ademmm β€” Children Are Homeless in Gaza

Published: 2009-02-12 16:11:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 22766; Favourites: 53; Downloads: 1484
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'They have no humanity. They didn't even give us two minutes to get out'

Last month, Israeli troops swept into the Rafah refugee camp in Gaza, bulldozing hundreds of homes and leaving around 60 dead. Israel says it was looking for terrorists, but by the time the army withdrew, 1,600 people were homeless. What happens to the people whose houses are destroyed? Chris McGreal asked six families to show him what they salvaged from the rubble

The Al-Akhras family

There is nothing left of the Akhras' family's home. Even the cloths blowing in the breeze above their heads, providing a pathetic, makeshift tent to the once nomadic Bedouin family, are borrowed from luckier neighbours. A large round metal bowl is all that they recovered from the rubble of their house after it was bulldozed by the Israeli army.

"There were 10 rooms here," says the 50-year-old patriarch, Ghazi. "Thirty-three people lived in the house. There was me, my wife, my seven brothers and their wives, and all our sons and daughters."

It was 10pm when the bulldozers came. "All the people were fleeing their houses, but one of my brothers is handicapped and was trapped in the house. We had to carry him out as the bulldozer was hitting the building."

All that remains of the house is a mound of concrete and dirt. The destruction by the bulldozer was so complete that some of the walls have been ground to a rubble reminiscent of the rocky desert beyond the fence.

Like many other families in Rafah, the Akhras family has been made homeless before. Ghazi came from Yibna after the Israeli army, under the command of Ariel Sharon, then military governor of Gaza, bulldozed his home in 1971. "We bought the house here from the Israelis. We had the documents to show it. We saved nothing, not even the documents," he says. "This is more than the catastrophe of 1948 for us. In 1948 there were no Apaches shooting at us."

Akhras, who worked as a builder in Israel before the intifada, cannot afford to rebuild. "I have no money to do it. Now we are all homeless, living in houses of relations. During the day we come and sit on the rubble, under the tent, because the relations do not want us in their house all day. At night we go there just to sleep."

The Abu Ghali family

Aziza Abu Ghali is exhausted by her fury and can barely stand. "My husband is 90 years old and has nowhere to sleep. The Jews are just demolishing our houses. I was shouting at the bulldozer driver: 'Don't you have children?' They kill our sons and put us in the morgue. We are praying to Allah to show them the suffering that they show us."

Aziza is one of the few in her street who remember how they all ended up in Rafah in 1948, just as the Israeli state was being created. She was born in the now extinct village of Yubna, which was erased and replaced with the Israeli town of Yavne. Four of her children - three sons and a daughter - were born there also. "The Jews used their guns to make us go away. They tell lies about this now, saying we ran away on our own. Who would leave their home unless they had to? We only left to save the lives of our children. I was a young woman then. I never imagined that the Jews would still be doing this to me."

When the bulldozers came this time, Aziza was asleep. Her husband, Yousef, was in a bed in a neighbouring room. Their son and his family lived across a small yard in two other rooms.

All that was recovered from the wreckage was Yousef's wheelchair. The corner of his bed sticks out from the rubble. Their fridge is tossed on top, wrecked. A metal ceiling fan, its blades buckled like a withering flower, hangs from a surviving wall.

Yousef's son, Sobhi, a nurse in a UN clinic, says his father was lucky to escape. "All day there was shooting. There was a tank near our house and I was afraid to even put my head out of the door. There were Israeli snipers on the top of the buildings. It was dangerous just to show your face.

"I was awake the whole night. I could hear sounds of houses being demolished. At first light I could hear my father knocking at my mother's room saying he wanted to go to dawn prayers. He is almost totally deaf. I wanted to call to him and tell him to stay indoors because they might shoot, but he came out and I had to rush to rescue him."

The family sheltered for a few more hours until the bulldozer's attention turned to their own house, home to 13 people. "I saw the house was about to be demolished. I just picked up my son and my father and dragged them away. We ran out into where the shooting was. The bulldozer driver was indifferent to us. They saw us and knew we were inside. We had just a few minutes to get away. We were crying and shouting at them. I was carrying my father on my shoulders. I don't think he even understood what was happening."

The Al-Wawi family

Mousa Joma al-Wawi has a long history with Ariel Sharon. "We call him 'the bulldozer'. This is not the first time he's done this to us. The first time was in 1971," says the 54-year-old grandfather, standing amid the rubble of his home in the al-Brazil neighbourhood in Rafah.

Like many in Rafah, the latest round of mass demolitions was not the first time that Wawi had been bulldozed out of his home. He counts off the times he has had to flee his house.

"I was a refugee before I was even born. My mother was pregnant when she fled our village, Zarnuga, when the Jews came in 1948. The house is still standing. There's a Jew living in it. My mother moved to a tent in Khan Younis (a little north of Rafah) and then to Rafah, where I was born."

Wawi's introduction to the bulldozers came in the 70s, when General Sharon, as he then was, bulldozed about 20,000 people from their homes in the Gaza Strip to widen roads as part of his strategy against the Palestine Liberation Organisation.

"Sharon destroyed our house. The UN and Israelis built us new ones in Yibna [a Rafah neighbourhood]. They sold the house to us. I have all my documents. The house had a tiled roof and two rooms. It was 1.5m high and 3m long by 2.5m wide. When we became a bigger family, we expanded it."

But the bulldozers were back in 1997, as the Israeli army destroyed the very homes it had built for Palestinian refugees about 25 years earlier. The Wawi family fled to the al-Brazil neighbourhood of Rafah and, over the years, built up a new home.

There were about 20 men, women and children crammed into the back room of Wawi's home on the corner of an al-Brazil street when the demolition squads arrived. They had not dared to venture out because of the bullets flying round the street, but now they had to escape.

"My brother lives next door," says Wawi. "We were all in this room and my brother came with a hammer and smashed a hole in the wall. The bulldozer was hitting the house. We carried nothing at all. We were just trying to escape by ourselves ... Some of the pigeons survived."

Among the rubble lies the water tank, pierced by bullets, a broken bedside table and the remnants of a wardrobe. A hanging basket of red flowers magically survived unscathed, and the family pulled some blankets, pillows and a child's toy plastic bike from the rubble.

Where will they go now? "This is still my home," says Wawi. "We will clean it and we will bring tents in. If they want to shoot me in my home - shoot me, my sons, my grandchildren - we cannot stop them. We are staying, no matter what."

The Mikkawi family

Rula Abu Abid grips her doll as if it is all she has left in the world. It is called Larla and its head is buried in the rubble of her home. Rula asked her grandfather, Hassan Mikkawi, if they would ever find it. The 61-year-old motor mechanic - "the most famous mechanic in Rafah" - reassured the five-year-old that one day they would have the strength to sift through the rubble to look.

One building in the family compound, which provided homes for two of his sons and their families, has been completely demolished. The armoured bulldozer ripped the front out of his own home, crushing furniture, destroying much of the living room and wrecking the bedroom. The surviving furniture is battered and splintered. Not much else was saved: a toolbox, a crate of onions, a large metal bowl, a bedside table, some blankets. Mikkawi's car was flattened by the massive bulldozer.

"I lived in America illegally for more than a year. It was 1996," he says, pulling out an Alabama driving licence to prove it. "I had good work as a motor mechanic, but I came back here. I often wonder why, but I could not take my family to America. When I came back, we thought things would be peaceful. We thought there would be no more demolitions."

Hassan Mikkawi was six years old when he fled his own village, Zarnuga, as it was seized by the fledgling Israeli army in 1948. There were about 2,500 Arabs living there, many of whom ended up in Rafah.

"I remember the garden and the mosque. At that time there were no tanks, but I remember the shooting. I remember my mother and my father and my brother weeping. And I remember us running away and my father carrying some food and some clothes. It was the same then as it is now.

"We arrived in Gaza in 1948 and came to Rafah a year later. In 1967 the Israelis crushed our home and they wanted to send us to Sinai or the West Bank but we refused. My father built a house here. Two rooms with a bathroom. You can see we made it much bigger, much grander."

There were 16 people living in the house when the bulldozers arrived for the most recent demolition. The family ran, waving white headscarves. When they returned, the parts of the house that were not destroyed teetered precariously. A forest of scaffolding is all that keeps it standing.

The Abu Hasaneen family

Raesa Khalel Abu Hasaneen has 10 children. Their small home was always a little cramped; the boys sleeping in one room, the girls in another. But all that is left now is the kitchen, where some of the children bed down next to a piece of netting where once there was a wall, and the bathroom.

"We didn't expect this to happen here. The Israelis say they are looking for [weapons-smuggling] tunnels but we are too far away from the border to have tunnels.

"We heard the bulldozer and we saw the walls shaking. I put my children in one room and I went to the bulldozer and said there were children in the house. The children were all crying. The driver kept bulldozing. I was crying and shouting and begging and waving a white flag.

"The men smashed a hole in the wall to the neighbour's house. They had pieces of wood and they were hitting and hitting. They all came to help us."

The family escaped, but not much was recovered from the rubble. A couple of kerosene lanterns and many of the children's schoolbooks survived, as did the kitchen furniture and fridge. But all the beds and clothes are gone.

"The children don't want to go to school in these clothes. They have been wearing them for days. They are ashamed," she says.

"This was my home for 22 years. I moved here when I married my husband. There's nothing better than this home. I am sleeping on the stone floor now, but I'm staying here for my dignity. I have no idea how we will rebuild it. My husband used to be a builder in Israel but he is not allowed to work there anymore. We have no money to rebuild.

"They only have malice against all Palestinians because the Jews don't want to see Palestinians as people. They just want to destroy us."

The Abu Masod family

Mohammed Abu Masod says the graffiti on the shell of his home and factory was nothing to do with him, but he sympathises with its sentiment. Sprayed on to what had been one of the building's floors, now sloping precariously after an army bulldozer ripped the supporting wall away, is a Star of David next to a Nazi swastika. The equation deeply offends almost all Israelis, and Palestinians know it. But Abu Masod, sitting in the rubble of the business that fed his extended family, sees what he describes as a common lack of humanity between the two.

"They do not see us as human beings. They have no humanity. Look at the Jewish settlers: they live so well and we live so badly because of it. And then what little we have the Jews destroy. They didn't give us two minutes to get out. They were slapping us in the face. They called us terrorists. Who are the terrorists now?"

One in three buildings in Masod's street were demolished by the armoured bulldozers. All that emerged from what had been his factory, which made car carpets and seat covers, is a couple of ruined sewing machines, a few blankets and a battered car seat.

The Abu Masod family came from Wadi Hanin, a village that no longer exists inside Israel. Wadi Hanin was razed; Mohammed came to Rafah as a baby in 1948. He was living in Yibna in 1973 when his home there was demolished by Sharon's bulldozers in what was then, too, called an anti-terrorist operation. He moved to al-Brazil. "We were six brothers when we built this place. Now we are 40 people living in this building," he says. "This little factory, all the family lived off it. We made carpets for cars and chairs. We got nothing out of the building: the machines, our clothes, the furniture, our gold, food - nothing. We didn't even get the needles."

"There are about 20 sewing machines in the rubble. I lost tens of thousands of dollars. We bought all the machines from Italy. They were all new a few years ago."

When the bulldozers arrived, Abu Masod was in the house with two of his older sons, Jabr, 20, and Masod, 16. There were also five of his brothers and their 12 children, including six babies. "We were all in the house. We waved white flags and we were talking to the bulldozer driver. We said we had children in here. The army gathered all of the men, handcuffed us, covered our eyes and took as to the border for interrogation. The children were sheltering in a neighbour's house."

The destruction was thorough. One building was entirely destroyed and another, built above the ground-floor sewing shop, was partially collapsed and most of the contents smashed. On top of the rubble lies a sycamore tree that has been ripped from the ground.

"Now I am homeless in the street. I sleep here, in the rubble. The children sleep with the neighbours. I don't have money to buy food for the children so the neighbours are feeding them. I can't afford to rebuild. The clothes I'm wearing are all I have."
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Comments: 50

donnamm [2016-08-16 21:51:26 +0000 UTC]

Bless all people who are oppressed by others. May the Isralis realize that their agenda of genocide will come back upon them, such is the cosmic law.Β 

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DanithDarksoul [2016-01-19 20:37:35 +0000 UTC]

Arabs are subhuman vermin that must be totally exterminated!!

Long live the Israeli Race!!

Long live the Religious Zionist State of Israel!!

Long live Religious Zionism!!

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DanithDarksoul [2016-01-17 20:10:49 +0000 UTC]

Gas the Arabs!!!

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JackieStarSister [2014-07-25 03:12:25 +0000 UTC]

When I saw the title, I thought this was from recent days or weeks … but it was years … I can't believe it. God bless them.

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shamylicious [2013-09-28 20:46:39 +0000 UTC]

Even in a situation like this..they can smile..

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Anomonny [2011-05-04 06:02:59 +0000 UTC]

It's so sad people wont stop war on nothing but endless war.

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90sBilal [2011-04-12 12:48:04 +0000 UTC]

15 May is Our Day..
The Third Palestinian Uprising..We'll Not Give Up..

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Quadraro [2011-01-18 01:59:53 +0000 UTC]

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yarngirl [2010-11-28 22:50:17 +0000 UTC]

Great photo.

All of you people arguing about who is right and who is wrong should read "From Beirut to Jerusalem" by Thomas Friedman, and get a little perspective. There are good and bad people on both sides of this conflict, and innocent victims on both sides who just want peace and security with no more death and destruction. There are no absolute villains or heroes here.

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Patriot44 [2010-07-31 21:37:44 +0000 UTC]

Maybe the Israelites would improve their policy on Gaza is the Palestinians stopped blowing everything up and actually legitimized themselves!

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Noor-al-Haqiqa [2010-06-13 22:15:52 +0000 UTC]

These are not people. They are animals to be turned out of the barn as the masters decree. There is no mercy in most Jews' souls because these are animals, not worthy of care. In my long collection of Zionist quotes I find Palestinians referred to as cockroaches, crocodiles, animals, never ONCE as humans. All goyim are to them "as beasts of the field" created to serve them. Arabs only stand on two legs to serve their masters best otherwise they are just beasts.

They consider Arab children to be demons and make a point of killing women and children as part of an established policy. Women first because they breed, children next because they grow up to be an enemy, men last because they cannot procreate and make good target practice.

Where the normal person reads these articles and looks at these images and weeps, feels compassion, these spawn of Satan see success and feel they are serving their devil god.

They truly are a different race. They are the race of the spawn of Satan. By the way, I could dig up quotes from the Talmud or from various rabbis that back up everything I say and more. They are truly evil and have it in their mind to do to the entire world what they do in Palestine and did in Russia during the Red Terror a hundred years ago. The atrocities they committed there when they slaughtered so many many million White Christians was detailed and they used the very same techniques in Dier Yassan. They love the blood.

A nation that lives by blood will die in blood.

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MilaEighteen In reply to Noor-al-Haqiqa [2011-03-28 04:20:12 +0000 UTC]

Jesus Christ Almighty! What in hell have you been smoking? Criticizing Israel is one thing, right? I'm a Jew. I criticize Israel. Hating Israel is something else, but at least people have reasons for it. Hating Jews is BLEEDING UNFORGIVABLE! Mind control experiments? You kidding me? Everyone knows what a disaster MK-Ultra was.

Now I challenge you to show me one quote that proves your point. And it can't be from those crazy Haredi rabbis. Also, you probably don't realize that in Hebrew, goyim means "nations". In Hebrew, Jews are goyim. It was only once it became a Yiddish word it took the meaning "other nations".

I'm sorry, but I take offense as being referred to as the spawn of the Satan. Also, do tell how the Jews were involved in the Red Terror? Yes, a lot of Jews were Bolsheviks, but that's only because it was better than being attacked by Cossacks bi-weekly!

Holy hell! Get your facts straight and then talk to me... actually, don't talk to me at all. People like you sicken me. I though we were pas these medieval ideas. Apparently not.

Also, Deir Yassin was a mistake.

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Jaaked In reply to Noor-al-Haqiqa [2011-01-01 22:58:29 +0000 UTC]

I know.... I'm only half arab and one man once told me that ''I will kill u all. Your not a human. Not a thing.Not even an animal.''

I was only four..... I guess he said i cuc i had a palestine hat on.....It sad how much they hate

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salma1 [2010-06-06 22:30:26 +0000 UTC]

yes all the world must see the truth
thank you jzazaka allahu khayran

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mummeli [2010-06-04 20:33:25 +0000 UTC]

Can't anyone STOP this madness ?

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YumiAndTheRainbow [2009-05-12 17:57:11 +0000 UTC]

Hi there! My name is Eliana Costa, and I'm from Portugal - Lisbon.
I'm in a school project named "Del8 - Apaga com os Objectivos do Milenio". (It's a national level project)
I wanted to know, if I can use this image.
In this project, I'm making a video in which I want to illustrate the problems in Africa - GuinΓ©, (some as hiv/aids, children mortality, etc...).
"ad Gentes - Associação Leigos MissionÑrios da Consolata" will be the only owner of the video and the copyrights, that has non-profit.
I hope that you can reply me soon... i'm in a hurry! ^^
Thanks a lot!

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sasponi [2009-02-28 18:52:24 +0000 UTC]

Children Are Homeless in Gaza ...
childrern are dieing in Israel!

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cbby2121 In reply to sasponi [2010-07-16 10:04:42 +0000 UTC]

Hey theres tons more children dying in gaza coz of the damm israeli government!
What they are doing in gaza is exactly what hitler did to the jews with the concentration camps.
They are caging them and its fucking wrong. they won't let any sustainable aid in so they can rebuild houses and schools that the israeli army destroyed.
I don't hate jews, infact i have plenty of jewish friends, i just believe that what the israeli government is doing is wrong and so does any proper jew.

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sasponi In reply to cbby2121 [2010-09-26 20:00:36 +0000 UTC]

Do not compare the Holocaust to Gaza ...
It's just nasty and sick act

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Noor-al-Haqiqa In reply to sasponi [2011-01-27 10:58:18 +0000 UTC]

The word "holocaust" translates as an offering by fire, to the god they worship (Lucifer). Shock and awe in Iran was a fire sacrifice and was a small holocaust. The attack on Gaza a few years ago was definitely a holocaust. They fried every Palestinian they could, literally. That is a burnt offering... wars have a physical and a spiritual side to them. Also, the zionists used Nazis to set up their first military organizations once they came to Israel. The Nazis have never left the world... they are in America too. Look up Project Paperclip. They became the foundation of NASA and the CIA and the mind control experimentation that is now used on us all.

There are more similarities than differences between the two groups.

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cbby2121 In reply to sasponi [2010-11-06 12:44:46 +0000 UTC]

lol you are sooo deluded in the head its actually sad
why can't you see that they are just trying to defend themselves from people invading their country and literally treating them like animals

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Hawarosty In reply to sasponi [2010-09-27 06:19:35 +0000 UTC]

Actually she should compare it to what Hitler did.
When Hitler did it, people went crazy and hated Hitler!
but when Israelis do it, it's okay?
Why on earth should we not compare the Holocaust to Gaza.. it's just history repeating itself.

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TillShilohComes In reply to Hawarosty [2011-04-28 17:22:52 +0000 UTC]

When HAMAS bomb Jews it is ok?

Over 5 million Jews dead because of Hitler, mas genocide. You cannot compare what is happening here to that. If Hamas stopped doing what they do to Israel, these people would not have this problem! Hamas is at fault.

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Hawarosty In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-05-03 02:57:21 +0000 UTC]

Um why is Hamas bombing Jews?

In 1948 5000 or more Palestinians were killed, War of Attrition 2500 Palestinians were killed, Yom Kippur War 1000 Palestinians, Lebanese Civil War 75000 Palestinians. In 2000-2005 - 5000 Palestinians were killed, Gaza War 1,500.. The First Intifida, 3000... Hebron Massacre 1996, 60 Palestinians dead in Mosque. Al-Aqsa massacre 2000 around 35 Palestinians were killed, Jenin 2002, 53 Palestinians were killed.. 300 in Gaza (recently) were killed..

Ahhh, too many to list.. just check this web site please [link]

I have a Palestinian friend who went just to visit his family, and got killed because he "looked suspicious" looking at his coke that he was drinking. They didn't find anything in that coke, after he was dead .. and don't dare say that they're acting this way because they are being defensive or whatever.. It clearly became a habit of theirs.

Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of Israeli friends. I don't dislike or judge you because of what you believe in and where you're from, but I just hate those who kill innocent people, and take over their own lands and treating them like pigs IN THEIR OWN LANDS... and no one is doing anything about it.

One of the reasons why I think this is the same as the Holocaust is because a lot of people DON'T really know what's going on.
During the Holocaust... Not a lot of people, or almost no one knew what was going on ..

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TillShilohComes In reply to Hawarosty [2011-05-03 05:27:17 +0000 UTC]

Let me star by saying I am not against the Palestinian people, I am not & I am not saying that everything the Jews do is right either, but I am sick of the LIES that are told too.

Since 1948, over 30,000 Jews killed. So lisitng palestinian deaths (some brought about by their own who should be protecting them), just shows that people in large numbers have been killed on both sides. Also, I don't see Jews kidnapping people (like Gilad Shalit) and holding them hostage, torturing them (beheading them), etc. Funny thing is, they value him (Shalit) as being worth over 300 of theirs, makes you think huh?

I am not saying the story of your friend id not true, but I would like to see documentation of some sort and hear their side of the story too. i am sorry for waht happened to your friend, for your loss. Could they be getting into a habit? Maybe, maybe because other people have a habit of bombing them and they have to be suspicious of everything. Terrorists do this, they instill not oly fear, but a sense of unease,a sense of never relaxing a vigil, a sense that, if we don't, we might loose people? It is easy to overreact under that pressure.

Ok, but consider, in 1948, it was decided there be two states, the state of Israel, and the state of Palestine. If the Arabs had been happy to accept that, there would not have been a problem, but they opted to attack the Israeli's, they wanted them dead & they wanted it all. The Israeli's were outnumbered 50 Million! To 500,000! And they won! Because of that act of agression (and others), the Arabs (Palestinians & or whichever) have lost land, they forgot that if you war on someone, you can loose land & you might not get it back! Also note, at the time of 1948, despite being hugely outnumbered, and despite not having the technology and or firepowere they have now, the Jews won!

If these people (Palestinian & or otherwise), want respect, then they must earn it by learning the value of TRUSTWORTHYNESS. Make truces and keep them say what they mean, don't lie (though they say Allah says it is ok to lie when you need to?) Isreal gave back the Gaza strip (stupid choice because it gained them nothing, just more rockets in return for a gesture of good will for the sake of peace), did it help? In their own lands? They have their own lands and they say they are refugee's in their own lands. If they got on with the job of establishing their own lands they would not be in this mess.

These peoples leaders have taken all international aid and sympathy money for years and done hardlyu anything with it for their own people, Arafat took it for years, his family are millionaires. They and Hamas and others do nothing for the people except bring trouble down on their heads. If they had taken the path of peace, Palestine would be a lot different tody, but they choose war and the underlying fact that they do NOT want to share.

Israel has no choice but to defend herself & her people and when you have people strapping explosives to themselves and wanting to bomb them and their children, you end up with checkpoints etc. When people sneak into homes and murder people (children) in their beds, you have fences & eventually walls! Whether everything Israel does is 100% correct or not, they do have the right to defend themselves and protect their own, which they do and am entitled to.

If the palestinian people wake up and see it is their leaders (and the fanatics) among them that have lost them so much, they might stop supporting these ones and getting leaders who truly want peace. You can't blame the Israeli's for doubting this will happen.

Yes, a lot of people might not, though I don't see how, as news media of today are all over the place like ants! While they say they did not know what was going on back then, they did. It was Germany's worst kept secret. The allies had inteligence agencies then, they knew, have no doubt. The German people knew, have no doubt. It is just that the blind eye was turned.

After it all came out, no one wanted to admit they knew.

Over 6 million Jews and others, Christians, Romney, others, not to mention the disabled who were deemed unfit to live. THAT is Holocaust. Palestine's problems are NOT Holocaust. How any wrong could be missed in Palestine is beyond me because it seems everyone out of ten Palestinians has a film crew with them.

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Hawarosty In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-05-06 06:22:34 +0000 UTC]

Jews lived with Arabs for ages and ages in PEACE!! Couldn't they just kept it that way?

Anyways, Palatines and other Arab countries were fighting for Palestine for ages and ages until recently they wanted to at least take the Quids since it's a very holy and important place to them. Israel declined that request.
bombs? In Palestine? they barely have weapons!

read this .. this happened very recently [link]

Trustworthiness? After the "White Paper" agreement, I don't think anyone should be trusted!!
they agreed on only a limit of 75,000 Jews who can immigrate to Palestine, but it only lasted for 5 years or a little more and more Jews started immigrating to there. so basically, Palestine did share some of their land with 75,000 Jews.

Could you PLEASE watch this video? [link]
I think it's very important to watch.

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TillShilohComes In reply to Hawarosty [2011-05-09 18:23:15 +0000 UTC]

Ok, I looked at the video & the other link, I just want you to know I did before I answered.

There have been times where they have lived side by side peacefully.

The fact is that it was agreed in 1948 to have two states, Israel & Palestine. Now if this had been adhered to and no conflict occured, everything would have been fine, but 'some' Arabs did not want to adhere to it and attacked the Israeli's, the Israeli's were outnumbered and outgunned. Outnumbered 500,000 to 50 million, yet, they won the struggle and Palestine lost land. They forgot that when you go to war & you lose that war, you can lose land. Egypt tried it later and lost. Israel has had to fight, otherwise there would be no Israel today.

The video you linked is a bit old, Israel gave back the Gaza strip. This was a really good chance for peace, all the Arabs had to do, was to do nothing, instead, they used the Gaza strip to attack Israel (over 220 rockets this year alone). Getting the Gaza strip back was a test & they failed it. If they had not continued to attack Israel, they would have had more chance of peace. The world at large would have been more willing to listen if they had not. Ghandi beat the Brittish Empire with peaceful protest. You do not win peace by shooting rockets over borders, by suicide bombing buses with kids on them, highjacking aeroplanes and murdering people (Arafat was an old terrorist from way back). You don't win prizes from the Israeli's by kidnapping and torturing (and killing) people (like Gilad Shallit) & demanding the release of criminals & murderers (terrorists).

It is simple, they have proved themselves untrustworthy and that they will not keep their word. No peace can be had without trust.

They don't have weapons? They seem to have enough to fire on Israel (indescriminately). The sad thing is that Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia etc, don't give a fig for the Palestinians, if they did, they would help them, but they do not. When some Palestinians wanted to go there as 'refugees', they were not taken in.

As long as one's like Hamas continue to try to destroy Israel, the Palestinians will suffer. Their own leaders are the problem. The Palestinian leader at the moment is too scared of HAMAS to make peace with Israel, to go to the table and negotiate. For a peace to be made, you have to WANT it and be prepared to prove you will keep it.

I feel really sorry for the Palestinian people, they are, in the main, in a trap, kept there by extremists who destroy every chance for peace. If only they could have accepted the borders back in 1948, this problem would not exist. I am not against the Palestinian people, just the extremists that cause them & Israel pain.

Obviously you wish that there can be a peace, most people in the world want it too & this is costing both Israeli and Palestinian. Imagine what could be acheived if there was peace? But it would have to be a genuine offer of peace, and not one that is broken.

Can anyone be trusted? Not everyone, but if the majority could be, it would be a start. Problem is, if any Palestinians really rallied for peace, they would have to watch their backs because ones like HAMAS would probably kill them.

As for the link you wanted me to read, I believe it was found that Israel acted accordingly. And if Hamas did not do the things they did, then there would not be a blockade & Gaza would be doing better.

As for "the Quids" I don't know about this, can you explain?

I am not against you, nor Palestine.I am sorry this answer is so late, I have not been on here for a while.

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Hawarosty In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-05-14 06:17:21 +0000 UTC]

The video is old. I just wanted to show you how they're treated over there. I'm sure it's even worse.

Basically, you're saying that it's Palestine's fault.. or extremist Palestine's fault. Which is not true.. Israel does not want peace, they keep on wanting more lands. They want to take over everything.

Not true, Jordan and Saudi Arabia are very supportive! YESS they do accept refugees? How do you think I knew my Palestinian friends? they came to Saudi (where I used to live) and they were given homes and even jobs. Almost 30% of Jordanians are refugees from Palestine. I've been there, so I know. I don't know about Egypt, and Syria though.

I know that you're not against me, nor Palestine thanks for being nice and not replying with angry and bad words like what people usually do -_-

Read this article if you don't mind [link]

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TillShilohComes In reply to Hawarosty [2011-05-20 11:07:47 +0000 UTC]

Hi, sorry been off DA for a while with studies.

Hey, there is always two stories and no one is squeeky clean. But I do know that Israel does want peace. If the extremist would stop what they are doing, peace would have a better chance. They are hurting their own, not helping!

Ok, but some were not so supportive in the beginning. I am glad they are now.

No, I am not against you or Palestine, I wish for peace for them all, I pray that peace can come. After all, Jew, Muslim & Christian all follow and believe in the God of Abraham/Ibrahim and should be at peace with each other, understand each other. It is only extremists (on all sides) that get in the way of this, instead of following God's word of peace, they do not get the message right, this is a sad thing.

Could you send that link again? For some reason I am having trouble with it?

Peace to you and yours.

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Hawarosty In reply to TillShilohComes [2011-05-26 02:21:59 +0000 UTC]

We keep on arguing about this, and I see that it's going no where ((
All I want to say is you see Jews against the Jewish government, but you don't see Palestinians against Palestine..

Anyways, thanks for your time,

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TillShilohComes In reply to Hawarosty [2011-05-26 03:57:56 +0000 UTC]

I was unaware we were 'arguing', I thought we were discussing. I cannot, in any way, see my last comment as being unreasonable?

I see, then who is more honest? The onse who see and amit any faults among their own? Or the ones who say they have never done anything wrong? The ones who allow an Israeli soldier to be held captive, tortured and probably murdered right from the beginning and demand release of murderers (over 300 of them)? Where 'holy warriors (?), sneak into a families home and kill them with knives while they sleep in their beds (one only 3 months old, one 5 yrs, one 11 & their parents). Who place their rocket launchers within civillian homes and streets, hide behind their own, to fire rockets at Israeli children & then if Israel retaliates they cry murder? Who sell pics to the media of sheet covered bodies of supposed dead civillians (and one of them is sitting up under the sheet! The others do not lie like dead bodies lay, just cannot resist scratching their nose? Funny corpse that one!). The main problem for the Palestinians is their leaders, if they had someone leading them who truly wanted to negotiate a peace, who had the guts to stand up to ones like Hamas (bloodthirsty murderers all, even of their own!), then they might get peace?

As for starving children, The Arabs (palestinians included) tried that against Israel back in the 1948 war, tried to starve them into giving up, so don't try the pot calling the kettle black thing here.

Israel just recently offered a way to peace, even offered more than the USA and others thought they would and what did the Palestinian leader say? NO! He has now scurried off to the UN bawwwing, they want more! They want it ALL! That is the problem! They want Israel dead, thats the truth of the matter!

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Jaaked In reply to Hawarosty [2011-01-01 22:56:24 +0000 UTC]

True.... But no onw seems to care?

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Hawarosty In reply to Jaaked [2011-01-05 21:48:23 +0000 UTC]

Well I wouldn't blame them since the media does NOT show everything nor the truth! :/
They don't show what's really happening to Muslims over there.

Hitler did nasty things to Jews, Jews are now doing the same to Muslims in Palestine. It's a fact..

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Jaaked In reply to Hawarosty [2011-01-07 01:32:37 +0000 UTC]

Very true.

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Hawarosty In reply to sasponi [2010-02-13 05:58:50 +0000 UTC]

Are they, Really? How?

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sasponi In reply to Hawarosty [2010-09-26 19:59:37 +0000 UTC]

Missiles, shooting attacks, suicide bombings, stabbings etc..
And the Palestinians are responsible for all this because the want to kill us

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Jaaked In reply to sasponi [2011-01-01 22:55:41 +0000 UTC]

How? They don't even have a army?All they have is to run.... and kicked like animals... Isreal is heartless. And i've seen it with my own eyes...

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sasponi In reply to Jaaked [2011-03-23 18:04:26 +0000 UTC]

you righ... we are the heartless -

you see only what you want to see.

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Jaaked In reply to sasponi [2011-03-23 20:48:40 +0000 UTC]

and you are blind to everything but what you want to see...




I've been there. I've been beaten,kicked,harassed. I cried that I was born in the u.s., I told them that I was half turkish. They didn't care. They beat me. They called me a ''it'' a ''thing'' ,and an animal.I wanted to understand... but why can't you? People like you beat me. And u call your self peaceful? Nice? You don't know peace. And just to tell you I was 9 at the time when I went for a visit. But they didn't care........ all I ask is why? Why does the state of Israel love to hate?

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sasponi In reply to Jaaked [2011-03-24 05:53:18 +0000 UTC]

You don't know me and you decided that I am a bully...
I'm sorry for you for the harassments. i was bullyed too but for other reasons.
The fact that I'm living in Israel doesn't mean that I hate the Palestinians, it means I hate who hates me.

If you bothered to enter the links I sent you, you probbly saw that Since the beginning of the week Gaza threw 75 missiles on Israel AND BOMB EXPLODED IN JERUSALEM (40 wounded and one tourist was murdered)! Two weeks ago a family of five persons killed by Palestinians (including two little children and infant)

You're full of hatred! you cann't see what I see because ypu live in another country.
Last night I woke up because the alarm.... rocket exploded in my city ... But why should you care.
you are just cruel.

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Jaaked In reply to sasponi [2011-03-24 23:50:30 +0000 UTC]

really? over 20000~! people died in Palestinian! And all u can say is ''sorry''I'm not full of hate because u are jewish i have jewish frnds it's because what u are doing is wrong! Taking land that isn't urs is wrong! Just stop the war! Gosh! live as one country [Palestine] And yes i have jewish frnds........ thats what happens wen ur peaceful, unlike ur self.........

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sasponi In reply to Jaaked [2011-03-27 07:23:03 +0000 UTC]

First of all from 1948 more then 30000 Israelis were killed by the palestinian!
And just rof you know my best friend is Muslim and its ok with me so don't judge me!

Taking land?
do you see us puting bombs in Gaza?
go you see us exploding there?

You are so pathetic... you didn't know the war is over? Yet, they are still firing missiles on us!
I'm tired of talking with a narcissistic and egocentric girl.

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Jaaked In reply to sasponi [2011-03-27 18:12:08 +0000 UTC]

Haughty aren't you. Making up your own facts. The war isn't over, Israel is still killing. And taking land. You are just a smudge on the Jewish name. You should be ashamed of your self... A live is a life. And yet you think Israel's people are worth more then Palestinians...But i think of peace. And what you tell me your lips speck out hate.....

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sasponi In reply to Jaaked [2011-03-28 09:31:40 +0000 UTC]

I am making facts?
I don't remember saying that we are worth more then the Palestinians!
They are still killing and still throwing missiles on us! and the last land anyone take was GUSH KATIF! (your Palestinians took it)
so stop you bullshit and please don'd respond back!

have a nice PEACEFUL day.

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Jaaked In reply to sasponi [2011-03-30 22:34:36 +0000 UTC]

Bs. Hater...... Always blind to what happens to both ways. Look at BOTH of the sides.

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TillShilohComes In reply to Jaaked [2011-04-28 17:24:42 +0000 UTC]

Perhaps you should listen to your own advice?

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sasponi In reply to Hawarosty [2010-09-26 19:59:12 +0000 UTC]

Missiles, shooting attacks, suicide bombings, stabbings etc..
And the Palestinians are responsible for all this because the want to kill us

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Hawarosty In reply to sasponi [2010-09-27 06:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Well no one told the Israelis to go attack Palestine. If what you're saying is true.
Hunderes of Palestines have been killed.. Are you denying that?
Children are homeless in Gaza, children are dying in Gaza.

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FrenchToast13 In reply to sasponi [2009-04-09 19:21:56 +0000 UTC]


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Raghda86 [2009-02-13 17:46:02 +0000 UTC]

very sad

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