Tianasina — Wesker's Daughter chp11 [NSFW]
Published: 2012-10-08 08:18:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 342; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 11

That Sergei is such a nice man!

Sergei looked over at Maria from across his desk, in his umbrella office which while it was bigger than most offices, it was still insanely small, stark white and covered with Umbrella stickers- all in all it quite horrid, he much preferred his office in Russia, where there was his things, his favourite gun, his tube grown miniature tyrant and of course hidden vodka cabinet…
He snapped from his thoughts and scanned Maria up and down as she read over the contract he had given her. He frowned, she had been working in this branch of umbrella for just under a month and she already looked as though she had been here for forty years with only one break a day. She was very pale, very pale for someone of her complexion. Her hair was done as though she didn't even care about it anymore, it was just pulled back in a quick bun, pieces of curled hair sticking in almost different directions. The only thing about her that didn't look as though it had been subjected to hard work was her uniform, no instead of looking haggard her uniform looked as though it had never been worn, she obviously took great care in it.

Maria crossed her long legs and tucked a hair behind her ear as she turned the page of the contract. While she did this Sergei took notice of her legs, so shapely and wonderful, her tights only added to her shapely legs. He wondered just what he rest of her would look like under the-

"So far this seems fine." She bought him from his musings with her comment. "However I…" she held the papers out to him. "I don't quite understand this part, could you just clarify it for me?" her big dark eyes looked up at him pleadingly, oh those eyes… an image came to him, one that was less innocent than she probably intended her expression to fill him with.

He took the papers from her, making an effort to brush his fingers against hers- and he did not miss the blush that took her cheeks at the action. "Lets see." His eyes scanned the page for a few moments.
"Well," he passed the page back to her. "Basically it states that if the medication does not have the desired effects or if it has any undesired side effects that causes you bodily harm, Umbrella is by no means responsible, however should you wish it we can and or will preform tests on your person to deter the effects and gain knowledge for improvements."
Maria nodded and continued to flip through the pages. "Well," she placed the papers on the table, picked up a pen and scooted closer to the table. "It seems to be in fine." She quietly signed the papers, once she had finished she let out a sigh and slid them across the table to him.
Sergei noticed an expression take her face, it was one he had seen on many of their test subjects, it was a breaking expression of hope, she was on her last legs with her illness and needed something to bring her back- he felt genuine hope, hope that the drug she was going to test helped her.

"Everything will be fine." He said, the words of comfort sounding strange to him, even though they were from his own mouth. But the smile they caused, that was enough for him.

"Thank you." Maria lowered her head in what could only be called a respectful bow. Silence took the room for a few moments as neither party had or even needed anything to say. The silence ended though, when Maria slid her chair back and came to a stand.

Sergei smiled and stood as well. "It was my pleasure Miss Sera," he walked over to her, ah the things he could do to her! Images flooded through his head, many of which involved his desk, clothing strewn across the floor and the many uses of the surgical tubing.
He shook his head to shake the images placed a hand on her shoulder. "Now I want you to look after yourself." His voice took a gentler tone that again sounded strange to him. "We wouldn't want you to get ill."

Maria smiled and looked up at him, she almost leaned into his touch. "Thank you señor." She inched towards the door. "You are too kind." Sergei watched her open the door and head towards the hallway.

"By the way, Maria." Sergei called making her pause. "Take care my dear."

Maria smiled. "Thank you Sergei."


William Birkin did not look up from his work as he heard the door open and close. From the sound of those heels, it was either his wife or Maria, and since Annette was generally busy with her own work he was going to bet on Maria.
He resisted the urge to sigh, he didn't mind Maria, no, she was quite the friend of his and Annette's, however there was a difference between seeing someone on occasion and seeing them every day and to be frank if he didn't even see his own family as often as he saw Maria then there was something wrong and he shouldn't have her as an assistant anymore.

"Umm…" He cringed, he hated it when people 'ummed' and 'errred' it drove him insane, if they used this language then what they had to say is unimportant and they shouldn't have opened their mouths in the first place.
"Will, I've done the paperwork you assigned, is there some more you need help with?" William sighed and looked up from his work, at least she was asking to do something useful and not wasting his time with inane chatter.

William looked around his desk, there was some paperwork waiting for him but this was stuff he needed to do by himself, things that involved his work on the T-virus, and as much as he trusted Maria- well there were some things that William Birkin just did not share.
"I'm sorry Maria," William began looking at the woman with a weak smile. "I don't have-" his sentence was cut off as the door opened and in walked a Mr. Albert Wesker.

Maria's eyes lit up and she went to give the man a greeting. "Hello señor Wesker-" she went silent as he walked past her, she let out a sad sigh and resigned herself to standing in the background- this wasn't new, she was used to Wesker waltzing in and out of the place like he owned it, it would just be nice if the bastardo at least acknowledged her.
'He's a very busy man.' Her mind said in a comforting tone. 'I don't care how bloody busy someone is, they can still say hi.' Another part of her mind said- and she had to admit she agreed with it.
"Bastardo." She mumbled under her breath, she nearly jumped when Wesker stopped in his step- she was so sure he was going to stop and say something to her from they way his body tensed, but when he continued in his stride to William she let out a breath of relief.

Maria stood and waited attentively as Wesker and William talked about tests they had been running- or something, the pair could get incredibly boring when they wanted to she smiled to herself and thought about more interesting topics, like Sergei; now that was a nice man, he was never rude to her and always found it in himself to smile at her, say hello- he wasn't a rude gilipollas like Wesker.

"Maria?" Maria jumped at the sound of her name, she looked up to see Wesker and William looking at her strangely- crap! Had she been in her own little world again?

"Yes Will?" she asked with a smile, Wesker was looking at her with a bored expression on his face, as though he could be doing lots of other things instead of addressing her. William however, had an amused look on his face, he seemed to know that she had been thinking bad things about Wesker, he knew how much she disliked him.

William held out a stack of papers- it seemed she had something to do again. "These are the papers for the experimental drug, we need them filled out by the end of the week." As Maria opened her mouth to retort he continued as though he knew what she was going to say. "The research notes are over there." He pointed to a green folder on his desk, and turned back to Wesker, it was obvious that they weren't going to say anything else to her so she walked over to the desk, picked up the folder, then went back to her table and set down to get to work.


"Perezosos bastardos tienen que aprender a hacer las cosas por sí mismos!" (A/N: Lazy bastards need to learn to do things for themselves!) Maria muttered to herself as she ploughed through the paperwork, she didn't mind paperwork, really she didn't, however there was a time when things just got too much and this was it. It was utterly ridiculous that she should be doing this, for starters she was pretty sure she wasn't even qualified for this sort of thing, sure she had the knowledge but she was getting paid to file paperwork and maybe fill out a requisition order- not write out assessment results!

"Joder cabrones!" (A/N: Damn bastards!) she growled under her breath.


"Me gustaría que lo hagan por sí mismos!" (A/N: I'd like them to do it for themselves!) she jotted down some more, she was annoyed, very annoyed, so annoyed that if Wesker came in and gave her any for of annoyance she would probably snap, take those god awful glasses and smash them on the floor.

"Maria??" Maria jumped at the sound of her name and looked up to see William looking at her with an amused expression.

"Err…" Maria took a breath and looked up at her superior. "H-How can I help you Will?" she let a smile take her face. She was extremely grateful that it was Will who had found her in her tirade, the last thing he needed was for Wesker or Sergei to have found her muttering obscenities in Spanish.

William pointed to the clock and said with a deadpan voice. "It's time for me to finish for the day."
Maria looked up at the clock, god was it five o'clock already? She looked down at her paperwork, god had she really been sitting there for five hours doing the paperwork? "When this is done," she gestured to her work. "is there anything else you want me to do?"

William paused for a moment as though in thought- Maria held back a giggle, he always looked so adorable when he thought, she had never noticed it until Annette had pointed it out, but when he thought over things he either chewed his nails or his lip. At the moment it was his lip and it was quite adorable.
"I'd like you to requisition me some new equipment and file the papers on my desk."

Maria nodded. "Good evening Will, say hello to Annette and Sherry for me." Will nodded at her and took his leave. Leaving Maria by herself, the silence was nice for the first half hour, but then as time went by it became more irritating. Most nights she was okay with the silence but tonight what would normally be the comforting sound of the clock ticking bought her nothing but sadness.
She looked up at the clock, why was the sound so loud tonight? It was maddening! Tick, tick, tick, her eyes watered that sound. Her hands reached up to the sides of her head, her nails dug into her skull the room started to spin.

"Ungh…" she reached for a familiar bottle that rested inside her lab jackets pocket. Her fingers gripped the plastic as she pulled it out, she gripped it harshly as she twisted the lid.

"Dios…" she gasped as she poured two pills into her hand. The room started to spin faster as she swallowed the pills, their familiar taste of plastic and metal filling her mouth. When the pills were down her throat she felt an attack come at her, she fell to the ground as her body convulsed and a fit of coughs took her. She faintly heard the door open and the sound of rushing footsteps but it all faded to black.


When Maria awoke she was in what appeared to be one of the many medical wings of Umbrella. At least she it looked like one of their medical quarters. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, what happened? She let out a cough and suddenly remembered, she had an attack, but it had been different this time, she hadn't been dizzy before an attack before.
She still felt a little dizzy now that she thought about it, it wasn't as bad as before though, but the stark whiteness of the room was hurting her. She glanced around on the ceiling were some florescent lights, the only source of light, there were no windows, which was a little off putting, Maria would have liked to see some colours. Next to her were some more hospital beds that had no one in them, which again Maria was disappointed with since now she had no one to talk with.

"I wonder what had happened??" she rubbed her head- god she felt awful, maybe it was time for a vacation, but then again she had only been working at this umbrella facility for a month so it was probably too early for a vacation. She smiled at the idea of a vacation, she'd very much like to go back to Spain, maybe spend some time Emilia… or with Luis… how she missed her younger brother.

"Miss Sera?" Maria's head shot up and she looked over to the glass door where Sergei stood, concern etched on his face. Hints of relief washed over his face when she looked at him.

"Señor Sergei." Maria smiled. "How are you?"
"I'm afraid, my dear, I am the one who should be asking you that." He took the seat beside her, his hands folding neatly in his lap. She could only imagine the picture they made, Sergei of all people sitting kindly beside her- from what he had heard of him he wasn't a very nice man to the staff, she couldn't imagine why though he was so friendly!

"I think I had an attack- you don't know do you?" she asked, twiddling her thumbs in her laps.

Sergei looked at her with a frown. "Yes it was an attack." He paused as though in thought, which was true as he was carefully considering his words. "Your old medication has lost its… effects, we should have gotten your new medication to you tonight rather than next week." He reached into his jackets pocket.

Maria looked at him sadly, it wasn't his fault that she had and attack, her illness had been an issue for a very long time, it wasn't something he needed to concern himself with. "Sergei-"

Sergei took out of his pocket a small white medicine bottle with an umbrella logo on the side. "As soon as I heard you were here I had this specially ordered and delivered tonight." There was a small smile on his face as he passed her the bottle, his fingers brushed against hers as the bottle landed in her hand.

Maria looked down at the bottle before opening it, the pills were small, round and white, in their own regard they reminded her of mints and she would have thought them to be such were it not for the umbrella logo carved into the side. "Thank you Sergei." She smiled. "You really did not need to though, I could have waited."

Sergei shook his head. "It was the least I could do when I found out about your condition."

Maria nodded her head as a flash took her memory, she remembered the footsteps rushing towards her before she passed out. "Um… Sergei, do you know who found me?"

Sergei looked at the door an expression took his face, Maria could tell that just from that expression that he was not please by whoever it was that had saved her. "It was Wesker." He said slowly. "Apparently my comrade had gone to Birkin's lab in search of some files when he found you." Sergei's mouth twisted as though he had tasted something foul.

Maria went silent. Wesker had saved her? 'Mr. Grump man with a ten foot long pole up his arse' had saved her? That couldn't be true, the man was insufferable, he'd sooner use her as a test subject than help her. "Really Sergei?" she asked after a long pause, there was just no way known that Wesker would have done anything to help her.

Sergei nodded forlornly however a pleased look took his head as he realised that she was just as disturbed about Wesker saving her as he had been. Since when did that man have a soft spot- he actually thought Wesker might have tested the new virus on her, that would have been more plausible.
However for whatever reason Wesker had decided to do a rare act of kindness and help her, so he supposed that he should give the man some credit, it was too early for Maria to fall ill to her sickness, he needed to test the new drug on her and he also had a few personal agendas involving her so it would be a shame if she were to fall deathly ill.
'I suppose I'll have to thank him.' She thought to herself, her mind still reeling from the information she had been told. Wesker had saved her? She glanced at Sergei. 'He is such a nice man.' She thought with a smile.
Maria put the lid back on her medicine bottle and placed it on the stand beside her bed- were she in any other state of mind she might have thought about reading the label as there was nothing on it, but as it were she wasn't in the frame of mind to think of anything really.
"Sergei." She said with a sleepy smile.

"Yes?" he asked looking back at her.

"Do you mind if I get some rest?" she leaned back into the pillows her muscles giving out and she could feel herself falling asleep. "I'm getting rather tired."

He nodded at her and gave her a warm look. "Of course my dear Miss Sera." He rose from the chair and pointed to a red button on the wall near her head. "Should you need anything press that and someone will come to help you." with a curt nod he left the room, the sound of his footsteps echoing through the hall as he walked.

Maria listened to the sound of his shoes as she closed her eyes, the weariness beginning to take hold of her. "He is such a nice man…" was all she said before falling asleep.


Maria smiled as she walked into the office, the events of the previous day flowing through her mind- she still couldn't believe that her attack had hit her so severely, or the fact that Wesker had saved her. But she wasn't about to complain, at least she was healthy enough to work again, the thought made her smile as she opened the door to William's office.

"It isn't ready for testing yet-" Wesker's voice came to a halt as she walked into the room, his body tensed and he looked less than pleased that she was there.

"Hello Maria!" William said with a smile. "How are you feeling? I heard about last night." Concern etched his face- how she liked Will, he was such a caring person.

"I'm feeling pretty-" she paused as Wesker left the room, she stared at the door for a few moments as if deciding on something to do- she eventually came to her decision and looked at William. "Excuse me for a moment." She didn't even wait for a response before she raced out the door after Wesker.
"Wait Wesker!" she called to his retreating back.

He stopped and she came to a halt behind him. "I umm…" she bit her lip and twiddled her fingers. "I wanted to say thank you, I heard what you did- helping me I mean…"

Wesker didn't turn to look at her, he merely nodded his head and continued onwards. Maria watched his retreating back until he was out of her sight before she headed back into her office where she was met with the sight of a confused William who proceeded to ask her a thousand questions about what had happened to her last night and why she chased after Wesker.
As she listened to and answered Williams questions she noticed a single pink rose on her desk, with a note that read;

I do hope you feel better,

She smiled to herself, Sergei was such a nice man… but then again Wesker… maybe he was a nice man too.
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Comments: 11

veturaeros [2013-02-24 20:32:07 +0000 UTC]

please, please continue this! I read the chapter that has Wesker kiss Claire and I instantly thought that since there were three(I think) chapters left, that one was all about them falling in love, another was Chris and Leon ranting and the last one was their wedding, but you're drawling this story out horribly slowly and please, please, continue!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Tianasina In reply to veturaeros [2013-03-06 02:32:26 +0000 UTC]

lol I've still got a few more chapters left. I want to tie it into one nice little box with next to no plot holes when i finish it. I've just posted the next chapter if you want to check it out.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

veturaeros In reply to veturaeros [2013-02-24 20:32:32 +0000 UTC]

Also, I wanted to say I love this story

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

weskerlover [2013-02-11 01:36:35 +0000 UTC]

please continue the story. ths is a great story. Please!!(begging)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lunaveon [2012-10-09 23:42:41 +0000 UTC]

Okey~ I JUST thought of some things now~ Please answer with your....answers~
WESKER. He is a test tube baby, meaning he was made through chemicals and such. Meaning he's sterile. Meaning he can't have kids.
They took Wesker's DNA, or at least some of it, and made Jake, Wesker's 'son'. He has Wesker's jaw, and he moves like Wesker. Which means....Annebell....umh......I think that was her name, anyway, does that mean Jake is her brother as well? Welll..Jake I guess doesn't know who Wesker is....he mainly only knows Chris as 'that BSAA guy' and Sherry, who does most of his 'story' with.
So...how does this work in?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tianasina In reply to Lunaveon [2012-10-10 08:45:13 +0000 UTC]

I started this story before I had even even heard of RE6 so I'm regretfully leaving the parts with Jake out, I'm not even going to mention RE6 (the story is going to end with RE5,as much as I'd like to write something with Jake and Sherry as the pair are bloody adorable)
As for Wesker being sterile, well I suppose I'm not the first person to give him a child so I'm just taking some creative licence.
Umm... if you have any other questions feel free to ask ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lunaveon In reply to Tianasina [2012-10-10 11:50:31 +0000 UTC]

XD It makes more sense to me if Annebelle...-Is that how you spell her name!? I can't freaking remember- was made like Wesker....but..-shrugs- Its true~ How old is Sherry in your story, if you were to use her? I think she's...umh....25.....as of now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tianasina In reply to Lunaveon [2012-10-13 09:27:58 +0000 UTC]

The Sherry in my story is about that age, I'm not going to really go into her age, but she's old enough to do odd jobs for Wesker and fly a plane.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lunaveon [2012-10-08 22:41:08 +0000 UTC]

....I don't even remember the daughters's name...

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Tianasina In reply to Lunaveon [2012-10-10 08:45:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

weskerlover In reply to Lunaveon [2012-10-10 01:47:13 +0000 UTC]


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