AkityMH — KAS Scylla

Published: 2010-09-26 03:37:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 10104; Favourites: 83; Downloads: 584
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Description Name: Scylla
Aliases: That Wretched Half Breed(Hyperborean), The Watchful Eyes(Atlantis)
Factions: Echidna’s Brood, Tyrant Squad(The Marine Part anyway)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Rank: 5

Height: Holds around 45 Meters
Length: 140 Meters
Weight: 30,000 Tons

-Seven Damn Heads: Scylla is virtually made in the image of her sister, Hydra. She has seven heads, six being serpentine heads emerging around her waist and ending in a chimeric, canine type head which has a full set of dense, aragonite teeth made for pierce and sheering. They are sturdier then Hydra’s snake head, making their bite that much more devastating as opposed to a snake bite. The heads do on the other hand lack any sort of venom. Similar to Hydra, each head can think with individual will, with Scylla’s in control at the same time. Each head can do its own thing, giving Scylla a wider field of sense and making everything easier in the multitasking department. Generally, these heads do all the hunting by snatching small, unfortunate creatures and swallowing them, giving Scylla all of her nutrition without actually taking a bite herself. Best part is that she can’t task whatever her heads eat, given her a pretty wide diet.
-High-Pressure Water Blast: Any of the six chimeric heads can spit high pressurized shots of water which at her size can tear apart buildings and small creatures with ease. They are strong enough to cause damage landscape like dirt and rock, but not so much for larger Kaiju. Unless they are vulnerable to water, these blasts of water are nothing more than being hosed down with what is equivalent of a fire hose. The water comes from special sacs in each head which closely resemble that of ink sacs in squid and octopus.
-Muscle: Up in the human part of her body, Scylla has average strength. Well-toned and what not, but nothing spectacular as far as humanoid anatomy goes. The rest of her on the other hand is a whole ‘other matter. Scylla also has the body of a serpent and it comes with all the muscular perks. Her whole serpentine length can curl and coil to crush enemies or objects and she often did just that in the old days. Each of the six chimeric heads also can coil and crush, but with not as powerful as the rest of her body. The muscles in her serpent body are oddly enough more resembling to the powerful muscles within a squid or octopus as opposed to a snake, which is why she has so much power in her coils.
-Advanced Regeneration: Scylla heals faster than most Kaiju. Heads can be lost and within thirty minutes a new one will sprout, fully formed and ready to fight. The healing is so powerful that Scylla could lose her head(s) and it could reattach hours later, perfectly alive and fine. It’s a good way to rile her anger, though. This advanced regenerative power may be because of the apparent cephalopod traits that also lay with Scylla genetic makeup.

-Cumbersome on Land: Scylla trumps her elder sister in the fact that while in the water she is not hindered by her overall mass. On land however, she is very well the same, even more so do to her flat, paddle tail.
-Fire: Fire burns her fragile, moist and unprotected skin. She has no armor or real defense other than dousing the flames. Being burned will also stunt regeneration by 95% which will actually leave scars.

Scylla is often described as vain and moody, and this is very true to a great extent. She marvel’s in her human traits in the sense she sees herself as beautiful from the waist up. This is because of how she was when she was younger in the fact she use to look less monstrous. As she matured and grew even more monstrous, she became colder and aggressive since she was less beautiful. Bringing up her more monstrous traits will more than likely warrant a very violent reaction.
In general, Scylla despises humans as she has had so many bad interactions with them. Feeling betrayed when younger and when she grew older, put to war and put to work in killing them; no remorse to do so either by that time. Her view on other monsters, while nowhere near as hostile, is less then positive. Not many of Scylla’s kin went out of their way to visit her on a daily basis due to the war, though her mother and father, Paythos, certainly attempted more than others. The only other being Scylla grew close and attached too was Charybdis due to occupying the same waters for many years and grew as close friends.
Deep down Scylla simply wants to be valued and loved as her siblings and fellow monsters, also having a very good heart like her elder sister, Hydra.
With the war over and so many years later, Scylla is open to change and bonding with family and other monsters and would even grow to tolerate humans.

Epoch: Nations War, Present Day and Onward

Scylla’s past was that of a tragic one just as the myth says. Once very beautiful, but transformed into a hideous creature…

It all started long, long ago. Typhon gave his life for not just Atlantis but for the entire world to be safe. The plan worked better than anticipated as Typhoon left nothing but fire and ruble in his wake. The only con that was obvious from the start was that Echidna had no male to mate with.
Pythos of course took up Typhon’s place. She found comfort in the old monsters wings and naturally the two became involved. Several monsters came from their own union. Scylla was one such monster.

Another session with Pythos and Echidna was expecting yet another child after the first child with Pythos, Cetus. This time they had an idea of what they were doing. Well, Echidna did anyway. Pythos had no control what the children would look like, but Echidna’s genes were still very powerful. The day she was born, there were… complications.

The day it was born… Zeus was absolutely disgusted. “What is this?!”
Within Echidna’s arms sat a rather small Gorgon, beautiful as a little angel in her human traits. At this early age, Gorgons were sizable creatures. However she was still so small and seemed so insignificant, no bigger than a pre-teen child. Not much different than any other Gorgon before, far as they could tell.
That didn’t stop from Echidna defending her precious newborn. “It is my child. I thought you would be happy I am still serving you, Zeus,” she said with a passive aggressive tone that challenged the Atlantis Ruler.
“I asked for a weapon to defend us. We have gorgons, hundreds of gorgon archers in our ranks! How is this one any different?”
Echidna stroked the child’s head with a sigh. “I tried my best. Perhaps this should be a lesson to you, Zeus. Taking my husband not only hurts me, but now hurts all of Atlantis.”
Zeus, already angered that they willingly gave up Typhon, tried to find proper words that sounded as noble as possible despite the difficult truth. Instead he did his usual tactic: Orders. “You WILL try again, and you WILL do better. At least attempt to make them larger as opposed to… this!” He left so is not to continue the conversation.
With Zeus gone, Echidna sighed in relief. “I am growing weary of that human… If he thinks I will be popping out sons and daughters anytime soon like before…” She stopped herself from grouching on as she cradled the child who clung close. “There, there, my little Scylla. Be happy you are not like your siblings. As you are, you won’t have to taste the taint of war and hate. My failure to make you special now will allow you to lead a normal life.”

It seemed that would be just that, as well. Scylla grew, for what little she could grow. As it turned out, creating Cetus had dragged out Echidna’s strength and talent for creating unique offspring. Because of this, Scylla was left relatively small and lacked in special adaptations. She towered over most humans of course, able to sit up around ten feet at her shoulders alone.
Years passed and she grew older and many praised her for her looks. She adored how many people told her how pretty she was and how lovely her scales looked in the sunlight, shimmering brightly. Many said she rivaled Aphrodite in how many envied her and wanted her. Even her own mother said she was special in her own way as all her sons and daughters were. Scylla bathed in her confidence of her looks and ended up growing into a fine, beautiful gorgon all of her own.
As she slithered in the city every day, she would say her hellos and how do you do’s as she went along as an everyday citizen. A very big citizen, but none the less accepted by the community. She preened herself every day and always tried to make herself prettier. Daily baths, combing her hair, always striving for the best as so many always said she was.

Scylla put so much time into herself that she had little time for family outside her parents. Many of her siblings were off fighting or guarding borders. Once in a while she would manage to find herself in the room with Hydra, but that was about the only sibling she saw on a regular basis. Although she did find herself getting into verbal fights with Ra on occasion, who Ra always heckled her when he got a chance. Being dragged with the other two siblings always seemed to stop him from continuing the fight though, which pleased Scylla greatly since that let her get the last word in. At least when Hydra was around, she could boast her good looks. Not that Hydra cared, nor complained. Ra on the other hand always dragged on that Scylla was a monster like the rest of them and mocked her silly attempts to attract every set of eyes of every male within ten yards like a trollop.

The war itself was never over though, soon to start back up. Eventually her kin left the city even more and she saw less of Pythos and Echidna both. Echidna was always loving though and always said something nice before she left.

“I want you to be very good, for me, okay?” She would say.
“Yes mom, I know…” Scylla felt indignant when her mother talked like this. She was plenty grown enough and felt it was completely unnecessary.

But Echidna would go on, telling Scylla how pretty she was and Scylla was of course clay in her mother’s hands. She always did like how Echidna talked about her beauty. Truthfully Scylla hoped her mother was always come back. The idea of her mother dying for the people she silently cursed at rubbed off and she herself sneered at the Atlantean leaders.
The people of Atlantis on the other hand she adored, because they loved everything about her. Despite not having time with her mother, she took up in flaunting her good looks. It was not long that she began flirting with potential suitors of Atlantis in the absence of social activity. It wasn’t hard since she was so popular and had the prettiest yellow eyes. She soon caught the attention of higher nobles and officials. She would attend gatherings and festivals, always seeking the right man to settle with as many other serpentine women and even her mother when she was truly happy with her previous mate, Typhon.

Then she met Poseidon…

Poseidon was a very serious man who was very involved with his work. Charybdis was one example of how involved he was. He spent much time with the shark and often went out with her riding on the monsters back on attacks. His work alone made him a very, VERY busy man and thus he had little free time for many social ties; namely his wife, Amphitrite.
During a rare occasion he attended a social gathering, she saw him and the two were formally introduced. Poseidon was such a very important man of very important status. She herself was of great importance, being the daughter of the mighty Echidna. What better possibility would be better than such an important man as a lover?
There was the issue of him being married, though. Scylla saw it as a small barrier. She was so sure in her beauty and natural magnetic personality that in time she may be able to gain his affection, but she would have to play her cards carefully.
One day Scylla went to see the water and the two met. At first there was a simple conversation. Days would pass and with it, they ended up growing closer. She would help him around in his work around the docks and did it very well. She was admirable and useful, as well as overall likable. Eventually it got to the point that Poseidon was spending the free time he had with Scylla and not his own wife. She did not take well at that.
Amphitrite always attempted to understand why her husband was always so busy and had little time for her as opposed to most marriage situations. She was fine with this, but when she noticed that Poseidon was showing interest in Scylla, she grew very jealous, very fast. However, she gave him the benefit of the doubt and said nothing about.

Days would drag on; Scylla and Poseidon continued with seeing each other. Amphitrite became neglected and angry. Eventually she confronted him on it and a heated argument exploded.
The man stopped as he walked on, turning to look at his wife. “Woman, what is it? I am busy.”
“Oh, busy?” She was not convinced. “How busy?”
His expression grew very interrogative. “I have reports to turn into the council… Then I must get back to the water to go on a patrol.”
She approached him… and brought her palm straight across his face. “Don’t feed me that you pompous fool, I seen her with you!”
Being struck like that with such fiercely certainly caught him off-guard, but that was quickly replaced by anger. “Woman, what in all of the four nations are you going on about!?” He had mind to strike her, but restrained.
“You and that monster. What is wrong with you? What is wrong with me? She’s a monster! She towers over you like a monument. How do you expect to be romantic with that? Am I not good enough for the almighty Poseidon anymore?”
Hearing all this out, Poseidon was confused as he was astonished, for your see; Poseidon had no affectionate feeling toward Scylla. It was true he spent much time with the serpent; he was not attracted to her. After a few moments of silence he answered truthfully, “I am not involved with Scylla. She comes around and talks, but I am not involved with her as you think I am.” Honest and true enough.
But Amphitrite did not believe him. “Really,” she scoffed.
“Yes, for true.”
“I don’t believe you. I know her reputation full and well. Prettiest face in all of Atlantis, everyone adores her. How many men wish they could claim her as their own? Is that it? She some trophy to you that you want to put on your wall?” There was a hidden message under that one which Poseidon did not take too well.
“Are you insinuating that I want to bed Scylla for the sake of a title?!”
“Why else!?” She gasped as she struck across the face, falling back. Poseidon’s scowl frightened her as she trembled. “H-how could you?”
Poseidon stood tall. “I give you my word as ruler of the ocean that I am not attracted to anyone but you. If you are so foolish as they believe otherwise, feel free to move from my place of rest and dare not come back until you mind your tongue.”

That was the last the two spoke for a long while. Amphitrite still believed her husband was unfaithful, though. She remained away from him and moved out until she thought of something.

One crucial fact that Poseidon did not realize though was that while he was not attracted to Scylla, she was attracted to him. It was something he was oblivious too despite the obvious nature of Scylla gave off. The only monster he ever truly was close to was Charybdis and that was a unique bond altogether. He allowed her visits, enjoying them as what he thought was a normal friendship.

All the more it angered Amphitrite though. She was dead convinced of her theory. Spiteful jealously boiled into plotting, seething revenge. “If my husband is so stricken with that reptilian creature, then we will just have to give him reason not too…”

It was no secret that there were stored amounts of Echidna’s blood within Atlantis’s stronghold. She knew very well how powerful that blood was and recalled what it could do if one was exposed to it. From this she concocted a vile plan to ruin Scylla and make her undesirable to everyone. Being attached to Poseidon’s title, she easily made her way into the stores and day by day, smuggling out small containers of blood and careful not to let any spill. She was crafty and sleek, making sure no one noticed.
While gathering what she needed, Amphitrite also made it a habit of breaking into Scylla’s chambers and look around. It was here she explored the water system and eventually attained an idea of how to execute her plan. Eventually she accumulated enough containers to fill the store of hot spring water. Overnight she poured every container she had into it, turning it into a rich soup of powerful mutagens.

Amphitrite waited an entire night and into the morning. On schedule, Scylla awoke and began her usual morning rituals of cleaning up. She readied for her bath completely unaware of the tainted water that was about to come. She pulled the lock free, letting the water flow into the tub. A sadistic grin crept along Amphitrite’s face as Scylla went about her bath without taking notice at first.
As the bath went on however, Scylla felt pains around her body. It felt like something was breaking. In reality, she was mutating. The reaction of the blood surged through her and she found herself changing. Her size grew, her teeth grew sharp… She screamed as nods grew around her waist, each splitting open into a sharp row of teeth. Eyes soon followed before snaking out from her body.
Slinking away, Amphitrite snickered as she heard the screams of terror behind her.

Scylla grew so big she ended up busting down her house and growing out into the streets. It was a mess; a disaster for her though. That day on, Scylla found life as she knew it completely ruined. Around her waist sat six serpentine extensions, each ending in a canine-type head. Her scales grew more rugged and hard, her eyes menacing and the sharp teeth to booth. No one looked at her the same way again.
Not only did this destroy her title of being the prettiest face in Atlantis, but it also destroyed everything else. People feared her now, or rather her extra heads. Her mother attempted to comfort her when she came back, but it was no use. Scylla had so much pride for her looks that she had little else to fall back on. She had her life where she wanted it, and now she was taller than most houses and…

“I’m hideous!”
“Oh honey…” Echidna sang. “It’s okay…” she held her close. She had been saying that for hours but it did not good. She just sobbed and whined like a spoiled brat that was going through a massive change that she didn’t want.
Pythos also came to see. “So you’re not pretty no more. Look at me! I’m as old as a mountain and look it.”
Scylla stared, eyes flooding and suddenly wailed out in even worse crying. “That didn’t help, Pythos!” Echidna scolded.
“If anything, she needed it.”
“What?!” Scylla nearly lunged at her father, reaching for his eyes with her new formed claws. “My life is ruined! Everyone now hates me, and your telling me that my life collapsing under me is a good thing!?” In fact, she did lunge. Except Echidna held her back, preventing Scylla from even trying.
With a huff, Pythos leaned in, eye to eye with the young monster. “I don’t hate you. Would I be here right now, giving you attention? I get involved in a war once got into the fight with Pegasus, but at least I am here right now giving a damn!” The talk down made Scylla crumple into tears again; all her heads sobbing. Pythos backed away at the waterworks. “Oh, no. Stop that. It’s bad enough your crying, now I don’t need this.”
With a sigh, Echidna pulled Scylla close again. “I wish I knew what happened…”

No one knew what happened, either. No one except Amphitrite, that is. She also got away with it, scoot free. Not a single person would ever know the truth of how Scylla changed. She continued with her ploy, sweetly apologizing to Poseidon for her rash behavior and continued her life where it left off. It was a devastating blow to Scylla all the more. What Poseidon and Scylla were both unaware of, Scylla was sure that her change had completely turned the man off entirely. One more mental pillar that held her up, smashed into nothing.

Scylla became bitter and cold. What beauty in her human looks remained held onto for dear life, but that did not stop her from becoming dangerous to the very inhabitants of Atlantis. She would lash out and break houses in fits of rage when someone pointed out her changes. Something was to be done with her as she grew more volatile. Options were considered, some being as harsh as taking her life if nothing else could be done. Echidna was not happy to hear that. Then Poseidon got the idea to take her into the naval arms. He was still friends with her and felt sympathy for what she went through.

Scylla wasn’t exactly happy with it, but she went anyway, tired of the admirers that turned against her. She also still held feeling for Poseidon and at least heard him out when he spoke. It wasn’t his fault she changed, and he never seemed to point out her new and unpleasant traits.
Her anger was well channeled into the destruction of enemy fleets. She made easy work of ships and smaller enemies, having so many heads eager to snap and crunch. As time would go by, Scylla grew into her roll rather well. Emotion still ran high with her as she missed her old life very much and wished she could see her mother more often. In her new role though she came to be very close with Charybdis, who was about the only other creature she ever knew who cared nothing for looks.

Many battles came and went, famously one being with Odysseus when he was thrown into the Hero Program and came back for a second strike against the Atlantis Whirlpool. She would live through that, though, with Charybdis barely alive in her return. If not for Scylla, Odysseus, stronger than ever with his new body, may have very well landed on the shores of Atlantis.
Scylla felt her world come crashing down once, but it was fate for it to happen a second time.
The day went the nations began falling was as hard as her as it was on her mother and anyone else in her family. In the end she was forced to fight her closest friend, Charybdis, when she went berserk as Typhoon did. The battle left Scylla beaten near death and emotionally scared. After she returned from her task of retrieving Charybdis, she was put into medical recovery, but would not wake up for thousands of years. Placed in a secured stasis as her kin, Scylla would wake to a new world…

Present Day
Hydra, with friends tagging along, had not spent very long in their quest to search for her kin from long ages past. In fact, it has only been a few weeks. The monsters were far from alone as Lerna, ever tailing Tyrantis, also came along. Shairka, being a part of Tyrant Squad, also swam close by as far as waterways would allow her and with her, Marian was with the group as well.

Their first few weeks had taken them along the northern coast of Africa, following the shoreline of the Mediterranean as Hydra had a strong feel where some of her siblings were locked away. According to Hydra, all of the shorelines of the inland sea belonged to Atlantis long ago and was a seriously piece of territory they was battled on virtually all fronts since Hyperborea’s directly bordered it.

As they went along, they eventually came to Italy. At first Hydra saw no reason to stop and look about, but Lerna was quick to bring up the Straight of Messina, famous of Scylla and Charybdis. Hydra thought of it and agreed it was worth to check in around the area to see if they could locate either of the monsters.
When they got there, Hydra could indeed sense the faint presence of her sister. It was still strong after so long. Following her tongue, she led the group to a shallow cavern.
“This may be it,” Hydra hissed. It was not a deep cave. It was barely enough to hold any of the monsters. Rearing her main head back, she struck forward and crashed into the back wall of the cave. The other heads soon followed. Hydra burrowed like a guided missile, heading deep into the rock. Slowly the massive serpent disappeared in the dark, moments later was poking her head out. “There is a hollow here. Come.” Tyrantis went in, followed by Tamotahn and the rest.

Indeed enough there was a hollow as they slowly descended down a slope and into the earth below. The cave opened up to a dimly lit world that glowed of twilight, feeding the somewhat mundane plant life which in turn was feeding Gigafauna that obviously lived here. It was not the biggest hollow either, obviously not holding anything over a Rank-3.
“I sense my sister here, somewhere…”
Lerna looked to Hydra as she hissed the words. “Which sibling?”
Hydra stared out into the world. “I believe Scylla. We must search for a stasis unit like the one I was in.”

So the search began. The monsters spread out, while Lerna and Marian stayed close to Hydra. Their search went a full thirty minutes before something came up.
Marian, being downright giddy with their first possible encounter, ran ahead like a dimwit. “Get back here, Mary!” Lerna shouted and ran after her. “I swear if you get yourself killed…”
But she did not listen. She continued on and found something of interest indeed. “Hey, look at this!” She found a long, scaly tail. “I think I found her.”
Lerna came up and grabbed her, yanking her back. “Get away from that, you have not the slightest clue what that is!”
Sure enough it moved and up raised, to their surprise, a massive humanoid body with snakes for hair. Its slit eyes glared onto the two humans with displeasure. “Humans…”
Marian stared and said “It talks…”
“Of course I talk!” The woman shrilled as she coiled around the two humans, cutting off escape. “Now... what are you doing in my domain?”
Well they were not going anywhere fast and the monster seemed to be more interested in talking then killing, Lerna obliged politely. “We are searching for a certain someone, and taken the wrong path. We did not mean to intrude.” Silently she hoped Tyrantis would come along right about now.
The serpent stared, her eyes digging for answers. “I see.” She leaned over slowly, resting her head on her elongated body. “I have not seen a human for about two decades. Not many come down here… or live. You should be lucky that it was me you ran into and not some Lamias. That is a fate about wore then death.”
“Oh, well… that’s good,” Marian said as she put on a smile. “It’s nice to meet such a polite and caring lady who is so understanding.”
“Mm, yes, it is. Now, why not get a move on.” She moved her coils so they could go.
“Well, thank yo-“ sudden a claw came down, cutting them off as they began to move and making them both shriek in surprise. The Medusa stopped them and almost flat out crushed them.
“Whoops, was that me?” she asked tauntingly. Before Marian knew it, she could not move as she looked into the serpentine eyes.
“I.. can’t.. move..”
“What do you mean you can’t move?!” Lerna held her up as Marian was dead weight against her, forcing her to hold Marian up.
As the snake-woman cackled, she stopped abruptly with a gasp just as one of Hydra’s heads loomed around the corner. She cursed something in what seemed to be Atlantean and bolted for the nearest hole in the rocks.
Hydra came just over the tree line to stare after the fleeing creature. She looked over the humans. “Are you alright?”
Marian looked as best she could. “I’m paralyzed…”
“Yes… Medusa. They are very common gorgons. This hollow seems to hold many gorgons. I came to find you when I smelled a Medusa. The paralysis should wear off in an hour or so.”
Lerna made a face that explained all of her aggravation. “I’m gonna have to carry her, ain’t I?”

After that, Marian and Lerna, who now had to carry the girl who could not even move, stayed very close to Hydra. The search itself did not take another hour, with Mishipizhew having found it.
Hydra coiled her body around the giant jar, squeezing it with all her might. Technology was not hard for kaiju to destroy, even as powerful as the ancient Atlantean tech. After some serious pushing and pulling, the lid of the object popped with the hiss of escaping air and fell off.
Inside, the sibling stirred. She awoke, slowly slithering out of her dark sleep. Her mind was still woozy, having been asleep so long. Her vision cleared to Hydra. “…Hydra?”
“Yes, me.” Hydra had an expression of relief. For the first time she saw blood family. She never quite cared for Scylla due to her demeanor, but still cared all the same. “You have been asleep for a long time.”
“Have I,” Scylla expressed timidly. “I remember… War. Fire, flames… fighting my ally and only woke up to be put back to sleep.” Now Scylla regretful. “I wish I stayed asleep. I remember so much that I hate.”
The two would have kept talking too if not for Scylla smelling, then seeing the two humans. “What are THEY doing here!?” Scylla was absolutely filled with hate and nearly lunged at them. Luckily Hydra got in the way and for good measure, Tyrantis hovered over them in a protective manner. “And who are THOSE creatures? What is going on!?”
Hyrdra had to push her back for good measure. “Calm yourself, Scylla!” she hissed sternly. “I can explain this all, but you must remain calm and control yourself. I rather not get into a fight with you.”
“You would fight over humans? After all humans have EVER done to you? To Me? To Mother? To us all? Even our famous stone enemies suffered and they too were once human.”
With an expressed huff, Hydra had to agree mankind did do a lot of wrong to a lot of individuals. “Yes, they have done wrong. But that was then, and this is now. Things are different.”
Scylla glared heatedly, staring as if trying to figure out some elaborate puzzle. “You always were a human lover, taking orders to the very end. I question your judgment of all things and hope you revaluate your company… but it is very nice to see someone,” she admitted, voice much less angry now and more relief.

Later that day, Hydra introduced her friends, humans included, and explained as best to her knowledge what had all happened from the time she woke up and to the recent idea to come searching for old friends. She was not exactly happy to learn a golem was with them, but Scylla held herself from lashing out as she did with the human company.

In the end, Scylla was happy to see Hydra, but decided not to join in their cause. According to Hydra, no one was 100% sure of what happened to Scylla’s friend, Charybdis. Hyrda reported that she herself was sure that the shark had die, but could not verify that. With that in mind, Scylla could not focus on much else until she knew herself. If they were truly searching for those who survived that era, someone had to see to the fate of The Atlantis Whirlpool.
Next day, Scylla said her goodbyes and set out to sea, determined to find out…

Important Dates
-10,000 years ago(or so): Scylla is born. She lives a normal life compared to her siblings until she gains interest in Poseidon, leading Poseidon's wife to commit terrible acts that turn Scylla into a full blown kaiju. She is then put on the naval forces, befriending Charybdis. Later on, she is sealed away after Typhoons rampage and defeat...
-???: Hydra begins her search for her kin, leading her to the Strait of Messina. The group searches a hidden cave in a cliff side and explore it. After a brief run-in with a Medusa, they locate Scylla and free her. After a afternoon of catching up, Scylla goes in search of Charybdis for the next few months...
-???: Charybdis awakens in the present and lurks among the Atlantic for many years. Eventually Scylla comes searching for her after her own freedom and ends up getting attached by Charybdis. Realizing she needs help, Scylla goes in search of her kin.
-???: Scylla finds Hydra and Tyrant Squad and select members of the group do go in to help. They search for Chary again and they find her, and end up getting into a bloody brawl. With the help of the aquatic members of Tyrant Squad, they subdue her and she calms. Marian and Shairka decided to stay with Charybdis and Scylla to keep her sanity in check.


Another off my plate. Now, my only Ancient Nation entry is Typhoon and that is still a work in progress.

Scylla as you all know, has got a history back in Atlantis and what not... took what I already had and expanded on it, explaining in depth and other stuff.
Design has changed not too much... picture is not my best, but good enough. She is such a complicated creature... Tyrantis, how do you tolerate drawing Hydra? Bah. Maybe its the human aspects that are my bane.

Either way, enjoy...
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Comments: 30

Rexarkingdino [2014-02-15 18:45:57 +0000 UTC]

If they're dogs... I wonder, would her six other heads like giant chewtoys?

*Cue Rage in the background with six huge chewtoys* 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkityMH In reply to Rexarkingdino [2014-02-16 02:32:19 +0000 UTC]

I.. dont get it.

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Rexarkingdino In reply to AkityMH [2014-02-16 21:54:16 +0000 UTC]

The dog-like heads on Scylla's body :U Or the character thing, just my... er.. I wanna say mascot or something like that 

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AkityMH In reply to Rexarkingdino [2014-02-17 03:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Um.. kay..

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Rexarkingdino In reply to AkityMH [2014-02-17 13:36:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah... :L 

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ProfessorCene [2012-12-03 22:13:42 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, she way overreacted. I was going to ask if this picture represented her before she was mutated, but obviously this is not the case.

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AkityMH In reply to ProfessorCene [2012-12-03 22:18:40 +0000 UTC]

..your not satisfied?

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ProfessorCene In reply to AkityMH [2012-12-03 22:20:15 +0000 UTC]

It works. She doesn't seem nearly as monstrous as she complains to be, but I guess it fits with her personality.

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AkityMH In reply to ProfessorCene [2012-12-03 22:22:00 +0000 UTC]

well how would you like making out with her then while you got six, dog-like heads around the fun zone?

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ProfessorCene In reply to AkityMH [2012-12-03 22:26:20 +0000 UTC]

The fact that she's a snake from the waist down is already more than enough to turn me away from her. Way more than enough.

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AkityMH In reply to ProfessorCene [2012-12-03 22:30:16 +0000 UTC]

pft.. no open mind.

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HewyToonmore [2012-12-03 17:34:57 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, she's hot!!

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AkityMH In reply to HewyToonmore [2012-12-03 17:39:25 +0000 UTC]

Well you may get on her good side with that attitude.

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masonday [2011-10-29 17:03:26 +0000 UTC]


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Scatha-the-Worm [2010-09-28 03:05:25 +0000 UTC]

I love what you did with her. The dog heads look perfect, and the sea snake like body is awesome.

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AkityMH In reply to Scatha-the-Worm [2010-09-28 03:36:50 +0000 UTC]


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JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2010-09-27 07:26:41 +0000 UTC]

Pretty nice, and I kind of feel sorry for her.

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AkityMH In reply to JacobSpencerKaiju79 [2010-09-27 11:57:29 +0000 UTC]

Ahh some one tastes tragedy

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JacobSpencerKaiju79 In reply to AkityMH [2010-09-28 05:59:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I do.

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OperaGhost21 [2010-09-26 20:37:15 +0000 UTC]


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AkityMH In reply to OperaGhost21 [2010-09-26 21:07:06 +0000 UTC]

glads ya likes

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TyrantisTerror [2010-09-26 20:19:16 +0000 UTC]

The colors turned out rather well. Excellent work.

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AkityMH In reply to TyrantisTerror [2010-09-26 21:06:57 +0000 UTC]

I though you might like. I tried blending a Olive Green Sea Snake and a Banded Sea Crate.

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Vagrant-Verse [2010-09-26 06:33:42 +0000 UTC]

Ah, now that is interesting. It gives me a few ideas for Cetus when I get around to him. The emotion was well carried out, applause from me for that, it adds some suspense to those not in the know about the whole arc.

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AkityMH In reply to Vagrant-Verse [2010-09-26 06:36:47 +0000 UTC]

but they shall know soon enough! Muwahah!

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RenDragonClaw [2010-09-26 06:13:25 +0000 UTC]

Be interesting to see what becomes of our conflicted serpentine friend. She's free of her obligations to Atlantis so perhaps she will find finally recover her social skills.

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AkityMH In reply to RenDragonClaw [2010-09-26 06:15:56 +0000 UTC]

Possibly. Maybe.

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ProfessorCene [2010-09-26 04:19:31 +0000 UTC]

Very nice. Can't wait to see more of everyone's mythological kaiju.

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Ravensaurs-Rex [2010-09-26 03:56:58 +0000 UTC]

Ah! Good to see the final concept of the gal brought into teh KAS world, and she has friends! lol

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AkityMH In reply to Ravensaurs-Rex [2010-09-26 03:57:37 +0000 UTC]


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