Comments: 46
Blooming-Galaxy [2018-04-27 12:07:59 +0000 UTC]
Again, I could totally see this being a Polandball comic strip XD
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ladyblackbird13 [2015-05-15 11:36:21 +0000 UTC]
He! You. Are. AWESOME!
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9999997 [2013-06-04 07:10:33 +0000 UTC]
Green energy is a fine and excellent concept that requires much more attention than it receives, and has a most unfortunate stigma attached to it. It does have some serious flaws no one in the supporting class likes to address, such as the horrendously bad efficiency rates of solar panels. Nuclear power, if used without huge precautions, or if not taken seriously (Chernobyl) causes massive and nearly unsolvable problems. But if handled by those who know what they are dealing with provides a huge amount of power at low cost. The media however, is merely a tool used to convey the opinions of others without addressing why those opinions make sense, so no one ever brings up any details, angering all sides.
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AkkyKitsune In reply to 9999997 [2013-06-04 18:31:35 +0000 UTC]
Hmm, I don’t know how good/bad the American media is at explaining the pros and cons of all types of energy production.
Personally, I think, that the German media is relatively balanced. When the first nuclear power plants were built, the media was almost entirely Pro-nuclear. After Chernobyl it started to at least report about the dangers of nuclear power. And after Fukushima there was a short time when it only reported about the pros of green energy. Now it reports about the costs the change to green energy will bring as well as the dangers that is might hold. But it also does not stop to mention the costs and dangers of the “old” types of energy production.
I’m completely against nuclear energy.
Even if you ignore, that Green Peace managed to sneaked into quite a few nuclear plants [link] ,
or that many diseases/deaths of people that work inside the most dangerous parts of the plants cannot be connected to said work, because these people are hired-out workers [link] ,
or that the gaining of the fuel for the nuclear plants has very high cost for the nature and the people that live where it’s mined [link] (sorry, German only),
or that there is no ultimate disposal place for strong atomic waste anywhere on earth (yet) [link] (sorry, German only),
or that nearly all nuclear plants in Europe did not manage to pass the (highly watered down) safety test the EU put them through [link] (again German only, sorry),
or…(I could do on and on)…,
there is the one thing that is an absolute deal-breaker for me: If something happens not only the people that where “there” at the moment of the catastrophe will suffer but also their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and so on. [link]
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9999997 In reply to AkkyKitsune [2013-06-06 00:13:05 +0000 UTC]
Very valid points, but the disposal problem (at least from my point of residence) is mostly due to people not bothering to put it where it would be safe because of cost and charged political issues. Also, the majority of nuclear issues are caused by countries seeking quick fixes to their energy issues without realizing the unbelievable danger of nuclear power, and that you must take every precaution imaginable to be able to use it safely and with decent returns. In my residential country nuclear reactor management operation takes nearly a decade and a half to be able to work, and nuclear regulations are incredibly strict as a single slip means the company loses credibility, and more importantly causes the possibility of harm. From this perspective you can see nuclear power is not dangerous inheritly, only when mishandled by those not completely dedicated to keeping it safe. And as to the expense, take a look at the prospect of thorium salt reactors. And yes, nuclear power plant meltdowns are among the most devastating industrial accidents possible, but only four have ever occurred that had serious consequences to the surrounding areas.
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hachko In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-26 21:41:08 +0000 UTC]
Dann ist er ja bei dir immer betrunken xDDDD
Ja, ja... Der englische Humor _-_' Ausgenommen Monty Python kann ich ihn irgendwie nicht leiden. Aber ich bin generell als ziemlich humorlos bezeichnet... kann aber nichts dafür P:
Gegen Schwachsinn kann niemand 100% immun werden... ~_~'''
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hachko In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-07-03 18:11:47 +0000 UTC]
Aso, noch zu den Kabarettisten. Hab ich mich letztens dabei Todlachen müssen: [link]
Passiert mir sehr selten x]
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hachko In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-07-03 10:22:38 +0000 UTC]
Passiert mir andauernd, dass ich vergesse was und wem ich eigentlich schreiben wollte xD Ich müsste diejenige sein die sich entschuldigt. Ich wollte ja, soviel ich mich erinnere, noch was über DeutschlandxFrankreich schreiben xDDDD
Leider ist es nur halb so lustig, wenn England nicht betrunken ist xD Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass er besoffen wirklich alles was er sich denkt gleich auch rumerzählt und genau das macht, worauf er nun Lust hätte >D
Wo ich auch nicht lachen kann sind die neulich voll populäre US-Komödien. Ich hab mit meinem Freund letztens Gullivers Reisen 3D gesehen. Wir sind mitten im Film aus dem Kino gegangen. Der Film war einfach nur deppert.
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noobyaoiwriter [2011-06-15 19:12:37 +0000 UTC]
Aargh, I don't see what's all that great about nuclear power anyway. It tends to blow stuff up if something happens to it... >.< But whatever. At least we in America don't use nuclear power. We tend to use oil and gas, though in some places there are solar panels and wind-thingies for power. *shrug*
On a different note: Arthur... about your clothes... or lack thereof... just... why? O.o I mean, did that happen before or after you got drunk?
lol, also, I love the clouds purposefully blowing wind toward the windmill. It's funny. XD
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noobyaoiwriter In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-16 16:53:01 +0000 UTC]
Well, yes, I suppose that's true...
Oh, great, just what I need. The US has 30% of the world's nuclear power. -_-
Right, well I guess that's true. But I still think the dangers outweigh the good things. I mean, look at all the damage from that nuclear plant in Japan. That was pretty bad, and they have less nuclear power than us. There could possibly be some sort of chain reaction if you hit the right spot, and then half the country could be down...
: o good to know, Akky. Good to know.
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noobyaoiwriter In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-27 03:50:48 +0000 UTC]
Ohhh, I see. XD Well, in that case, England you can be drunk more often.
You know, I've always wondered what I would do if I got drunk. O.o I guess when I'll eventually get drunk I wouldn't know unless someone told me. god, I hope I don't do something stupid when I get drunk. D:
Well, I suppose that's true. The power plants would have to be closer together for a chain reactive... but you never know when it comes to terrorists. -_- There hasn't really been any serious threats since 9/11, but you never know. Thats why security is so much more of a hassle nowadays. Especially in airports. It's kinda annoying, even though it's to protect the country and all that...
I always thought the same! I kept complaining about it to anyone who was around, mostly my bro and parents, and they were like 'it's just a cartoon Sammy -_-' but I still bugged them about it.
Its true. Sometimes the smartest people in the country do stupid things. O.o
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noobyaoiwriter In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-27 05:56:48 +0000 UTC]
The taste, huh? I'm only 15, so I've never tasted alcohol. Actually, that's kind of a lie. I once had cake with alcohol in it while I was with family, but there was so little in there I didn't taste it. Also apparently I also had rum balls when I was 3 by accident. but I don't remember it, so it doesn't count. But the point is, I don't even know how it tastes. Honestly, I think too many teens make a big stink about it. It's just a drink...
Yeah, you have a good point. But, the government seems to think that if we make travel a hassle everyone will be safer. -_- they don't realize more security measures mean more loopholes and more cause to commit acts of terrorism too. Calling attention to something will actually attract the terrorists anyway.
Exactly. We do have constitutional rights here, and in some cases these safety measures just blot them out without so much as a "sorry for the inconvenience".
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noobyaoiwriter In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-30 21:39:19 +0000 UTC]
Maybe so XDDD
Well, at least you manage to avoid eating it then. XD That's always the best way, accept it and then give it to someone else. XD
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gilbird2 [2011-06-15 16:28:14 +0000 UTC]
i wish my conutry had green engery.
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LouisReynolds [2011-06-15 15:43:03 +0000 UTC]
Falls ich das noch nicht gesagt hab: Du bist großartig
*lach* Ich find deine "politischen" Comicstrips immer wieder toll. Und das "Atomkraft - nein danke"-Shirt von Ludo ... einfach toll.
*nochmal schnell drüberschau* Ehm ... Ach ja, die Sonne XDDD Und die Wolken. Und überhaupt alles XD
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LouisReynolds In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-15 18:15:07 +0000 UTC]
Dann sag ichs gerne auch noch öfter >D
Hach ja, die haben doch nur alle angst, dass sie ihre AKWs auch abschalten müssen *grins*
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LouisReynolds In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-16 17:19:37 +0000 UTC]
Okay, nun hab ich angst ... Geht bald die Welt unter? Kann man die deutsch-französische Grenze etwa bald nicht mehr an den Atommeilern auf der französischen Seite erkennen? öAö
Ehm ... mal ne Frage/Bitte: Kannst du mal was darüber machen, dass sich "Deutschland" (d.h. die Medien und deren Jünger) immer über jeden Lebensmittelskandal aufregt, als dürfe man gar nichts mehr essen? ._. Bitte?
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LouisReynolds In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-17 17:41:15 +0000 UTC]
XD Na gut, stimmt auch wieder, die müssen ja noch abkühlen und alles. Aber Frankreich ohne AKWs kann ich mir so schlecht vorstellen ._.
XD So hatte ich es doch auch gemeint. Mach das, ja? *_*
>.< Dann hoff ich, dass es bald da ist!
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LouisReynolds In reply to AkkyKitsune [2011-06-24 20:26:33 +0000 UTC]
Stimmt auch wieder. Heute haben wir ja nicht mal mehr sonderlich sichtbare Grenzen ö.ö
(awww~ Ja, stimmt. Auch wenn ich auf die vielen Küsschen zwischen Merkel und Sarkozy verzichten könnte *schauder*)
Vielleicht. Zumindest ein Atomfreies Deutschland. Der Rest ... vielleicht, irgendwann.
*seufz* Na gut, ist ja nur ein Monat ... dann hab ich immerhin etwas, worauf ich mich freuen kann *smile*
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