Aeroslash — PMD: Team Feuer Eis (Fire Ice) AAF Ch. 5
#pmd #pokemon #shinylycanroc #growlithe #pokemonmysterydungeon #alolanvulpix
Published: 2019-10-14 02:32:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 285; Favourites: 0; Downloads: 0
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Description Chapter 5 Learning more at the Den: His name’s Midnight and Fuyu’s tragic past.

Snap. Crackle. Hiss. The campfire spitted inside the den.
Fuyu, Fukano and the shiny Lycanroc all sat beside the fire. Fukano had eaten a Cheri berry and was now fully healed from his paralysis and the shiny Lycanroc was bandaged with some leaves, his HP healed using some spare Oran berries Fuyu had hidden in case of an emergency.
It had been back in the forest where the wounded Lycanroc had locked eyes with young Fuyu and she had told him the truth of her mother and the siblings.
Gone, was all she had uttered and in that moment a commonality had been formed between them and the wolf Pokemon’s eyes glittered mournfully, understanding laced deep in its dark jade green irises.
The fire snapped again and Fuyu looked down, eating an apple. She was silent, thinking quietly to herself, seemingly lost in thought.
No one dared ask who or what had attacked them. It was all too clear. Then the shiny Lycanroc spoke in a raspy whisper, but his clarity rung throughout the den. “It’s the AAF, you know. They keep doing this, sending out more Apex predators to slaughter and take over lands.”
Fuyu looked up swiftly, her eyes wide, white pupils shrunken fearfully, as though some sort of secret pandora’s box had been unveiled. “What?” is all she could manage, her strong demeanor broken by the agony that glistened in her tri-tone blue eyes.
The shiny Lycanroc coughed and began again in a clearer voice. “The AAF, you know, the Apex Annihilation Front, they are an elite group of dominant Apex predator Pokemon that are aiming for controlling the food web, they are greedily taking all the prey Pokemon for themselves, throwing everything out of whack.”
There was a silence throughout the cave for both Fuyu and Fukano were wide-eyed and agape, unable process the wolf Pokemon’s deep and dreadful words. It was Fukano who spoke first “But why are they doing this? It makes no sense, I mean, nature makes things a certain way, why tamper with it?” He tilted his head in confusion.
Silence hung in the air like thick black smoke. It was Fuyu who responded, her voice clouded with sudden grief. “It’s because they don’t care what happens. They are in it for themselves, they want the world plunged in total chaos….right?” she looked up miserably at the Lycanroc.
He nodded. “Yes, that is entirely true.” He then looked at Fuyu, perplexed. “For a young kid who didn’t recognize the AAF when I brought them up earlier, you sure sound like you’ve had a run in with them before.”
Fuyu looked away, tears glittering in her eyes, she lowered her ears, unable to speak.
Fukano saw a stray tear streak down her cheek. He reached out his paw to comfort Fuyu.
“They took my mother and siblings and…..” Fuyu looked away, unable to say it, her eyes closed tight, and her ears remained lowered.
“You’re an orphan I take it?” the shiny Lycanroc stared at winter fox.
The tears were stained on her white-furred, blue-toned face. “Not by choice.”
The shiny Lycanroc chuckled under his breath and made to respond.
Fuyu interjected shrilly, “You’re not in the right to judge other Pokemon, though you saved our lives, you don’t need to make fun of my problems! That’s not right and unfair of you!” Her fur and tails puffed out in irritation and rage.
“Hold on Fuyu, he’s not—” Fukano attempted to soothe.
“Stay out of it, Fukano!” Fuyu snapped viciously, tears streaming steadily. Then she glared into the shiny Lycanroc’s green eyes. “And you can stay out of my life, I don’t even know who you are, yet you inquire into my life and expect answers. You show up and demand we give you information about us when you just drop the bomb about this evil, conspiring organization!” she spat furiously.
“Woah, kid, settle, you’ll wake the predators in the surrounding area with a bark that loud, please, calm down.” The shiny Lycanroc rasped softly.
“And my name’s not kid, it’s Fuyu!”
Silence fell once again upon the den. Fuyu was wrapped around her six tails, using them as a comfortable blanket. Her little head rested on top of them and she stared into the campfire. For all she knew, she thought the shiny Lycanroc had left because his resting space was empty. Fukano was curled into his fluffy tan tail, snoring soundly. Unable to sleep, Fuyu quietly stretched and soundlessly padded out into the moonlight, her fur blending into bright white light, making her look almost ghostly. It was then she saw a second white hue next to her and a pair of green eyes. She froze in alarm, only to recognize it was the Lycanroc from earlier resting in between some grassy fronds, but his eyes were clearly open.
“I thought I wasn’t welcome in your life, too nosey and inquisitive.”
Fuyu jolted at the comment and padded over to him, away from the den so she would not wake Fukano. “I was out of line, you saved our lives. I’m sorry I snapped at you.”
“You did more than snap, you almost wanted to bite off my ungrateful head!”
“I’m sorry about that.”
“Did what I said really offend you that greatly?”
Fuyu sat and lowered her ears. “It’s not that I was truly angry, it was more that I finally figured out who murdered my mom and little brother and sister. I was so mad and I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. If anything, you saved our lives and that’s worthy of a lot more respect than I showed you tonight. And for that, I’m sorry.”
“Do you see these scars?” The shiny Lycanroc looked Fuyu in the eyes, his crimson scars on his right eye and muzzle bleached in the pale moonlight. “I’ve been fighting for my life, too. Been on my own since I was a small Rockruff pup. My mother was recruited to join the AAF, but when she declined because she was still tending to her litter of pups, she was killed. Then they went after all of us and we ran for our lives. As far as I know, I’m the only pup to have survived. This was many, many moons ago. I’ve lived quite a long life at this point, but I’m not ready to call it quits just yet, not when there’s so many things wrong with the world.”
Fuyu nodded softly, her eyes glowing with grief which swirled into radiant shades of blue in the moonlight. “Thank you for confiding in me Lycan—”
“You can call me Midnight, it’s easy to remember because my fur is so dark blue.”
“Okay, Midnight, and I’m Fuyu-Kitsune, but you can call me Fuyu. Thank you for revealing all this to me, Midnight, though I find some comfort in knowing our pasts our similar, it breaks my heart to hear about yours.” She lowered her ears and, equally, her gaze.
Midnight gazed over to Fuyu and gave her a little pat on the shoulder with his big, warm paw. “It’ll be alright, but I should be going before daylight and you should get some rest, Fuyu. Kids need lots of sleep to grow big and strong.” He smiled and then got up to leave.
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