admiral809 — JDKS 19 [NSFW]
#mariahill #rwby #rwbyroosterteeth #oreonna
Published: 2016-11-13 05:44:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 1332; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description Ozpin’s Office (3rd POV)


Ozpin and Goodwitch were watching both fleets of ships from the main window. Ironwood’s fleet was visible from anywhere, but that window was one of few that had a specific energy signature coursing through it. As a result, they also saw the ever-increasing Honor Hunt fleet.


“Ironwood and Hill certainly loves bringing their work wherever they travel,” Goodwitch complained.


“Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man,” Ozpin responded. “And she's arguably even busier, considering she has to protect more than just a few cities.” At that moment, three more Bullheads flew in and another Helicarrier jumped into view. “But yes, even cloaked, those are a bit of an eyesore.” An incoming signal made Ozpin disable the ‘decoder screen’. “Come in.”


“Ozpin!” Ironwood greeted cheerfully while Hill—wearing a black jumpsuit—merely waved.


Ozpin stood in attention. “Hello, General. Directress.”


“No formalities,” Hill replied calmly as she hugged Ozpin. “I have too much on my plate today.”


“And it's been too long,” added Ironwood as he shook Ozpin's hand. “And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met.”


“Oh, James,” she replied modestly before returning to her grumpy self. “I'll be outside. Maria,” she added politely to Hill as she left.


“Glynda,” Hill answered as Goodwitch left. Then she turned to Ozpin. “Good to see that some things never change.”


Ozpin got right to business as he poured tea. “So, what in the world has brought you two all the way from Atlas and Mistral? Headmasters and directors don't typically travel with their students and agents for the Vytal Festival.”


“Regrettably, my biggest meeting follows the festival,” Hill answered. “And thank you for the beverage. After this, I have to get to a funeral.”


“Me,” Ironwood replied, “well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year. Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up.”


Ozpin sighed. “I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends, however, a few small fleets outside my window have me concerned.”


Hill looked outside. “Well, concern is what brought them here.”


“I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult…”


“Oz,” Ironwood interrupted, “you, Maria and I all know why we brought those men.”


Ozpin took a drink before speaking. “We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression.”


“Accepting Joaquín was a bad impression in itself,” Ironwood retorted. “Skye and Kobik were dangerous inconsistencies on their own. But if what Qrow said is true...”


“And it is,” Hill cut in as she stood up, “then we will handle it tactfully.  It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So, I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent. WHY ELSE DO YOU THINK THAT EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY SHIPS HAS STEALTH TECH ON 24/7?!”


“I'm just being cautious,” Ironwood responded defensively.


Ozpin nodded. “As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can.”


“And with me agreeing to that, I have to go,” Hill commented as she walked to a blue portal. She turned back to both men before touching it. “One last thing: we have no idea how this will end. So, I have to ask: do you honestly believe your children can win a war?”


Ozpin and Ironwood answered at the same time.


Ironwood: They're capable.

Ozpin: I hope they never have to.


Vale Cemetery (My POV)


I saw Kobik whip up a portal and Hill stepped through it. “Nice of you to join the funeral that you paid for,” I whispered.


“At least I made it,” she whispered back. “What did I miss?”


“You're the only one who hasn't said a few words yet.” With that, she walked past me to a small podium between a coffin and a large picture of Tuskon.


After a deep sigh, Hill started speaking. “When I first approached Tuskon as an A.H.A. field operative, I thought there was an error in the mission brief. I highly doubted that HE was our top White Fang informant. Then again, I didn't realize then how appearances can be deceiving. After that, we both climbed our respective chains of command; he became the White Fang’s top tactician while I'm struggling to maintain my position as Directress. Regardless of our secret data-based meetings, we became good friends. So, when he asked me for help blending into Vale, I already had a good cover story: a small bookstore in the middle of the main city. The store would act as public cover for an entrance of our underground base, and the White Fang wouldn't be able to get revenge on him without striking Vale directly. Seemed perfect…until he asked me to hide his daughter.” A few whispers started, but she silenced them. “Anyone else at any other time, I would have laughed at their faces and called my personal guard. But as I mentioned earlier, Tuskon was my friend. And also, seven years ago, Joaquín Pallanza pulled off an unauthorized mission that reunited me to the son I thought I lost forever. (Not cool, Hill, I thought in her head.) Since then, I started to understand what a parent will do to keep their children safe. And with that, I pulled some strings; got Oreonna a scholarship at Vacuo’s Shade Academy. Considering her grades and heritage, I was certain that she wouldn’t have trouble fitting in.” She was supposedly quiet for a moment, but those of us who had enhanced senses saw that she was softly crying. When Hill started talking again, her voice was trembling. “The White Fang doesn't know that Tuskon has a kid. So when they saw his name on the ticket records, they thought he was running away. My other spies assured me that it was cleared as a diversion to get him some privacy, but when our newest enemy allied itself with those misguided Faunus and saw the records, they… they…”


She then collapsed on the ground and started crying. We all stared at our supposedly-cold leader break down from her emotions. “And THAT’S why everyone hates me more than her,” I commented as I walked up to Hill and helped her to her feet, Oreonna and a tall, black-haired teen helping me out. “Hey, Fang. Good to see you and the Flock taking some time off.”


“We have to lower the coffin,” he answered coldly.


“Your GROUP has to,” Hill corrected him. “Joaquín’s team and team MOON will be joining me for the rest of the day off. You—as my son—are going to make sure they don't let me do something stupid.”


“None of us have a say in this, do we?” I asked, already knowing she would shake her head. “Can I at least know where we're going?”


(A few hours later)


“Thanks, dude,” I told Fang as we fist-pumped while I took a picture of Hill sleeping from too many drinks. “Your mom and I may never see eye-to-eye, but we're still human; she needed the break.”


“And the photos?” Nichol asked.


“Blackmail’s a nasty mistress,” Junior answered as he prepared something behind the counter. “Let me guess: she's paying for everything?”


“Nah,” I answered. “I’m cutting her some slack tonight. Or would you rather I drag my Dragon Sister into this?”


“Your tab, then.” Junior then placed a bowl of chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry ice cream in front of Oreonna. “Compliments of Booth 8.”


I tensed and casually looked towards said booth, where I saw a hint of an all-too-familiar hairdo. “Oreo, I'm escorting you there. Kobik, Dina, external perimeter patrol; I don't want any surprises. The rest of you, stay on your toes just in case.”


“And my mother?” Fang asked. I stared at him with a blank look. “Got it.”


Oreonna and I walked towards the booth, me insisting that she carries the ice cream bowl with her. Inside the booth was the lethal killer Neopolitan, a bottle of rum in one hand, a sheet of paper. She looked at me with a sour look, to which I shrugged. “I was going to wait in the next booth, anyway, Neo. Try not to tear this place apart.”


I didn't need my mind-reading or any of my other powers to know what was going to happen. They were going to sit down awkwardly for a while. Oreonna would then ask her “Who are you?” Neo would look away and the sound of paper sliding on wood would be heard. Oreonna would turn the paper over…and I covered my ears as she saw the same picture that was in her locket.


"Huh,” I muttered. “I could have sworn that she'd make a—”


“HOW COULD YOU ABANDON ME LIKE THAT?!?!” Oreonna exclaimed as I tilted my head…just before Oreonna’s sword went through the wall.


“And there's my cue,” I muttered as I dissolved into rose petals and reformed in front of the others. “We may have a problem.”


“ALL THOSE YEARS!!!” We all turned to see the lethal Neo running for her life while her daughter tried to kill her. “YOU HAD A CHANCE AT A FAMILY AND YOU ABANDONED ME AFTER I WAS BORN?!?!?!”


“Shouldn't we do something?” Kobik asked me.


“I ain't getting involved in that…” I began just as Oreonna pointed her sword at me. A quick glance at Neo hiding behind my back quickly explained that action. “…unless, of course, they do this.”


“OUT OF MY WAY, PALLANZA!!!!” Oreonna yelled at me.


“I have a riskier idea.” With than, I raised my right index and middle fingers to Neo’s forehead. Once they glowed silver, I moved those fingers to Oreonna’s head and the glow moved into her brain. “WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!?!” Kendra exclaimed as she rushed towards me.


“Just a quick review of her jobs,” I answered while keeping her away from me. “I'm not a brute, you know.” I then turned to Oreonna. “Imagine that YOU had a child. Would YOU put that innocent creature through all that?” With that, I turned and walked away from the two women, pushing Kendra with me in the process.


Oreonna and Neo looked at each other in shock over what just happened. A few seconds later, Oreonna dropped her sword and gave her mom a big hug. “Don't ever do that again, ok?” Neo nodded and returned the hug. About a minute later, the two separated and smiled. “So, how about we beat up Joaquín for disrupting your privacy?”


They never got a chance, for a quick rose storm caused me and my team to disappear, leaving behind a sticky note on Neo’s head that said ‘Sorry’ and a small pile of Lien in front of Junior with another sticky note that said ‘Keep the change.’


(Beacon Dorms, at the end of ‘Welcome to Beacon’)


One quick burst of rose petals later, the others were watching me panting and leaning on our room’s door. “Dude, you are insane,” Dina commented.


“Are you referring to me combining Ruby’s speed with my copied teleportation, or that I did that just after invading the mind of the most dangerous freelance assassin—” I stopped midsentence as I saw the hair of an individual I knew all too well. One quick rose petal later, I smashed her against a wall, my hand squeezing the back of her throat. “What are you doing here, you back-stabbing traitor?!”


“I thought it was obvious that that incident wasn’t my fault,” Cinder choked out in pain and fear.


I squeezed harder. “You wanted to cause pain? You wanted to be feared? Consider that training and this a training mirror. Now answer the question!!”


“STOP IT!” Before I could counter, Kobik used her powers to pin me to the ceiling. “Just because you have problems with her doesn’t mean you can just attack her at plain sight!”


I kept breathing out of anger until I calmed down. Then I used my powers to cancel Kobik’s, float to the ground, and helped Cinder to her feet. “Sorry about that. But you do realize that what you did then was unforgivable, right?”


“Every day,” she answered while looking at the medallion. “If only I could take it back. But to answer your question, I’m here—”


“Yeah, already saw your teammates,” I interrupted as said minions ran to their boss. “And don’t worry about that injury; it’ll leave a big bruise at most.”


“Right,” Emerald replied as they walked away. “Nice to meet you, too.”


(RWBY’s dorm, a few minutes, because Ruby still had to get her game board.)


“So, that was Cinder?” Weiss asked.


I nodded. “That strike was also to test her strength. She has something new, but I can’t figure out why it feels so familiar.”


“Maybe it’ll come back to you later,” Yang suggested. “But right now, we need your help.”


“Does it involve figuring out what Torchwick and the White Fang are up to?” The four girls sighed. “You girls are too predictable.”


“So, can we do anything?” Dina asked.


I sighed. “Not likely. The files that we’ll need will be at the top of command, which I can’t access from here. And neither can Alpha. Besides, I still have that antidote to work on.”


“What about the Insight Helicarriers?” Kendra asked. “They’d have the necessary labs and access to do both problems at once.”


I laughed. “Have you just suffered memory loss? The antidote is supposed to be TOP-SECRET! Besides, those in charge of those two ships hate and distrust me as far as I can throw them. Several miles, to be exact.”


“Ignoring that fact,” Skye replied, “what about the third Insight? Or another mobile command center? Surely, there must be—”


“THERE ISN’T,” I stated firmly. “Half of the Honor Hunt has a massive grudge on me, and the other half knows enough to not trust me completely. And even if I knew where The Insight of Youth was, I know nothing about its commanding crew. That, and Hill will be keeping an eye on ALL craft entering and leaving Vale.” I turned to my spiritual sisters. “I’m truly sorry, but I have nothing to give this time.”


“If I may interrupt,” Alpha spoke through my Scroll’s speaker. “The Insight of Youth has just entered Vale airspace.”


“Must I repeat that I don’t know them?” I muttered while rolling my eyes.


“Their call sign is ‘Try not to die’,” he continued, making me gasp in shock.


“It’s…” I exhaled before looking at my Scroll directly. “It’s really them?”


“Yes, sir. And I can arrange an audio call to them right now.”


“ENCRYPT THE CALL! NOBODY LISTENS IN!!!!” With that, I disappeared in a flash of light, leaving the others confused.


(Beacon Tower, a few seconds later)


I was sitting on the roof, my Scroll practically glued to my ear as I listened to the waiting music—courtesy of Alpha—while waiting for the other side to answer. “Isn't it obvious that I want no interruptions during this call?” I told Ozpin as he walked towards me.


“There are other ways to guarantee privacy,” Ozpin responded.


“This is personal,” I countered as the music changed to beeps. I shushed him and focused solely on the call.


“Hello?” A female voice answered on the other side.


I gasped when I recognized the voice. “Lucy In The Sky?” I asked with a shaky voice.


“Who's—?” The voice then gasped in recognition. “Joaquín? Is that you?”


“Yeah, you light-head,” I joked. “Who else would still call you by your stupid code-names?”


The voice chuckled. “Hold on, I'll get the others. Oh, just a few things. Our traitor was revived, we have a few new recruits, and we lost…”


“The loss was the only thing my mother would tell me about you guys. And don't bring the newbies; I want to meet them face-to-face first.”


She agreed, and soon, four new voices—and a growling voice that I understood perfectly—joined in. For a few minutes, all we talked about was what done during the day. And I told them everything, crying and smiling all the time out of connecting to old friends.


However, all good things must come to an end. “Any reason why you’re calling us?” a female voice asked.


I sighed. “Other than connecting with old friends? I need your help. I have a medical- and a data-related problem. I would say more, but I’m not risking it, even on an encrypted line.”


“Sure,” a male voice replied. “We could spare some time. Just tell us which day.”


“Hold on a second.” I then turned on my psychic link. Ruby, can you hear me?


If it’s about when we’re doing this, it’s this Friday, she replied.


Thanks, I replied before cutting the link. “Is this Friday good for you?”


“Sure,” one of them answered. “We’ll send Alpha the rendezvous coordinates later.”


“Until then, you crazy idiots,” I replied, earning a few scoffs from the other side before the line was cut. I then sighed. “Great. Now I have a thousand more worries to think about.”


“Are you sure you’re not being paranoid?” I had completely forgotten that Ozpin was next to me the whole time.


I gave him a worried look as I summoned the Staff of One. “I don’t know, sir. The last time I saw this group, they were five rebellious kids and their pet. They—no matter how you see it—killed their own parents, they rejected their sixth member—their traitor, to be exact—and he died before the parents. That was six years ago. During this time-skip, they lost one of their own, the traitor was revived, the original owner of this staff probably has a better version of it since I got her first one on my 14th birthday, they got some new recruits that I know nothing about, and… and…” Ozpin then placed a hand on my shoulder, slightly calming me down. “Yes, sir. I am being paranoid. Let's just say that a piece of my past came back to haunt me and most likely destroy us all. For me, surviving apocalypses is second nature; it's my sisters and teammates that I'm scared for.”


“You know how strong they are,” Ozpin reminded me. “They WILL survive. We WILL stop this apocalypse; everything will be fine.”


“Says the old man in charge of babysitting four glorified cheerleaders to the kid who helped stop multiple world-ending scenarios,” I shot back with a snot. “But you're right, I need to be a little more positive. After getting a good night’s sleep. Sorry for disturbing you, sir.” I then glowed silver and flew back to my room.


Ozpin just sighed. “James was right. He IS a bad impression.”

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Comments: 9

LongSean22 [2016-11-19 08:11:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for giving Tukson the funeral he always deserved (for all we know, in the actual canon he's still on the floor of his book store... aaaand I'm sad again.)

Also appreciate the closure you gave between Neo and Oreonna. Oreo's reaction to finding out who Neo was was priceless, of a little completely terrifying.

I like the small changes you've made to the canon story, it makes it interesting to read.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

admiral809 In reply to LongSean22 [2016-11-19 13:00:40 +0000 UTC]

No problem. I always believed that most lives deserved a proper ending.

Abandoned kids always have a bit of a negative vibe on them, ESPECIALLY towards those who abandoned them, so I focused on that angle. Also, you should recheck how much of Neo you placed on Oreonna. And I'm a sucker for happy family reunions (even though Neo will want to kill me for invading her privacy).

Damn, I should have asked permission first, sorry; your stories aren't the only ones that fell out of the creator's control.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauljordan In reply to admiral809 [2016-11-27 15:08:51 +0000 UTC]

so, when is the next one going to be ready?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

admiral809 In reply to pauljordan [2016-11-27 15:18:26 +0000 UTC]

Mostly complete now.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauljordan In reply to admiral809 [2016-11-27 15:56:32 +0000 UTC]

cool, can't wait to read it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

admiral809 In reply to pauljordan [2016-12-18 04:01:58 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauljordan In reply to admiral809 [2016-12-18 04:29:40 +0000 UTC]

good chapter, can't wait for the next one to done.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

admiral809 In reply to pauljordan [2016-12-18 04:38:33 +0000 UTC]

1. Why are you commenting on 20 in 19?
2. You could follow me; saves a lot of trouble.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

pauljordan In reply to admiral809 [2016-12-18 04:46:19 +0000 UTC]

whoops, sorry, I'll rewrite my comment on it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0