" Lunar World " Silver Talisman with embedded Moonstone
available in my etsy shop : etsy shop
Uniquely designed and handcrafted silver Talisman (925),
with embedded Moonstone.
With moon revitalised , consecrated with fire and programmed 19.4.2019. on a Full Moon night.
Fired in Ogham Month of Saille, Willow
" Consecrated Silver Craft " represents uniquely designed and handcrafted Ritual Celtic Silver Talismans, inspired with Celtic mythology and folklore, Greenworld and Otherworld journeys.
Each piece is designed and handcrafted in old-fashioned way, without using any molds or casting,
which makes every piece completely unique and one of a kind.
Every Talisman is created in specific Ogham Tree month and connected to associated tree,
Revitalized with Moon, Consecrated with Fire, and Awakened on a full Moon night.
Special program can be added depending on future owner`s wishes .
Only semi-precious and precious stones are used in creating this jewelry : each stone is specially cleansed, charged and programmed according to moon phases.
Scientifically and historically silver has many unique properties and has been used in many ways. .Silver is associated with the Moon,but also has amazing and magical bond with gemstones-it increases strength and magical power. Silver can be worn to provide security and protection and protect against evil intent.
Read all about it here :…
" It illuminates the night like the full Moon.
Sometimes, it only glows at certain times and under specific constellations...
It preserves the virtues of the body..."
Lapidary of Sacred Stones
Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings. As its name suggests, it is strongly connected to moon and the intuition. As the moon waxes and wanes, so everything is part of a cycle of change.
Moonstone has a powerful effect on calming the emotions.
This stone makes conscious the unconscious and promotes intuition and empathy. It encourages lucid dreaming, especially at the time of the full moon. Moonstone has traditionally been used to enhance psychic abilities and to develop clairvoyance. It can be worn as a pendant to encourage
acceptance of your psychic gifts.
Psychologically, Moonstone calms overreactions, to situations and to emotional triggers. It is filled with receptive energy. It also balances male-female energies and aids men who want to get in touch with their feminine side.
Mentally, Moonstone opens the mind to sudden and irrational impulses, serendipity, and synchronicity.
Care has to be taken that it does not induce illusions in response to wishful thinking.
Emotionally, Moonstone soothes emotional instability and stress, and stabilizes the emotions.
It improves emotional intelligence. Placed on the solar plexus, it draws out old emotional patterning so that it can understood and then dissolved. Moonstone provides deep emotional healing and heals disorders of the upper digestive tract that are related to emotional stress.
Physically, Moonstone powerfully affects the female reproductive cycle and alleviates menstrual-related dis-ease and tension. It is linked to the pineal gland and balances the hormonal system, stabilizes fluid imbalances, and attunes to the biorhythmic clock. It is helpful in cases of shock and high stress.
Healing : Moonstone helps the digestive and reproductive systems, assimilates nutrients, eliminates toxins and fluid retention, and alleviates degenerative conditions of skin, hair, eyes and fleshy organs such as the liver and pancreas. It is excellent for pms, conception, pregnancy, childbirth, and breast-feeding.
A Moonstone elixir was traditionally used for insomnia and the stone can prevent sleepwalking.
Position : Wear as a ring or place on the appropriate body part : -forehead for spiritual experiences, and solar plexus or heart for emotions. Some women may need to remove Moonstone at the full moon.
The power of Moonstone through History :
In the olden times, there were many beliefs about moonstone's influence on physical and spiritual bodies, and these beliefs are still strong today.
Some of Moonstone`s most famous attributes are : to increase a person's intuition, to cause psychic powers to develop, to increase one's communication with "higher planes", and to enable one to look within.
Many people have attempted to harness and use the moonstone’s powers. For example, it is said that shamans use moonstone to stimulate inner strength and power. Others use the moonstone to connect with their inner soul and in some cases attain almost psychic powers – for example, it is said that the stone can be so powerful it can aid in foretelling the future. In many countries moonstone is believed to be so powerful that it is considered sacred.
Being strongly connected with the Moon, the best time to use the powers of the moonstone is during the full moon. During a full moon, its power is supposedly at its peak; it can be so strong and powerful during this time that it is believed it can reunite lovers, heal the wearer, and promote inner emotional healing. For this reason, many who know of the stone’s powers wear moonstone as a charm around their necks.
Moonstone is especially associated with Moon goddesses. It is often used in sacred rites, for invoking and working with Lunar Deities, such as Aine, White Goddess, Elathan, Arianrhod, Blodeuwedd, Cerridwen...
Resembling the Moon or "moonshine", the ancient Romans believed the stone was actually formed from moonlight. In the Orient, people believed Moonstones were actual rays of moonlight that had solidified, and that the shimmering light held within the stone was a good spirit that lived there. People in ancient India also thought along these lines, and the stone is still considered sacred in India today.
Amulets of Moonstone were frequently hung in fruit trees to ensure fruitful and abundant crops. In Asia and Europe the stone was associated with love and fidelity and was often worn when trying to attract a faithful lover. It was believed that if held in the mouth, Moonstone would help one make proper decisions. This versatile stone was also used in ancient times to cure insomnia.
Due to its association with water, Moonstone is said to be protective of those at sea. It is also protective of those that travel at night and especially during New Moon phases, and was once called the "Traveler's Stone". It was also thought to protect against insanity, epilepsy, and any adverse wanderings of the mind. The ancient Greeks called Moonstone "Aphroselene" after the goddesses Aphrodite (love) and Selene (moon).
Moonstone brings visions and dreams to life, which is why so many gem collectors and magicians prize it.
It draws down the moon and its watery, lunar mystery, so it can be harnessed and used in personal work.
Moonstone lights the way and reminds you that you have the wisdom you need to walk the path you’ve chosen in this lifetime.