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Description Religions:

There are six main religions in Skalaan.  Each religion has sub sects to it, but this report will only cover the main religions.

The Followers of the Three Siblings:
Beskalian believe in the Three Siblings. Yuu the oldest Goddess looks over all Fighting.  She is the one who guides a warrior to glory.  Yuu is the one who inspires the greatest weapon creators to build Legendary Weapons.  All forms of fighting came from her guiding hand.  She is the oldest of the Three, and rules over everything.  Kuu the God oversees all living beings.  He is the one who gifted the Beskalian with the right to eat anything.  All forms of cooking, spices, and drinking come from his guiding hand in the dreams of the faithful.  It was Kuu that created all the delicious creatures to eat, and the spices that make them delightful. The youngest Sibling Quu, is the Goddess of Death.  She is the one who carries the souls of the Faithful who die to the Everlasting Light.  
If a Beskalian dies a dishonorable death, She is the one delivers their soul to the Everlasting Night.  Quu is a fickle Goddess, for if cause her displeasure she steal their soul early in battle.  She will not deliver that soul, instead she will consume it.  Yuu and Quu are constantly fighting. If Yuu is happy from getting worship then fights will go well giving the victor glory.  Yet, if Quu is unhappy for being ignored the warrior will die in battle with dishonor.  The two of them are jealous of each other. There are holy warriors dedicated to each Goddess trying to keep them in harmony.  It is obvious to see when they are at war because the land, sky, and water will tremble with their rage.  Violent storms, earth quakes, and killer ocean waves are all signs of them fighting.  No Beskalalian will fight or hunt when the Siblings are Fighting.   Holy warriors wear armor lined with gold, silver, and priceless gems to show their offering to the Goddesses.  This makes them easy to spot in battle so they are often the first to kill or die. Their sacrifice of life shows their Goddess that they are willing to fight for her, and her alone.

Followers of Jiyru:
Followers of Jiyrusism believe in the sole God Jiyru and refuse to acknowledge or accept any other Gods or Goddess.  They do not want to associate with any nonbeliever.  This leads most of them to live in seclusion, ignoring the presence of nonbelievers.  They are self sufficient and see no reason to interact with others.  The Great God Jiyru created the faithful from water, because all living things need water to live.  When they die they are eaten and the remaining bones are returned to water. In order to achieve enlightenment with Jiyru all the Faithful will pray in water.  All water is sacred and prayers are received sooner because they are in the living God.  None of the followers will drink pure water because they are showing disrespect to Jiyru.  Instead all water is treated with the juices from the Pjii fruit.  Pjii fruit is the holiest of foods and it must be grown with care from the sandy ocean floor.  Every day the followers of Jiyru will offer prayers to the Pjii trees, acknowledging their importance.  Only the most faithful may touch the Pjii tree and harvest the fruit.  Everything they make is blessed with fresh water, honoring their God.  If a nonbeliever approaches any of their temples or is found polluting water they will be killed on sight for heresy.  All Randorans are followers of Jiyrusism.

Followers of Atrii:
Followers of Atrii believe in not harming any living, intelligent being.  Anyone who can think has a soul.  They have no God or Goddess but instead they believe in the holiness of the soul.  When a soul dies they are released from the body, and return to the ether.  The ether is everywhere so every day you inhale the life of others.  If you hurt anyone with a soul then you are polluting the very air with your soul.  Because if you mistreat others you are polluting your own soul and probably the soul of others.  They are often used as diplomats because they are completely neutral and will not lie or cheat anyone else.  If someone see the dark blue symbol of the Atrii they know they have found peaceful shelter.  Anyone intelligent being maybe become monk or nun of Atrii if they take and maintain a vow of peace.

Followers of Dugogy:
Dugogy is the most common religion among the Centarian.  They believe that Dugogy is a spirit of living.  If you honor the Dugogy by living a full life, then you will be living a full life in the afterlife.  There is a lot of variants of what determines living a full life.  Some believe it is doing their job fully, while others believe it is having a lot of fun in life.  There is a lot of conflict among the believers of Dugogy because it has no set rules of what makes a full life.  Some respect others because violence does not lead to happiness. While in a nearby city-state they may be full of violence because anyone who interferes with what they are doing are insulting Dugogy. Followers of Dugogy often offer elaborate for good luck. A favorite offering is a single gold coin.

Followers of All That Is:
Most Katarirs follow the Goddess All That Is.  They believe that the Goddess of All That Is created everyone that is peaceful.  If you do not follow a life of peace then you are not of the Goddess.  If you repent your violent ways then will She breathes into you, giving you a soul. Although the Katari do eat meat, they follow strict procedures when killing their food.  The first animal killed must be unruly and temperamental while the most docile are eaten last, if at all.  All death must be done in the least swift and painless manner. No one may mistreat any living thing because when you hurt another you are hurting All That Is. If you are found to be breaking the laws of All That Is, then you will be punished.  The punishment is being put into a light filled cell until you are ready to repent.  If you can never learn to reject violence then you banished from all Katari cities.  Most Katari living in Centarian cities have been banished from their people.  A very, very small group of Katari become missionaries and travel around Skalaan teaching the ways of All That Is.  All peaceful travelers are welcome to enter their villages for shelter, trading, and food.  If a person does not act with peace, then they are removed from the village and told never to return.  The one exception to peaceful interaction regard the Beskalian.  No Beskales have a soul, nor can they ever get one from All That Is.  Whenever they are spotted they are to be killed on sight.  The Beskales are monsters to killed at costs before they can continue to pollute the world.  It is because of the Beskales that Katari have weapons at all.  All Katari weapons are designed to solely kill a Beskale.  A special poison coats the entire weapon except the handle.  Each weapon tip is sharpened to a such a point that it can pierce anything.  No Katari shares the secret that makes the weapon tip.  Their weapons are highly sought after because they can be used to kill a Randoran.  It is very hard to acquire such a weapon, and thus are more expensive then weapons made out of Randoran.  

Followers of Kreatia:  
Anyone who can create is welcome to a Follower of Kreatia.  Kreatia is the Muse that inspires everything.  Everything that has a creative mind is a Follower of Kreatia even if they don't agree to this.  Only art is sacred, so if you can create art by the death of another you are not punished.  This if frowned upon, but not illegal in city-states that accept Kreatia as their God. The more creative you are, the holier you are.  Believers of Kreatia will send their children to be apprentices to the far ends of Skalaan.  It is a great honor to have a child be accepted as an apprentice to a Master Artiste.  All things created are offered to the Kreatia the Muse.  If Kreatia is pleased with the offering, it will become popular and the artiste will become rich.  If nothing an artiste creates is accepted then they are reduced to low paid labors. Only the worthless can't be reached by Kreatia, so all they are good for is hard work.  Even children are considered art, so they too are offered to Kreatia.  The more talented the child the more honor their family receives.  Even beautiful children are considered art, even if they can't create art themselves.  This is because the beautiful become models for Master Artistes.  Arranged marriage are common the Followers of Kreatia so that the future children are of good breeding.
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