Adipose-Rex — MT: God Game [NSFW]
#mt #sims #hypervoluptuous #breastexpansion #buttexpansion #preggo #pregnancy #voluptuous #mayternity
Published: 2015-05-24 12:44:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 85704; Favourites: 475; Downloads: 0
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Description (What's in this? A woman getting massively pregnant, along with incidental breast and butt growth.)

“Check these out!”

Chrissy pulled open the top of her button-down blouse, revealing her ample chest in a black lace bra.

Mayumi rolled her eyes.

“You called me to your house to show me your boobs? I've seen your boobs, Chrissy, everyone has seen them. We know you're proud of them, you've always been proud of them. If I wasn't your friend and didn't understand your pride I would think you were just a slutty exhibitionist. But seriously, put them away.”

Chrissy's face fell in disappointment, which gave way to confusion and then dawning realization.

“Ooooh...” she said quietly, then louder: “Come inside!”

She whirled around and leaped up the stairs two at a time, her chest bouncing up and down. Finding her friend's behavior odd but not that different from her normal behavior, Mayumi followed after.

She found Chrissy in her room, inspecting her bras.

“They've all changed,” she said to herself, holding them up experimentally to her chest.

“What's changed?” Mayumi asked, hovering at the door to Chrissy's room.

“My bras. They're all E-cups now.”

“That's not new. They've been that big since junior high-”

“No! They were-” Chrissy cut herself off, biting her lip. She was thinking about something, but Mayumi continued as if Chrissy had not said anything.

“And I know for fact they've been that big for that long because you kept me and the rest of our friends updated on every cup size you reached. I even remember the day you told us you were an E, because you spent the entire day checking out every other girl in our class, comparing yourself to them. It wasn't until you were convinced that you were the largest girl in the school that you relaxed and stopped bringing every conversation around to your boobs.”

“I did...?” The confusion was back on Chrissy's face, and Mayumi began to realize there was something off about her friend. Not in the usual kind of flighty way Chrissy naturally was.

“Is something wrong? You know you can talk to me about anything.”

“Oh, it's not wrong.” Chrissy's mood brightened immediately. “It's awesome. That's why I wanted to show you. But you've already seen. I guess history changed itself as well.”

Mayumi stared blankly at her friend.

“Look at this,” Chrissy waved Mayumi over to her computer, currently turned on with a game screen filling the monitor.

It resembled a Sims game, 'resembled' in that Mayumi could see only superficial differences; it wasn't the famous 'god game,' but darned if Mayumi could see what variations in mechanics there were. In the middle of the screen was an avatar that resembled Chrissy, right down to her large bust, standing in a house strikingly similar to Chrissy's own home.

“It's called 'Homunculi,'” Chrissy explained. “It's like the Sims, but you can import pictures of yourself and your friends instead of spending half an hour building an avatar. But even better...”

She opened the customization window, a menu of dozens of attributes to the left of the now full-size avatar of Chrissy. Scrolling down a ways to 'Bust,' she moved the slider to the right. The avatar's chest swelled a little, hard to tell when it was already inflated so big but not impossible.

“Now look here as I click 'Apply.'” Chrissy was pointing to her chest. Once Mayumi's eyes were on her bust, she clicked the button.

At first it looked like Chrissy was inhaling, expanding her diaphragm, but there was no ebb. Her chest had expanded larger, and it stayed that way.

“Or I can go much bigger.” She moved the slider further to the right, Avatar Chrissy taking on the dimensions of a stripper or porn starlet. Then she clicked 'Apply,' and Real Chrissy transformed to mirror her avatar.

“How is that possible?” Mayumi asked, reaching a hand out to squeeze Chrissy's right breast.

“I don't... I don't know.” Chrissy almost moaned. Mayumi's touch felt so good. She began fondling her other breast, grown more sensitive.

“Chrissy?” Mayumi withdrew her hand, worried for a different reason now. Her friend realized what she was doing. Shaking her head, she stopped feeling herself up.

“Sorry. Here, let me go back down.” She clicked the 'Undo' button, her and her avatar shrinking back to E-cups.

“Maybe you should go a little smaller,” Mayumi said, memories of her friend complaining about a sore back and perverted looks from classmates and teacher alike coming to her.

“Smaller? No way! I love these things. I spent- No, you don't remember.”

“Remember what?”

“I was flat-chested, and I always hated it. People said I looked like a boy, my cousins all treated me like a child even when I got to high school. When I got this game I decided to make my avatar busty because, hey, isn't this type of game supposed to let you live out your fantasies? But then my chest grew along with my avatar's.”

“And why don't I remember you being flat?”

“I don't know- Wait! I know. I hit 'Save.' It didn't just change me permanently, it changed my past and everything in it. Your memories, my bras.”

Mayumi stared at Chrissy for a moment. Her friend was nice, but not the sharpest wit. If this was a joke, Chrissy using a prop or something, Mayumi wasn't getting it. Her expression betrayed her disbelief.

“I know it sounds weird, but you just saw my boobs grow. Here.”

And before her friend could say anything, Chrissy took out her phone and snapped a picture of Mayumi.

“What are you doing?”

“Creating an avatar for you. You'll believe it if you can experience it.”

Chrissy's avatar vanished from the screen, replaced by a buffering symbol and then an avatar of Mayumi. The face was a perfect facsimile (for the graphics level) and it even had the same top Mayumi was wearing. The only thing different was the pants; Mayumi was wearing a pair of slacks, but her avatar had on blue jeans. A default setting, since Chrissy's picture did not capture Mayumi's lower half.

“What do you want done?” Chrissy said, her mood turning wicked. “How about...”

Moving down the list of body parts and features, she came to the one marked 'Rear.'

“Chris...” Mayumi said, growing nervous.

“I've seen how you look at pictures of Kim Kardashian, May. Why ogle when you can own?”

She moved the slider, and Mayumi could feel her bottom spreading out. Twisting around, she looked down and saw her formerly straight hips curving out. She got to her feet, bouncing to Chrissy's mirror to examine what she would never call aloud a 'ghetto booty,' because she would feel self-conscious using that term, but which she would think immediately and proudly.

“A little more?” Chrissy asked. Enjoying the sight of her friend growing bigger as much as she had enjoyed the feeling herself, she moved the slider another couple notches. Mayumi's butt inflated larger, reaching a stage akin to Chrissy's breasts: not just noticeably big, but eye-catching, almost cartoonish.

“Whoa.” Mayumi threw her hands out, steadying herself. She wasn't used to this new center of gravity. But she recovered quickly, and went back to examining herself in the mirror. She grabbed herself, two fat handfuls of booty overflowing her hands.

“You like?”

“I like.” Mayumi smiled.

“Want to keep it?”

“You have to ask?”

Chrissy hit 'Save,' and Mayumi felt the faintest hint of a change. The unfamiliarity of her larger butt vanished, and she now stood and moved with practiced assurance. What had Chrissy said, the universe had changed to match her new assets? She remembered having a flat butt, but her body now had the muscle memory of her current shape and size.

Chrissy, watching her friend ogle herself, decided to have some fun.

“Maybe I'll just take it back.”

And she tried to revert Mayumi's avatar back to its original size. But for some reason she couldn't. There was no 'Undo' option, and when she tried to move the slider it would not go lower than what it was set at now.

“Must be a glitch.”

“What is?” Mayumi, half-paying attention asked.

“I can't undo your growth. I guess there's a bug that prevents you from undoing a saved change, or getting smaller.”

“Good. I don't want to lose this.”

Mayumi spent another couple minutes enjoying her reflection, not getting bored but feeling her pleasure level off, and other thoughts were able to come into her mind.

“You know who would get a kick out of this?” she asked.


“Jana Schuler.”

“That bitch? Why would you-” Chrissy stopped short, realization hitting her. “Oh! Ooooooooooooh...”

“You just need a picture of her, right?” And then we can do whatever we want to her, she didn't say. And it would be permanent.

“She's probably at the mall right now. I'll drive.”


“She left her computer on. Come on.”

Chrissy's younger sister Amanda had, not too long ago, been a tiny satellite orbiting the teenager. Almost worshiping her older sister, she would want to tag along on anything she did or would mimic Chrissy's mannerisms and interests in an attempt to be a tiny clone of her. Then, over the past year or so, this reverence died down as Amanda entered her tween years and began to assert her own individuality.

But her individuality was still defined by being beholden to a more dominant personality. Roxie was a classmate of Amanda's, naturally boisterous and claiming any spotlight, and thus able to attract the natural hanger-on as a faithful sidekick.

Ever seeking Roxie's approval, Amanda was always looking for something new or interesting to show her friend. And with Chrissy being her previous representative of 'mature and cool,' she had sought aide by sneaking into her sister's room when she was out of the house.

Her sister's new video game did not catch Amanda's eye on its own merits (not enough colors and noises to hold her attention), but she had recognized that a game which seemed to involve making people date and go to parties was suitably 'mature,' and would probably appeal to Roxie the way those shows about high school students did. Both being 10, neither Roxie nor Amanda truly understood what teenage life was like, but they (Roxie more than Amanda) were intrigued by that mysterious world and eager to understand it.

So she had invited Roxie over as soon as Chrissy and her big-butt friend (Amanda always had to giggle when she saw Mayumi) left the house, seizing the opportunity.

“What is it?” Roxie asked, claiming the chair in front of the computer for herself.

“It's a video game. You make people and tell them what to do.”

“I've seen that.” Roxie said, putting on an air of boredom.

“But this one has my sister in it. Look.” Amanda pointed to Chrissy's avatar, currently sitting on a couch reading a magazine.

“She just designed her character to look like her,” Roxie explained. While only six months older than Amanda, in her mind this made her worldly and experienced, and most of the stuff she said to her younger friend had the tone of an adult explaining something to a child.

“And you can make her do stuff. Watch.” Leaning in front of Roxie, Amanda took the mouse and began clicking on a menu in the corner of the screen. Obeying her commands, Avatar Chrissy got up and left the house, walking down the sidewalk. “Look, we're controlling Chrissy.”

“Go talk to that guy,” Roxie pointed to a man in a track suit sitting at a corner cafe. Amanda directed her sister's avatar over to him. A ring of options appeared around the menu.

“Say hi,” Amanda said, clicking on the corresponding option. Avatar Chrissy waved to the man.

“Hit 'Flirt,'” Roxie said, a smile breaking out across her face.

Avatar Chrissy bent forward slightly, squeezing her breasts and shaking side to side. Amanda and Roxie began laughing out loud, the former blushing.

The girls now getting into the game, they made Avatar Chrissy flirt with every guy they saw until they get bored with it, whereupon they made her run around stores and parks, dancing at random, slapping strangers, ramping cars off teeter-totters and jumping onto dogs that did not notice her.

Eventually the 'lolrandom' quality wore off for Roxie, who took the mouse from Amanda.

“What else can we do?”

Clicking on the different corner menus brought up the avatar customization screen. Avatar Chrissy stood to the side of a list of options, occasionally shifting her weight to one foot, then the other.

“Let's give her a makeover,” Chrissy said, bouncing up and down.

“We'll start with her hair.” Roxie clicked on the appropriate menu, which opened up a submenu of length, color, level of curliness, highlights, and style. She froze in the face of all the options, giving Amanda an opening.

“Make her butt bigger!” She giggled uncontrollably. Amanda found butts uproarious, and she had yet to grasp they were not the instant-punchline for others that they were for her.

“OK, calm down.” Roxie repeatedly clicked down the bar, Avatar Chrissy's bottom and hips rounding out a few inches with each click. Soon Avatar Chrissy was sporting a booty to rival Mayumi's.

Roxie hit 'Apply.'


At the Mirror Lake Mall Chrissy and Mayumi were conducting a stealth mission worthy of any covert assassin. After spotting a member of Jana Schuler's crew they had followed her to Jana herself, shopping for new shoes with the rest of her friends. Getting a clear shot of Jana proved more difficult than expected, and for ten minutes the two had hovered around just out of sight, waiting for their chance.

They were now sitting in a Red Robin, nibbling on fries and watching Jana hold court over a group of easily-browbeaten, self-esteem devoid girls while trying to not look like they were watching her.

Chrissy shifted in her seat, getting comfortable again. Focused on Jana, she hadn't noticed that her pert bottom was not so petite anymore.


“What next?” Roxie asked

“What if we made her fat all over?”

“What's this?” Roxie had scrolled to the bottom of the menu and found one marked 'Special.' A new submenu opened listing physical states such as 'Handicapped,' 'Intersexed,' and one that caught both Roxie and Amanda's attention at once:

“Pregnant!” Amanda squealed. “Make Chrissy pregnant!”

“OK.” Roxie clicked on 'Pregnant,' which naturally brought several more options. Roxie started at the top. “How many babies?”

“One. No, two!” Amanda said. “She can have twins, a boy and a girl.”

Roxie double-clicked the plus sign at one end of the slider, and though a counter climbed from '0' to '2' the marker made only an incremental shift. On autopilot she hit 'Apply' again.


Chrissy paused, her hand halfway between the plate of fries and her mouth.

“What's wrong?” Mayumi asked.

“My stomach felt weird for a second. Must have been gas.” Actually it was a queasiness, but it passed so quickly Chrissy was not certain she had actually felt it.


“She doesn't look different,” Amanda complained. She was right, Chrissy's avatar was no different than before. Roxie looked over the screen, trying to find an explanation.

“I see the problem. Look.” Roxie pointed to a different option: 'Months along.' “She's just now pregnant, but it takes a while to show.”

“How long?” Amanda expected Roxie to know, just as she expected her sister or parents to know the answer to any question she had.

“I think... four months.” Roxie clicked the corresponding slider, moving it to '4,' and was rewarded with Avatar Chrissy losing her flat stomach. The bump was not that big, overshadowed by her boobs and butt, but it was something. Avatar Chrissy moved a hand to her belly, rubbing it in a wide circle.

“What if you make her more pregnant?”

“What, like in her third trimester?” Roxie clicked until the '4' was a '7.' Avatar Chrissy's belly grew larger, reaching almost as far out as her breasts; it was not fat, there was a distinct solidness to it marking her as unmistakably pregnant. Avatar Chrissy looked down and cradled her belly in both hands, cooing.

“We need to give her a nursery,” Amanda said, getting into the idea of playing house with her sister's avatar like one of her Barbies.



As Roxie applied the new changes and returned to the world screen, sending Avatar Chrissy waddling back to her house, across town Real Chrissy was finishing her burger with increasing speed. She was not aware of being hungrier, still thinking about Jana as she was, but when she swallowed the last bite and found that all her fries were gone she realized she had finished what would normally be more food than she could eat at once.

And now she realized she was still hungry. Some dessert would be nice.

Sitting across her in the booth, Mayumi turned to Chrissy as her friend picked up the dessert menu.

“You're ordering more?”

“Just some cheesecake. Or maybe a sundae. I'm still feeling hungry.”

Chrissy raised her hand holding the dessert menu, trying to get a waiter's attention, giving Mayumi a view of her torso in the process.

“Chris, what happened to your belly?”

“What do you-” Chrissy looked down, gasping audibly. “What the hell?”

She grabbed her belly, confirming it was real.

“What is this?”

Sliding out of the booth, banging her belly against the table as she did so, Chrissy got up and rushed to the bathroom. Mayumi, thoughts of messing with Jana gone, followed behind. Once they had some privacy, Chrissy lifted her shirt up to examine her mysterious pot belly closer. Her skin was taut and shiny, her belly button turned into an outie.

“How did this happen?” But the question was redundant. Both girls were already thinking the same thing.

“The game,” Mayumi said.

“Amanda,” Chrissy said as the same time. And then she gasped. “Oh... Oh my god.”


“They kicked. A baby kicked. This isn't fat. I'm pregnant.”

“Let's get back to your house. We need to undo this.”

They rushed out of the restaurant, avoiding being chased for skipping out on their bill by sheer luck, and headed for the parking garage.


Back at the house, Roxie and Amanda had spent a couple minutes learning how to use the build tool before starting on a nursery. With Chrissy's house being a copy of her real home Amanda had wanted to put the cribs in her room, but Roxie had overruled her.

“You need cribs, a playpen, a table to change their diapers on, a rocking chair and a bunch of toys. We should build another room entirely.”

Which they did, setting it up as an addition to the house leading into the backyard. Its real-world counterpart appeared silently, as if it had always been there, and the two girls, engrossed in their game, had no reason to look out the window and see a new room where there had not been one before.

Once the room was built and half-furnished, they ran into a problem: no more money.

“Oh no,” Amanda said. “We only have one crib.”

“Maybe the babies can share,” Roxie suggested.

“No, I've got it. There's supposed to be a cheat for this.” Amanda took the mouse from Roxie and started clicking on menus. Finally, after a number of blind clicks she opened a nondescript box. “I think that's it.”

Her hands hovered over the keyboard, trying to recall the cheat code.

“Um... 'Motherload?” She said uncertainly, but to her delight it worked. Chrissy's bank account jumped to 8 figures.

Back to shopping, the girls outfitting the nursery with as much of the most expensive stuff as they could cram into it. Eventually they hit a second snag: a lack of space.

Not a problem. They simply moved the nursery's walls and made it bigger. Which gave them more empty space to fill with stuff, except there was little else to buy.

“What if we gave her more babies?” Amanda said.

“Sure.” Roxie took the mouse back, bringing the avatar customizer up. “How many should she have?”

“All the babies! Make her super-pregnant!” Amanda cried, giggling.

“OK, settle down. Let's start with four. Quadruplets.”

Click. Click. Avatar Chrissy's belly expanded out, but not to the extent Amanda and Roxie were expecting. Wouldn't a woman carrying four babies be twice as big as one carrying twins? It was kind of disappointing, despite her looking as big as any pregnant woman either girl had seen.


Chrissy, on the other hand, was panicking. Arms touching her belly as she gripped the steering wheel until her knuckles went white, she felt her belly growing outward, taking up more of her lap, pushing her arms further apart.

She swerved out of her lane when she saw it happening, missing hitting a BMW by the skin of her teeth.

“Pull over!” Mayumi cried, and Chrissy had no objections. She turned into a Burger King parking lot, heart racing.

“You drive.”

They got out of the car, Chrissy leaning back and adjusting her stance in light of the now larger belly. It reached even further than her breasts, curving to the sides past her torso. The pregnancy was an alien thing to begin with, but now her belly was on the verge of looking like it wasn't even part of her body at all. Like it was a separate being attached to her.

“Your butt's bigger.” Mayumi pointed out as they passed one another. Chrissy looked behind her. Sure enough, she now had a booty to match her boobs.

“Whatever. I've got bigger problems.”

Chinese fire drill completed, Mayumi directed the car to the exit.

“Wait,” Chrissy said, slightly embarrassed. “Can you hit the drive-thru first?”

Mayumi gave her friend a look that said 'Seriously? Now?' and Chrissy gave her one that said 'I'm sorry, I can't help it.'


“Why doesn't she look bigger?” Amanda asked, a hint of disappointment in her tone.

“I don't know. Let's try this.”

Roxie clicked the Baby Numbers slider a couple more times, but Avatar Chrissy did not blow up like the balloon they were expecting. She got a little rounder, but the only real change was her expression turning unhappy, a little pained.


Chrissy moaned. Something was happening in her belly – or womb, rather. It looked a little bigger, but she wasn't sure that was it. It felt... tighter. Like her insides were being crowded.


Amanda was getting frustrated, and when she got frustrated she got bored. The patience to work through an obstacle was a skill she had yet to cultivate. As playing with Avatar Chrissy was losing its charm, she thought about finding something else to do.

Roxie, on the other hand, saw non-instantaneous success as bothersome yet surmountable. There was a reason Avatar Chrissy was not becoming larger as she became more pregnant; she would find why.

She looked down the Pregnancy menu, nothing calling to her as relevant. Then she clicked back to the 'Special' menu. Scrolling down, every option a unique physical feature beyond the traditional height/weight/looks; some positive, some negative.

Then, right at the very bottom, she found something promising: Propensities. Roxie had a vague grasp of the word, she understood it meant something like 'natural inclination,' but when she clicked on it she was presented with a list reading 'Competitive Nature,' 'Curiosity,' 'Physical Injury,' 'Fertility,' and then she stopped reading because she understood the word 'fertility' just fine even without the brief description that popped up when she clicked on it.

Amanda, turning interested again, read the description aloud:

“Fertility relates not only to a woman's propensity to become pregnant, but to how well her body can manage a pregnancy. A higher Fertility stat corresponds to better odds for multiple babies, as well as a healthier mother and healthier babies.”

Unlike the other submenus the Propensity options did not have sliders or pictures to choose from, but instead a meter. Avatar Chrissy's meter for 'Fertility' was filled in a little.

“That's the problem,” Roxie said. “She has too many babies and not enough XP.”

At the top right corner read 'Propensity: 15.' Available points to spend? Roxie clicked on the Fertility meter, confirming her suspicion as it filled in and the Propensity number fell.

“How fertile should we make her?”

“Use them all,” Amanda said. “Make her the biggest mother ever.”

It took ten points to fill the meter entirely, whereupon a shower of stars rained down on Avatar Chrissy. 'Level up!' read the screen, the Fertility meter now empty.

Avatar Chrissy seemed pleased. Her expression brightened, and her body language returned to the cooing, belly-stroking of before. Roxie emptied the rest of the available XP before closing the Propensity menu and going to back to the Pregnancy one.


The pain in Chrissy's middle released suddenly, allowing the blonde teen to relax for all of three seconds before she felt her entire body grow.


“Look, she's getting bigger,” Amanda said.

Sure enough, Avatar Chrissy was filling out, and not just in the belly. Her breasts, already immense, got fatter and sat heavier on her belly. When Roxie spun the avatar around they could see her butt and hips were swelling out as well.

“Why are her breasts growing?”

“Milk for her babies.” Roxie said, her know-it-all tone returned, “And look, those are called 'birthing hips.' She needs them so she can give birth easily.”

For a brief moment it looked like her belly would become overshadowed by the rest of her body, but it was merely saving its growth for last.

Once her breasts and butt had grown to an exaggeration of Jessica Rabbit, Avatar Chrissy's belly set out to show those other parts how it was done. Swelling out firmer and rounder, it pushed ahead of the furthest reach of her breasts to what Roxie and Amanda expected a woman pregnant with six-babies should be; much too large for most women, a challenge even for the hyper-voluptuous Avatar Chrissy.

And it kept going a little more, just to drive home how large it could get.

When it was done Avatar Chrissy stumbled in place, adjusting her stance so she more properly carried her weight. She placed a hand behind her back to help stay upright, her other hand reaching as far as it could to stroke her belly.

“She looks really happy,” Amanda said.


Real Chrissy was not happy. She was squeezed into the passenger seat, her belly pushing against the dashboard and her breasts shoved up into her face. She could feel, behind her, that her butt had inflated as well, wedging her between the door and the stickshift.

And part of it felt good. As her breasts had grown they became more sensitive; feeling them rub against one another in their bra (and thank all the gods her clothes had grown with her) she felt warm all over, and Chrissy had fight the urge to reach up and began fondling or massaging them.

“We're almost there,” Mayumi said, the best she could do to calm her friend not being much help at all.


“How much bigger can we make her?” Amanda asked.

“Let's see.” Roxie clicked on the number of babies option, adding a seventh fetus to Avatar Chrissy. She clicked again, but nothing happened for several seconds. “Hey. Come on.”

She clicked a couple more times, stopping when she saw Chrissy's overall proportions were growing in accordance with her ever-more occupied womb.

“Her entire body grows with each baby, now,” she explained, feeling the need to seem on top of things in front of Amanda.

Once Avatar Chrissy's breasts, belly and butt had finished inflating, the babies counter clicked up to eight. Cue another full-body expansion, Avatar Chrissy's head and limbs becoming lost between the growing spheres of her three B's. As soon as the eighth baby was accounted for Avatar Chrissy moved on to accepting bundle of joy number nine.


The car almost tilted as Mayumi spun into the driveway of Chrissy's house, tires squealing and engine protesting.

“We're here,” she stated the obvious.

“I can't move. You have to help me.”

In a more level-headed moment Mayumi would have left her friend there, racing into the house instead and confronting the problem at its source. But the grimace on Chrissy's face, the moans of pain escaping her, made the Asian girl focus on the immediate. Jumping out of the driver's seat, she ran around the front of the car and opened the passenger door.

It flew open, actually knocking Mayumi back a little, but Chrissy was still stuck. Grabbing an arm, Mayumi pulled. Chrissy, for her part, tried to shift her body so she could get her bulbous hips and butt out first, leaving only her belly to squeeze out. Sucking in her gut did nothing, so out of desperation she braced her feet on the side of the car and pushed, enduring several seconds of the widest part of her belly moving through the door like a fist through a paper towel tube until Pop! She was free.

She fell backwards onto the driveway, Mayumi clearing out of her way on instinct and regretting the action immediately as Chrissy's plush rear stopped her fall a couple seconds sooner than she expected but did not save her from bumping her head, leaving her dizzy for a moment.

And as she laid there, trying to work with Mayumi as her friend attempted to pull her to her feet, Chrissy felt her body continue to expand. Her belly, reaching the ground as she sat upright, was rising higher and reaching further out and spreading to the sides wider. It was still as taut as ever, and on an instinctual level Chrissy understood she was swelling bigger with more and more babies, a fair-sized elementary school class forming in her womb.

Her breasts and butt were also encroaching into inhuman territory. Her hips and rear had become a personal love seat she could carry with her anywhere she went, her breasts were almost the size of a normal pregnant belly. And it all felt so wonderful, despite the terror underlying this all. Her hips were pressed together, every slightest movement creating friction that made her wetter and more aroused, just as up above her breasts wobbling back and forth almost hypnotized her, calling out to her to caress and massage them. If Chrissy didn't get up soon, she realized, she never would.

It was the single greatest exhibition of determination and grit Chrissy had ever managed in her life, shifting her legs around so she could push up and get herself to an upright position. Once that was accomplished, walking seemed like a day at the spa. All she had to do was lean forward a little, let the weight in front of her make her fall forward, and then keep her legs moving so she did not actually fall onto her belly.

And then another problem: the door. At some point during the drive over Chrissy had grown too big to get through the front door, and as she continued to swell larger that fact only became more apparent.

Swinging around a belly that could hold a newlywed couple inside it as they attempted to start their own family was not something Chrissy saw herself doing too often, but desperate times... Pivoting on feet spread shoulder-length, she spun around as quickly as she could until her back was to the door, she could open it, and yell at the top of her voice


Up the stairs, through the open door to Chrissy's room and to Roxie and Amanda her voice carried, hitting the two pre-teen girls like a truck and making them jerk upright, bodies tensing in fear at being found out.

And Roxie's finger, hovering over the mouse, dropped down, clicking the cursor...

...right on the 'Save' button.
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Comments: 24

Andin333 [2016-03-20 09:48:50 +0000 UTC]

Is there anything like this simulator (except The Sims), where you can play with Pregnancy options and see the result?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adipose-Rex In reply to Andin333 [2016-03-20 12:12:15 +0000 UTC]

Not that I know of.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

scorp687 [2016-01-16 15:47:59 +0000 UTC]

You mentioned a sequel, when will that be ready?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adipose-Rex In reply to scorp687 [2016-01-17 02:08:02 +0000 UTC]

I posted it in June. Check my gallery.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

yugimaster [2015-07-16 13:06:48 +0000 UTC]

Really interesting story, I like the concept of it as it's like a sims game for real. It's not something that seems easy to pull off, but you did a good job.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Adipose-Rex In reply to yugimaster [2015-07-16 13:43:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, and there is a sequel if you're interested.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

yugimaster In reply to Adipose-Rex [2015-07-16 14:15:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh that I have to check out.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Fatbellylover712 [2015-05-25 22:47:49 +0000 UTC]

Can i save it?

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Fatbellylover712 [2015-05-25 23:09:01 +0000 UTC]

What do you mean?

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Fatbellylover712 In reply to Adipose-Rex [2015-05-26 19:40:51 +0000 UTC]


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Fatbellylover712 [2015-05-25 20:21:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh no

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Fatbellylover712 [2015-05-25 22:06:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh no?

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Fatbellylover712 In reply to Adipose-Rex [2015-05-26 19:41:08 +0000 UTC]

She saved in the end

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Kisame17 [2015-05-24 16:39:23 +0000 UTC]

I wished the was a little more to read. Never thought a story about controlling someone's growth would be so fun.

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Kisame17 [2015-05-25 15:08:56 +0000 UTC]

Mayumi gives herself one baby, enjoys it a while. Rationalizes giving herself twins, so her baby has a sibling and because she's alone all the time with her parents working.

Then she learns in this new universe she's a surrogate, and the babies aren't actually hers. Upset, she thinks if she makes herself more pregnant the babies will turn into hers, somehow.

Or something. That's all I have.

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Wraithius In reply to Adipose-Rex [2015-06-05 02:10:45 +0000 UTC]

What about Mayumi loving the ides of being large and pregnant, but hesitant to add to it at first. Then when she breaks down, adds the twin, and realizes the surrogacy concept, she feels free to play with it to her heart's content without the responsibility of motherhood (that any teen would naturally dread). Would that fit your concept?

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Wraithius [2015-06-05 05:52:19 +0000 UTC]

I've already got the story started, but thanks anyway.

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Kisame17 [2015-05-24 18:45:01 +0000 UTC]

Well, the idea was straight-forward, so I felt the story surrounding it should be.

Honestly, I'm not sure what else could have been done.

No, scratch that. I could have elaborated on the changes to Chrissy's history to accommodate her pregnancy.

Maybe a sequel, with Mayumi getting in on the preggy fun. She starts slow, adjusting to her new life as it changes, but gets hooked and keeps growing.

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Kisame17 In reply to Adipose-Rex [2015-05-25 01:48:35 +0000 UTC]

It seemed like it was gearing up to Crissy making Jana huge, though Mayumi getting in on pregnant fun sounds good. Where would she get the game though?

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Kisame17 [2015-05-25 02:25:23 +0000 UTC]

No, Jana was always intended as a red herring, a way to get Chrissy and Mayumi out of the house and away long enough to let events play out.

Chrissy has the game. What I came up with after sending that last message was that Mayumi would ask to borrow the game, or take it off Chrissy's hands entirely, swearing to play it safe and not go overboard. But as she gets pregnant and grows in other places she enjoys it too much to let it stop, and she keeps tweaking her attributes and going further and further.

Problem there is the drawn-out growth, coming up with reasons to have her get bigger but not too much bigger. The story would be much longer that way.

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Kisame17 In reply to Adipose-Rex [2015-05-25 03:01:05 +0000 UTC]

Good point. It's better to stop when the character is just the right size than to go "and then she gets bigger"

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Adipose-Rex In reply to Kisame17 [2015-05-25 03:11:13 +0000 UTC]

Well I like the idea of a reversal of the grow-ee's views, Mayumi inviting more growth where Chrissy did not care for it. She could actually plan for her growths, adjust to her new life each time as things are different.

It's a question of motivation, that's the thing, how to stretch it out instead of have it all at once.

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DresdenQ [2015-05-24 14:11:06 +0000 UTC]

nicely done!

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Adipose-Rex In reply to DresdenQ [2015-05-24 14:13:47 +0000 UTC]


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