Acydia — Night| Slave Trader - Aodh | SA

Published: 2017-09-25 21:15:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 1385; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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(( Please note I cannot get deviantart coding to work properly for me so I apologise if this does not look 100 percent correct ))


Domination's the name of the game

In bed or in life

They're both just the same

Except in one you're fulfilled

At the end of the day


Name - Night

Age - 27

Gender - Male

Orientation - Gay - He has managed a few females in his day but his heart was never in it really.

Species - Common Horse

Breed - Clydesdale

Coat Colour - Chimeric Frame Overo - Two differing shades of black

Height - 18.5 hands

Herd: Aodh

Rank: Slave Trader


Scars - A long scar on his flank from a particularly unpleasant run in with a badly behaved slave.

Build, look and carriage - ​

In build Night is quite different from what others in Aodh would consider attractive, but he defiantly flouts the dominant trends in favour of his own strong tastes. He is sturdy and large, veering far closer to (what people in another world) might deem a Clydesdale breed than any slender and neat nobility. He unashamedly wears his fetlocks and hooves long and well groomed and exudes confidence from every pore. Obviously here is a stallion who exists to impress only himself. In spite of his size he moves with poise and grace, used to rubbing shoulders with and dealing with nobility and well versed in how to speak their language. He finds that on the whole his somewhat crass appearance disarms his clients, permitting them to comfortably look down on him as a merchant and to play well and truly into his hooves.


[ Arrogant ] –

Night is an utterly self-assured individual, with an arrogance that runs right down to the core. He doesn’t often doubt himself and believes that the world is his birthright to take advantage of. He is not at all daunted by his bourgeoisie rank and considers himself much more free than the nobility he often services. It is almost impossible to break him or make him doubt himself and insults simply glance off of his hide like water off a duck’s back. The exception to this is the rare individuals he considers friends and who are therefore permitted underneath his armour, only they can harm him and therefore are chosen with meticulous care. He has many friendly acquaintances and very very few friends.

[ Lazy ] –

Night’s laziness is a very selective sort of laziness, primarily the intellectual sort. When listening to people talk about things which aren’t his primary interest he switches off, tuning out the bulk of what is being said. He doesn’t care to challenge himself with reading or with considering complex issues such as social evils and moral quandaries. He is less lax with physical exercise, seeing it as important to keep himself fit and healthy for his line of work, after all you never know when some hard done by individual will take it upon themselves to turn on their captor, especially the vagabonds who he is wary of after a rather nasty scar received from a run in with one. Overall there is an inclination towards hedonistic indulgence even over and above the normal level found in his home city in Night and his vices are both power and wealth enjoyed at an easy pace.

[ Stubborn ] –

Never one to give up, Night will persistently keep at something he sets his mind to until he achieves it, this can be a double-edged sword because it means while he has the determination to achieve complicated or difficult tasks, it also means that he can fixate to a degree on less important or overly tough things to his detriment. Once he gets something into his head it’s very difficult to get it back out again. This aspect of him can translate to loyalty if one manages to befriend him but it can also make him a very bad enemy to make, capable of holding a grudge for years and years at a time.

[ Violent ] –

Though he is very slow to anger, Night shows a disposition towards violence and control which can be startling. Never showing this side to his refined clients and customers he readily turns it upon his captives and wards, showing a callous strength and petty viciousness which leaves many in his care ruled by fear rather than respect. He is known to take on some of the unrulier slaves in and around the city and takes tremendous delight in bringing them to heel. This suppressed violence simmers over in unexpected aspects of his life and has been present ever since he was a foal.

[ Spoiled ] –

Used to a certain level of wealth, Night is out of touch with the struggles of those of a lower rank and tougher climes. He assumes that anyone with problems clearly didn’t know how to manage their issues appropriately. His attitude towards his fellow creatures is callous and flippant without the empathy which would come with trying to understand their plight. This allows him to easily disregard other those under his command to the degree where he can control them but is something which will ultimately cause him problems as he goes on through his life. It is something that when challenged to address it, may well go in another direction down the line. Equally over time without challenge from others it may only deepen.

[ Proud ] –

There is a certain level of vanity inherent in Night, with so much long and high maintenance hair to take care of. It is something in general that he takes great pride in. However, he is very sensitive about his markings and considers them a defect rather than something to be proud of, one of his companions as a child telling him that his chimerism made him a murderer, that he'd killed a twin in the womb and that he'd always be something bad. Never able to shake off this ridiculous superstition even as he grew he focuses on everything else about his attractiveness. He compensates for his size and awkward bulk by taking great care of himself and even if he does not toe the careful line of fashion he makes sure to radiate health, cleanliness and virility at all times and happily indulges in carnality with whoever is interested.

He does not like to be challenged or told that there is something he cannot do, either through lack of ability or through not being allowed, in fact this is perhaps his greatest peeve. He has been known to go to great lengths to prove people wrong simply in return for being told there are heights he cannot attain.


Night grew up in the mighty herd of Aodh, raised by his father alone. The young kindling was a handful with a boisterous and curious nature. His father was a slave trader of renown and wealth with a large network of slaves in his care. Night often spent time with enslaved children and never quite understood why all of his playmates eventually had to move away in the end.

His father always staunchly refused to speak of his mother and he was left at a loss as to that side of himself, changing the tales he told himself about her daily. One day she would be a fantastic noblewoman or a brave warrior maiden, other days, in his darker moments he found himself wondering if she’d been a slave too and his merchant father had saved him from sharing her rank by virtue of his silence. He never got to meet her. His name was always considered a fairly unpopular one given the rich focus on fire and daylight in Aodh, referring to the night sky and his fur’s similarities to it. He was never very fond of it.

Attending a private school paid for by his father he found himself the butt of various playful jokes and jests from his companions, spending an ungainly adolescence gaining his eventual enormous height. He was somewhat pressured by his father into electing business in his initial time at lower secondary and later chose to move on to technical studies rather than his favoured fine arts.

He looked upon the wealth, poise and grandeur of the wealthy and high ranked individuals in the city and decided there and then that one day he would be part of their society. He knew that he didn’t have the lineage or the blood that would entitle him to walk among those sacred halls, nor in fact did he have the appearance, unable to pull off the shorn, styles and slender looks of the fashionable lords and ladies without looking like a labor servant brought in from the fields. He knew the route to being in their midst would be to make himself truly invaluable to them and he didn’t have too many quibbles about standing on the shoulders off the less fortunate to get there.

It didn’t matter where he came from or what he was, all that mattered was where he was going and onwards he went. He took to the work of his father’s business with aplomb, showing himself a diligent worker with a real eye for the individuals who would make excellent servile servants, giving his input into the breeding of better more attractive stock and generally channeling his love for artistry into the flesh of the captive. He tried not to think too hard about any moral issues involved and had always been very good at not thinking about the things that made him uncomfortable.

He had a partner once, and a daughter, but the relationship was fraught with issues and in the end his partner took her own path and took his daughter with her. He finds it difficult to maintain relationships, the avoidance and distance which makes him so good at his job making it too easy to ignore those who are supposed to be important to him.

These days he tends to split his days between his father’s estate in Valore and Bloom, whiling away his time with a combination of vice and work. A lot of work.

(I am completely aware noble parents are typically reserved for nobility only, but I felt like it would be interesting to leave this particular plot thread - that of his mother - open and ambiguous for exploration down the line after establishing Night's character more solidly through writing with his discovery being one way or the other, I don’t always like to pin down all family relations right at the outset as it might have implications later. On the whole it will not be of imminent importance to him and will either be proven out as a slave or someone of noble blood depending on later permission within the group. If this isn’t acceptable I am happy to simply set her as a slave from the outset, hope this is ok.)

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Comments: 7

shyponies [2017-10-27 11:21:08 +0000 UTC]

i loooove the aspect in the 'proud' section of his persona where the other foals assumed that he'd killed his twin because of his chimerism

such a stone cold edge to this guy, i adore him

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Acydia In reply to shyponies [2017-10-27 11:40:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much I'm really excited about him, I need all the prompts for October to be over for all the closed species I have so I can just settle down and draw and develop him some! He's such a demanding muse for me right now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

shyponies In reply to Acydia [2017-10-27 11:41:40 +0000 UTC]

ahh no problem!

i'm working on the gift art of him right now, hopefully should be complete soon! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Acydia In reply to shyponies [2017-10-27 11:49:25 +0000 UTC]

Omg! Thank you so much! Everyone in SA is so kind ;____; I can't wait to properly get involved.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

corruptedcorvid [2017-10-08 09:38:17 +0000 UTC]

I love this boy .o.
Such a handsome child hnn <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Kitnkit [2017-10-05 20:39:37 +0000 UTC]

I lov him

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CATAC0RNY [2017-10-05 18:31:04 +0000 UTC]

ohohooh he is a beautiful

👍: 0 ⏩: 0