aegis-of-justice — SPGA - Ripchord

Published: 2012-03-29 06:10:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 5787; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 4
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Description This is a character profile for group.

See full picture here .
See full civilian picture here .

Warning: Loooong bio ahead. I don't recommend reading it all in one go. XD

See Ripchord's personal timeline here

On another note, his wiki page is up. I'll be shortening up this bio and putting more info on the wiki, so feel free to look at it when you're bored. ^^

Secret ID: Greyson “Grey” Comhghan (CAHM-hahn)
Superhero Alias: Ripchord
Group / Alliance Affiliation(s): No lasting alliances

Nickname(s): Grey
Age: 16
Gender: male
Species: half-mer
Nationality: American
Places Lived: Boston, Massachusetts
Current Residence: Oceans near the Eastern Seaboard coast
Height: 5’10” (when standing); 6’5” (length including tail)
Weight: 162 lbs (as a human); 450lbs (as a merman)
Eye Color: The rolling blue of the sea
Hair Color: Dark brown, almost black
Hair Type: long-ish and cut roughly, since he does it himself
Skin Color: quite pale and doesn’t tan, dries out and sunburns quite easily; takes on scales and a slight pearl sheen while wet

Physical Description:
Physically, he is slim and lean, a streamlined figure with whiplike muscles. When he is in the water, his skin takes on a filmy, iridescent sheen, much like an eel or a fish, and becomes very slippery. As a merman, his gills become more prominent, his hands become webbed, and his tail resembles that of a bluefin tuna. The coloring gives him a grey-blue streak along the sides of his tail, and his fins are sharp and angled. A spiky dorsal fin also runs along his spine.

He often wears nothing more than a large, ill-fitting sweatshirt and swimming trunks as a human. It’s not easy for him to get his hands on clothes, but when he does, he prefers something he can slip quickly in and out of for quick escapes into the ocean. However, he does have a sense of modesty and usually can’t be persuaded out of the water without being guaranteed a pair of pants. Generally, he looks like a runaway (which he basically is). He doesn’t pay much attention to his physical appearance beyond basic hygiene since he doesn’t tend to remain on land for long. At times he wears mismatched flipflops that beachgoers are prone to losing, but is leery of foot fungi and warts; sometimes he just goes barefoot.

General Personality:
He's quite wary and aggressive around strangers as he’s spent the last few years either hiding from people in general or stealing from them. However, in the case that you haven’t come upon him breaking into your house or trying to mug you, you've probably stumbled across him in the sea at night when the moon is especially bright. He gives off an ethereal, otherworldly demeanor with his pale skin and piercing eyes. Adding to the intense mystery about him, he refuses to speak in fear of unintentionally hurting someone. However, his silence only makes him seem more detached from the world.

His silence very much defines him and the way he communicates. Never having the chance to learn much sign language and without telepathic powers, he can only really communicate with pointing, meaningful looks, and physically leading people where he wants them to go. However, he is not at all used to human contact and his facial expressions are often stiff and stoic without him realizing it, making it difficult for him to get what he’s feeling across. Truthfully, he’s quite lonely and quite unsure how to deal with people.

Despite his melancholy disposition, his behavior can turn drastically from calm seas to a rolling storm in an instant. Because of his past experiences, he is reluctant to trust others and has a deeply-rooted cynical outlook on life. Despite this, he is subconsciously envious of people who remind him of what he doesn't have and often lashes out at them without warning, to their bewilderment. He’s very aggressive when cornered, and is practical and ruthless when it comes to his own survival. He has no qualms stealing or attacking others to sustain himself and has no problem justifying his actions to himself. Additionally, partially because he is unable to express his frustrations verbally, he's picked up the habit of relieving stress by picking fights at night in the larger cities. If the opponent is unwilling to put up a fight, however, it often turns into an old-fashioned mugging.

The one thing he does feel guilty for is his siren song. As a sort of curse of the merfolk, they are all born with a love for music. However, their voices are so enchanting that they lure all who hear it to them, often to their deaths. Humans have jumped off cliffs, walked into the sea, and run ships aground trying find the source of the hypnotic melodies sung by merfolk. Unfortunately, keeping silent is the same as denying them water, and Grey himself is no different. Despite his vow to keep silent, he often finds himself humming unconsciously or suppressing the urge to sing when he thinks no one is around. At times, he gives in, but he has caused several accidents in the past and always fears the next incident will be too close to call.

Good Traits:
Decisive, resourceful when in a pinch, has a strict level of self-control and willpower, efficient and abhors waste

Bad Traits:
Ruthless, has no problem making choices that clearly benefit him even if they may mean hurting or betraying others, proud, stubborn, shy and socially awkward, has a bit of a temper and gets bored or frustrated easily, can get a bit arrogant

He never speaks unless intentionally using his powers
Not that he ever speaks, but when he does he has a thick Boston accent
Has a hatred for raw fish and anything else slimy and has a hard time choking it down, he very much prefers human food
Also harbors a strong dislike for seagulls, cats, and dogs
He is sensitive to any accusations of looking or being girly, pretty, beautiful, or the like and will take serious offense to any hints of the sort
Having never entered high school, he is very behind in his studies
Like the bluefin tuna , he is, in fact, warm-blooded; cold doesn't bother him at all
He has never cooked in his life, doesn't ever intend to learn, and will eat out of jars and cans for the rest of his life if he has his way (he's too lazy even to make a pbj sandwich. He will eat the bread slices, then eat the peanut butter straight from the jar. He's also one of those jerks that drink straight from the orange juice carton.)

His biggest hope is to find somewhere he can belong and live a normal life. His biggest dream is to meet his birth mother, where he imagines she will teach him all the things about his abilities that his human father could not. Secretly, he harbors a hope that after he learns how to control his abilities, he can return to a normal human life on land.

He fears he will never find his mother, and yet also fears getting lost in the open sea and never seeing his father again. He regrets running away and abandoning him, but his pride prevents him from going home. He also fears becoming trapped in his merman form, never to return to being human.
His worst nightmares are to be caught and sent to a freak show, put on display for everyone to gawk at, or to cause a shipwreck and kill innocent people.

Memorable Quote(s):

Mother: an unknown mermaid
Father: Douglas Comhghan

Closest Friends: None
Enemies: Mage , Lumie’re
Girlfriend(s)/Boyfriend(s): none, but he is very firmly heterosexual. Meaning hilarity will ensue if a guy tries to hit on him.

As a half-mer, Gre’s physiology differs slightly from normal humans. His strength and reflexes are one thing that doesn’t change on land or in water. The muscle power needed to propel himself underwater becomes superhuman strength while on land. His strength and mobility underwater while transformed cannot be bested by even the fastest Atlantean, and transformed or untransformed, he has the ability to breathe underwater. He also doesn't get cold easily and can stay warm in the iciest of waters.

Mer Transformation:
When about half of him is submerged in water, he loses his legs and gains a merman’s tail. (This means if you dump a bucket of water on him, you’ll only be left with a soggy and very irritated human. Pushing him into the pool is a different story, however.)
PROS: The transformation to a merman is nearly instant, and grants him unparalleled agility and speed underwater; he can easily drown clumsy human swimmers like the mermaids of lore
CONS: The transformation back into a human is much slower and can be painful if he tries to rush the transformation (which is often the case). Ever superglue your fingers together and try to pull them apart in a hurry? Yeah, that hurts. Also, standing up and walking afterward is like getting up suddenly and trying to walk with your legs asleep.

Siren Song:
When he sings, anyone within hearing range will become hypnotized and drawn to his voice, a sort of pied piper effect. Upon waking they will be dazed and disoriented. Clear recordings will have the same effect, though it depends on the quality of the recording.
PROS: his voice can carry quite far and affects humans and non-humans alike; certain songs appear to be of varying potency to different species
CONS: the effect can be easily countered with earplugs; those with high willpower and fortitude may be able to resist it; he has no control over the behavior of those who hear it and has caused several boating accidents, as well as causing people to jump lemming-like into t he sea; he refrains from singing unless he is sure no one is near, but accidents happen

Siren Scream:
His voice is capable of producing high-pitched shrieks of concussive force
PROS: can be used as an offensive attack or to deflect projectiles; can damage the hearing of those nearby; regular foam earplugs are not enough to protect from this
CONS: It is difficult for him to direct accurately, and often he just lets loose to destroy whatever’s in front of him; it is not at all subtle; specially made earplugs to protect hearing may be enough to counter this; he is also not able to control his voice, and merely speaking may damage the ears of those around him; therefore this has rendered him voluntarily mute, at least when not attacking

He can use his voice as a sort of sonar to find his way in dark waters
PROS: Allows him to navigate in the darkest of waters; does not have the effects of his Siren Song or Scream
CONS: Out of water, the air is too thin to result in a useful echo map

Weapon(s): he either goes it bare-handed, or grabs whatever is close at the time and improvises
On land, he generally avoids getting tangled into close combat usually enters conflict only because the opponent is interfering with his escape and will disengage as soon as said escape is assured. He throws things mainly as a distraction rather than to harm. A tactical fighter, he is always considering alternatives to avoid becoming trapped, and is always aware of the environment and how to use it to his advantage. If there is a nearby body of water, he will almost always head towards it.

While he is engaged in battle, he tends to attack in short spurts of physical power, avoiding deadlock situations where it becomes a test of stamina. Usually he saves his Siren Scream for securing his escape, often using it on buildings or other structures to prevent pursuit, or breaking out of an opponent's hold at close range.

In water, he can usually outswim anything. However, if there comes a time to fight, it’s quite easy for him to drown any non-aquatic creature stupid enough to follow him underwater. In addition, he could easily break necks if he catches his opponent with that powerful tail.

He has a damn good throwing arm. Whether its rocks, spears, or a nearby vase, he has impeccable aim. In addition to that, he is very good at utilizing his environment, whether it’s using terrain, nearby objects, or lighting to his advantage. He can switch plans on the fly and improvise quickly when things go sideways. Underwater, he can safely resort to brute force and overwhelm his opponents with his speed and power, exploiting his superior maneuverability. He is resistant to ice, water, and other cold offensive spells.

If he ever gets trapped in a small body of water, such as a pool, a tub, or a particularly deep puddle, he’ll instantly turn into a merman with a 300lb tail. He’ll have to flop about first to get out, wait for his tail to dry out, regain his legs, and wobble to his feet before he can be of any use. This can easily take up to a half hour or more.
He refuses to speak, which makes communication between teammates difficult if they don’t have the help of telepathy. Also he is a fast-thinker, and is used to working by himself, which often leads to him being a few steps ahead of his teammates with no way to convey his intentions.
His skin never tans and sunburns easily. He is weak to fire and lightning, and other offensive sources of heat.

They say once a man has loved a mermaid, he will never again look at a human woman. That is what they say of Douglas Comhghan. He had never taken a wife in all his years living in a small fishing village near Boston. However, there was a stormy day when a child was left on his stoop. No one knew where it came from. But Douglas took one look at the child and knew it was his own. He named him Greyson, the boy seemingly born from the stormy grey skies and seas that night.

For months, years, his son seemed perfectly normal, indistinguishable from the little boy the Monoghan’s had next door. They often played on the beach together when he had the time to look after them. Mrs. Monoghan always made sure to mention little Grey had such a sweet little voice. It was on that beach that Greyson walked for the first time. And shortly afterwards, it became the beach where Grey first swam. Douglas still remembers it, that tiny boy toddling inexplicably fast towards the water, the waves gaping like a shark’s maw before swallowing him whole. He dove into the water, searching desperately for his little boy. And he found him, tail and all, gurgling happily in the sea.

Five-year-old Grey loved the ocean. His father would take him out on his fishing boat, far out where no one could see them, and he would swim while Douglas put out his nets. He’d chase the fish straight into the traps his father laid for them, laughing and singing and enjoying the water. But this idyllic existence was not to last. Someone caught a glimpse of him, and was reminded that Douglas had once claimed he had seen a mermaid.

The fisherman had been doing well. Too well, the superstitious villagers whispered. He must have made a deal with some dark creature of the sea. And that child must be proof of that union. And when the villagers whisper, so do their children. Their children whisper in the classrooms, and their whispers turn to shouts and jeers on the playground. And ten-year-old Grey could only counter these with his fists. After being sent home for yet another fight, Douglas had to talk to him. Where is my mother? Grey asked. Why don’t I have one? Doesn’t she like me? His father had no answers. And then disaster struck.

How come you don’t have a mommy?
I do too have a mommy!
Liar! She doesn’t want you!
She does too want me! She’s just a mermaid and can’t come see me!
Liar! Mermaids don’t exist!
Do too! Dad said she was a mermaid!
Do not! He’s a liar!
My mommy says that your mom is just a whore who didn’t want you and dumped you at your dad’s doorstep!

Grey screamed. He screamed until he ran out of air. What he didn’t realize was that he had screamed until the boy in front of him collapsed on the ground, ears bleeding. On the rest of the playground, children lay on the ground, hands over their ears, half-deaf and crying for their parents.

Grey changed schools. His voice was changing. From then on he refused to speak and spent the rest of his elementary school years silent. However, the echoes of his voice still remained, trailing him wherever he went. It was a small town, and in middle school, he met classmates who still remembered. The whispers spread, even more vicious than before. Grey found solace in his singing, ferreting away choral music from the music room to practice by himself out on the cliffs. Grey sang his heart out, all the melancholic feelings he couldn’t express during the day flowed away at night. It was like a secret between him and the sunset, not even his father knew where he went in the evenings. But he found out when a ship of seasoned sailors sailed their vessel straight into the rocks just under where Grey made his unwitting stage.

Grey was horrified at what his voice could do. And try as he might, his father was unable to hide his own terror from his child, unable to allay his son's fears when his own clouded his heart. Confused and terrified, Grey ran to the sea and never returned. Surviving off of provisions stolen from coastside homes, he hated himself. He didn’t belong anywhere. He could not live on land where he could hurt people. Yet when he ran to the sea, neither could he live as a creature of the ocean, always tied to the human society he was accustomed to. In the sea, Grey had plenty of time to mull things over, perhaps too much. Why did he have to make excuses for who he was born as? Why did he have to compromise when not accepting him for what he was was their problem? The more he thought, the more resentful he became. Fine. If no one was going to look out for him, then the only one who could look out for him was himself. And the humans could only blame themselves for their own weakness.
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Comments: 266

aegis-of-justice In reply to ??? [2020-07-31 01:55:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Brandy2542 In reply to aegis-of-justice [2020-07-31 03:07:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Syreneln [2014-05-12 03:35:25 +0000 UTC]

You shouldn't write such a long, well made story on your character.  This makes me want to terrorize him with one of my characters but this was all done 2 years ago ... I'd probably be too late.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to Syreneln [2014-05-12 03:47:26 +0000 UTC]

Well, he's still around. The fact that it's been two years just means that the profile is slightly outdated as he's grown. XD So feel free to terrorize away.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to aegis-of-justice [2014-05-12 03:54:51 +0000 UTC]

Sounds good to me.  It shouldn't be too long before I can do so

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ZombehSis In reply to Syreneln [2015-05-11 13:51:25 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to ZombehSis [2015-05-12 01:42:37 +0000 UTC]

Already terrorized ... and he hates Syren now ... right but he may put up with Jezarine sometimes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

aegis-of-justice In reply to Syreneln [2015-05-21 23:12:23 +0000 UTC]

true that XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Syreneln In reply to aegis-of-justice [2015-05-23 21:09:34 +0000 UTC]

oh yeh. they have to meet again some time lol 

i mean ripchord and syren and ripchord and jez ... both are amusing in their own way

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ZombehSis In reply to Syreneln [2015-05-14 18:35:53 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 14:36:02 +0000 UTC]

poor baby! he's awesome but still... TT^TT his back ground.... POOR BABY!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 17:54:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow, you actually read all of that? ^^ Kudos to you. XD

And thanks for the watch!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 19:42:46 +0000 UTC]

yes; and it was well written. funny i saw in his abilities that he's not afraid to drown someone stupid enough to follow under the water. my mute WIP character was almost killed because something dragged her under the water... she hurt her brother when she said he didn't want to save her from dieing after she was able to escape the thing dragging her under...so a merperson caused her to decide to go mute.

no prob; i want to see anything involving grey! lol... i really like him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 21:02:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it. ^^

Yeah. As a whole he hasn't really drowned people (though he's held people underwater), but if he decides that's the best way to get what he wants, he won't hesitate. But a merperson causing her to go mute? That's interesting. Grey himself hasn't met any merpeople and has no idea what they're like. So if he hears about alleged mer activity, he'll definitely be drawn to it, hoping to meet one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 21:14:17 +0000 UTC]

INNOCENCE! lol. not directly. a merperson dragged her under when she tried to follow it (to see what it was) then it almost killed her; something else distracted the merperson and she was able to escape. then she got back on land; her brother didn't go under because he couldn't swim. she didn't know that and said he let her almost drown on purpose. she used her sound powers... hurt her brother and went silent. the thing that distracted the merperson was aqualad; so she loves him for saving her.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 21:25:25 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, it'd be really interesting for them to meet, then. They've got almost the same experience with regard to their powers, but her meeting with that merperson would really add an interesting dynamic. How does she feel about merpeople now? I mean, some Atlanteans look like merpeople.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 21:28:36 +0000 UTC]

yeah; that's one reason i thought it was interesting.she's sort of scared of them... but she never judges someone before meeting them/getting to know them. though the attack caused her to be afraid of being the ocean.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 21:45:25 +0000 UTC]

Grey is only half-mer, and was raised in human society, so he'll probably seem fairly normal when she first meets him. Besides his own muteness, haha.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 21:49:09 +0000 UTC]

She uses sign language or gestures. probably; heck he might meet he in a fight... (she can transform into a boy, girl, or bat) she might want to bite him when they first meet; just because she has the urge for blood. lol.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 21:53:58 +0000 UTC]

Interpretive dance? XD Grey knows a bit of sign language, but no one else seems to know it, so he hasn't got much practice, haha. It'd be funny to see what would happen.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:08:08 +0000 UTC]

possibly! she does all sorts of things to get someone understand or get what she means. nice, same with her but at home she uses sign language all the time.

on his profile says you can spot him at night in the waters of the Atlantic coast right? she lives in florida on the north atlantic coast at night because she can't be in the sun. that would be interesting.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 22:12:10 +0000 UTC]

Haha. He only learned it for like two years before he ran away from home, and it's not like he had anyone to really communicate with. His social skills are really stunted. XD

Yeah, he just hangs around the Atlantic. She may run into him in the city, though. Committing petty theft and the like. >.>

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:19:18 +0000 UTC]

So are her's... she doesn't get to socialize with many people. specifically because most guys she meets in the city are perverts.

she'd probably just walk over and tap his shoulder and give him something. (she has a heart of gold even to bad people...most of the time)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 22:24:07 +0000 UTC]

What a coincidence. Most guys Grey meets in the city are perverts too. >.> Doesn't help his homophobia. Probably caused it, actually.

He does most of his begging during the day. When he doesn't have enough, he starts mugging people at night. Though if she manages to feed him at dinner time, he won't have to. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:26:48 +0000 UTC]

it doesn't help that she can't scream if some pervert tries to do something bad. i agree...that probably caused it.

everytime she sees him she'd probably give him something.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 22:29:21 +0000 UTC]

She can't? So her muteness is psychological? At least Grey is only voluntarily so. He won't hesitate blowing out the eardrums of any trying to hurt him. XD

lol, assuming she sees him. He move around quite a bit.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:34:48 +0000 UTC]

no...she just refuses no matter what not to if around any citizens. she promised her brother on his death bed.

yeah; but she does move around because her family owns so many places for her to live at.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 22:38:21 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, if it's in self-defense, Grey doesn't care who he hurts.

Grey's just...homeless. XP He never knows where's he's gonna be/get chased out of.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:42:26 +0000 UTC]

it would be different if only the people "attacking" her were within earshot. XP

the ocean is his home! only people who are scared of things scare off other people :I

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 22:46:58 +0000 UTC]

But it's hard to make sure, right? XD

Well yeah. But he still needs human supplies. He can't bring himself to eat raw fish.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:49:25 +0000 UTC]

yeah. it also doesn't help that she automatically catches guys' eyes.

she could give him a necklace that made it so she could see where he went to give him supplies. that's the sort of thing she does.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-06 22:53:37 +0000 UTC]

Automatically? Can't she just turn into a guy?

He wouldn't take it if he knew. XD And he'd probably pawn it off the first chance he got.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 22:59:10 +0000 UTC]

in her birth state (female) only. she has charming powers... it's to long a process it takes a LONG time...

she wouldn't tell him... not to mention the fact that she has it set up so the necklace takes dna to trace(i came up with her stratagies way back). she also sent a message to every pawn shop when she started doing it, to call if they get one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-07 03:22:36 +0000 UTC]

What if Grey isn't able to resist her "charms" either? >w>

Wow. She, uh, likes to keep track of people. >3> But yeah. Grey can't keep things. Most of his stuff gets lost in the ocean or stolen or pawned off.

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-07 19:12:06 +0000 UTC]

lol.... i never thought about that. probably interesting. XDD

only if she wants to help them.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-07 22:42:57 +0000 UTC]

Grey won't take well to people trying to interfere in his life. >w>

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-07 23:03:34 +0000 UTC]

yeah... she oddly would probably go back to where she met him often to see if he was there even if he didn't want her in his way.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-07 23:08:36 +0000 UTC]

Then he'd just leave town. Not the first time it's happened. XD

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-07 23:10:25 +0000 UTC]

yeah, i can tell lol. she'd stil do it and hope to make a friend.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-07 23:11:38 +0000 UTC]

If she gets too annoying, he may have to attack her just to get his point across.

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-07 23:16:22 +0000 UTC]

i don't think he'd really care. she'd just keep throwing stuff in the ocean like jars and cans hoping he would pick it up. she probably would do it in secret.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-07 23:24:08 +0000 UTC]

No, it's one of the things he hates most. People trying to meddle. And thing he hates most #2 is littering. XD

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-07 23:27:44 +0000 UTC]

they would possibly... or possibly not get along. XD at least she doesn't litter!

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-08 00:33:14 +0000 UTC]

I'm leaning towards possibly not. And if chucking cans and jars into the ocean isn't littering, what is?! XD

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-08 00:38:01 +0000 UTC]

well not exactly doing that. she mostly would leave them in a basket on a floaty with a tag. she really hates littering. she doesn't want the world to be sick.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to SurpriseItsAlexis [2012-05-08 01:45:54 +0000 UTC]

...it's still gonna be trash. What if seaturtles get into it? D:

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SurpriseItsAlexis In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-08 19:10:11 +0000 UTC]

oh snap! then she's gonns freak out once she realizes that. lol she has doesn't always think...ahead.

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Oroyamaru [2012-05-06 02:37:27 +0000 UTC]



I dub them Grey².

I lolled so hard when I found out about Greyson. I was like "Wow, I missed a truckload during 3 months

Soooo going to make an omake 'bout this.

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aegis-of-justice In reply to Oroyamaru [2012-05-06 02:51:52 +0000 UTC]

WAT THERE WAS ANOTHER GREY? They're even the same age. XD Though I dunno if you're going to age her since you've been gone, plus timeskipping and other nonsense, haha.

I wanna see it!

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Oroyamaru In reply to aegis-of-justice [2012-05-06 03:38:40 +0000 UTC]

Nah, don't feel like making her old just yet. if anything, we can pass it off as fem!Grey is M!Grey's other self from her world; AU's and all that.


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