Etotama えとたま nya-tanにゃ〜たん 20/02/2016
About Drawing Data
I need to show signs of life Character: Nya-tan.にゃ〜たん
with something !! (?).... Anime: Etotama.えとたま
Many ask me,,,, because I do Etotama Belongs To Shirogumi & Tablier Communications.
not submit more Drawings? .. Programs Used: PaintToolSAI.
Comments are disabled because Tools Used: My mouse.
I do not deserve your comments Time Dedicated: 5 hours Aprox.
As I have not commented on their Version In Traditional? Yes..
drawings!!!!!!that's not fair for…
me :"<<<<< I got this drawing already Except The Chibi And Stars!
Finished approximately since a month..
The Design Of This girl Kills me, . A .
She´s Fuck*ng Cute > u < i Watched this
anime and I laughed a lot,, I could not
resist to draw this character!! I love it!!
I really liked the result of my drawing,,,
sorry for a poor background :"0000 (?)
Thank You So much for Watching ^0^