albertxlailaxx — Ep 10: The Scars Of My Past

Published: 2012-03-15 21:30:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 2592; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 10
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This part took forever to type. It reveals A LOT so I hope you guys like. The pic, in case you goes don't understand after you read the storyline, is of a younger Emeara crying over someone.


Note: Onee-san means older sister in Japanese.


Two little girls walked along the gardens just outside the biggest palace in Xing. It was the Emperor's palace, and even though the children had never been inside the building before, they always got as close as they could to it, dreaming one day they and their clan would be recognized by the royal families of Xing and be let into the Emperor's palace.

Yes. One day, their clan would rise and shine like the stars. And one day, the girls would be aloud to go into the palace they had so longingly dreamed of entering. That, was the girls one and only dream. And that is all the girls needed to continue living back then.

One of the little girls gripped the other's hand tightly and stared admirably at the palace in front of them, "It sure is big, huh?"

The other girl nodded, smiling softly, "Yeah. I can't wait till we get to go in there." The girl turned to the other, her light blue eyes focusing on the other's green ones, "Hey, lets see if we can go farther into the garden without getting caught. We never go to the center of it where it's the prettiest. Lets try now!"

And before the other girl could protest, the blue-eyed child yanked her as she ran forward on. Soon after, the girls made it to a large square of land surrounded by millions of flowers and other various plants surrounding it. The sight was so beautiful that it made the children's eyes shine brightly,

"Wowwwww...I've never seen so many plants in one place before..." The girl with green eyes let go of her friend's hand and slowly walked around, getting a closer look at all the different plants. As the girl continued to walk, a beautiful red rose sticking out of the ground caught the girl's eye, "Oh wow! Hey Nara, c'mere!"

"Hold on, Emeara. I'm looking at this pretty blue-balled flower here..."

The little girl known as Emeara frowned and turned around, "But this flower is a lot more pretty than that! Come on..." Emeara ran towards the other girl as fast as she could when all of a sudden, she froze when she saw two figures descend from the left of the garden.

The girl swallowed big and turned her head slowly, only to see two children that looked a little younger than them standing before them. One was a young boy with a black ponytail and slit eyes. The other a girl that had her hair up in a bun. The two looked at the girls in bewilderment,

"...Who are you girls?" asked the other girl standing beside the boy.

Emeara and Nara felt their little hearts drop to their stomachs and began to back away, in fear that these children would run and tell someone in the palace that they had been snooping around where they weren't suppose to.

The girls exchanged looks and then Nara took in a deep breath,

"Um...I'm Naraku Song. And this is my younger twin sister, Emeara Song." The girl saw the boy raise his brows and felt like trying to make a run for it, "I...We, um...We're sorry...p-please don't tell. We just wanted to see the flowers..."

Emeara grabbed her sister by her kimono sleeve and began tearing up, "P-Please don't yell at us. I know we're only considered c-c-commoners but..."

The boy frowned and began to walk towards them. This frightened the Song sisters and as a result, they backed away in fear,

Emeara cried out, "No! P-Please don't hurt us!"

The girls continued to back away until they felt their backs hit a tree. Before the girls could scream, the boy reached out a welcoming hand and a large smile appeared on his face,

"Hurt you? I won't hurt you. So you two are from the Song clan, huh?" The boy kicked the ground playfully and then looked back at the girls, "I've heard of your clan. You guys don't have many living members left, do ya?"

Naraku and Emeara frowned and narrowed their eyes, so as to avoid the boy's gaze.

At seeing the girls lower their heads, the boy patted both children on the shoulder in determination, "Don't worry! Once I become Emperor of Xing, I'll make sure your family is saved!"

Naraku and Emeara looked up slowly, their eyes widening in surprise.

Naraku raised a brow in a questioning manner, "Who...are you?"

The boy's slit eyes opened a fraction so the girls could see his pupils, "I'm Prince Ling Yao. Twelfth son of the Xing Emperor. And that girl over there..." Ling motioned for the girl to join his side again, "This is Lan Fan. She's my friend and training to be a body guard." Ling grinned from ear to ear and shut his eyes again.

The two girls looked over to the girl known as Lan Fan only to see her bow in greeting. Then the two looked back to Ling,

"How old are you, Prince Ling?"

The Xingese child smirked at hearing the word 'Prince' before his name, "I'm five. Lan Fan is five too. How old are you?" Ling pointed a finger at the girls.

Emeara covered her blushing face with one of her sleeves and nodded towards her sister to answer.

"We're seven. Wow, we're older than you guys..." Naraku said in disbelief, feeling a little pride that they were two years older than Ling and Lan Fan.

Despite the age difference being established, Ling still kept that silly looking childish grin on his face. The boy looked to Lan Fan who held her head down, shyly. This gave Ling an idea,

"Hey, you girls wanna play with Lan Fan and me?"

At hearing her prince suggest such a thing, Lan Fan looked up and then blushed followed by nodding timidly at the other girls.

Emeara and Nara looked at each other and then smiled warmly, averting their attention back to the Prince of Xing, "Sure. We'd love to. We've never played with a prince before."

Ling turned and jumped up and down excitedly, "Yay! C'mon; I'll show you girls where Lan Fan and I usually play~"

Lan Fan smiled and motioned for the girls to follow. Nara and Emeara gratefully accepted and chased after their new friends.

*2 years later*

As they had always been since the day they met, Ling, Lan Fan, and the Song sisters played in one of the yards by the palace that extended out into the streets of Xing.

"Catch!" Naraku shouted, throwing a ball fast at Ling Yao's face. Seeing the ball was flying extremely fast at him, the seven year old jumped up and grasped the ball when it hit his chest hard.

"Ow...hehe. Okay, Emeara; Your turn!" Ling sung, tossing the colorful toy to his friend.

Emeara ran out to catch the ball but instead ended up catching her foot on a rock. As she began to fall, Lan Fan appeared and grabbed her before she hit the ground. Emeara stood there for a moment, sniffling, as she brushed her now dirty kimono off with her hands.

Seeing what had happened, Ling and Naraku rushed over to Lan Fan and Emeara in concern.

"Emeara, are you okay? You aren't hurt, are you?" Nara asked her sister who seemed to be whimpering quietly.

The green-eyed girl wiped her eyes and faked a smile at her twin, "I'm f-fine, Nara. Thanks for worrying about me."

A warm smile spread across the older sister's face and she shook her head before pulling her sister into a hug. Ling and Lan Fan simply smiled at the sight. Just as they were about to start their game of catch again, a voice shouted from a distance,

"Lan Fan! Young master! Where are you?"

Lan Fan's brows rose and she ran quickly in the direction where the voice came, "We're here in the yard, Grandfather!"

Shortly after Lan Fan had called out to him, Fu descended from one of the palace doors and walked over to the children. The old man examined them for a moment and tilted his head slightly, "What have we here?"

"We're playing catch, Fu! Wanna play with us?" Ling asked, his child-like innocence showing through the big grin that was spreading across his face.

Fu smiled slightly and shook his head before going over and sitting on a bench to the side, "No, No. That's alright. You have your fun." The man directed his gaze at his granddaughter, "Lan Fan, you can play for ten more minutes and then we must train."

"Okay, Grandfather."

And with that, the children of Xing continued on with their game. Laughing and playing, enjoying their youth. All seemed right with the world. Fu had to admit to himself, it was quite the refreshing site seeing his granddaughter and the young prince so happily enjoying themselves with friends they had made from such a low-class clan as the Song family. The relationship that Ling had with the twin sisters would certainly come in handy in his journey in becoming Emperor. He just knew it.

"Oh! Oh no-" Emeara screamed, seeing the ball fly over her head and out into the street.

Lan Fan frowned in embarrassment, "I-I'm sorry..."

Ling shook his head, "It's okay, Lan Fan! I'll go and get-"

"Don't worry about it, Ling! I'm closer so I'll go get it." Nara chanted, turning and running towards the street. Emeara frowned worriedly at her sister as she ran,

"B-Be careful, sissy!"

Nara waved as she ran out in the street to get the ball. A moment of silence passed when all of a sudden, a feeling of horror suddenly came over Fu. The old man stood up as quickly as he could and stared wide-eyed at Nara who still stood out in the middle of the street to pick up the ball. Seeing his expression, Ling and Lan Fan looked puzzled at the elder,

"Hey Fu, what's the matter?"


Fu swallowed big, sweat dripping off his face now. The man took a step forward, "Something is coming...I can sense it."

Lan Fan drew out a kunai she carried around with her daily in order to protect the prince, "An assassin?"

Fu shook his head, "No. Something else..." The man continued to stare at Nara.

Emeara felt her heart skip a few beats as she stared at Fu's face. She too could sense something was terribly wrong. The girl looked back to her sister and cried out in fear, "N-Nara, hurry up! Hurry!"

Nara took the ball in her hands and waved to her friends, "Hiiii, guys! I got the ball, hee hee!" The girl giggled and stood still in the street, smiling at the others.

Tears formed in Emeara's eyes and without a word, the green-eyed girl began to run towards her sister. Ling and Lan Fan watched in confusion and Fu followed after the little girl,

"Wait, Emeara! Allow me to-" But before Fu could finish his sentence, a loud noise entered his ear. The man recognized that sound.

"Was that a car horn?" asked Ling, still confused.

Emeara picked up the pace and ran as fast as her little legs could carry her, "Nara! Nara, stop standing out there!"

Finally the girl made it up to the side of the street. Nara laughed and walked towards her sister,

"Everything's fine. Jeez, what's got you and old man Fu so riled up?"

Emeara breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head, "I guess we was worried for nothin'."

Emeara still stood on the sidewalk while Nara was no longer standing in the middle of the street but towards the side of it. Nara saw Fu stop running and giggled again,

"Fu, what the heck was that about? You almost had a heart attack!" Emeara took her sister's hand and turned, about to walk back to the others.

Fu half-smiled and rubbed the back of his neck, "Guess I was being a bit paranoid. Please forgive this old man."

Nara shook her head fast, the grin on her face growing wider, "Nah, it's okay!" Nara took a step forward, "I-"

Emeara suddenly heard the loud sound of the same car horn from before suddenly scream out from behind her and felt her sister yank her hand away from her's extremely fast.

Emeara didn't turn to look back but instead frowned, "Hey, Nara. You yanked your hand away so fast that it almost hu-" The girl froze when she noticed Fu, Ling and Lan Fan staring at her in horror; their eyes wider then they ever had been before and their mouths ajar. Emeara felt herself begin to sweat, "W-What's wrong, guys?"

Ling and Lan Fan began to tremble as they stared at her. Emeara felt their horror pour into her and now the little girl could sense her heart was beginning to skip beats again. As Emeara kept her back turned to her sister, she suddenly came to a realization. She had heard a large crashing sound when Naraku yanked her hand away. And now, Emeara suddenly felt something wet covering her back and hand.

The Xing girl swallowed hard and slowly brought her hand up to look at it. Her green-eyes went horribly wide. Blood covered her hand. Fresh, crimson colored liquid was dripping from her skin now. Emeara felt like she could be sick at any moment...

Before anyone could say anything, Fu instructed Lan Fan to go call an ambulance and then he zipped passed Emeara at ridiculous speed. Emeara began to shake in fear and the girl slowly turned her head to see what was behind her.

...At the sight before her, Emeara fell to the ground and screamed a blood-curdling scream.

The street her sister had been standing on was smeared with blood. A large carriage was crashed into a light post and it's wheels also seemed to be tainted with the same red substance covering the street. Emeara breathed heavily as she examined the sight with her eyes. And then...the girl looked to Fu who seemed to be leaning down in front of something on the gravel.

Emeara took a step forward when Fu suddenly yelled, "STAY BACK!"

Emeara froze again and she looked to Ling who now appeared beside her. Knowing he couldn't lie to her, Emeara grasped one of Ling's arms with her small hand, "L-Ling...what happened...?"

Ling's usually slit eyes opened wider then they ever had before as he stared at her in shock. Emeara stood up and turned so she was facing Ling and grabbed his chest in terror,

"What happened? What ha-" Emeara paused when she saw tears stream down the Prince's face like a waterfall.

"Dammit...no. She's not breathing..." Emeara heard Fu mumble in a distressed tone as he tended to the thing he was leaned down by.

The black-haired child took her hands away from the prince and began to walk towards Fu again. Fu turned, his eyebrows twitching and his teeth clenched. The man motioned for Emeara to get away but this time, the girl did not obey.

Fu silenced when he noticed Emeara standing at the side of him, staring down at what he held in his arms. The man felt tears beginning to form in his eyes, which was very rare for him; however, this time, he could not help but tear up. Because laying there in his arms, all bloodied and bruised, was little Naraku Song. Her head was busted wide open, in several different places. Her eyes were open but her pupils were the size of molecules and the part of the eye that was usually white, was bright red which was the cause for the blood that ran from the girl's eyes down her cheeks, as if she were crying the crimson liquid. Bruises and cuts of all different shades covered her arms, legs, neck, face, and...well, everywhere. Her once beautiful kimono was now soiled and torn up as if it had been put in a shredder. And just like the street, the girl's entire body was colored in blood. Almost as if she had soaked in a bath of it for a while. To Fu, the girl he was holding so nervously in his arms now looked like something from a horror film. No...even worst than that. Ten thousand times worst than that. In fact, the sight was so bad, it was hard for Fu, the man who had killed countless assassins for the young lord in the past and had seen several wars occur in many different countries, to even glance at. In order to make a man cry and hurt like that; the sight had to be pretty severe.

Emeara slowly dropped to her knees and crawled closer to Fu so she was in touching distance of her older sister. The girl's eyes were grey and lifeless now. But it didn't really matter because Emeara's bangs hung so far in front of her face that it made it hard for Fu to even see the girl's eyes entirely.

The girl reached out the hand that was stained with her sister's blood and shook Nara's shoulder as gently as she could, "Nara...Onee-san...hey." The girl put her other hand on Nara's shoulders now and began to shake harder, "Please answer, sissy. I'm scared. There's blood everywhere. What should I do?"

As Emeara ignorantly continued to shake her sister, Fu looked away and shut his eyes tight. Meanwhile, Ling, who still stood a ways away from them, dropped to the ground and began to cry into his knees.

A few minutes later, Lan Fan returned and told them that an ambulance was on its way. And within a matter of a few more seconds, the ambulance was there. The paramedics looked to the man who had been driving the car that had ran over Naraku; Only in the end did the paramedics decide he was dead from the impact of the crash. Apparently he had been drinking heavily before hand and that was what caused the man to run over Nara out of no where like he did. As for Nara...well...

"So this girl is from the Song clan, correct?" One of the paramedics asked, pulling out a large black bag from the vehicle and laying it down on the ground beside Naraku.

Being the eldest there, Fu answered with a yes and explained the entire situation to them. The paramedics simply nodded while they unzipped the bag, placed Nara inside it, zipped it back up, and then loaded her into the ambulance.

One of the other paramedics looked to Emeara with a pitiful look before climbing in the car. Then he directed his eyes back to Fu, "I'm very sorry for your loss."

Lan Fan bit her lip and clung to her grandfather's leg tightly causing Fu's expression to grow even more sorrowful. Without looking at the paramedic, Fu simply muttered a "Yes. Thank you." And with that, the car drove off and soon, they were out of site.

Fu turned and walked over to the sidewalk where Ling was sitting with an emotionless Emeara. The Prince had stopped crying and was trying to talk to Emeara who seemed to have gone completely lifeless herself.

"Emeara. Emeara, I..." Ling reached out and placed a hand on one of Emeara's shoulder. She didn't flinch or move at the touch of his hand. Ling's frown worsened, "I...I don't know what to say...I..."

Lan Fan let go of her grandfather's leg and sat beside Ling, shaking her head sadly at her prince. Ling removed his hand from his friend's shoulder and looked at the ground.

Fu looked at Lan and Ling and then to Emeara. Seeing the little girl so empty-looking now broke his heart. And just as Ling said, he didn't know what to say to the girl at this point. A tragedy had struck. Something no one was expecting had occurred. And so fast. Perhaps Fu still didn't believe it himself.

"She was killed on impact. A girl of her age had no chance of surviving something like that. She shouldn't have been out in the street in the first place. But I guess its because of their clan's stupidity and lack of common sense that their clan has so little members left living nowadays."

That was what the paramedic who bagged Nara's body had said to Fu. However, it was still so hard to believe.

Leaning down to her height, Fu placed a hand on Emeara's head and tried to force a small smile but couldn't. Instead his face only grew sadder, "Emeara...Why don't we-" Before Fu could finish, Emeara stood up and walked over to a part of the street that still had a blood stain and tire tracks on it.

"Onee-san..." Emeara looked from the blood-stained ground back to her friends, "Where did those paramedics take my sister?"

Ling reopened his eyes wide while Lan Fan covered her mouth and exchanged looks with her grandfather. Emeara took no heed to her friends reactions and instead, looked back down at the ground with cold eyes. Then the girl sat on the ground and began to poke at the part of the ground that had dried up blood on it. A few moments passed before Lan Fan got up and ran back into the palace, crying. Soon after, Ling followed after her, calling out her name as he chased after her. Still standing there, Fu held his head down for a second. Then the old man walked over to Emeara and leaned down so he could talk to her,

"Emeara...they took your sister away, I'm afraid." Fu spoke gently, his mustache twitching a little along with the movements of his lips.

Emeara didn't look up but asked, "Why?"

Fu frowned sadly, a little confused. Emeara slowly turned to Fu with an expression he had never seen from Emeara before. Her face was pale; there were dark circles under her eyes and her pupils were very small. She looked...insane.

"Why would they take Nara away from me like that...?" The girl repeated, locking her eyes on Lan Fan's grandfather.

Fu swallowed hard but it didn't clear the lump that had stuck itself in his throat, "They...I'm afraid there wasn't anything they could do for Naraku. It was too late for her..."

Emeara's expression darkened even more. And to his own surprise, the little girl's face actually...SCARED him. Who would have thought such a sweet girl could look...look like that?

The younger Song twin stood up and looked off down the road where the ambulance had disappeared. Wind blew from the direction and blew Emeara's bangs to fall in her face; which didn't help her look any less scary. In fact, it did quite the opposite. After the wind stopped blowing, Emeara stood still, staring in the same direction.

Fu rose and frowned, "Emeara. It's going to be dark soon...we should go inside-"


Fu's eyebrows fell in a sad manner, "Emeara..."

Emeara's eyebrows went down in anger. She clenched her hands into fists; to the point that blood fell from her knuckles from the tightness of the fist. The girl's lips formed in such a way that it showed she was clenching her teeth hard and trying to suppress herself from screaming.

The next day, Fu walked outside only to find Emeara standing in the same place she had been standing when he had returned to the palace the night before. Sighing, the old man walked over to her,

"Emeara, have you been out her all night?"

She didn't answer.

"Emeara? I'm talking to you..."

The Song child didn't respond nor did she even look over when she heard Ling come back outside, yelling for Fu.

"Fu! I think you should go see Lan Fan. She locked herself in her room and she won't come out...I-I think she blames herself and..." Before Ling finished his sentence, Fu was already walking past him.

Fu looked down at the prince and patted his head and turned to move on, "I'll go check on granddaughter. Meanwhile, YOU try to get Emeara to snap out of whatever trance she's in." And with that, Fu was gone.

Nervous but knew he had to, Ling walked over to his friend. The prince poked her shoulder with one hand, clenching the seem of his pant leg with the other, "E-Emeara...lets go inside, okay?"




Ling rose his voice now, "BUT-"

Emeara grabbed Ling by his collar and screamed as loud as she could, "I SAID NO, G**DAMN IT!" Emeara then threw Ling onto the ground and turned away as she stared back down the road.

"Ow..." Ling rubbed his head and sat up, "What are you staring at?"Ling asked, getting up from the gravel.

"I'm waiting."

"For what?"

"My sister to return."

Ling froze, "...Return...?"

Emeara nodded, another wind blowing across Xing, "That's right. She'll be back. Onee-san is always back when I feel like this. She'll be coming home soon."

"Emeara..." Ling rotated the girl's body with his hand so she looked at him, "She's not coming back...Nara is gone."

...Again, she didn't respond. She tried to turn away from Ling when he grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard,

"Listen! Your sister is dead. She isn't coming back. I know its hard to accept...Lan Fan and I are having a hard time coping with it too...but you can't expect your sister is going to return after-" Ling stopped talking when he felt Emeara push his hands away from her, causing her to go tumbling backwards onto the ground. Worried, Ling bent down to Emeara,

"A-Are you okay?"

Emeara got up and walked away from him. Then the girl looked upwards at the sky, "Hey...have you ever heard of Alkahestry?"

Ling rose a brow, "Huh? Oh yeah...that's what they refer to in other countries as alchemy right? The power to change matter or something..."

Emeara nodded and continued, "Nara loves that stuff. She's always reading books about it. She told me something once...there's a law in the world of alchemy. I think she said it was called 'Equivalent Exchange'. The principle is, in order to gain something, you must give up something of equal value. Its not that complicated to understand really...I'm not crazy about alchemy like she is but..."

Ling frowned, "What are you getting at?"

Emeara turned to face Ling, "I just told you. Equivalent Exchange. That's what happened here, isn't it?"

Ling opened his eyes slightly, "What?"

The twin sighed, "I lost something. God took someone precious away from me. So...if there is such a thing as Equivalent Exchange..." Emeara looked back up at the sky as tears fell out of her eyes, "Then why isn't my sister coming back? I lost someone precious. So I should gain back something precious to make it fair..."

The Prince of Xing scratched his head, "But that exchange thing is only for alchemy...not life."

Emeara looked back down at the part of the street that was blood stained, "...Onee-san..." She began to walk towards it, "Onee-san...I'm really scared now. What should I do?" She slumped to the ground and placed her hand on the dried blood, "Why won't you answer...?"

Ling felt as if he were going to cry again, "Emeara..."

The Song girl shut her eyes and remembered the times her sister had played with her; when they first explored the Emperor's gardens; when they first met Ling and Lan Fan. All those memories seemed so long ago.

"Naraku...don't go..."Emeara sunk to the ground, only holding herself up with her knees and arms bent as she hung her head towards the ground. Small drops of water splashed onto the gravel now as Ling watched in agony.

"E-E-Emeara...come on...you...why don't you come into the palace with me and..."

Emeara shot up, "The palace?" She looked towards her friend with an insane smile, "That's right...Sissy and I have never been in there. But that's our dream! We wanna go inside the palace and see what its like..."

Ling half-smiled and reached out a hand, "Okay then. Come with me."

Emeara was about to reach her hand out but she quickly pulled it away, her smile falling a little bit, "But...Naraku isn't here right now. I can't go in without her. She's my twin sister and we do everything together."

The Yao son's eyebrows began twitching sadly, "...Em..."

The girl slowly drooped her head, the smile still falling but not completely gone yet, "We...do everything...together..." Emeara looked back at the blood stain, shaking violently,

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes now and finally, the girl screamed even louder then she had the day before as the tears finally came,


*end flashback*

"AHH!" Emeara screamed, jumping up from the bed she had been lying in.

"Oh. You're awake..." Emeara looked over to see Alphonse and Edward Elric at her bedside.

"Hey. How do you feel?" Ed asked, feeling her forehead for a fever.

"You passed out earlier and we found you on the streets after Ling told us what happened." Al rung out a wet towel and handed it to her.

Emeara, who was still trying to recover from sleeping, stared wide-eyed at the brothers, "I...passed out?"

Ed nodded, "Oh yeah. According to Ling, Fu, and Lan Fan, they found you after you escaped from those Homunculi. You went crazy and threatened the prince or something. Then you ran off and Fu had followed you only to find that you had collapsed."

Emeara touched her head a moment and saw the same images from her dream flash in her mind. In a low tone, she mumbled, "I remember..."

Ed and Al jumped at her words.

"Remember what?" Ed asked.

Emeara held her shoulders and began to tremble, "I...I had a twin sister..."

Ed's eyes widened and remembered back to when he talked to Ling about Emeara the one time,

"She tried to bring back someone important to her. Don't worry, Ed. I'll tell you who it is Emeara tried to bring back in due time."

Ed gulped, "Your sister...is she the one you tried human transmutation for in order to try and revive her?"

Emeara looked up at Ed, puzzled, "Human what?"

Ed narrowed his eyes,"...never mind..."

Emeara shut her eyes again and fell back on the bed, feeling the anguish build up inside her.

"Are you okay, Emeara?" Alphonse asked in concern.

"If you want us to take you to the hospital, we will-" Ed stopped when he saw Emeara had begun to cry, "Hey...what the...?"

"My sister...My sister! Naraku...!" Emeara sobbed as she clawed at her chest with her nails. As the girl went on with her actions, Ed noticed blood start to come out of where Emeara was clawing at with her hands and tried to grab hold of her wrists,


Alphonse looked from his brother and then to Emeara in fear, wondering what he should do. Emeara wouldn't stop crying and clawing and Ed couldn't stop her.


Ed screamed again, "EMEARA! SNAP OUT OF THIS!"



Emeara froze and remembered what Ling had told her in the flashback,

"Nara is gone. She's not coming back."

The girl's eyes went wide with horror all over again. Emeara jumped out of bed and pushed Ed to the floor as she ran towards the window at the side of the room. Seeing where she was headed, Al cried out in terror,


At the sound of glass breaking, Emeara was out of sight. A few moments passed after Emeara jumped out the window and all's the Elric brothers heard was a loud sound of something hitting gravel, and then the sobs and cries from Emeara had ended...just like that.

To be continued...

Base used is by
FMA belongs to Hiromu Arakawa
Emeara and Naraku are mine

NEXT PART:[link]
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Comments: 14

warningyou [2012-08-09 09:54:41 +0000 UTC]

Aw the angst
And stupid car!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

albertxlailaxx In reply to warningyou [2012-08-09 16:17:53 +0000 UTC]

lol yes, stupid car. Well; I guess it would technically be a carrige, wouldn't it? Even so, stupid driver

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kotatsusareepic [2012-03-16 06:11:07 +0000 UTC]

Well that was the most depressing thing I have ever read.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

albertxlailaxx In reply to kotatsusareepic [2012-03-16 18:22:36 +0000 UTC]

Rly? O.O Than I should probably warn you it's going to get worst later on

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kotatsusareepic In reply to albertxlailaxx [2012-03-21 20:25:01 +0000 UTC]

I will read it no matter what.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShadowedLove97 [2012-03-15 22:50:48 +0000 UTC]

This one was heart-wrenching and shocking...I felt so bad for her. No wonder she went pretty much insane. First her sister, and then her lover...Poor Emeara.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

albertxlailaxx In reply to ShadowedLove97 [2012-03-16 00:49:11 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad I was able to get the mood across. I feared that I wrote way too much during that death scene with her twin sister. I'll have Nara show up in a few more flashbacks in these eps soon I think. And thank you for the comment ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WillieManga [2012-03-15 22:27:01 +0000 UTC]

Your fanfics should be an authentic manga!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

albertxlailaxx In reply to WillieManga [2012-03-15 22:40:08 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MurderousGirl97 [2012-03-15 22:11:45 +0000 UTC]

Man, this one is shocking. O_o

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

albertxlailaxx In reply to MurderousGirl97 [2012-03-15 22:40:20 +0000 UTC]

That's good. That was what I was going for XDD

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MurderousGirl97 In reply to albertxlailaxx [2012-03-15 22:44:28 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, including the ending part. Emeara didn't die, did she?

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albertxlailaxx In reply to MurderousGirl97 [2012-03-16 00:48:08 +0000 UTC]

You'll have to wait to find out x3

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MurderousGirl97 In reply to albertxlailaxx [2012-03-16 08:45:55 +0000 UTC]


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