Aileen-Rose — Survive the Shadows Chapter 4

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Published: 2016-04-13 14:39:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 4237; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 6
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Chapter 4: A Matter of Trust

Wilson had fallen asleep at some point during the night. He didn’t remember when he just remembered it happened. Especially with what roused him from his slumber. Willow was tossing and turning, gripping at her blanket.

“No… No… Get away from me…”She whimpered. “Stop hurting me!”

Wilson’s eyes widened as he got up, hurrying to her side, starting to shake her shoulder some. “Willow? Willow wake up!”


Willow sat up, eyes wide as she looked around, panting a bit. She brought her hand over her heart, bringing Bernie close.

“Oh gosh… I wasn’t back there… Still here…”


Her gaze lifted looking up at Wilson. “W-What…? D-Did you… Hear that?”

“Some of it…” He frowned. “I just heard you asking someone to stop hurting you.”

Willow frowned, lowering her gaze, hugging Bernie tighter. “It… It was awful…” A lone tear slid down her face.

Wilson’s eyes widened, bringing a hand to her shoulder.

“Hey… Hey…”

She flinched, reaching for her lighter.

“I… I need to set something on fire…. I need to…”

“Whoa whoa whoa, hold it there.” Wilson put his other hand on her lighter. “Better be a campfire and not the base. We need this place up.”

Willow looked at him, tears running down her face before bringing her hand back around Bernie.

“Sorry…. It’s an old habit… It helped…”

Wilson frowned before picking up her lighter, flicking it on.

“Here…” He walked over to the fire pit, putting more logs into the dying fire, using the lighter to get them to light up quicker.

Willow was surprised, watching him for a moment before looking at the fire, starting to relax visibly after a few moments. Just watching the flames move and crackle.

Wilson sat down beside her, setting the lighter aside after turning it off. He hesitated before wiping away the rest of her stray tears.

“Are you going to be alright?”

“Yes…” She sighed, brushing some of her hair out of her face. “I’m sorry…. There’s… a lot of bad memories that like to come up.”

“It’s okay…” Wilson brought the blanket around her shoulders, stroking her back a little. “I’m not going to judge you. We all have our buttons.”

Willow gave him a grateful look before looking back to the fire.

“... Have you ever heard of pyromania…?”

“I believe so. It’s a condition where someone becomes obsessed with fire-... Oh.” Wilson clamped his mouth shut, feeling he had just said something wrong.

She gave him a sad smile. “They called me the Firestarter back then… I just loved watching the way it lit up and moved…. Unfortunately, the idea of a young woman getting utterly hyper over burning down the abandoned barns in the area was too unsettling…”

“I see…” Wilson got a knowing look in his eyes. “... You were in an asylum… weren’t you?”

Willow gave a nod sighing.

“Yes. Locked up for three years before I had our “good friend” offer me an escape…”

“Maxwell… You poor woman…”

She frowned again, hugging Bernie tighter.

“I just wanted it all to stop… You know what they do in the name of trying to “treat” people…”

Wilson frowned again, seeing the pain in her eyes.

Never been in one… but I’ve heard and read reports… It’s torture for them…

He slowly brought an arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arm a little.

“I’m sorry…”

She leaned into him a bit, trying to calm back down. “Don’t be… You’re not the one who decided to lock me up…”

“Still not fair to you…” Wilson felt some heat rush to his face but he ignored it, keeping Willow close to him.

Her head fell onto his shoulder, she felt some heat rush to her own cheeks but buried her face in his shoulder instead to hide it. She didn’t want to be left alone right now.

Wilson stroked her back a bit, humming softly.


“I’m sorry….” She whispered feeling sleep tug at her once more. “It’s been a long time since I could open up to someone…”

“It’s okay… You’re okay…” Wilson smiled gently. “I can understand that entirely.”

Willow smiled a bit, relaxing against him completely.

“You’re a good one…”

“Heh…” Wilson continued stroking her back, focusing on the flames. “I just… try to be a gentleman.”

Willow didn’t say anything else, slumping against him… Fast asleep once more, Bernie held tightly in one arm… Her other hand holding onto him a bit.

Wilson looked at her, a small smile coming to his face.

She probably hasn’t slept well in long time… Her body must grateful for this…

He kept an arm around her, using his free arm to stoke the fire.

“Chester? Can you bring some food over?”

Chester nodded tugging over a basket of apples for him.


“There’s a good boy.” Wilson chuckled, taking one of the apples, biting into it. “Ah… nice and fresh…”

Chester nuzzled his leg before settling down, falling asleep once more.

Willow mumbled a bit in her sleep, huddling closer.


Wilson's’ face turned bright red.

Just… let her be a comfortable… She’s had a long day… Just let her lean on you despite this weird feeling I’m getting in my face!


The next day, Wilson awoke to an… odd smell in the air. He cringed, curling up more where he was, trying to ignore it for a moment.

I need to give Chester a bath…. Surely that can’t be what I think it is…

It smelled like food burning…

And there was cursing coming from the kitchen area.

Loud cursing.


Wilson’s eyes snapped open as he jumped to his feet, hurrying to the kitchen area.

“What in blazes is going on in here!?”

There was smoke erupting from the crockpot as Willow coughed, trying to fan it away.

“N-Nothing, there’s nothing to see here! It’s just very… well done!”

“Uh-huh…” Wilson looked at the crockpot. “What did you try cooking?”

Willow stared at it.

“.... I don’t exactly remember what it was supposed to be…. I just dumped things in…”

“... Here…” Wilson went over to the crockpot, dumping out the contents into the fire pit, giving it a good wash before grabbing some food from an ice box. “How about I show you how to make meat balls?”

She nodded, giving a sheepish look, wringing her hands a bit. “Y-Yes please…” Great, I try to do something nice for someone and of COURSE it goes up in smoke. It always does!

Wilson grabbed an apron, putting it on before taking his gloves off.

“Alright, watch closley.” He worked with the meat carefully, clumping them together into balls before putting it into the crockpot along with berry juice, setting a small flame under it. After a few moments, he put the flame out, getting a leaf and putting the meat balls on it. “Tada.”

Willow leaned over it, smelling it. She smiled. “Smells delicious… Alright, next time I try, I’ll try that… Sorry… I… wanted to thank you for last night.”

“Hey, it’s alright.” He smiled. “I was glad I could help you. Having your company is thank you enough. It’s better than being alone.” He gave her the meat balls. “Here, I’m wagering you haven’t eaten yet.”

She smiled sheepishly, taking the leaf and sitting down by the firepit to eat. “Thank you… Was starved… And still… I appreciate it. You really don’t mind me being here?”

“Not at all.” Wilson smiled a bit. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had company… It’s nice.”

Willow giggled a bit.

“Far better than being out in the woods… And getting warm food and good company… It’s nice… But I won’t just stand around… If I can help, please tell me.”

“Alright…” Wilson chuckled. “Would be nice to have some helping hands around here.”

Willow gave a salute.

“Then just tell me what to do.”

“Well… Hm…” Wilson looked around the base, bringing a hand to his chin. “Well… I’ll be needing more spider silk… and glands in case emergencies come up…”

Willow smirked, grabbing her lighter and an axe that was by the door, hefting it over her shoulder.

“Then allow me~”

“Alright then.” Wilson nodded. “Be careful.”

Willow nodded, heading out, taking a deep breath before heading straight into the woods.

Now… Let’s see if I can find that level three nest I saw the other day…

It took her awhile before she started to see the signs… Spider webs covering large trees, traces of animals being hunted by something…

She then saw it…. The looming pale tower bigger than she was, made entirely of spider silk. Willow smirked, getting the axe out.

“Piece of cake.”

Willow crept closer, keeping low to the ground until she noticed it… The lone string that would alert the entire colony to her presence.

“Well…” She flicked her lighter. “We’ll need charcoal.”


“Hm…” Wilson hummed to himself, seeing a smokestack in the distance. “... Seems she’s having fun.”

Chester huddled closer to him. “She’s nuts.” He scratched in the dirt.

“Yet, clever.”


“I think she’ll be helpful… it’s better than doing it alone.”

“Right.” Chester wrote in the ground.

It wasn’t too long before Willow returned, soot patches all over her face, her hair messy and a big grin on her face. She had a bag full of spider glands and silk… and what looked like eggs.

“... Are those spider eggs?” Wilson asked, eyes a little wide.

She smirked. “Yup. You can set them down and they’ll regrow a whole new colony and nest. If we set down a bunch of rabbit traps in a big circle before we do that, once it gets big enough the spiders’ll get caught in them. Easy meat, silk AND glands. A spider farm!”

“... Huh… The pigs told me something like that but didn’t think about trying it. Have you done it before?”

Willow rubbed the back of her neck. “Tried… I had to burn down the nest before it got too big because I was nervous but… One that was already level three was a risk of becoming a queen so… Why not tear it down?”

“Ah, I see.” Wilson hummed in thought. “Well… you know better than I in that department so I’ll take your word for it. Just not too close to base.”

“Of course.” Willow smiled. “... Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

She headed off, getting her task ready, setting up the traps and getting them set perfectly, before planting down the eggs and backing up as much as she could.


Wilson looked up from the garden patch he was tending to. “Very nice… They regenerate quickly don’t they?”

“... It’s kind of creepy how fast they do.”

“Along with many other things I’ve seen in this world.” Wilson dusted himself off, grabbing a few things. “Don’t know how much you’ve seen but you seem knowledgeable about a lot.”

“I can only really tell you about spiders and tall birds.” Willow shrugged. “It’s weird though… Spiders… it’s obvious I would know their name but… tall birds… I don’t know how I knew… I just did.”

“Ah… just like I was.”


Wilson gave a sheepish look.

“When I came here… I just knew how to do a lot of things. All of the tools you see around this base I would have never thought up or knew how to build back home… but here… it all comes naturally.” Wilson rubbed the back of his neck. “Heh… I guess Maxwell really did grant me my wish…”

“Guess you could say the same for mine. Even if it wasn’t knowledge I’m free here… only somewhat though. I still have fear hanging over my head… But then again… I guess that’s what comes with freedom. There’s always going to be something out there.”

“Yeah, but I don’t think it would’ve been like this if you were free back on Earth.”

“Honestly, the monsters here don’t scare me like those doctors.” Willow sneered a bit. “Like I said, the reason they attack me is out of instinct. Those doctors could’ve left me alone and not stick needles in me all day.” She clenched her hands into fists. “Just could’ve helped me control my habit but no! Had to say it was all bad blood!”

Wilson grasped both her shoulders gently to get her attention. “If I had known you back on Earth I assure you I wouldn’t have rested until you were free… I would’ve tried to help you… But they can’t hurt you anymore now… Breathe…”

Willow took a deep breath, sighing a bit, looking down.

“Sorry… Just… They made me so mad…” Willow let out a bitter laugh. “In turn I think they just made things worse. Any time I get hurt… I just need to see things burn…”

Wilson gave a gentle look, tipping her chin up.

“Tell you what. We’ll work on it together. Just you and me. No needles… just talking it out.”

There was a surprised look in her eyes. “You mean it…?”

“But of course…”

Willow was dumbfounded before a smile formed on her face, throwing her arms around Wilson quickly.

“Thank you.”

Wilson felt heat rush to his face as he brought his arms around her in return. “Y-You’re most welcome m’lady… What kind of gentleman would I be if I did what they did?”

Willow giggled a bit, pulling back.

“You’re something different that’s for sure.” She gave a wave before running off. “I’m gonna go check on the spiders.”

Wilson chuckled, crossing his arms as he watched her go.

“A lady who’s fond of spiders… Who would’ve thought?”

“Rarf!” Chester nuzzled his leg, writing something on the ground.

“Pretty too.”

Wilson felt more heat come to his face. “... I’m burying your bone for that.”

Chester whimpered, snuggling closer to his leg.

He smirked. “Be nice then.”

Though… She is beautiful…

Wilson picked up his basket he kept in the garden. “Now to harvest-”

“Having fun yet, Wilson?”

Wilson jumped, nearly dropping his basket as he whirled around, seeing Maxwell standing near the entrance of the structure, a cigar in his hand.

“Sorry for dropping in randomly. I would have checked in sooner but I’ve had my hands busy.”

“Busy doing what prey-tell?” Wilson raised an eyebrow, not amused in the slightest. “Because naturally “fun” is putting a young woman with a frail state of mind in a traumatic experience!” He exclaimed with as much sarcasm as he could.

“Oh I’m wounded.” Maxwell scoffed. “Well, I thought you wouldn’t want to be alone… and I always answer to those who have wanted something they couldn’t have. How is that knowledge working for you by the way?”

Wilson sighed.

“Just fine if you must know… Though if you’re here to drop trouble right on our heads, I have an axe by the door and I will not be afraid to use it.”

“Let’s not be brash.” Maxwell clicked his tongue, taking a puff of his cigar. “Let’s remember you and I made a deal and as did Lady Willow. This is just you two paying up, just like every last person I’ve brought here.”

Wilson had a bad feeling as he stared Maxwell down. He couldn’t really be here just to check in on things. There had to be some ulterior motive… He just couldn’t take him at face value.

“Mm-hm… Because misery loves company… Who’ve you tortured now?”

“If you mean recently it’s only been you two. Past? Plenty. Some still roaming around. You just haven’t met them yet.”

“Really now? I got the impression most had perished from what the pigs told me… They don’t say nice things about you by the way. I rather like them for that.”

“Pheh, they mean nothing to me.” Maxwell walked around the base. “Most have perished, but then there are the few lucky ones. They’re just good at hiding themselves, especially from Charlie.”

Wilson sighed as he walked after him, passing him to get to his garden, starting to harvest some of the vegetables. He didn’t see a reason to stop what he was doing. “I see… Then I suppose I should’ve tried to conceal mine better then.”

“Possibly, but you’ve made it this far.” Maxwell looked upward. “You’ve survived a winter, you fought off hounds… Not bad for someone like you. I’m sure you’ll be of the ranks of those who can survive this place.” Maxwell shrugged, walking off. “Well, I don’t think I need to overstay my welcome, I’ve got other things to to tend.”

“Like putting my fires out at night with your hands?” Wilson muttered.

Maxwell chuckled.

“How are you sure it’s me?”

“I can tell you this…” Wilson glared at him. “Charlie isn’t like that. That monster only bites when I’m in the dark.”

“True… very true. Very observant. Till then.” Maxwell was engulfed by shadow hands. “Luck be with you, scientist.”

Wilson watched him go, waiting a moment before he sighed looking up at the sky.

“Just tell me why, this is a land of confusion…? I feel like when I start to understand this place, I just get further from it…”

Chester whimpered huddling closer to him. Wilson nodded.

“Right… Can’t give up… I WILL figure out this place… I’ve survived a winter… How hard will the next one be?”

Chester nodded, nuzzling again, looking over to the garden.


“Couldn’t agree more.” Wilson picked up his basket, getting back to harvesting. “Still plenty of work to be done.”

Can’t let Maxwell get me down. I’ll win… I don’t care what it takes… I’ll come out on top by the end.


And you're now caught up with tumblr. Looks Wilson has gained the trust of Willow and are making progress. Some things still seem intimidating but Wilson is determined that's for sure.

And that's it for the time being till I get the next chapter cover done. See you in the next one.

Next: Survive the Shadows Chapter 5

Previous: Survive the Shadows Chapter 3

First: Survive the Shadows Chapter 1

Got a question for Wilson? Check out the tumblr blog and send him some mail. (Wilson: >8D Scientific inquiries!)

tumblr: survivetheshadows.tumblr.com/

Don't Starve (c) Klei Entertainment

Survive the Shadows (c)

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Comments: 6

furrnumurr [2018-04-23 20:50:24 +0000 UTC]

The creepiest quote ever:
 "Who’ve you tortured now?”

“If you mean recently it’s only been you two."
awww, i fee so sad for willow   

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

theninjakid14 [2016-10-30 18:06:32 +0000 UTC]

YES! YES! The relationship has begun!   Who knows what it will lead to?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BlackWingedBastet [2016-04-15 00:36:17 +0000 UTC]

Aww yeah 'tis gooooood ! 'Tis getting Willowson for my good pleasure :3
aaaaand.... am I the ONLY ONE to post comments here ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

theninjakid14 In reply to BlackWingedBastet [2016-11-01 01:51:33 +0000 UTC]

Nope! I post plenty now! You're not alone, dude! ;D

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aileen-Rose In reply to BlackWingedBastet [2016-04-15 02:21:44 +0000 UTC]

:3 Mehehe

XD I don't get a lot of comments.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlackWingedBastet In reply to Aileen-Rose [2016-04-15 02:43:33 +0000 UTC]

yeah, 'tis sad !
here ! hope it will get ya more comments or faves !
(look at the last status)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0