Edward Elric is the main protagonist of the manga and anime series Fullmetal Alchemist. He is a skilled alchemist and former State Alchemist who lost his left leg and right arm in a failed attempt to resurrect his deceased mother using alchemy. To save his younger brother Alphonse's soul, Edward sacrifices his right arm to bind his brother's soul to a suit of armor. As a result, he is known as the "Fullmetal Alchemist," due to the automail prosthetic limbs he uses in place of his missing limbs.
Edward is determined, passionate, and fiercely loyal to his friends and family. He has a strong sense of justice and is willing to risk his own life to protect others. He can be short-tempered and stubborn, especially when his beliefs are challenged, but he also has a compassionate side and is capable of great empathy. Despite his young age, Edward is a talented alchemist, using his knowledge and skill to overcome challenges and enemies. Over the course of the series, he grows and matures, learning the value of teamwork and the importance of sacrifice in achieving one's goals.