Alkemistry — Voidsong 2023 Advent Calendar [Closed ty!]

Published: 2023-10-09 01:34:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 10171; Favourites: 99; Downloads: 1
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Update: ALL CLAIMED, thank you guys so so much!!!

Thanks for the patience guys, really looking forward to posting these designs!!  We'd also like to announce another d&d mini adventure, most likely hosted in mid-November once the advent completes! This time I plan to be the DM! The theme will have to do with the story of the House of Solace. Any aetherverse-appropriate character can be brought to the game, though if someone wishes to bring a character from the sale, an additional story element will factor them into the game. Players interested in joining can shoot a message to @🔪Kemvin🔪 Crow Cryptid on discord (after the sale is over) for more details!

Read on for more details!


Rules + Terms

 By purchasing a character design from me, you agree to abide by my Terms of Service .

 Owners may use my characters for personal use, including RP, tabletop games, worldbuilding, etc. Owners may freely edit lore/description details, and may freely make any non-trait edits to these designs they wish.
 If you wish to use a design for commercial use, please contact me privately.

 Payments are in USD, via PayPal Invoice.
  Payment plans available only for designs 4 - 14 (Contact me before claiming if you intend to request a payment plan or the claim will be forfeited.)
 Payments must be made within 48 hours unless prior notice is given, otherwise your claim will be forfeited. 

Advent Rules

 Please comment with the name of the design you wish to claim, once comments are opened on this post (30 mins after the post goes live on dA).
 Claims are first come first serve! Serious claims only.  If your dA account is under a month old, please provide proof of a previously bought design or commission.
 A max of 4designs can be claimed under the same owner for this sale, but you may proxy claim for someone else as long as the design goes to that person!

This Advent ends Tuesday, October 10th at 11:59PM CST.


Voidsong 2023: The House of Solace

Each design has a rating to designate its level of detail and rarity.

★ - Includes one fullbody illustration.
★★ - Includes the above, with more elaborate clothing and details. Plus, comes with a bonus Fuzzly!
★★★ - Includes all of the above, with the addition of highty detailed features, higher rarity traits and a pet-like companion or a sketchy second/alt form.
★★★★★ - This is a Legendary design, including all of the above, as well as elaborate traits and a unique feature that will never be shared by another Aetherverse character design. These designs also include two fullbody illustrations to show an ability to transform into an alternate form.

Note: All lore details in this post are optional, and characters may be used for any setting you like!


In the ancient past, when the war between Daimons and mortals was still ongoing – Atropos, the great worm god of decay, had his first, fearful thought.  What if the mortals won? If Ananka, the seventh star, died, what would be left behind? In a thousand years from now – would he even remember the face of his friend?  

The thought would not leave his mind and so Atropos snuck into Ananka’s court, in the dark of night, and stole from her a single black feather. He fashioned it into a scribe’s quill and for seven nights meditated on its meanings.

On the dawn of the eighth day, he tore four syllables from his name and shaped them into the form of a Chevalier to serve him. He called the young scribe, The Daimon of Forgathered Anamnesis and set upon him a great task – to collect and preserve memories of all that existed within the vast aether.

Atropos did not send his scribe out until after the dust of the great war had settled.  His warlocks assembled tributes of wealth and burnt offerings — and the Second Star laid them at his Chevalier’s feet until he was no longer small and weak.

The remaining coinage was packed away by his crawling attendants and presented to The Daimon of Forgathered Anamnesis at the foot of death’s throne. He and six other daimons departed from Atropos’ court that day, willingly bound by their ascendent’s new edict,

“Death shall no longer be a state of being forgotten but rather a shrine of remembrance.”

When the seven arrived in Myrrth – it was but a small village attached to the then newly opened Acadaemia. They bought twenty-one arces of land – parceled and approved by the Autumn King himself – and hired nearly two hundred Capry to construct a massive manor augmented by powerful magics.

The House of Solace, they called it. For hundreds of years, it was the jewel in the crown of Fable’s capital — an estate whose beauty and size was unrivaled. Hundreds of rooms were built inside of it, half of them serving as archives and libraries. Crystalline glass conservatories housed plants that were long thought extinct or simply too dangerous to grow. Scholars and students flocked for a chance to research within the House’s many labs.

The Daimon of Forgathered Anamnesis – or Lord Heavencourt as he’d taken to calling himself – welcomed many a lost soul into the manor and gave them purpose, gave them a family.

And it was all lost – undone by the simple, mortal emotions of love…

And grief. (Click this if you want to see the whole story -- and don't intend to join the DnD game! Otherwise, spoilers!) --> {SPOILERS} The House of Solace's Downfall

Now, the once awe-inspiring manor lies in ruin – condemned to be demolished by the magistrates of Myrrth. No one has lived there in a hundred years, bar a group of bandits and the occasional lost traveler and yet, an unusually high amount of folk have gone missing from the area. The nearby villagers have even taken to calling it “The House of Death”.

An old friend to Lord Havencourt, in a last desperate attempt to salvage his companion’s memory, has reached out to the Heralds — who as an adventuring guild dedicated to public good, accepted his task very quickly.  They pledged to clear the manor of any lingering bandits and dispel the strange rumors of the manor being haunted. If The House of Solace could be deemed safe enough to enter, the Acadaemia was more than willing to have it professionally cleaned, restored, and converted into a museum.

The only problem is that of the two Heralds sent to investigate only one came back — bloody, crying, and absolutely terrified.

He could only repeat a single word – “Mirror!”

(The DND Mini-campaign (two-three shot) will follow the story of adventurers hired to retrieve the missing Herald and uncover the grisly truth of the manor! If an owner of one of the below designs decides to join, they’ll have a unique hook and story element to bring them into the campaign. Sign ups are via our discord and will start after the sale.)


About the Aetherverse
The Aetherverse is a fantasy setting created by Alkemistry for use of my character designs by owners of them! Using the setting is entirely optional.
More about the Aetherverse can be found here for those interested!


- 1: The Footman -October 13th
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species: Manu (Magic-Infused Humans) (Lore here! )
Tier: ★

Three years ago, a group of bandits from Iron Harbor were hired to retrieve an antique mirror from The House of Solace. They were well supplied, organized, and paid a hefty price – all for what seemed like a straightforward and easy job. Originally, this manu was one of these bandits. Sent ahead as a scout, he entered the estate and returned three nights later --- but was never quite the same. 

Gone was the heavy drinking, chain-smoking, and foul mouthed criminal.  Now, the scout was mild-mannered, always smiling, and quick to help his fellows. When questioned he insisted, quite strangely, that he was a footman in employ to the lord of the manor,  Sir Havencourt and simply wanted them to feel welcome. At times, he had lucid moments wherein he remembered who he was -- and this made the other bandits feel certain it was all a prank. Yet.... rumors spread that the manor’s old, long-dead footman was once a Capry serial killer in hiding, the infamous “Butcher of Myrrh”.

Strange then, that in the dark of night – a capry’s horns appeared like a ghost behind this bandit’s head. 

Price: $450

Claimed by: curiotea

- 2: The Apprentice-October 16th
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species: Capry (Lore here! )
Tier: ★

When the House of Solace was being built, many artisans were hired to work alongside the construction crew – for enticingly large sums of money. A young painter, fresh from school and still bright eyed arrived a little too late. Standing on the steps, with nothing but her paint supplies and a dream, she begged for a chance to showcase her talent.  One of the seven Daimons, or as they were called at the time, Lords and Ladies of the Manor — took pity on the painter and allowed her to stay as their apprentice and their warlock. 

For years, she studied beneath her patron and honed her craft. She hand painted the tiles around the fireplace and the plates gifted to Lord Havencourt and his bride on the day of their engagement. She dreamed that one day, these display pieces would be her ticket to painting fine porcelains for King Faulk himself – as he was known to have visited the Manor in it’s hayday. But that dream would never come to pass — and she remains in the manor to this day, locked in her study, forever painting in hopes of reaching perfection.

After falling prey to one of the Cook's rampages, her patron replaced a few missing parts with magical paints. 

Price: $450

Claimed by: Tenn-10

- 3: The Scholar -October 18th
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species: Manu (Magic-Infused Humans) (Lore here! )
Tier: ★

Years ago, the Acadaemia held close ties with the House of Solace. Sometimes, students would even spend their summers picking up extra credit by working in the manor on their joint conservation efforts. This young mage was one such student and when they graduated, they were quick to jump at a chance to be employed by the manor full time. 

When they were told that unfortunately, no such position remained open — the acolyte pleaded with Lord Havencourt and agreed to pledge their loyalty to one of the daimons of the manor.  Now, in exchange for room and board, they tend to the manor's library and assist the governess in her neverending duties.  Shy, withdrawn, and prone to appearing suddenly behind people with little to no sound --- they often come across as creepy. 

Still, they’re well-loved – as they use their patron’s gift of magical, shadow-y tattoos to protect unwary visitors from harm. 

Price: $450

Claimed by: the-happy-emo-tree

- 4: The Groundskeeper -October 20th
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species:   Daimon (Rising Sovereign) (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★

This Sovereign was created late into the manor’s existence, after Lord Havencourt grew tired of having to replace the mortal groundskeepers every century or so. He is not purely of Havencourt’s making — as a more nature-based daimon threw in a syllable in exchange for clippings of a few rare plants.  

As an outward facing servant, expected to have contact with the nearby villagers, repairmen,and other visitors, he was crafted to be more human-like. However, the mirror’s influence and the occasional violent scuffle with other manor inhabitants has worn at that mortal facade. Although still a gentle giant, he no longer looks like an ordinary, kindly gardener but rather something a bit more frightening. Forever loyal, his Fuzzly has attempted to match its master in looks.

Unlike other members of staff, he is usually safe to be around – so long as one meets him in the warm light of day, while his thirsty flowers are sleeping.

Price: $650

Claimed by: wriven


- 5: The Cook -October 23rd
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species: Daimon (Rising Sovereign) (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★

This Sovereign was made in tandem with the Scully Maids and both beings see eachother as siblings of a sort. For centuries, this daimon manned the kitchens and artfully created meals to satisfy both the palates of daimons and their mortal warlocks. They never enjoyed leaving the kitchen when guests were visiting the manor – as they're sensitive to sharp noises and people screaming in fear gives them a headache.  Such are the woes of being a more monstrous daimon. 

While they were once simply a stern and efficient creature  -- the mirror has preyed on their morbid curiosity and hunger -- making them a danger to weaker inhabitants of the manor and prone to killing unwary guests.  The best way to stay safe near the kitchens is to befriend the scully maids or stay very, very quiet. 

Watch out for Fuzzlies that look like food – as they will happily tattle to their master, The Cook.

Price: $650

Claimed by MadamexHatter

- 6: The Governess -October 25th
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species:   Daimon (Rising Sovereign) (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★

Once a high-ranking member of Fate’s court, this Daimon was created in remembrance of a mortal’s gift to her ascendent — a framed, deathhead’s moth. After the war, she was forced to flee and suffered a great loss of her powers, as all Fate daimons at the time did. For a while, she grieved the loss of her once-home and took refuge in Atophos’ court — serving him alongside the then young, Lord Havencourt. 

When Havencourt left to continue Atophos’ edict of preservation, she chose to follow him despite the danger. She was drawn to the manor’s conservation efforts and cares greatly for keeping track of mortal history.  Her fondness for mortals has grown over time– believing that her former Ascendant would have chosen forgiveness over hate.  Her main job is to teach newly created Servitors and mortal servants about history and the manor’s efforts to preserve it.

She sleeps often – as a result of having no Ascendent to draw power from – and has only recently begun to regain her strength. This daimon is followed constantly by a trio of alphabet block Fuzzlies. 

Price: $650

Claimed by: Noctling


- 7: The Warlock -October 27th
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species:  Caelha (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★

Most of the Caelha who manage to escape the clutches of the Faction and their Inquisition choose to take up residence in The Frontier of Cyne. It was by pure accident that this Caelha ended up in Fable – as the passenger ship he stowed away on, ended up making an emergency stop in Myrrth. Caught during said stop and kicked off the ship, he was stranded in the city but decided to stay – captivated by the beautiful fall colors. 

He would come to find the manor by pure chance, while out adventuring. By this time, it had already fallen into disrepair but he was brave and curious.  And unlike most guests -- he not only survived his encounter with the cursed House of Solace but managed to befriend one of the captive Lords of the manor. They saw the strength he’d accumulated by being a laborer in one of Concordia’s many factories – and found good use for it. Now, he serves his patron by protecting the weaker inhabitants of the Manor from the those who have lost themselves to the mirror's curse. 

...Does his Fuzzly have a gun? Or is that a toy? No one knows.

Price: $650

Claimed by: Oscorix

- 8: The Scully Maids  -October 31st

Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species:  Daimon  (Setting Sovereign) (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★★

Working alongside a score of mortal maids, is one daimon that does the work of two. The Scully Maids were made along The Cook and served as the point of contact between the kitchen and the rest of staff.  Although they consider themselves to be one entity, others often get confused by their different voices and habit of gossiping outloud to one another as they work. Despite the fact that their outer limbs are made of stained, crystalline glass – the maids are quite sturdy and strong. In the case of one breaking, they were made with modular parts for easy replacement. 

Half because of their sibling-like relationship and half because the Cook is a little afraid of them, they have never been attacked when entering the kitchens. They’ve used this fact to sneak food to lost visitors and the manor inhabitants that still need to eat.  For the most part, they have been able to resist the mirror’s curse and maintain a bubbly, cheery persona.  …But, those who disrespect any of the staff might find themselves “accidentally” led to the kitchens. 

Both their fyrdrake companion and their fuzzly match, as all pets should! They go with the Scully Maids' favorite Vacivian tea-set.

Price: $850

Claimed by: @Vespernovae

- 9: The Master of Hounds-November 3rd

Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Daimon  (Setting Sovereign) (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★★

In the early days, when tensions were still high between the mortal ilk and daimonkind — Lord Havencroft employed hounds to guard The House of Solace. They were imported, on recommendation from The Governess, and bred by a particular coven not far from Medeas. This daimon was created in memory of the first of these hounds – and crafted in it’s image.  He is a tall, looming sort of man and prone to making statements with his attire. 

Although he is a close friend to Lord Havencourt, he enjoys vexing him more than anything – as any dog might wish to torment a poor fox.  He smokes his cigars inside the house, tells people that the lord makes him wear the muzzle he willingly employs as a fashion statement, and adorns himself in fox furs – all to annoy his friend. 

When not day drinking, he can be found spoiling the hounds near the kennels. His Fuzzly is always lurking nearby, with it’s matching muzzle.

Price: $850

Claimed by: MadamexHatter

- 10: The Tom Cat -November 7th
Lore by prince-corvidae , art & design by Alkemistry .

Species:  Daimon (Setting Sovereign) (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★★

Every other daimon within the House of Solace was either formally invited or created within the manor grounds – except for The Tomcat.  He simply showed up one day, looking like a scraggly housecat with big, sad eyes. Lady Havencourt couldn’t be swayed from adopting him – even when she was informed that he was actually a daimon.

Although this cat is spoiled rotten and prone to being a brat – he cares deeply for his few chosen friends. So much so that when the mirror first arrived he tried to warn Lord Havencourt of its curse and when that failed, he tried to destroy the mirror by tossing it out a window. This almost resulted in the Tomcat’s expulsion from the house but still he remains --  much to the dismay of his eternal rival, The Master of Hounds.

Most days he can be found basking in the garden, telling tall tales to the Groundskeeper or following the Scully Maids around, gossiping and begging for treats. Or staring morosely at the mirror, waiting for Lady Havencourt to return.

Price: $850

Claimed by: Rare-Imaging

- 11: The Organist -November 10th
Lore by prince-corvidae , art & design by Alkemistry .

Species:  Nebulon (Older Erudita)  (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★★

This poor, tortured musician came to the House of Solace on the very last of his legs. The hunger pulled at his mind, calling him away to the void – and fearful, he begged that Lord Havencourt allow him to stay. He thought that in working to preserve music, both his own and that of the countless musicians of the aether, that he might distract himself from the hunger for a few more decades. 

The nebulon briefly found peace and family within the manor. He spent his days playing the organ in the parlor, enchanting the servants and bringing joy to the household. During the evenings, he’d carefully catalog his works and tend to the musical archives. Then the mirror came – and with it, a familiar calling. 

Exposure to the void's influence left him blind and ravenous with hunger; he now locks himself up in the chapel on the manor grounds and plays continuously  — in hopes of drowning out the whispers of the void.

Price: $850

Claimed by: Rare-Imaging

- 12: The Crystal Keeper-November 14th
Lore by prince-corvidae , art & design by Alkemistry .

Species: Legendary Aetherling (Air/Void Paragon, Essence: Memories)  (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★★★★

This aetherling was  once a renowned author and biographer, known for etching memories into their own crystals. When they heard of Lord Havencourt’s grand library and curio collection, they were enamored and quickly reached out to offer their services to his cause. Once at the House of Solace, they became fast friends with nearly everyone there – and were unofficially named a member of the family, serving as one of the manor’s lords and ladies 

Many suitors and fans came to visit The House of Solace, drawn in by the mysterious author’s delicate looks and soft, downy wings. They wrote poems about the rainbow shimmer caught in the clear glass of their crystals — and fought duels just for a kiss of their pale hand. It was said, they were a paragon in both beauty and power. Some even dare to whisper that in this aetherling's prime, they were a favorite of Sembra's and that the Wind of the Benevolent South mourns them still. 

But when the manor fell into ruin, they too disappeared from public view and gradually their name faded from memory.  Aetherlings are sensitive creatures and so their grief at the tragedies unfolding combined with the mirror’s insidious influence twisted their connection with their essence. Gradually, they came to enjoy the empty halls and lost dreams – losing themselves to the sadness of it all. 

They now spend most of their time in the sunroom, staring blankly out into the gardens. Visitors often mistake them for a lingering spirit -- a perception not at all helped by the tearful fuzzly and wailing mogi that follow in thier wake. 

Note: Buyer chooses gender!

Price: $1,650

Claimed by: sapphireaeronaut

- 13: The Drowned Seigneur -November 17th
Lore by prince-corvidae , art & design by Alkemistry .

Species:  Legandry Daimon (Waxing Elder - Cursed)  (Species Guide ) (Lore here! )

Tier: ★★★★★

The greatest gift a warlock can receive is to be transformed into a daimon in death. It’s a gift rarely given and a symbol of great trust – for far too many a warlock has conspired to kill their patron. The Drowned Seigneur was an exceptional mortal in life and so too, would they be an exceptional daimon in death. 

They were already a powerful mage when they first appeared on The House of Solace’s doorstep – though their gifts did not lie in conventional magics.  Water itself seemed to dance at their command and they spoke with and through all the creatures that swam within it. They came to Lord Havencourt offering their service in exchange for sanctuary. From what, they never clarified. 

Like a soft-spoken siren, they spent their days lounging in the manor’s lake or the cool, clear pool set in the gardens. When the first mirror arrived, they conspired with the Tom Cat to destroy it – distracting Lord Havencourt while the cat committed the deed. When that failed, they stole an enchanted nail from the lord’s office and attempted to drive straight into the center of the mirror – and shatter it. 

But the mirror did not break – it simply shuddered, warping the very fabric of reality within the room. Terrified, they fled, retreating to the familiar safety of the pond – forgetting that the lake’s glassy surface was just as reflective.  The water roiled, voidal tendrils erupting from the surface and dragging them beneath the depths.

Their broken, bloody corpse surfaced three days later. Lord Havencourt could not bear the sight of it and with the mirror whispering promises into his ears — he gifted the drowned manu twenty one syllables and bid them to rise. 

What awoke that night was not right – monstrous and antlered with moons in their eyes. When they saw thier reflection, they fled from Havencourt's side and sunk into the very lake that killed them, emerging nowadays only to feed alongside thier undead pets.

And if you happen to see a haunting figure, pale and pretty by the shore -- remember, daimons are not always bound to one form.

Note: Buyer chooses gender!

Price: $1,650

Claimed by: @Vespernovae

- 14: The Priest -November 21st
Designed by prince-corvidae , art by Alkemistry .

Species:  Legandry Daimon (Waxing Elder - Void-Corrupted)
 Tier: ★★★★★

Long ago, there were not seven Ascendents but nine. Crestfallen was not yet wretched, twisted by chaos and grief.  He was soft-spoken and beautiful, more so than the mortal mind could comprehend – and he was attended to by crane-like daimons who served as his librarians.  This elder daimon was once the head of these attendants and Crestfallen’s favorite – a position he bore with pride. 

But then Crestfallen cracked, shattered by the weight of thousands of mortal memories and emotions — and fell from his place amongst the Ascendants into despair. The elder could not bear to look upon the weeping mess that his god had become and so he severed their connection, losing all but the barest of his powers in the process. For hundreds of years he roamed, purposeless and full of resentment. 

He walked amidst the mortals who had ruined his god and hated them – but stayed silent, hiding behind the disguise of a wandering scholar or minor mage.  Until one day, he came upon a strange ruined village near the edge of the Verge.  The earth was blackened, blighted, and writhed like flesh beneath his feet. For a moment he considered leaving – but then something called him, whispering in many quiet voices. A mirror. 

It offered him revenge – it offered him a purpose.  It would help him make the mortals pay, make them suffer like Crestfallen had suffered, and when it was all over — the world would be undone and remade again. All would be well, the mirror whispered. 

So the daimon bowed his head and pledged himself to the service of the Mirrored God. The experience changed him -- nearly tore him apart -- but he endured, relentless and so the Mirrored God gave him the rarest gift of all. He would not replace the daimon's soul with a voidal as he'd originally planned, nor render him into one of hundreds of shardless in his service. 

Instead, he named him his priest – one of his chosen. If the daimon could only endure a little more, pass a few more trials and tests – then perhaps, someday, he too could become a voidal.

But first, he would be tasked with delivering artifacts of the Mirrored God across the aether. One of which was the Mirror given unto Lord and Lady Havencourt on the night of their engagement. He planted the seeds of sickness that would unravel them and the whole House of Solace — all with a kindly smile on his face. 

Now, a hundred odd years have passed and the time has come to harvest the gathered souls and despair collected within the mirror. At first, he hired and managed bandits to retrieve it – afraid of Lord Havencourt’s wrath and half-lucid daimons trapped within. But the bandits failed -- and so now, he dons the same disguise he first met the lord of the house in and returns to finish the job himself.

Price: $1,650

Claimed by: wriven


Where to Find Me!

Commission Info: kem.carrd.co/

Links: linktr.ee/aethermancy

Art Discord for updates, projects, and commission openings:  discord.gg/72EuRhpYwd

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Comments: 48

Vespernova [2023-10-09 02:17:32 +0000 UTC]

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curiotea [2023-10-09 02:12:39 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to curiotea [2023-10-09 02:14:32 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Essurei [2023-10-09 02:12:32 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Essurei [2023-10-09 02:14:10 +0000 UTC]

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Essurei In reply to Alkemistry [2023-10-09 02:15:26 +0000 UTC]

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Rare-Imaging [2023-10-09 02:12:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Rare-Imaging [2023-10-09 02:13:35 +0000 UTC]

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wriven [2023-10-09 02:11:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to wriven [2023-10-09 02:13:23 +0000 UTC]

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Alkemistry [2023-10-09 02:09:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Essurei [2023-10-09 02:02:23 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Essurei [2023-10-09 02:08:33 +0000 UTC]

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MadamexHatter [2023-10-09 02:01:57 +0000 UTC]

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Alkemistry In reply to MadamexHatter [2023-10-09 02:08:25 +0000 UTC]

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uraumi [2023-10-09 02:01:52 +0000 UTC]

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Alkemistry In reply to uraumi [2023-10-09 02:08:10 +0000 UTC]

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Tenn-10 [2023-10-09 02:00:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Tenn-10 [2023-10-09 02:06:37 +0000 UTC]

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Rare-Imaging [2023-10-09 02:00:05 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Rare-Imaging [2023-10-09 02:05:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MadamexHatter [2023-10-09 02:00:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to MadamexHatter [2023-10-09 02:07:44 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

curiotea [2023-10-09 02:00:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to curiotea [2023-10-09 02:07:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

curiotea In reply to Alkemistry [2023-10-09 02:13:27 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Noctling [2023-10-09 02:00:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Noctling [2023-10-09 02:07:26 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

prince-corvidae [2023-10-09 02:00:03 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to prince-corvidae [2023-10-09 02:04:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

cerys-skies [2023-10-09 02:00:02 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to cerys-skies [2023-10-09 02:03:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sapphireaeronaut [2023-10-09 02:00:01 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to sapphireaeronaut [2023-10-09 02:03:41 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sapphireaeronaut In reply to Alkemistry [2023-10-09 02:04:13 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

wriven [2023-10-09 02:00:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to wriven [2023-10-09 02:03:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

the-happy-emo-tree [2023-10-09 02:00:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to the-happy-emo-tree [2023-10-09 02:01:34 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

the-happy-emo-tree In reply to Alkemistry [2023-10-09 02:01:49 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

Alkemistry In reply to the-happy-emo-tree [2023-10-09 02:02:58 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

the-happy-emo-tree In reply to Alkemistry [2023-10-09 02:03:25 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to the-happy-emo-tree [2023-10-09 02:15:05 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Alkemistry In reply to the-happy-emo-tree [2023-10-09 02:02:06 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Oscorix [2023-10-09 02:00:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Oscorix [2023-10-09 02:01:08 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Vespernova [2023-10-09 02:00:00 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Alkemistry In reply to Vespernova [2023-10-09 02:01:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0