Sijinn are a closed species by AcyFaust. DO NOT MAKE YOUR OWN.
Learn more about Sijinn:
* Payment required within 24hrs of confirmation of your win.
* Cannot be used for commercial purposes, personal use only.
* Cannot be made into other species, but, if you want to remove the lore behind your Sijinn and make them a stand-alone character that is fine!
* You may resell your Sijinn for the price you bought them for. Additional monetary value would be art you've bought of your Sijinn. If acquired via gift or free raffle, the Sijinn can only be traded or gifted.
* You cannot claim the design as your own. Please credit AcyFaust where credit is due.
* Alterations to the design may be made with approval from AcyFaust .
* Sijinn must always be MALE.
CLOSED// Owner: MnkBlaze
OFFER TO ADOPT - You can offer one of the following below or a mixture
Minimum Monetary offer: 30 USD
((Any offer over 100 will get an on base full body, anything beyond that is subject to discussion))
Art Offers: must be at least two pieces of art, fully colored and/or shaded
Character trades: extremely picky but you can offer characters