AkuDemyfan — CaH story: ZeLink
#fanart #fanfiction #fluffy #legend #link #loz #zelda #carrrie #akudemyfan #j
Published: 2014-10-21 22:37:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 949; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Sorry for bad title name. This is for carrie-j for she's needing bit of a fluffy story. Unfortunately I could not come up with Darky fluff but I'm glad she's okay with Link fluff. So, enjoy!


    The room was surprisingly silent even though there was two persons in there. The windows were open since it was very hot summer day. The two Hylians weren’t really doing a thing other than just simply leaning against each other. Princess Zelda was lying on a long couch while the Hero of Hyrule was sitting on the other end. Zelda had her head against Link’s back while the Hero laid his head right over the Princess’. The duo was gazing at each other and just enjoying the calm and warm day.

    They had been dozing off from time to time but neither needed to talk. Just the other one’s presence was enough for them. Suddenly Link sat up bit straighter and stretched. Zelda frowned slightly but didn’t move from her place. “How about we’d head to somewhere much cooler?” The Hero inquired while very carefully turning around so the leader of Hyrule ended up leaning against his chest.

    “What do you have in mind?” She inquired while slightly tipping her head back so she could get bit better look at Link. The swordsman shrugged and looked at her.

    “How about Lake Hylia? I was thinking about taking Epona along. I’m sure she’d like some cooling water too.” He suggested and shrugged again. “You can ride her.” Link continued with a small smile. Zelda frowned and stayed silent for a while as she thought the idea through. Soon she already smiled and nodded.

    “Sounds like a great plan.” The Princess stated and carefully sat up. “Anything’s better than melt in here.” She thought while getting up from the couch. Link followed her as they left the room and headed towards the stables. The horses had been taken out into a grazing ground which had lots of shadowed areas. Most of the horses just glanced at the duo but one took up a slow trot before taking couple of quick steps of gallop and jumped over the fence.

    “Hey there, Epona.” The Hero greeted the reddish mare. “You want to head to Lake Hylia to cool off?” He continued while guiding her towards the stables. The horse nodded and followed Link without any of means of leaving from his side. Zelda followed them and watched how well the duo got along.

    “I’ve had my white mare ever since she was born but we aren’t as close as Link is with Epona.” The Princess thought slightly sorrowfully. She wasn’t going to be jealous since she knew that the duo had gone through much more than she could ever imagine. Link had even told about few fights where the mare had come for his help and fought with all she got against the monsters. The duo had so much stronger connection than what she ever could have with her horse.

    Link took up only the saddle and a rug underneath it. The saddle wasn’t tied the normal way. Instead of going underneath the chest of the horse, the tying part went past the chest from in front of the front legs. It was much easier for Epona and Link didn’t really need of anything else for it. Not even the reins. The mare followed him out of the stables and into the yard where the duo got up to her back. After that they started the trek to Lake Hylia.

    Epona went on a slow trot out of the Castle’s area and through the Market Place. Everyone watched after them but no-one said a word. It was nothing new to them in those days. The Castle of Hyrule was still slightly under construction as was several other places around Hyrule so there wasn’t much for the duo to do other than fully spend some time together. So, they pretty often left to be fully alone with each other.

    Once the mare got to the field, she fastened her pace since she really wanted to get into the water. Link and Zelda enjoyed of the wind that came from the speed of the horse’s movement. It was something welcoming in such hot day, yet they came to the fences bit too quickly. Epona jumped gracefully over the two fences knowing that her riders were like professionals when it came into riding a horse.

    The reddish hoofed animal slowed down again after the second fence. The lake came forth after one last turn. Link jumped off of the mare as she slowed down a bit more. Zelda was just going to follow him when he shook his head. “No need. I know a great place where we can get into.” The Hero stated and started to lead the way.

    Zelda took a bit better and more comfortable position on the saddle as Link led the way. They headed towards left and through a short forest trek. It was nearly fully shadowed and hence much cooler area. “We could stay here for a while....” The Princess suggested but Link shook his head.

    “The air’s still. It’s just matter of time when the hot air comes into here too.” The Hero explained just before they came to much smaller lake than what Lake Hylia was. “I found this place a while ago.” He started as a slow and gentle breeze cooled the hot air. “The reason I brought you here is the fact of the wind. It’s whole time in here.” Link explained as the moving air slightly played with his hair, hat and clothes. “Makes the summer much easier to handle.” He stated with a smile and walked into the water.

    Epona followed the male Hylian. Zelda carefully raised her legs up and took her shoes off before letting her long dress fall into the water behind the mare. After that she slowly let her left foot touch the water. The slow wind did take the hot air off and made the weather much bearable. The Princess leaned bit backwards and smiled. “It’s beautiful in here.” She half whispered while watching around the small lake.

    Link nodded with a wide smile and gently touched the horse’s face as Epona followed him a bit deeper. Soon the water touched the mare’s belly but instead of just getting herself fully wet, she kept following Link. The water wasn’t even waist deep for him but he enjoyed the warm water and nice wind. “The water’s nice. You want to swim for a while?” He eventually asked while letting his right hand be in the water while his left was with Epona.

    Zelda smiled and nodded. “Sounds like a good idea. This kind of weather is perfect for a swim.” She replied happily. The Hero of Hyrule nodded and started to guide the mare back to a shore. At there he helped the Princess down from the horse’s back. Zelda smiled at Link while both of them blushed slightly. They rarely had much of chances for private situations like this.

    As the leader of Hyrule moved closer to the trees to get the longest parts of her dress off, Link turned his back to give her the privacy. He placed his sword, shield, hat, boots, belt and tunic into a close by tree’s branch. It was well hidden from unwanted persons. After that he took the saddle off of Epona and hid it well too. The reddish mare went back into the water on the second she was free of the thing.

    The male Hylian carefully leaned against the tree and watched how his horse went as deep into the water as she could get before starting to swim. He listened whole time to the sounds around them since even though he had brought the peace about a year ago, there still were monsters that tried their luck. Soon gentle and quiet footsteps on the sandy ground got him to turn to look towards the sound.

    Zelda had her golden hair tied. Her long dress had been turned into much shorter one. The long and wide part was hanging on a branch as was her necklace that had the royal crest in it. “So, are you ready?” The Princess inquired with a gentle smile while desperately trying not to blush at the sight of Link being shirtless.... Though, there was one thing that helped on that part. The scars the Hero had acquired during his quest of saving Hyrule. Zelda felt guilty of the said scars even though Link kept telling that it wasn’t her fault at all.

    Link blushed quite brightly at the sight of the Princess. Sure, it wasn’t the first time he saw her with this little of clothes but it always surprised him. “Link?” Zelda called with slightly amused smile which only got the Hero to blush even more and turn towards the small lake.

    “Y-yeah... I’m ready.” He half stammered and blushed even brighter at the slight giggle he heard coming from her. “Um.... Race you to Epona.” Link nearly mumbled before already walking towards the water.

    “Works for me!” Zelda called and started to run. Very soon she ran past the Hero and into the water. Link was bit startled but ran after her on the second he realized the situation. As he got into the water and started to swim not too far behind the Princess, he started to calm down.

    During the past year they had gotten to know each other quite well but he still ended up being bit awkward and nervous around her. Link tried to get over all that but he couldn’t help but get mesmerized by her time after time again. Yet, he knew one thing for certain. He was fully and thoroughly in love with Princess Zelda and there was no doubt of that. The Hero had fallen on the first sight he got of her.

    The leader of Hyrule was first to catch up with the swimming horse. “I won!” She called with a short giggle and grinned a bit at Link. The Hero smiled back and shrugged.

    “You only got lucky.” He replied while fully knowing that he had let her win. Zelda only chuckled and shrugged at the answer. The duo swam back to the shore while following Epona. The horse rose up to the shallower water until it gently washed over her back as she laid down there. “Not a bad idea...” Link whispered while getting another idea and turning towards the Princess with a small grin. “It’s starting to be much cooler already so how about we’d get out of the water and to some bit nicer place?” He suggested while already heading to get his clothes on.

    Zelda was bit confused but followed him back to the shore. While Link just simply put the clothes back on, she used bit of well practiced Din’s Fire to dry herself off. On that way getting the clothes back on was much easier. Once they were ready, the Hero started to lead the way through the forest and into a small clearing.

    Once they reached the area, Link already walked nearly to middle of the place and flopped down to his back. Zelda followed much slower while watching around them. The Hero carefully took the belt where the sword and shield was on off and moved it out of his way but keeping it still in his reach just in case. After that he crossed his arms behind his head but not before taking a small green leaf from close by and just putting the short stalk into his mouth.

    The Princess sat down next to him and still looked around. For a short while she didn’t notice the way the Hero was gazing at her. Link had his eyes half closed, a small smile on his lips and the small leave moving slightly here and there. For once he was feeling content at her presence. When Zelda finally turned towards the other Hylian, she was very slightly startled before already answering to the gaze.

    Slowly the leader of Hyrule lowered herself down and gently took the leaf out of Link’s mouth. She smiled bit mischievously as the Hero frowned ever so slightly. Zelda kept lowering downwards until she closed her eyes and kissed Link to the lips. The savior of Hyrule closed his eyes and answered to the action. He slowly brought his right hand over to her face and slightly dug his fingers into her hair.

    As they broke for air, the Hero held his hand at the Princess’ cheek but didn’t go for another kiss. They both smiled while just looking at each other’s eyes. It felt such a perfect moment and neither wanted it to ever end. “I love you....” Link whispered before sitting up a bit and kissing Zelda gently but bit more stronger than what her kiss had been. The leader of Hyrule closed her eyes and fully melted into the action.

    Before things got into anything deeper, the faithful horse of the Hero came forth. She shook her whole body to get the water off of her. That little trick got the two Hylians to shriek in both surprise and annoyance. “Epona!” Link half whined as he and Zelda scrambled to their feet and further off from the mare. The Hero gave bit of a glare to the reddish horse while the Princes was giggling at Epona’s way of acting.

    Eventually Link sighed and shrugged. “Can’t stay mad at you, girl.” He half whispered before already petting the horse with a gentle smile. “Besides, it looks like it’s time to head back to the castle.” The Hero continued while looking around them. Zelda nodded and already got up to Epona’s back while Link fetched the Master Sword and Hylian Shield from not too far from them.

    As they made their way back towards the castle, the Hero soon turned the horse’s road to right. “One more thing before we leave fully.” He stated before stopping the mare at the edge of a forest. Link half jumped down from the back of Epona before already helping the Princess down. “Not too far from here but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.” He explained as he led her through the forest.

    Soon the first reddish fairy flew past them. “Close your eyes.” Link whispered before carefully placing his left arm around Zelda’s waist from behind. The Princess did as she was told and let the Hero lead her forward. She frowned slightly as she heard very quiet singing that slowly increased. “That’s the language of the fairies.” Link explained as he noticed the confused look on her face. Zelda just simply nodded but stayed silent. After a while longer the Hero of Hyrule finally stopped her from going forward. “You can open your eyes now...” He told quietly.

    As the leader of Hyrule opened her eyes, she saw dozens of reddish fairies flying around them. They were talking but not paying any of attention to the duo. Zelda watched them fully awed while not daring to talk in case she’d scare them away. Link smiled and glanced at her from time to time even though his main notice was in the fairies. After a while he closed his eyes and just listened. “They are talking about the forest....” The Hero started very quietly. “And of us two...... Saying that the forest is safe. No monsters has been noticed......” He continued and opened one eye to look at Zelda.

    Link was fully startled and shot his eyes open while taking one unconscious step backwards as he noticed the Princess staring at him with slightly disbelieving frown. The Hero gulped and shrugged while smiling bit sheepishly. “The fairies taught me their language long ago....” He explained carefully.

    Zelda blinked few times in surprise but nodded. “Can you teach me their language?” She inquired quietly while turning her gaze back into the fairies around them. Link sighed and shrugged.

    “I’m not sure if I can. Not because they wouldn’t trust you but because I’m not sure if I’m able to teach you.” Link replied, nodded to the fairies once and took a gentle grip of Zelda’s arm after that. He started to guide the Princess back to Epona. “It wasn’t easy for me to learn but I kinda practiced with Navi during our quest of saving Hyrule so, I got more of teaching on it.” The Hero explained but sighed then. “It’s easier to learn from a fairy than from non-fairy.” He said with a slightly nervous chuckle.

    Zelda nodded and smiled slightly. “I understand that. Maybe someday you can get me to learn it.” She replied and got back up to the mare’s back. Link followed her very swiftly and once he was up, the Princess already leaned her back against his chest and closed her eyes. The Hero carefully wrapped his arms around her as Epona took her road back to the castle.

    By the time they returned to the castle, Zelda had fallen asleep. Link carefully carried her back to her room and tugged her into her bed. The Hero thought about just leaving but instead of doing that, he curled up to the couch in her room and fell asleep quite soon.

And here are the used pictures:

Legacy by kyuumu

Ocarina of Time by piggyhoho

Flirting Gazes colored by eERIechan

Like a Night in the Forest by aquanut

Go and check them! And give them a comment or even a fave! Thanks!
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Comments: 2

carrie-j [2014-10-21 23:01:12 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you for putting this up for me I think I'm just in a fluffy mood (been drawing something fluffy too). I was a bit surprised at Link and Zelda actually taking some clothes off but their blushing is so cute.
I'm guessing this is really early days since Hyrule's still under reconstruction and a certain someone is conspicuously absent.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AkuDemyfan In reply to carrie-j [2014-10-21 23:07:00 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! Glad you liked it! And thanks for the fave!

Fluffy mood is always a good thing. And I'm hoping to see that picture sometime once you're done with it.

As for the clothes...... It was warm summer day. Yet, I think it's pretty cute too when the duo blushes! Especially Link / Dark / Darky. And yeah, it is early days. About a year since Ganondorf's and Ganon's death. Aaaand, yeah, Darky's missing.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0