives of three innocent children. Of course, she had trained herself to refuse such labels ever since that day and tried to think of the Littles as fellow adults, but at the end of the day, they were simply children and she had killed them. Oh, sure, the rest of the troops in her area had peppered that doorway with enough lead to fully stock a gun store, but she had been the first to unload her machine gun. Zsófia knew that she had put at least one bullet between the eyes of a Little woman; no more than a girl really. 

Once the barrage of hellfire ended, she disregarded every ounce of common sense and abandoned everything she had learned in basic training; she got up and ran over to where the poor things were bleeding out. While the rest of the troops watched in shock, she scooped up the dead Little woman and held her close to her chest, screaming to the dead girl. It didn't matter what she said, there was no bringing her back. 

That was over ten years ago and one of the main reasons why she was assigned to work as a security officer at the facility. 

Suddenly, an overwhelming urge to jump out of bed, pick up the gun and jam it into her mouth consumed her entire being. She was ready to atone for her sins; she was prepared to die. Fighting back the impulse, she clenched her tear stained eyes shut and desperately prayed that Caroline was safe. She hoped that Dr. Devereux had simply reprimanded the Little and sent her back to her room with one of the other security personnel. Clinging onto that thought, she was able to shake away the darkness and find the strength needed to continue living.

A steady, but ear piercing sound came from beside her bed from the nightstand. 

"Shit, it's time to get up." Zsófia muttered,  as she dragged herself out of bed.

The shower warmed her body and washed away the tears, but ultimately passed by in a blur for Zsófia who felt like she was doing everything robotically as she finished getting dressed into her uniform. Things suddenly came into focus when she grabbed her pistol. Normally, she would just holster it and go off to start her shift, but she couldn't stop herself from staring at it.

'I left her down there; down there in that fucked up part of the facility where the implantations are performed. There's nothing I can do to save Caroline from that crazy bitch. Why should I continue liv-'

The sound of her ringtone snapped her out of that macabre moment and pulled her attention to the ground where her phone laid. Zsófia holstered her weapon and picked up the phone. 


"Hey, Zsófia. Dr. Devereux is requesting everyone's presence in the main auditorium." Zsófia heard her friend Erzsébet say.

"Why?" Zsófia asks in a monotone voice. 

"The blanket statement that was issued to the front desk implied that she had an announcement to make in regards to her research." Erzsébet explained. 

"I see." Zsófia replied. 

"Zsófia, I can tell by the sound of your voice that you're worried about that Little doctor." Erzsébet stated before adding, "I looked her up and I don't think Matilda would do anything to her."

"Erzsébet, I-" Zsófia found herself pausing to think of how she should word her statement. "I am worried because Matilda had me take her down to the subterranean labs."

"Oh, I see why you're upset." Erzsébet replied in a more somber tone. "I didn't think she would be foolish enough to throw away such-"

"Erzsébet! Stop!" Zsófia shouted into the cell phone. "I don't want to hear it!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you feel any worse. Maybe you shouldn't go to the auditorium and just relax in your room. If anyone asks, I'll tell them that you weren't feeling well." Erzsébet offered.

"No." Zsófia replied. "I can't continue to hide my feelings like this. I'm going to the auditorium."

"That's the spirit! Maybe Matilda and Caroline spent the entire night working together down there and made a breakthrough." Erzsébet replied, trying to be optimistic. 

"That thought hadn't crossed my mind, but I highly doubt Caroline would approve of what goes on down there. Hell, I don't even think what they do down there has any merit at all." The lieutenant stated, her distaste shining through her words.

"I'm not a fan of it either, but if what Matilda is doing can help us have our own children one day, without a test tube being involved, I think we can all agree that it's for the greater good." Erzsébet explained.

"There is no 'greater good' in this world, Erzsébet. That's just what we tell ourselves after we have committed crimes that we cannot atone for." Zsófia replied bitterly. 

"Zsófia, relax. They're just Littles. If you want a Little that badly then ask for a few days leave and adopt one."

"That's not going to fix what's wrong with me." The disheartened soldier said before hanging up the phone.

A sudden wave of sadness washed over Zsófia. She had never thought that her friend was that kind of woman; the kind who could just grab a Little at random and adopt them. For years, Zsófia had fought her maternal feelings and stuffed them deep down inside herself. However, Caroline was someone special. She wasn't just any Little; she was her Little!

All of a sudden she felt even more determined to do something about that crazy woman. If Matilda Devereux did what Zsófia feared she did to Caroline then she was going to pay dearly.

Zsófia left her private quarters and marched down the hallway leading to the auditorium with a purpose. A few scientists and her fellow security officers were walking towards the main entrance to the assembly hall, but she briskly passed them by. Upon entering the glass covered amphitheater Zsófia realized that the people she passed in the hallway were stragglers since most of the seats were taken. Still, that didn't bother her, she could stand in the aisle near the front of the stage and wait for the bitch to take the podium. 

Despite the glass ceiling, a spotlight fell upon the curtain dividing the stage into two sections. In between a partition of the velvet red curtains, a tall and bloated figure emerged, proudly walking towards the podium while waving her hand. There was no mistaking her for anyone else; it was none other than Dr. Devereux and she looked to be nine months pregnant!

Zsófia had to take a deep breath as her mind suddenly went blank. It was one thing stressing over it all night long, but to actually see the culmination of all of her fears standing before her very own eyes was a shock to her system. Everything slowed down as she heard her own heart beating inside her head, thudding away like a jackhammer. 

"Good morning, everyone!" Matilda Devereux announced from the side of the podium. "As you may have noticed, I am with child."

A round of applause and a few cheers erupted from the audience. Everyone was so happy to see this development since they rightfully assumed that the good doctor had made a breakthrough. However, a few of the nurses present grinned and chatted amongst themselved as their boss played it up; they knew the truth and soon the rest of the audience would too.

Matilda waited for the applause to die down as she bathed in the attention of her colleagues. This was going to be a rather warped facsimile of what had happened the previous day and she couldn't help but grin. Yesterday, she had introduced some of these people to Dr. Caroline Miller, but today she wasn't introducing Caroline Miller. No, she was introducing her unborn baby; Caroline Devereux to the facility!

Heavy footsteps rapidly approached her from the side of the stage as the crowd collectively gasped. Matilda glanced towards the echoing footfalls intruding on her stage and immediately scowled upon seeing that the person running up to her was Lieutenant Szalai. Before she can even utter a word, the disgruntled soldier raised her gun and pointed it at her.

"Zsófia!" Matilda exclaimed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Shut up, you crazy bitch!" The normally reserved lieutenant growls with her trigger finger poised. "You have stolen Caroline from me and lied to my government; the government that I and numerous others in this room swore an Oath to protect!"

"I cannot steal what was never yours to begin with, Lieutenant." The overly pregnant scientist stated in a calm voice. 

"You're right. Caroline didn't belong to me, but that's because she is an adult; she's no one property!" Zsófia shouted, holding her weapon steady with both hands, ready to pull the slide back with her left hand and pull the trigger.

"And that's why Caroline volunteered to test my new prenatal supplements. The very talented Dr. Miller wanted to help in anyway she could and when I offered-"

"That's bullshit!" Zsófia screamed. "Why would she risk her life by being a Guinea pig in your sick experiment when there's three dozen Littles who could take her place?"

"I'd let you ask her yourself, but she's busy sleeping right now." Matilda grinned.

"I don't know what you have on her, but this stops here!" The former frontline officer cried as her left hand pulled back the slide of her pistol. "You're going to get your ass down to your fucked up lab and I'm going to keep this gun pointed at your head until Caroline is free from your gut!"

"No, I'm not leaving this stage." Matilda replied in a calm voice.

"You're wrong!" Zsófia exclaimed. "You're leaving this stage in a body bag!"

"If you kill me then you'll also kill poor little Caroline." The pregnant woman stated with a smirk. 

"No! That can't be true!" Zsófia felt her arms begin to shake. 

"Oh, but it is." Matilda replied, her voice rich in a mock sense of sadness as she continued to buy time. "I'm her lifeline and she'll suffocate when my heart stops beating." 

Zsófia took a breath, trying to calm her nerves when she had an epiphany. "I don't need to kill you to get what I want."

"Wha- what are you talking about?!" The once confident doctor demanded, her voice wavering as she watched Zsófia point her pistol towards her feet.

Before Zsófia could pull the trigger she felt a pair of hands grab her roughly by the back of her jacket, bringing her down hard onto the wooden surface of the stage. She instinctively tried to pull away from her unseen subduer only for three Amazon security officials to pin her down. With her weapon kicked away from her hand, Zsófia was forced to place her hands behind her back and was yanked up onto her feet. She found her hands bound by a zip tie and was escorted off of the stage in disgrace. 

Matilda Devereux wiped a bit of sweat from her brow as she takes her proper place at the podium to resume her speech. 

"Anyway, as I was going to say; Caroline Miller volunteered to enter into my womb to test out the new prenatal supplements that we have been developing here." A few gasps and hushed murmurs filled the auditorium before Dr. Devereux resumed speaking. "I know it sounds controversial, but my research has explored all options in curing the fertility problems that we women face whenever we try to conceive and the experiments we have conducted have shown that the best solution is to carry a Little in our bodies to jumpstart our reproductive systems. At this point in the clinical trials, I've decided to join our fellow volunteers and try to jumpstart my own reproduction system. Using the knowledge I've gained from my native Honshu, which has long practiced customs such as birthing Littles, combined with a new drug I've developed, I believe that we can all overcome our infertility without the pain that the Honshun women experience!"

A staggered applause responded to her announcement as most people in the audience approved of her methods while a few remained skeptical. One such skeptic sat in the front row and looked incredibly upset with the direction Dr. Devereux was taking the research facility in. He didn't wait to address her in the lab and opted to stand up in front of everyone present. 

"I have humored the ideas you've brought with you from the East and have tolerated your personal projects that have been funded with my nation's money, but this latest development in your so called 'research' is utterly reprehensible!" Dr. Barbas declared in front of the entire auditorium. 

"Why am I not surprised that you're unhappy with my latest breakthrough, Dr. Barbas?" Dr. Devereux sighed from her position at the podium. 

"Because it isn't a breakthrough!" The man with salt and pepper speckled throughout his short hair shouted. "You've tested your pain pills on numerous artificially impregnated women before today!"

"They're not pain pills." Dr. Devereux corrected. "They're prenatal supplements which help the Little living in the mother's womb sleep throughout the numerous trimesters that we must carry them for."

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't mean to insult your groundbreaking discovery of sleeping pills funded on my nation's dime." Dr. Barbas replied with heavy sarcasm. 

"They're not sleeping pills, you senile old fool!" Dr. Devereux barked. "They help synch up the Little's body to their host which allows the host to naturally use her hormones to calm a stressed out or overstimulated Little until they're lulled into a deep sleep."

"I see, and why have you decided to throw away one of the brightest minds I've ever had the privilege of conversing with just so you can play 'mommy?' Such narcissistic hubris has doomed the real research that I was conducting!" The older scientist declared.

"You have had far too much time to come up with results and you have nothing to show for your time here!" Dr. Devereux fired back before adding, "we can successfully implant a prepubescent Little and, upon being reborn, they will have all the genes of an Amazon thanks to my prenatal supplements, thus repopulating this country whose population was in steady decline!"

Dr. Barbas was about to respond to her statement when literally everyone in the building got onto their feet and started clapping. Shocked by this turn of events, he looked around at his colleagues in disbelief. Dr. Miller had literally given him so much insight into the genetic issues facing his fellow Amazons in just a single day and yet everyone present was literally showering that hack who practiced barbaric birthing techniques on stage with praise!

"Dr. Caroline Miller is a genius and made some remarkable breakthroughs yesterday and you have chosen to ignore them. Your little experiment is not only risking her mental health, but the collective health of our society!" Dr. Barbas brought a hand up to his temple and rubbed it before continuing, "I can no longer aid your research if your idea of progress is sacrificing great minds just because they happen to be shorter than you. In summation, I quit!"

Dr. Devereux smiled, happy to see the old man walking up the aisle. 'That old fool has been a thorn in my side for far too long.'

"Well, if that is all the naysayers out of the way then I think it is time that we resume our research. I want everyone assigned to the main lab to switch over to analyzing the data we have collected on the first batch of volunteers. From here on out our research will move away from cracking the genetic code and be dedicated to unlocking the ability to create Amazons from Littles!" The pregnant doctor raised an outstretched arm into the air as the assembled scientists cheered. 

To Be Continued...

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