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Kiju are a closed Species of mine.
You are not allowed to create one on your own, without my permission!
For more informations look here - Info sheet
RULES/T.O.S. For Kiju
- You need to Credit me as Designer
- Either link to Adoptiverse
- or to TH: Adoptiverse
- You are allowed to trade the Design
- You are allowed to Gift the Design
- You are not allowed to sell the design for more than you paid (except you got addictional art for it)
- You can change the name, gender, history etc.
- You can not change the species.
- You can make small changes to the design
- You can not make big changes to the design
- You can not change the traits
- Since @/YumekoKatsuya is my helping angel, she might remind of the rules, holds or simmilar stuff. In that case she talks for me, due to the fact that I need this help of her. Please give her the same Respect as me!
- failing to follow the rules repeatly may result in blacklisting.
- blacklisted people are not allowed to use my services, adopt my designs or take part in events on any of my Acoounts.
Other Important Links
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