AlasterBoneman — Robbie Reye's all new ghost rider un-shaded

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Published: 2020-12-11 05:02:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 5949; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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This wonderful unsaded t was created by LucasBoltagon  

i should mention this is something of both a pet project for myself as ive wanted to have art drawn of Robbie for the longest time but also holding art should myself or Imax ever do a spot light for ghost rider

Given name: Roberto Robbie Reye’s


Code name, other alias:  preferred name Robbie, Ghost Rider


City of residence: los angelus Hill rocks heights


Nomadic: NA


Occupation: Student, part time mechanic, street racer, vigilantly. Carer for littel bother  


Gender: male


Sexuality:  Heterosexual 


Age: 17 (liable to change)


Eye colour: Before bonding dark green, after dark green and orange supernatural heterochromia


Race: Hispanic American


Race: (mutant, Innhuman, alien ect): Human, bonded with a spirit of vengeance, Ghost/Demonic 


Height: 5ft 5


Weight: 82 killogames


Hair colour: dark brown streak of blonde white hair


Hair style: Before bonding windswept messy, after shown to stubble save for a poof of hair


Fitness level: above average athletic, lean


Super human Powers and abilities: Mortal resistance (high):  while transformed Robbie like most other supernatural beings has a truly inhuman level of resistance to unseemly amounts of mortal based fire power. It would take a, small armies worth of gun fire or equvnant force to even phase Robbie. However he is not completely immune to mortal based fire power or enhanced individual’s, enough concentrated damage can and break his concentration or simply exhaust him and reduce him to his human form.


Shadow walk: While this ability is most often paired with his connection with his mount, the hell charger. Robbie can teleport both himself and others vast distances via opening a portal through shadows or darkness and teleporting himself, his mount or others from point a to b extremely quickly. However Robbie cannot teleport blind and most at be aware of where he is going. This is why this ability is best used corlation with the hell charger as Robbie has a deep spiritual connection and is aware of is position on an instinctual level. However this is seemingly limited to shadow. In other words he can only teleport between shadow



Supernatural Control over flame: Robbie is able to summon, create and manipulate a seemingly endless a mouth of fire and flames both supernatural and naturally in origin. More over Robbie like all ghost riders are seemingly completely immune to fire of any kind save for fire created by holy or divine magic. The fire Robbie creates is super natural in origin


One with the mount: possible extensions of his shadow walk ability. Robbie can not only merge with the hell charger or any vehicle he bounds with allowing the nie indestructible hell charger to take his place and take a hit but also summon the vehicle to him. He also can remotely drive the vehicle.


Super natural driving/piloting:  Robbie has the uncanny ability to pilot any vehicle regardless of its origin or any Knowledge Robbie may or may not have had related to said vehicle and while any ghost rider and posse any vehicle and reef it in the fires of vengeance. Robbie is the most prolific of all the ghost riders in doing this and due to his unique connection to his month the hell charger any vehicle he is possessing gains a far greater degree of power and protection.


Portal to hell: Robbie lacking ease access to the famous penitent stares of his forbears. Can instead send a foe straight to hell. However Robbie is usually loathed to use this ability as it is perhaps one of the darkest and most taxing of his powers, not only due to the straight it takes to perform this dark act but it also leaves Robbie vulnerable to the evil influences of both hell and his own spirit of vengeance Eli Marrow



Spirit of Vengeance: While all ghost riders are connected to a supernatural being from whence they draw their power from most often form a Devine (formerly Devine) or demonic being of great power, if they do not draw their power from a vestige of gods (the judeo Christian god) wrath. Robbies spirit of vengeance while no less supernatural but had no such Devine of outright satanic roots. Eli Marrow was a unrepentant satanic serial killer in life and used his knowledge of the unholy arts to escape eternal damnation by binding his soul to his very own 1969 Dodge Charger transforming it into the hell charger. While this makes Eli unique amongst the other spirits of vengeance being a human soul rather than a purely supernatural being grants him and to an extent Robbie a degree of anonymity in regrades to the goings on between gods, angles and devils of all faiths. It would seemingly mean unlike his forbears or contemporary’s. Eli dose not enjoy the Devine or demonic eternal life often granted to such beings, so if the hell charger were to be destroyed and he was not currently bonded to anyone then Eli could very well be sent straight to hell himself if not his soul being utterly destroyed. While Eli grants Robbie a curtain awareness of evil doers and supernatural threats it is only a dim awareness and often manipulative as Eli would like nothing more than to take over Robbies body and soul completely to continue murdering without recourse or regret.   

Some of the benefits Eli grants as a spirit of vengeance is that Robbie suffers no power lose while in sun light or in the pressce of holy or blessed sights. 


Super naturally enhanced straight, speed,   agility and stamina (greater): while in ghost rider form    Robbie is in measurably strong, resistant and able to perform acts of agility that are even compared to seasoned veterans like Jonny Blaze, Robbie feets are truly astonishing and he may be one of the most powerful of his kind.


Skills and normal ability’s: Masterful driver: even before becoming ghost rider, Robbie’s skill behind the wheel was border line super natural in of itself. If not for his low station in life and having to care for his severally handy caped little bother Gabe. Robbie could have easily become a pro racer despite his young age. One of Robbie’s main earners is street racing


He dose machines: Robbie has a seemingly encyclopaedia’s worth of both theoretical and particle knowledge in relation to a vast and diverse amount of engines, machines and vehicles of nearly ever make and model available to the puplic. Making him not only one of the most short after mechanics in his civilian community but also with in the super powered commonality.


Dutiful student: Many of those whom had being dealt as bad a hand in life as Robbie Reyes and many dealt a far more better hand, would have given up un trying to legitimately keep up with their school work and more or less stay on the right side of the law. (as right as you can stay while being a super natural powered teenage vigilanty and street racer will allow) most may have given up and taken up with one crimal outfit or another to make their lives easier, hell a few of robbies own class mates have done exactly that even dropping out of school. However Robbie remains dedicated to not only his own school work but making sure his disabled bother gains some kind of education as well. More over Robbie is attentive and sometimes even insightful in his class subjects. So much so that his teachers make efforts to encourage him expand to his horizons and regularly attempt to convince him to take on more responsibility’s in public and student outreach programs. 


Care giver: The fact that Robbie has being the primary care giver for not only himself but  his severely disabled little brother Gabe, not only keeping a roof over their heads keeping both himself and his bother out of the reach of the gangs and civil servants from such a young age (13), is already remarkable feet. But he manages not only his hetic school, work and super hero like. This has come somewhat at the cost of his own personal ambitions and soical life. He has had very few friends both romanic and photonic and has by and had before becoming a ghost rider had given up or become apathy towards lofty goals and pursuits. His main and perhaps only goal or ambition is to give his little brother the best life he can and get the two of them out of poverty. However Robbie seems to not feel even an atom of resentment towards his little bother and adores him to no end.   



Weaknesses: Immortal supernatural resistance (medium to low): While Robbie in his ghost rider form may be all but immune to anything the ‘mortal’ world could hope to throw at him. His resistance to magical, supernatural or even super science based threats, attacks and damage is middling at best and lack lustier at worst. Making him one the ghost rider whit the most vulnerability to the standard fair of ghost riders villain wise.


Spiritual awareness (low): Since Robbie is not connected to a traditional demon, angle or other Devine or demonic being. He and Eli lack much in the way of insult or knowledge of the goings on of the supernatural and magical world. Though since Eli Marrow was a proficient enough Satanist to escape hell and grant Robbie powers and abilities slimier to previous and contemporary ghost riders and other super natural beings. He rarely if ever shares any insights or knowledge he has in the maters of the supernatural or magical world. However both Eli and Robbie are aware of their bond is vastly different to that of other ghost riders and spirits of vengeance and thus can circumvent many of the rules and restrictions that bind the other riders. They do posses a vague awareness of super natural beings, event’s or objects but this awareness rarely stretches beyond the most immediate or cataclysmic threats.


Natural fighter: Robbie lacks any formal marshal art training, thus making his fighting stile highly improvised and instinctual. Though he does seem to be among the most agile and fuild fighter among the known ghost riders. He lacks the training to make quick and effective uses of his power set often going for flashiy dity fighting rather than skill. 


Anger and guilt issues (extreme): Robbie despite his unswerving dedication to his bother Gabe and mostly moral behaviour and outstanding grades and work effect. Has deep seeded rage towards his community, living standards, social position and his own inability to improve the his own life and that of his bother. This has left made him quick to anger and slow to forgive though he dose try and set a good example for his impressionable baby bother. This deep seeded angle has often lead Robbie in the wrong direction, while he has attempted to stay on the right side of the law, when angered he has bing driven to make foolish or short sighted dedications in the off chance that he may be able to get himself and his bother a better life. His anger and guilt issues have made him very vulnerable to the manipulations of both Eil Marrow but other supernatural beings. It has also made him prone to lashing out in anger especially after his becoming ghost rider


Eli Marrow: While Eli is Robbie’s source of his supernatural power. He is also perhaps his greatest weakness outside his love for his bother. Eli almost constantly needle’s, gas lights, psychologically abuses and manipulates Robbie in a attempt to get Robbie to give in to his darker impulses. Ether in an attempt to get Robbie to act in a certain why and fall in line with Eli’s twisted world view and willingly murder and kill on Eil’s behalf or gain complete control over Robbie both in body and soul. Worse yet is the fact the Eli like othat dark spirits and demonic beings feeds of pain, anger and suffering and the more Robbie gives into those feeling the more powerful Eli grows. This duse also make his power as a ghost rider grow as well. However Over time as Robbie can/has goten wise to Eli’s manipulations and diminish his influence


Gabriel (Gabe) Reyes:   More than anything use Robbie’s greatest weakness is without a doubt his little bother Gabe. There is very little in my mind that Robbie would not or could not bring himself to do if it meant keeping his bother safe and with him. Robbie truly adores his bother and it is likely without Gabe’s light in robbies life , he would have gone down a far darker path. However it is also Gabe that keeps Robbie on the road of right rather than giving in to his anger. If Eli is Robbies shoulder devil and Gabe is Robbies angle


Aura of heat: since bonding with Ghost rider Robbie has started emit higher than normal amounts of heat for a human body. when his is emotional this heat can incresse and decrees in collation to his mood


Gear and notable tools or vehicle’s: The hell charger: the hell charger a 1969 Dodge Charger once belonged to Eli Marrow, Robbies estranged uncle and used by him in his profession as a hit man by the Russian Mob and vehicle that took him to and through for years as he went about his dark deeds. All the while the blasphemous rituals, unholy and unspeakable acts seeped into the car over the years. Steeping it in darkness so foul that it would allow Eli to escape hell and possess the vehicle after the chapter of the Russian mob Eli worked for, one Yegar Ivanov whom being highly religious killed Eli once he learned of his static acts and rites.  Eli and the Hell charger would lie dorment for years until Robbie stole the vehicle to race in a illegal street race where he was killed and then bonded with the hell charger and Eli respectable.


The Hell charger is all but indestructible, able to be reefed fire, teleport and is able to travel underwater, through space and other dimensions such as hell and be made in tangible.


The hell charger can travel at super natural speed and perform feets no other none magical car could possible archive.


It would seem as if the hell charger has a power all its own not connected to Eli Marrow, though without Eli the vehicle is a lot weaker. The hell charger can also change its shape and is able to appear as any other car or vehicle at any time. However this illusion is extremely weak and only a small amount damage or attack will revert the Hell charger back to its defult form.



Hell chains, whips and other weapons: Robbie is seemingly able to summon and control whips, chains, blades and seemingly any opect Robbie imagine, which offcourse is reefed in hell fire. Though Robbie has a preference for creating chains with a hook on the end


Tools of the trade: Robbie has a well earned reputation as a very skilled and honest mechanic and handy man in his community and will often carry around at least a few tools on his person. Even if he is without any official tools Robbie is more than skilled enough to create improvised tools or use whatever is at hand for his needs.


Enemy’s: Gangs/ mobs, criminals, corrupt cops, demons, lesser and greater supernatural beings. Monsters, super criminals. The blue hide brigade (eg blue crew)


The crew, my one creation, the church of blood Imax’s creation


Rouges gallery: Pyston Nirto (Rhohda Rubens, has a slightly flirtatious relationship with Robbie and vice visa though its lesser on Robbies behalf) / Yegar Ivanov (leader of the Russian mob in los angelus. Eli Marrow (see weakness above) Doctor Zabo and Mr hide. The etholgus-calculus (personel note, i don’t like armadous cho the total awesome hulk, i wish to punch him in the face) aka evo- saur.


My own creations:

Knight runner (Micheal Night) Devine (Isebel Isaac's, more antagonist than villan, the other side of the coin to ghost rider) Luna Morwell (sister Midnight) Apollo Morwell (bother dawn, Helios)


My additions: the highway man aka the Boss (possible a aspect of the devil) , Car jack (leader of the crew and in my addition Troy Mustang my own creation)


Personal note since both the highway man and car jack are all but forgotten villains in marvels bull pen i decided to revamp them and re use them for Robbie since he is in need of more villans for his rouges galloy


Allegiances:  Hard shell (Oliver Stage, heroic foil) OC. Law enforcement. Occional travelling heros. Hill rock hightes community


616 comics : avengers PN while i like that Robbie hasn’t being forgotten. I feel putting him on marvels flagship team , while perhpes good from an adtempt to regrow intrest in him i don’t think hes a good fit for the team and they have changed him radically.


Saying all that  im not sure he’s still there after empire has he was barely present during the event. Marvel please for the love of god slow down on the events we have had like seven major events and massive cross over in the last year.   


616 comics: possable champions, people seem to like him to be around miss marvel aka Kalama Khan but im unsure if hes ever joined the champions proper or the two have intreactged outside the secret wars ghost racer tie in.


Heroic, criminal, civilian, villain other:  super hero, Cilvian, (extremely small time crimal street racer)  


Intelligence: Robbie is extremely gifted driver and mechanic, and has a decent mind and dose fairly well at scholastic activities when his super hero life or normal life get in the way. But that’s by for the couse. It should be noted that Robbie is a good student and is insightful about things that may seem out of his wheel house.  And he is certainly street smart.




Relationships: Liz (oc last name chase) (potential girl friend) Mr Wakeford (Robbie’s favoured teacher, he acts as something of a mentor. And seeing that Robbie is a good kid encourages him to keep on track. Ernie, Romero and Guero (school yard bullys and thugs turned criminal) Guero especially hates Robbie. Carols (Robbies boss at the mechanics he works at)  


616 comics: when Robbie joing the avengers he mostly gets along with that team which includeds Jeffier Walker she hulk (currently just hulk) Thor, Steve rogues (Captain America. Tony stark (iron man)  T'Challa black panther, Carol Davors captain marvel. And Blade. And something that amuses me is that its implied heavy that Tony is Paying Robbie to be there. Which tickys my funny bone


Familial relationships: Gabriel Reyes, Gabe (13) (little bother) Eli Marrow (uncle ghost)


Robbies parents were never given names as far as i can tell so Manny Marrow for the dad and Robin Reyes for the mom.


Team role/ heroic or villous archetypes:  supernatural hunter, ghost rider


Personality: While Robbie is respectful most of the time to those he respects or likes, for example his boss, Mr Wakeford and a few others like the doctors and neighbours and  trys to keep on the right side of the law. Before becoming ghost rider, Robbie truly hated where he lived. In his view hillrock heights was as close to hell as one could get while still being alive. The vast amount of cops were corrupt in one form or another, the local gangs walk about in braze as can be in bord day light and it seemed to before his becoming ghost rider only seemed to be getting worse and worse.


 While he was aware there were still good people in his community that did little to reassure Robbie and failed to convice him that getting himself and his baby bother out as soon as possable was the best and only couse of action he could take.


Robbies deep seeded resentment can often make him rash and act before thinking. Since bonding with the sadistic Eli Marrow Robbies anger issues have only gotten worse


However irony being ghost rider and defending his community form the evils that were eating it a live from the inside out has improved the community innumerable ways and thus fed back into improving robbies out look


As Robbie is uttly devoted to caring for his bother Gabe, he has not had much if anything like a child hood having to look after Gabe from the tender age of 13 when his parents seemingly abandoned them. As such he can come off as a little anit soical and broody


Miscellaneous bits:  

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