Blowjobs are Real Jobs
link pt2
Blo Jobs Are Real Jobs part 2-redacted by acggfoenix on DeviantArt
I'm Sam , how are you doing?
You like the way my body looks? I do too but don't always look this way. I'm just one of the guys. Yes , really I am just one of the guys , Chad , he found these pills that turn any guy into a girl for 48 hours .
Myself and my friends have been running buddys for a few years now .
I'm out by the lake this weekend , all five of us like to camp and drink and swim and generally have fun as young men our age do .
We had all wished we had a girl that wanted to come party with us , but haven't found any . Chad has an uncle that has access to experimental pills. Turned Chad onto a supply for us.
That was about a year ago and since then weekends at the lake have become real fun . We load the van and get a few cases , sandwich makings chips and meat for burgers. Then it's time to head for the lake but first we all take roll of a dice to see which of us is taking the pill this weekend .
High number swallows and believe me , we all have learned to swallow .
Has become a great game for us , this shirt is always in the van for the swallower to help remind her of her job this weekend an as you can see thats my job this weekend .
So I take my pill after the roll an before we even make it too the lake i've become a big titted bitch just waiting to do my job , have found I enjoy laying back and spread myself for use , we all do, depends on how the dice roll goes.
We all have a good time now that their is always a willing girl along for the party.
The guys are planning on a road trip vacation in another month , see some new scenery , we've all been saving up for gas and supplies.
I spoke up when talk of a road trip came up, going to be a full two weeks covering some western states, mountain views , should be great, there was talk about the dice , but i poo poo'd the dice and told em i want too do it , whole two weeks worth , Chad an everyone clapped about that.
I'm gonna have so much fun on this trip.