Are you ready for some fite???!?!
Knight and Priest/Shaman/idk
Closes and winners picked on 20 Sept, 8pm GMT+8 Countdown
Accepted Offers in descending order of most preferred (any combination allowed)
Character designs
Cash (Paypal)
If offering points/cash, minimum 300 [USD 3.00]
Please Note:
Please do not back out of the offer
You may make multiple offers for both designs
You may edit the offer any time before it closes.
You can:
Alter colour palette and design
Use for personal purposes such as RP characters, etc
They are characters, after all. Clothing can be changed but it'd be nice to keep to a similar design
You can't:
Use this character if you do not own
Resell for a higher price than paid for
If you've read everything and would like to adopt, please include a "!!!!" in each comment you make to offer here.
Any problems or loopholes? Please inform me!
Thanks for reading ;v;/
Commissions and Customs Information