acember — Dekkard

#base #cypher #dekka #float #grem #jump #personal #grems #grem2
Published: 2018-11-05 04:33:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 668; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 3
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Description Testing a new base. It comes in a standing version too but I may or may not post that yet. 
Gonna put Dekka's bio on this too. It's.. long pls bear with me.


Specimen #: Subject 6-12

Grem Class: Standard (formerly)

Containment Procedures: Subject 6-12 is to be kept in a standard cell and allowed the normal daily food and water rations. At this time no guards or monitors are required to be present as subject has not shown any signs of aggression. No requests are to be granted to Subject 6-12 except for an extra water ration once daily, only when requested. Subject 6-12 should not be allowed to leave its containment cell except under the supervision of level 5 clearance Scientists and/or level 5 clearance guards by the request of a level 5 clearance scientist or higher. Subject should be physically restrained when exiting the cell; however, minor restraints should be sufficient provided they show no signs of hostility. Containment cell is to be kept empty except when Subject is being fed, and should be checked daily to make sure they are not hoarding items of any kind.

Description: Subject 6-12 is a standard grem with no known powers, mutations, or otherwise special attributes. They stand at approximately 5’5” (5 feet and 5 inches) tall, and weigh 112 lbs. Their fur patterns are mostly white and black at the time of this writing. Their traits are the standard set of Ribbed ears, Royal neck, and Bun tail. 

  Subject has so far not shown any signs of hostility towards those who have approached it, though they do seem cautious, or timid, in all of their interactions. They would so far be described as “generally cooperative,” but it should be noted that their reason for return to the facility states that they were "unruly" in the owners care. Though further investigation implies this could just be due to a negligent housing situation. Regardless, until they show signs of hostility they should be treated as a tag green, or at most tag yellow, subject. 

Addendum: Subject 6-12 has begun various methods of stress testing in order to stimulate the possible cypherus metamorphosis. However it should be noted that during one of the routine blood tests (necessary for the monitoring of any changes in health or status of the specimen) Subject 6-12 broke into a frenzy and needed to be restrained. It was since recommended that further stress tests in this area be conducted as they are the most likely to produce satisfactory results. Since this initial discovery It is to be noted that, after their first two sessions of bloodletting, Subject 6-12 has shown a tendency to obsess and panic over the sight of blood. Testing is to be continued until otherwise directed.

Test Logs: The following sessions have been recorded due to interesting behavior exhibited by Subject 6-12 when placed into a stressful environment.

-09/12/2XXX: Subject began to react negatively during the second session of bloodletting. Over a 10 minute period they repeatedly begged to be placed back into their cell, and for the first time struggled against their restraints. Further restraining was necessary to keep them in place.

-09/ 19/2XXX: Subject realized they were being transported to the bloodletting station and fought against guards to stay within their cell rather than be taken out for the procedure. Once restrained they kept their eyes closed and their jaw was visibly clenched throughout the duration. ███████████ scientist, Dr.█████, attempted communication with Subject 6-12; however, they only responded by asking to be put back into their cell.

-09/27/2XXX: Subject 6-12 was brought to the bloodletting station and made to watch the procedure today. Their reaction was quite frantic and they even began to cry at one point, despite the fact that pain inhibiting drugs were in use for this session. Throughout the process they kept trying to look away but when they could not they continuously begged for the procedure to stop. When allowed back into their containment cell subject was reported to have clawed at the blood on the floor for 20 minutes until they’d wiped the pool of blood almost completely into their fur, all the while muttering something unintelligible. Subject should be cleaned before next session of testing continues.

-10/ 3/2XXX: Subject 6-12 underwent the same procedure today as on the 27th, this time, when returned to their cell they could be audibly heard crying out “Put it back, put it back!” as they clawed at the blood on the floor in an assumed attempt to shovel it back into the wounds on their arms. Subject has now not eaten in 2 days despite being offered food, and seems to be notably weaker. Subject is recommended at this point for an evaluation. Further testing should be delayed.


-10/4/2XXX: As per facility protocol, security cameras have been installed in or near all containment cells in order to keep a record of events that transpire while the facility or staff are inactive. At approx. 3am, records show that Subject 6-12 had collapsed onto the floor of their cell from where they sat. 15 minutes pass and they remain motionless. At approx. 3:16am, all security footage in the related sector appears to have corrupted, and cuts out abruptly. There is an unrecorded 2 hour and 44 minute gap between footage going offline and coming back online. Any events that transpired within the testing block during this time frame are unknown at this point in time.

-10/4/2XXX: 6am, security footage comes back online. Subject 6-12 has gone missing. It should be noted that around this same time a level 6 clearance scientists access key from one Dr.██████ has also gone amiss, despite them working in a completely different sector.  Investigation is ongoing. 

-10/4/2XXX: 3pm. No progress has been made on finding what remains of Subject 6-12, or the missing access key. Surveillance records made within the time frame in question seem to have all been miraculously corrupted beyond recoverability. At this point the facility is going into a red level lockdown and all related personnel are undergoing a mandatory inspection and questioning before being allowed to leave or enter the facility.


Age: Deceased. (26)
Height: 6'
Pronouns: Any

Relationship: none

Personality: Existential crisis all the time. Believes their life and emotions to be manufactured, and that they are not real, necessary, or important. Likes to get into trouble to feel alive. Cares greatly for other cyphers even if they are unfriendly, and wants to understand them. Hates gremcorps absolutely. Believes most normal grems to be naive and innocent, especially those that put faith or trust in gremcorps.  Does not remember anything about their past life. Probably steals peoples blood. A bit of a mystery. Not easily able to read or to tell what they are thinking. Can be a bit hysterical or overdramatic. Constantly feels like time is running out, not sure for what though. Occasionally tries to disassemble themselves, but this is an impossibility. 

❤'s:  Good Jokes || Dancing to that old fashioned tune! || Playing a god. || Ladies || Doing weird/creepy tricks with their blood power. ||  ???
✘'s:  Gremcorps/vesselcorps. || Being touched or grabbed without permission. || Hospital smell. || Being alone.


   Once a grem who'd been returned to gremcorps to be sold as a cheaper pre-made grem.

  Unfortunately they ended up being one of a few unlucky grems who was then picked out by vesselcorps staff to be put into a secret testing program hidden within depths of the gremcorps facility. The program's goal: To manufacture cypher grems. The idea was that, if kept under tight control, any cyphers produced would be able to help them gain a better understanding of not only the dimensional spaces between worlds and how they interacted, but also of cyphers themselves and how best to capture, use, and possibly even cure them. 

  Sadly the testing process would ultimately require the death of many grems in order to have even a slight chance of producing one cypher. But, done in the name of 'Progress,' the facility pushed onwards.


- They cannot go into water, it will make the portions of their body that are made out of blood wash away. 

- They can stay in the rain for a short while, (longer if they are able to refresh their supply of blood) but it will eventually weaken them. They are seldom seen in the rain. 

- Though their blood supply will replenish on its own with time, they are able to quickly replenish it in case of shortage, via draining blood from other living beings. 

- "Ask me if i'm happy. I don't know." 

- Lives in The Obsoletum. A hidden safehouse for misfit grems and wanted cyphers. Surprisingly derelict and empty. Rarely sees 'visitors.' 

- LOVES TO DANCE! (Do that old timey dance and swing baby!)


Theme:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o0WYi…

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