ThrudtheDelinquent — Paint it in Blood

Published: 2011-07-08 06:59:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 238; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Paint it in blood
Original story by JRP AKA ThrudtheDelinquent

The begining
Satine, a red headed woman with orange cat ears and smooth tail, and her mate Schmee, a white haired female with white tabby ears and fluffy tail, had been together for a long while. Several years now actually. And it was just perfect. They had a wonderful house that they were fixing up that had a lovely garden that was Satines pride in the back.
But what was missing in their life, what Satine wanted more then anything was children of their own. She wanted to have kids and she wanted to see what kind of children her and her whitehaired mate would make.
This would depend on the male they could find to father their children. They wanted someone strong. Schmee was a warrior and Satine had lived on the streets most of her young life and had street smart and street fighting skills. She would do what it took to live and Schmee would do what it took to protect her. They both did what they could to keep eachother alive.

Several months after they agreed to have children a male came by their home, traveling on his way to his new work. He was rather attractive and beautiful. A white fluffy male that would look wonderful with her love and who knew how beautiful he would look with her. He gave a name that they were sure was fake. She didn't mind though cause he agreed to sleep with the both of them to make sure at least one of them would have a child which is what they wanted.

He left and several weeks later they both took a test. Both of them were pregnant! It was a wonderful day for both of them! A few weeks later they both went to the doctor. They had tests and then the ultrasound.
Twins. Each of them was having two children. Satine was having boys. Schmee was having a girl and a boy. It was going to be beautiful! And their house had at one time been an old brothel so there were plenty of rooms for all the kids when they got old enough to need seperate rooms.

They went home and they started working on getting things ready for the kids. The months went by and they were happy. They went in for check ups and the babies were growing beautifully! Satine was looking forward to the day they would come. It would mean they would be a wonderful family and they would be perfect! She grew more and more excited the longer it took. The rooms were all set up and perfect. Everything was perfect!

Finally the day came and Schmee went into labor first. She was larger in body type and hips then Satine was so her kids had grown a little bitter faster and they came quickly. The girl was beautiful. The Male strong and wonderful. The male they named Van. He was sturdy and he looked like his mother. All fluffy tail and ears with white and gray tabby. The girl was a beautiful princess. They named her Benihime. It was a beautiful name and a rather interesting one. It ment red princess in Japanese but she was all white and beautiful. With Golden eyes like her father had.

Two days later Satine finally had her boys. One orange and white like her except the white bits on his tail. And the other all white. Both of them smooth like her. They named these two Fox, the orange one, and Era, the white.
They took them home and things were happy for a time.
When the kids were but a few months old someone stole Beni. From the back yard where she had been playing. Fox had wandered too close to the pond to look at the fish and while Satine was bringing him back someone had taken their daughter. Schmee had been at work and Satine couldn't leave the other three there alone so she could do nothing but call the cops.

They never found her.
Not for a few years when things got worse.
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