admiral809 — Links of Fate 5: Silk

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Published: 2015-10-15 00:43:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 3269; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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New mostly permanent source: Silk (Marvel character) (2/18/2015 issue-9/2/2015 issue with past links to the rest of the Marvel Universe)


New temporary source: LEGO Elves (LEGO franchise) (2015-present)


Note: Now involving Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. season 3.


IF YOU HATE SPOILERS, GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



All the Elves suddenly looked extremely woozy. “You guys ok?” Emily Jones asked with concern.


“Yeah,” Aira responded. “I just feels like I was bit by a thousand spiders.” The other elves nodded.


“Bit by…” Emily muttered, then gasped loudly. “Quickly, follow me!”


The elves hesitantly followed her to a large cavern full of crystals. Once inside, Emily took out a gray smartphone. Farran looked at it with curiosity. “Is that the Hydralpha’s system copy you told us about?”


“I need to check something,” Emily blurred as she made a small cut into her right thumb, causing it to bleed. She used that thumb to draw a simple spider on the screen. As soon as it was complete, the crystals glowed and displayed a hologram (not seen here). She magnified to a specific spot and gasped at what she saw. “One essence bottle of each element, now!”


The four elves retrieved said items and focused their energies on Emily. She kept her focus on the magnified hologram and chanted a song. At its end, the essence in each bottle was replaced by a single lock of hair. “Was that supposed to happen?” Azari asked with some doubt.


“No,” Emily sighed. “But at least I have enough to finish this with the appropriate person.” With that, she erased the spider from the smartphone screen and drew a different blood doodle: a circle divided into thirds. The hologram changed into a 3D map of San Fransokyo. Suddenly, a blue sphere of energy appeared and approached Emily.


“Ms. Emily,” a voice emerged from the sphere, surprising all but Emily. “When the Hydralpha entrusted you with that backup, he asked you to never gaze into its databanks. And I assume that the individuals surrounding you are trustworthy.”


“They are and there are lives in danger, Alpha,” Emily responded. “I'll explain it to him later, but first I need to see what he's been doing over the last few months.”


“Where are we going?” Nadia asked.


“You guys will be staying here while I deal with this,” Emily responded before raising a hand in refusal. “My associate and his companions are already going to be in a complicated state due to my participation; I rather not make things worse by showing them four elves.” After they nodded in agreement, Emily turned to Alpha again. “Now, about those files…”



San Fransokyo


It was a Monday a few months after the previous episode. Aunt Susan noticed that you were still in your room and went to wake you.


“(First name),” Aunt Susan sighed as she climbed the stairs towards your room. “You're going to be-” She then gasped as she saw you and Gogo sleeping in the same bed. Before either of you could respond, Aunt Susan raised a hand, replied “We’re all going to be late,” and left.


“She saw us make out on a live feed,” Gogo commented while getting dressed. She didn't ask why your aunt acted like that, but her expression said otherwise.


“Flesh and data are two different things,” you stated as you threw granola bars at her. “Your parents happy with us being together?”


“Time it is,” she agreed as you two left the apartment.



After school, you and your crew met up at the transport truck. You checked up the police records. “At last, we have a normal day!” you exclaimed, and then a shining blue light appeared in front of you. You groaned as the light was replaced by a young girl. “Everyone, this is Emily Jones. You all just saw why I gave her the system backup. Emily…”


“I know who you all are,” Emily interrupted, surprising you all. “I read your files before coming.”


“I’ll scold you and Alpha later,” you said in a stern tone. “But first, which situation would be so critical that you’d look…” Your tone and expression quickly turned from one of rule-follower to one of fear. “Is she ok?”


“She’s still alive, but we have to move,” she blurred out. “I don’t know how long it’ll take for the situation to become hopeless.”


“Change of plans, everyone: it’s an interdimensional rescue mission!” you commanded as you and Emily pushed everyone into the truck.


“YOU’RE NOT TELLING US THE ENTIRE TRUTH AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Gogo screamed at you with a wisp of jealousy when the truck started moving.


You sighed and started sharing. “The year before the Chitauri attack was a weird one, but this week-long adventure during the end of October surprised me the most; I forgot how many times I gasped. As it turns out, there are multiple dimensions; past, future, alternate versions of critical events, the list goes on. I’ve only been to a few, but our Fury got a call from the Spider-Army and ordered me to assist them. And before you ask, they’re all from different ‘worlds’, but each of them has the abilities of spiders.”


Fred tried to talk, but Yama and Wasabi covered his mouth before he could talk. “I believe this is when you tell us who they were fighting against,” Yama pressed on. “It must have been pretty deadly if a super hero army requested mortal backup.”


“A family known as the Inheritors,” you answered. “I never knew how they could move across ‘worlds’, but they also had cloning capabilities in case one of them died. They feed off the life force of pretty much anything, although they have a strong fondness for Spiders. Long story short, the Inheritors’ cloning and teleportation means were destroyed and they were trapped on a nuclear-devastated Earth where the only life-forms were mutated spiders. And the only one who didn’t sleep happily ever after was me due to my constant nightmares.”


“And you bonded with a female Spider,” Rachel stated, not asked.


You sighed and looked at the floor. “Cindy Moon, codename Silk. Born with an eidetic memory, she was bit by the same radioactive spider that ‘created’ her world’s Spider-Man. Webbing literally at her fingertips and her standard Spider danger-detecting sense (she calls it Silk Sense) the strongest of them all, she received some training before being locked away in a bunker for about a decade before her world’s Spider-Man found and released her.”


You purposely ignored everyone’s gasps of shock at her fate, but you couldn’t ignore their faces. “Why would anyone lock themselves up for so long?” Gogo asked with udder fear.


“The Inheritors called her the Spider-Bride,” you answered without looking away. “According to a prophesy, her life force would be a signal for a ‘Great Hunt’, and once they used her in special ritual, good-bye Spiders. I helped in all the final attacks and personally interrupted the ritual.”


“Let me guess what happened next,” Erica butted in. “You were pretty banged up after the final battle, Silk brought you back to Gardenia for wound and radiation treatment, Emily detected the dimensional disturbance, both rushed you to a healing facility and went back home, and you spent the Halloween with those spiritual sisters who call themselves the Winx.”


“Apart from Emily only being a friend, that’s an exceptional summary considering you were in New York at the time,” you stated as you all arrived at Axis Point.


“I learned from the best student of the best,” Erica responded as you all got into the elevator. “What I don’t get is why we going to so much trouble to save this girl and her family, I assume.”


“Out of all my spiritual siblings, she’s the closest thing I have to a big sister. Probably because she’s already a big sister, but there’s no time for technicalities now!” As soon as the door opened, you rushed to the Holo-Table and initiated your half of the Portal system. “Krei, start it up! Susan, take my place! Emily, bring up the map! Advisors, standby for assimilation assistance! EVERYONE ELSE, SUIT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”


Soon, everyone was in their places and the Holo-Table displayed something. It was two Earths about to collide with each other. “There is definitely not enough time to find them all,” Alpha stated.


“I got it covered.” Emily took out the four bottles. “I tried to extract them with my friends, but all we could get were these hairs. I hope these are enough.”


Tadashi took the hairs and placed them on a scanner. On the map, four dots appeared on an Earth. “We have a lock! Cindy’s on her way towards her brother, so I suggest we get the parents first.”


“Then allow me.” You took out a tablet and printed a picture. It was of you and Cindy playing around like siblings. You set the portal to the parents’ location and tossed the picture into it after it opened. A screen appeared showing the two adults picking up the picture. You gave them five seconds before opening a portal beneath them.


Their landing at Axis Point wasn’t soft, and naturally they were shocked at being teleported. You quickly stepped in front of them and looked them in their eyes and gave them the tablet. It wasn’t long before recognizing you and asking three simple questions: “Who are you, where are we, and how do you know our daughter?”


“As much as you deserve answers, I have to save your children first.” You quickly rushed to the Holo-Table and programmed the portal to open as close to Cindy as possible. You grabbed a tracking device and turned to everyone else. “Alpha, you know what to do. Listen up, everyone. No matter what happens, shut the portal down if the shockwave reaches me; the fail-safe will do it anyway. Erica, Rachel, the longer the portal remains active, the more likely those authorities we encountered will notice the portal. I don’t care how you do it, just keep them busy without telling the truth.”


You moved towards the portal, but Gogo stopped you for a long passionate kiss. “Just in case,” she explained. “Good luck.”


“Give me every second you can,” you responded before turning on a song in your earpiece and running into the portal.


Video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI96t1…

Lyrics source: www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Oran…


(You jumped through the first three drums.)

So make way to start the revolution. (The portal drops you off in the sky above Manhattan.)

Make way, we're gonna have fun tonight! (You silently plunge down while analyzing the war around you.)

Make way to start the revolution. (You determined that Silk wasn’t here.)

Let loose and everything will be alright! (You converted your Techblades into wings and flew off.)


Here we go, (You expertly flew around all battles and ammunition.)

Here we go again. (Multiple combatants noticed you flying away.)

The clock spins and the roof is down tonight. (However, they couldn’t leave their battles to follow you.)

Don't win? (You saw several people in trouble.)

Don't regret in the shadow of hate, and feel all retarded. (You spared some energy to save them.)


Shine on, (You kept helping while flying through.)

Shine like you do. (Everyone looked at you with awe.)

Watch out cause I'm comin' through. (Villains started attacking you.)

So haul fast, and take the wheel. (You avoided all the attacks with ease.)

It's your chance, gonna do what you do. (A careful set of eyes watched you from the shadows.)


I've been waiting all my life for this. (You felt a tug at your feet and looked back.)

I've been waiting for you. (You saw Black Cat holding onto you with a whip.)

I've been waiting all my life for this. (You spun quickly and made a sharp turn at the same time.)

I've been waiting for you! (The whip let you go and Black Cat crashed through a window.)


So make way to start the revolution! (Back home, the portal remained active and everyone has changed out of their uniforms.)

Make way, we're gonna have fun tonight. (Aunt Susan and Krei kept the portal online.)

Make way to start the revolution. (Erica and Rachel tried to keep the portal hidden.)

Let loose and everything will be alright! (Everyone else was getting more nervous.)


I feel it, (S.H.I.E.L.D., the Avengers and ATCU located the portal signal.)

I feel it in the air. (The Guardians of the Galaxy, Nova Corps, Kree Empire, and Thanos got the signal as well.)

It's in the breezes, everywhere. (A mysterious other party-part on Earth, the other in space-finding the signal as well.)

I feel good, walkin' down the street, (Everyone trying to contact the system.)

And you should know, that I don't care! (All of them got a big ‘NOT NOW!’)


I've been waiting all my life for this, (All the parties mentioned above trying to hack in.)

I've been waiting for you. (Erica and Rachel did everything in their power to keep them out.)

I've been waiting all my life for this, (Alpha finished copying information about the Moon family from their world.)

I've been waiting for you! (After so much bickering, the ‘NOT NOW!’s were replaced by your optical view, vitals, and countdown to termination.)


So make way to start the revolution! (Back to you, a building exploded.)

Make way, we're gonna have fun tonight. (You retracted your wings to go through the windows.)

Make way to start the revolution! (You noticed that the building was abandoned.)

Let loose and everything will be alright. (You got an urgent message from Alpha.)


Non-lyrics part: “Sir,” Alpha replied. “The world’s about to collapse and too many individuals know about this. EITHER YOU GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW OR I’LL OVERRIDE THE CONTROLS AND DRAG YOU OUT OF THERE MYSELF!”


So make way to start the revolution, (You sighed and rearranged the Techblades into an energy sphere around you.)

Make way, we're gonna have fun tonight. (You gave the surrounding area one last look.)

Make way to start the revolution, (You noticed a trail of spider-web and quickly followed it.)

So make way! (You found Cindy with her brother and quickly flew towards them. ‘This is going to be close,’ you thought.)


So make way to start the revolution! (Thanos looked slightly concerned, Gogo was biting her nails, everyone else was only worried.)

Make way, we're gonna have fun tonight! (You quickly fired an energy blast at the window.)

Make way to start the revolution! (Silk still had her eyes open when the window shattered into dust.)

Let loose and everything will be alright! (She was still looking outside, so she only saw you coming in and not the crystal dust gathering behind her in a circle of blue energy.)


Make way to start the revolution! (“H-Hydralpha?” Silk muttered as the portal finished forming and the Techblade sphere surrounded her and her brother.)

Make way to start the revolution! (“Hang on!” you ordered as you grabbed them both and jumped through the portal.)

Make way to start the revolution! (The portal closed just as the shockwave reached that building, causing the hackers’ screens to explode.)

SO MAKE WAY! (The sphere came out of the portal in Axis Point and crashed on the floor a few meters from the device, which shuts down at the end of the song.)


Everyone was panting, but not as heavily as you; you wasted too much energy keeping everything in line. “That was too close,” you commented as you disengaged your Techblades. “even for me. If you two would care to turn around, I have another surprise for you. Baymax, care to scan them while I change and get some medical supplies?”


Both siblings turned and suddenly the Moon family was engulfed in one big family hug. When you finished changing and reached a specific wall, you dialed the leader of the mysterious party. “Are the others in conference? That saves time. Yes, I know that my stunt today was relatively unstable, but the fail-safe kept it from becoming a catastrophe. Now it has downgraded into immigrant assimilation. I got this, ok? Thank you, Your Majesty. And Kalique, I’d like to cash in on that Recode you owe me. I’ll send you the data as soon as I can.” You hung up and uncovered a type-pad. You were about to touch it when you sensed someone behind you.


“Emily just teleported out; said she wasn't needed anymore and wished us luck with the Moon family’s assimilation,” Rachel replied to your smile. “You sure you want to use THAT medicine?”


You inserted a code and a briefcase came out. “They’ll find out eventually, we won’t tell them the specifics yet.” The two of you walked towards the main room, where everyone was waiting for you. “So, Baymax, apart from psychological trauma, what are we dealing with?”


Baymax simply looked at you with neutrality as he explained the situation. “There were no other complications from the space-time disruption. However, Mr. and Mrs. Moon have mild innutrition-”


You opened the briefcase and pulled out a tablet. “Nothing a good party and a proper diet and exercise plan can’t fix.”


“The brother’s condition is too complicated for me to analyze at the moment-”


“We’ll get several samples for proper examination later,” you commented without looking away from the tablet. “And I don’t want to hear about Cindy’s biology, I just want to know about injuries.”


“In that case, the only critical area is her left hand. However, the damage is too severe for a quick healing.”


“I beg to differ, just don't ask where I got this medicine.” You beckoned Cindy forward and started working on her hand. Nobody said a word as you healed her hand completely, but you felt the tension and sighed when you finished with your work. “What’s wrong, Cindy? You had a doubt on your mind the second you saw me. It's not about me saving your family, and it's not about your hand, either. So just say it.”


“Why?” You all merely looked at Cindy when she asked. “You were merely an informant and assistant. I disagreed with you helping us during the war. I only brought you back out of gratitude. Why would you even think about saving me—let alone my family—like that?”


You kept quiet for a while before smiling and looking at her brother. “Your name’s Albert, right?” He nodded before you continued. “What would you do if you had a chance to save your sister?”


He blinked a few times before he answered. “Anything, and everything.”


“You have your answer,” you told Cindy as you gave her the picture mentioned above. “And you did all those things because you also had those feelings for me; subconscious expressions don't lie.”


Even you kept quiet as Cindy processed this information. She kept motionless as a few tears went down her cheek, then she gave you a big hug. “Thank you,” she managed to choke out. “Thank you for everything.”


“Anything for my spiritual big sister,” you said as you hugged her back. However, a loud ringing ruined the mood. “Can they wait, Alpha?”


“Considering the individuals that are calling, sir, no.”


You sighed as you contemplated the situation. “Silk, mask. Alpha, get my suit and advise the contacts to wait. Everyone else, other room.”


After changing into your suit and making sure that Silk was the only one in the primary room, the two of you sat at the Holo-Table and you opened the first communication line. “Hello, Thanos.”


The alien brute merely nodded. “Impressive screen, it certainly saves time with introductions. I assume you know what I want.”


“You’re NOT getting the portal schematics!” Silk yelled out. “I may not know all his secrets, but I bet there’s a practically unlimited number of individuals he’s keeping safe!”


You punched Silk hard in the shoulder. “One: don’t tick off one of the most powerful evil individuals in the universe. Two: while that was rude, Thanos, she does have a point. I’m not simply going to hand over that data, especially to you.”


Thanos merely narrowed his eyes. “Perhaps we can reach an agree-”


“I want everything you have on the Terrigenesis project on Earth,” you blurred out. “From the first experiments to how everything was eliminated by ‘the better Kree’. AND DON’T LEAVE ANYTHING OUT!!!!”


“And I thought I was rude,” Silk muttered. “You have a lot to explain later.”


Thanos merely shook his head as he started the file transfer. “Then all those secrets are worth nothing to you.”


“Depends on your point of view,” you said while revising the files and sending over the requested files.


Thanos’s grin quickly fell when he tried to access the schematics. “You forgot to decrypt the files!”


“You never said how you wanted the data,” you retorted. “Oh, I forgot to mention the primary fail-safe. Try to hack it, or fail to access it before the timer reaches zero and it auto-deletes.”


Thanos' eyes narrowed as he realized the obvious. “Your supposedly normal life will forbid me from kidnapping you without suspicion.”


Silk gasped in admiration as she figured out the rest. “And by the time ANY of Thanos’ forces reach our space sector, the data would have auto-deleted.”


Your expression became dead serious as you looked at Thanos’ cold eyes. “I may not be powerful or very ambitious, but I am definitely not a fool you can manipulate. What I swear to you now, Thanos, I have sworn to multiple scars multiple times: none of my secrets will EVER be used to harm innocents; not while I live, at least.”


A moment of uncomfortable silence followed, and then Thanos gave an honest respecting smile. “You are definitely someone not to be underestimated, I will admit that. I should have made agreements with you instead of Loki and Ronan.” Then the transmission ended.


You gave out a large sigh of relief. “The scariest part was that he meant every word.” You quickly opened the Kree Emperor’s channel. “Your Excellency.”


“Hydralpha,” he responded while sending a large file. “I honestly don’t care about this situation; I’m just making sure that you and the Kree’s reputation are secure. Before you say that I could have sent anyone else, you told me that the only reasons you would risk the time-space continuum would be to save a person of interest or summon reinforcements. Judging from the female next to you, it’s both.”


You skipped through the completed file. “Terrigenesis? I know you looked in my access to your files, but why these files?”


“Apart from Thanos, it was the only files you accessed. In addition, we detected an old Kree temple on Terra initiating the procedure. If you need any help containing the situation, the Kree Empire is at your disposal.”


You sighed heavily. “Those days are behind me, there are other organizations trying to do just that, the temple was destroyed, we don’t need an invasion, and I highly doubt the situation CAN be contained. I still appreciate your offer, though. Take care, Your Kreeship.”


Silk turned to you as the feed was cut. “Did you deal with this on a daily basis when in S.H.I.E.L.D.?”


“More or less,” you shrugged as you opened the next feed. “Nova Prime.”


She engaged a file transfer. “The Kree Emperor let me overhear your conversation with him. For once, we both agree on the same thing. If you need any assistance, just let us know.”


You looked through the new files: everything Nova had on Terrigenesis. “Thank you,” you said before cutting the feed and opening the Asgardian feed. “Thank Creation you answered this time, Lady Sif. I can’t imagine how a conversation with Odin or any of the others will result.”


“I’m glad to relieve some of your pressure, then,” Sif responded as she engaged a file transfer. “From your expression, other powerful factions in the cosmos contacted you and transferred you Terrigenesis files as well. Which reminds me, how is S.H.I.E.L.D. doing with the experimented?”


“First off,” you blurred out, “they call themselves Inhumans. And jumping to the highly edited version, it’s a mess over here. A rouge Inhuman is hunting new ones down for whatever reason, a rival organization is moving against S.H.I.E.L.D., and a battle against a group of misled Inhumans not only cost the Director a left hand and several valuable Agents, but a considerable amount of Terrigen sank and dissolved into the ocean! I estimate about a year before all of Earth’s water has it.”


Sif tried her best to keep her face neutral, but her micro-expressions betrayed her. “I know this is serious,” you said before she could respond. “But as I said before, we’re trying to contain this. Earth is still recovering from the last Avenger-grade crisis; Thor must have told you about it. With everything going on, we don’t need outer interference.”


Sif tried to argue, but saw the logic. “Very well,” she responded. “In that case, good luck, with both the Inhumans and with your new life, Silk.”


“Thank you,” Silk replied before the feed was cut. “Anyone else from outer space?”


“Just three Earth-bound headaches,” you answered before opening the ATCU feed. “My system is detecting multiple identities, so what should we call you?”


“Rosalind Price,” she answered. “And I assume you know why I’m calling you, former deputy Commander (Last name)?”


You sighed. “According to your unit’s objectives, what I’ve been doing is beneath you. So how about you take a data bribe and leave us alone for the time being?”


Rosalind looked disappointed. “What kind of data transfer?”


You started the data transfer. “While we were talking, Alpha was mashing up a kind of e-book collection on the recent ‘alien outbreaks’. Four files from different sources and a small audio intro I whipped up just in case. Happy?”


Rosalind glared at you just as the transfer was completed. “I’ll take what I can get. But how about you tell me where y-”


Silk cut the feed before she could finish. “You knew she was trying to trace the call.”


“Alpha has auto-upgraded himself to block out Ultron, of all beings, so Rosalind’s hackers can’t do a thing.” You smiled when you opened the next feed. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Maximoff. Hey there, Natty.”


Black Widow rolled her eyes. “One of these days, I’m going to beat you so bad that you’ll never call me that again.”


You held back a snort. “You and Hawkeye taught me too well. But if you insist… Natasha. I assume that the other Avengers are listening to this, Thor and Banner are still gone, and this is about my portal stunt.”


Black Widow opened her mouth, but Scarlet Witch spoke up first. “That was risky and dangerous. I’m glad you were able to save a piece of a now-dead world, but why take the risk?!”


You started to speak, but Silk covered your mouth and looked at Scarlet Witch. “I know what you mean, Wanda. The risk factor of that mission was too great. Before you ask how I know your name, some things never change across dimensions. Judging from your eyes, you lost your brother, Pietro. If you could use (First name)’s portal to save him, would you?”


Scarlet Witch looked down while Black Widow looked at you with a worried look. “Another spiritual sister/apprentice to your mystery list. I know you never had problems before, but I’m worried that this is going to result in another Erica Page.”


You sighed. “Cindy has a family, is an adult, know how to use her abilities, and I’m staying grounded to the city until further notice; portal’s for emergencies only.” You typed in a command and the other Avengers came into view. Another key electrocuted them all. “Ironic. I’m a spy, yet I hate eavesdroppers. If you want to visit, call first.” You cut the feed immediately. “Only S.H.I.E.L.D.’s left.”


“What did she mean by ‘another’?” Silk asked with suspicion in her voice.


“You and your family will be staying in an emergency apartment I set up in the city years ago. I’ll tell you about it then,” you whispered in her ear before opening the S.H.I.E.L.D. feed. Everyone seemed to be celebrating something. You had to fake a cough to get their attention, but then coughed for real when you saw the reason why. “Jemma?! Oh, it’s so good to see you again. If we were in the same room and if I wasn’t wrecked by physical and mental exhaustion, I would give Fitz a small scolding and be careful while giving you a hug.”


Simmons gave you a skeptical look. “How did you know that the monolith was a portal and why is this woman next to you?”


You merely shrugged. “That giant rock didn't change in mass and I assume both portals were opened at the same time. What perfect timing.”


“Apparently,” Coulson agreed while walking to the screen. “Judging from this Silk’s appearance, she has abilities. So how about…”


You raised your hand to speak. “Listen, Phil. I was barely able to get her and her family out before her Earth was destroyed, and I just went through four alien contacts, not including the ATCU and the Avengers. So how about you guys get Terrigenesis files from the four sources and leave us all alone for a few weeks?”


The agents muttered privately before Daisy stepped up. “Deal. Now who gave you the data?”


You engaged the file transfer. “The first one’s from Loki’s backer, an intergalactic villain by the name of Thanos. The next one came directly from the Kree Emperor himself. Following him was Nova Prime, military head of the Kree’s neighboring Nova Empire. The last one’s from Lady Sif.”


“I assume there were a few complications during the negotiations,” Fitz asked.


“I think I impressed Thanos when I got his data through a deal that he got nothing out of and the other three offered their assistance in handling the Inhuman situation, but I told them to stand down for the moment; we have enough trouble already with alien involvement.” The transfer was completed.


“Good luck with everything,” Coulson replied before you cut the feed without saying thanks.


“Sir,” Alpha complained as the others arrived. “You’re forgetting about the final-”


“We’re calling it a day,” you replied. “Alpha, send the contact info to my cell. Aunt Susan, Mr. Krei, you’re taking Cindy and her family to one of my emergency apartments; GPS code Pompeii.” Many wanted to argue, but the look on your exhausted face silenced them.

The sun was setting when your group arrived at the apartment; Aunt Susan and Mr. Krei waited outside. It was somewhat empty, but large enough for the Moon family. “I set this place up when I got Level 5 clearance,” you explained. “Given my family history and S.H.I.E.L.D.’s enemy list, I felt it was necessary to set up a retirement plan in case I ever wanted to quit. Local stores, public neighborhood, a few malls not too far away, and a major city. Few of my enemies are of high intelligence, so it’s relatively safe.”


Mrs. Moon looked at the shelves and drawers. “History books and clothes for an entire family?”


You shrugged as you took out a tablet. “Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it and I could have had a few guests. Authorizing Cindy Moon,” you added as you placed Cindy’s thumb on the screen. “I started a diary ever since I got here. And yes, it has references to the specific adventures related to it. You have enough money in some of the drawers to last until Alpha rigs one of my untraceable accounts to you. And don't think about trying to pay me back; anything for family. See you tomorrow.” Everyone nodded as you left them the keys and closed the door. Outside, you saw the two adults waiting outside with your bike ready to ride.


“I know you too well,” Aunt Susan replied as you got on. “Stay safe and don't take too long,” she cried out as you rode off.


Once you made sure that the coast was clear, you accessed the contact info and called the Guardians of the Galaxy. “Hey guys, how's it going? And before you yell, I am driving and do not want to get in an accident.”


“Why did you hang up on us, you (beeeeeeeeeep) jerk?!” Rocket yelled at you, almost making you skid to a stop.


“Why didn’t you warn us that you had a portal at your disposal?” Drax asked calmly yet in huge rage.


“And why would you use something that you knew was dangerous?” exclaimed Gamora with the same tone.


You calmly sighed. “Apart from your current attitudes, I also had to deal with other contacts and physical exhaustion, so you can understand why I saved you for a private conversion. Second, I didn’t tell you about it because I couldn’t contact you and I knew how you’d react. Finally, if you had an unstable chance to save a loved one–and you all had at least one–would you use it?”


With that question, they looked down in shame. “I am Groot,” Groot responded with a deep tone.


“I know that was harsh,” you muttered as you arrived at the main park. “But you all know that I prefer honesty. If I need your help, I'll inform you. Until then, there's nothing you can do.”


“You’ll call us the instant you need our help, right?” Star-Lord asked as you saw someone familiar approaching you.


“Of course,” you replied. Then you hung up and smiled at the newcomer. “I have to admit, Kalique, I'm surprised you came personally.”


“I made this promise personally,” she replied as you two shook hands. “Some things are just that important. And I was slightly concerned about your wellbeing.”


“Watch it, I have a tough girlfriend,” you half-joked as you took out a sealed plastic bag containing several items: blood samples, saliva samples, hair pieces, and a flash drive. “Everything I could get my hands on, and the flash drive has a medical scan. I hope it’s enough.”


“I'll do what I can and inform you,” Kalique promised as she took the bag. “Until next time.”


You nodded and rode towards home. On the way, you got an audio message from Rachel: “Susan and Krei are doing something together, so they're locked in their room. Personally, I was drained long before Emily’s arrival, so I left you a large dinner in your room; you deserve it. DON’T ANNOY ME!!!” You merely shrugged. You had a suspicion that Aunt Susan and Mr. Krei had a romance (history repeating itself), but you weren't going to complain as long as it didn't cause trouble.


Arriving home, you were shocked to see Gogo waiting at the door. “How are the Moons?” she asked.


“They'll be fine,” you replied. “Now if you'll excuse me, I have to eat dinner in bed.”


She placed her right hand over your heart and looked at you with a look you knew all too well. “Does that dinner have desert? Because you earned a special reward.”


Rachel approached her bed with tranquility. She just had a long day and NOTHING was going to stop her from sleeping.


Just as she was covering herself, she heard several sounds. She identified them as sounds of pleasure, and they were in two sets: her mom and her boss, and her cousin and his girlfriend. Rachel groaned as her imagination took over. ‘Why am I the only normal one in this building?’ she thought miserably.


What little sleep she could get was filled with embarrassing nightmares.

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Comments: 5

Tomahawk2812 [2015-10-16 15:23:35 +0000 UTC]

*stands up and applauds* Beautiful! A masterpiece!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

admiral809 In reply to Tomahawk2812 [2015-10-16 22:00:34 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tomahawk2812 In reply to admiral809 [2015-10-16 22:23:26 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ravusWolf [2015-10-16 13:47:12 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

admiral809 In reply to ravusWolf [2015-10-16 14:15:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0