Amanacer-Fiend0 — Open Source: Carthena

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Published: 2020-11-01 23:46:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 7020; Favourites: 43; Downloads: 5
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Description Carthena, The Red-Haired Giantess
Real Name:
Powers: Power via Objects
- The Eye of Argon - A scintillating scarlet emerald embedded in Carthena's upper chest that was the religious artifact of The Cult of Argon. With it attached to her, she gained not only the ability to embody the characteristics and powers of the savage barbarian archetype but also generate from within herself fire & release it from her mouth in the form of Fire Breath and have an unusually strong sexuality.
- Hero Mask of Secret Identity - A plain-black domino mask that, when worn, prevents those around them from knowing who is under the mask. How this works is that this mask creates an aura of Dubiousness and Doubt around the wearer that will cause the average being to not actually recognize or even believe that the wearer before and after wearing the mask are the same person unless the wearer wants it so. Even if you put one photo of the bearer before and one of the bearer after wearing the mask side by side, the average person will say that they don't see the resemblance.
- The Loincloth of Holding - A loincloth that somehow has the power of Dimensional Storage, allowing Carthena the power to brandish and store away items in a pocket dimension.
- Bone Dagger of Rodent Control - A dagger made from the bone of an unusually massive rodent. This weapon allows the bearer to influence and control most forms of Giant Rodents. This allows Carthena the power to have a massive rat as one of her companions before taming it enough to not use the dagger constantly.
First Appearance: The Eye of Argon by Jim Theis (1970)

Carthena, daughter of The Duke of Barwego, whose lands border along the northwestern fringes of the Norgolian city of Gorzom. She was given to Gorzom's evil king, Agaphim, as tribute on the king's 38th birthday and be made as part of his harem. Carthena managed to escape the king's clutches and went into hiding. Though with nowhere to go and all alone in the world, she stayed in Gorzom where she worked as a prostitute for a local tavern, hiding among the thieves and cutthroats that frequent it. However she had been found out after one of her clients, a red-haired barbarian, murdered one of the king's soldiers for interrupting their snogging.

After the barbarian had been arrested, Carthena herself was taken from the tavern and brought to a cell in Agaphim's dungeon. However, acolytes of The Cult of Argon found out about Carthena and killed the guards watching her cell, where they released her and forcefully took her to their secret chamber deep below Agaphim's castle. Where they prepare her as a sacrifice for a ritual to their dark pagan deity under the gaze of a hideous idol representing the heathen god. In it's single eye socket was a scintillating scarlet emerald of great importance to The Cult that seemed to possess a life all of its own. A priceless gleaming stone, capable of domineering the wealth of conquering empires.

The Eye of Argon

However before the cultists could sacrifice the woman to their dark god, the entire chamber started to shake violently. The Cultists believed that Argon was angered by this sacrifice and had no idea how to appease it. The earthquake was so bad that The Eye of Argon was jolted out of the idol's eye socket and fell towards Carthena, both of them falling through a portal that opened from beneath both the woman and the gem. The portal closed, leaving no trace of Carthena and The Cult's precious artifact behind.

As the two fell through the rainbow-colored tunnel, The Eye of Argon touched Carthena's chest, where due to the otherworldly energies in the tunnel, embedded itself into her. At first she felt a searing pain in her upper chest where the gem had buried itself, but that quickly gave way to a feeling of power coursing through her flesh. Her orchid hair turned into a fiery red mane, her deep blue eyes turning into an emerald green, her pale skin becoming bronzed, and her body started to grow as her muscles became very pronounced and her overall size becoming larger by almost a fourth of what she was before. This transformation was as excruciating as it was empowering, so Carthena passed out from the intense pain.

She woke up some time later, finding herself in the middle of a desert with the sun hanging overhead. However, the sky was nothing that Carthena remembered before as it was a collage of nebulae with a sun overhead. She was surprised to see herself having changed from her old self into that of a well-muscled, barbarian woman, if not a bit taller with The Eye of Argon embedded into her upper chest. However due to her increased mass, she could only wear the wrapping around her chest and a loincloth to cover herself along with the sandals she wore before falling into the portal.

Even after this discovery, Carthena realized that she was still all alone in the middle of a desert in some unusual world. So she decided to do the only thing that she could do in this situation, start walking in one direction and prayed to Kalla that she could find civilization before the desert and the dangers within it could end her life.

The red-haired giantess trekked across the desert for what seemed like hours with the sun's heat bearing down upon her. However even after walking for such a period of time, Carthena still had the stamina to continue, barely feeling the effects of fatigue as she pressed on. During this time she had time to think, think about everything that had happen before her present predicament. She pondered that if she were to find civilization in this strange new world, what would she do? The only thing she knew was that she was all alone and the only thing she knew was the life of a prostitute, but her newly empowered form did pose some new possibilities.

Her pondering was cut short as she spotted something in the distance to her left, where she made a slight detour to check it out. When she reached it, she saw that it was some form of weapon: a dagger that was apparently made from a carved, sun-bleached bone. She picked it up and examined it, briefly running a finger along the edge, and indeed the blade was sharp enough to cause her finger to bleed from the cut. This gave Carthena some small semblance of comfort to actually have something to defend herself with if faced against an upcoming threat.

So after storing the dagger in her loincloth for safe keeping, Carthena continued forward on her journey where she reached a rocky area that was noticeably different among the rest of the flat and barren wasteland, with it having a few sparse trees dotting around it to go along the various rock formations. When she reached the area, she sat herself down under the shade of one of the trees. She finally felt the fatigue setting in as she slumped onto the tree's trunk and dozed off into a dreamless sleep. However her sleep didn't last long, as she had awoken to the sound of scratching and movement coming from just beyond the rocks in front of her. She lithely bounded to her feet as she pulled out the bone dagger from her loincloth, ready to attack what could be hiding from her as she heard haggard breathing and monstrous snarling.

The sounds continued for several seconds before until something came into view from behind the large stones. At first she thought that they were some of wolf, but as they exposed themselves from their hiding place, their more monstrous features were made more apparent.

The six creatures shown have the general shape of a normal, wolf-like canine, but each of the beasts have sparse patches of fur that are dotted around a canvas of scarred flesh like they were previously washed over by an inferno. One of them had additional limbs that extend out of their bodies in haphazard ways; One had the front half of a much smaller wolf attached to it's side like a conjoined twin; One having parts of it's flesh on it's body and half the flesh of it's head peeled back to revealed sun-bleached bone; one beast having a distended and dislocated jaw that revealed a long, discolored tongue that had a leech-like mouth on the end as it was dragged across the ground; one beast looked severely malnourished as it's body looked like it hadn't fed in weeks; and the last of the pack looked even more unusual as parts of it's body seemed to be missing entirely, like those parts have gained the power of invisibility while everything else stayed visible, showing the discolored internal parts of the body in grizzly detail.

The wolf with the exposed bones let out a tortured howl as the others began to quickly surround her and began to attack. Each of them tried to leap at her, their jaws ready to sink their teeth into her flesh, but Carthena, as if by instinct, managed to duck and weave to avoid the lunges. She manages to grab the multi-limbed one mid-leap by the neck and swiftly stabbed her bone dagger in the creature's belly, slicing it down to the beast's crotch as it's intestines spilled out. After she threw the creature to one side, the other beasts stopped, looking briefly at their fallen pack mate before looking back at the woman, snarling madly. They resumed their attack again, but this time even fiercer then before, even managing to cut into parts of Carthena's body. The woman had a hard time trying to catch another of the wolves, and the wolves are slowly wearing her down with her constant dodging and the amount of cuts her body was recieving. However she had managed to cut into the wolves with her dagger, inflicting noticeable damage to them and actually crippling the legs of two of them.

Carthena was at the end of her endurance as she was still surrounded by the remaining wolves, parts of her body having multiple cuts scattered about. However salvation finally came for her, but not in the way she expected. As the wolf with the exposed bones made a final leap towards Carthena, however in mid leap, something fell from the sky and ontop of the wolf, forcing it to the ground with a loud audible crunch as the being stood ontop of the wolf's collapsed midsection. Carthena though that it was human at first, but after looking more closely, she wasn't so sure. This strange being looked like a teenage girl with stringy red hair, wearing some form of orange and black, full body garment that completely covered her body with a flowing blue cape and pair of blue gloves on her hands. It's face put Carthena on edge as the skin was a sickly green color, it's lips were shriveled up to reveal it's teeth, and it's eyes were an unearthly green color that seemed to glow ominously. In it's right hand was some form of polearm, a wooden handle with a circular saw-like blade for the actual head that was made from a Do Not Enter street sign.

The being turned around to face the other wolves, it's hands started to glow the same unearthly green color as the energy traveled up the polearm and around the blade. One of the wolves snarled towards the being, but the being let out an even fiercer snarl as it's weapon, hands and eyes flared up with energy. The wolves were silent for several seconds, before one by one, they backed off and retreated back to beyond to the rocks.

The being visibly relaxed as it's energy dissipated, it turned back around to face Carthena, having a curious but worried expression on it's disfigured face.

"Beeg Lay-dee Ohh-kay?" It asked, it's voice showing that she was not exactly the brightest bulb in the box, but also genuinely concerned.

Carthena was silent for several seconds, trying to get a gauge on this creature that saved her. Cautiously, she answered as she sheathed her dagger back into her loincloth, "I doth believe I am no worse for wear. Verily, I doth appreciate thou coming to my aid."

The being tipped it's head to one side as it blinked in confusion. It simply pointed towards her and said, "Yew tahk fun-ee."

Carthena made a small smile, "As do thou, miss..."

The being straightened her neck and smiled, pointing her thumb to her chest and replying, "Me am Rayd-ia ! Me am soo-purr ee-row!" She then held up her polearm and pointed towards it, "Ann this me friend, Shawn !"

Carthena looked at Radia in confusion for a few silent seconds, but she replied back, "I am Carthena, daughter of Minkardos, The Duke of Barwego."

Radia scrunched her face as she repeated back, "Car-thee-nah?" She hummed as she pondered for several seconds before her eyes went wide and pointed to her, "Car-thee!"

Carthena was about to correct her, but decided against it, seeing that it'll take some time for Radia to get it right. However she started to feel somewhat lightheaded, holding her head as she felt dizzy, possibly from some of the blood loss she received. Radia looked scared at first, "Car-thee?" she asked with a concerned tone.

Shaking her head and regaining her composure and balance, Carthena lowered her arm. "Dost thou know where I could recieve some medical attention, I believe I am in need of some."

Radia was about to say something, but she stopped as she held up "Shawn" to her ear, "Shawn?" She asked, falling silent for a few seconds, apparently listening to what her weapon was saying before nodding her head, "Okay." She looked back at Carthena, "Shawn sayz we take yew to town! Thair yew get bettah!"

Carthena felt herself getting lightheaded again before asking Radia, "It be not that far from here?"

Radia nodded her head rapidly before holding out her weapon, "Hold Shawn!" she said, which while confused, Carthena did comply, holding the polearm in her hands as Radia went behind her.

"What art thou doing, Radia?" Carthena asked.

She heard Radia giggle before responding happily, "We fly!" before wrapping her arms around Carthena's torso under the arms.

"Fly!?" the barbarian woman blurted, which she got her answer as she felt herself get lifted off of the ground and actually start rising in the air by almost 30 feet.

"Dear Kalla!" Carthena shouted in surprise, and she heard from Radia was, "Hang on!" before the two darted in one direction, flying over the rugged terrain at a quick speed with Carthena frightened by the height that they were at as she had a death grip on Shawn.

This was the start of a brand new adventure for the daughter of Minkardos, where many perils, many enemies and many allies await her, and a new life grander then she had ever imagined unfolded before her."---)

Main Article: Sargasso, The Ever-Changing City

Ever since I learned that The Eye of Argon is public domain, I just HAD to use some of the characters for Sargasso. So to do this, I decided to do a different twist to the original story because someone already did a re-write to make it better written. I'm still thinking about how to add TEoA's protagonist, Grignr, to Sargasso, but time will tell if I actually think of something. Sorry that I haven't gotten into detail about what happened afterwords, but I think it would be best if you guys write your own scenario about what happens.  

This character was made using Hero Machine 3.

This version of Jim Theis' Carthena is an open source character created specifically for use by anyone. Feel free to use it any way you wish. You must also give creator credit.

The image is copyright AFD Studios/heromachine.com and is posted here as a fair use reference.
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JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2023-05-28 21:59:17 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2023-05-28 22:01:01 +0000 UTC]

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D3AD-MAD-HATT3R [2021-05-23 19:13:44 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to D3AD-MAD-HATT3R [2021-05-23 19:40:52 +0000 UTC]

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JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2021-05-15 23:26:03 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2021-05-16 12:07:00 +0000 UTC]

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TheeArtist85 [2020-12-14 19:26:11 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to TheeArtist85 [2020-12-14 19:33:17 +0000 UTC]

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JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2020-11-02 04:37:54 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2020-11-02 14:33:21 +0000 UTC]

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WOLFBLADE111 [2020-11-02 01:52:44 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2020-11-02 13:20:29 +0000 UTC]

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JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST In reply to Amanacer-Fiend0 [2021-05-15 20:51:14 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to JRTHEDEVIANTARTIST [2021-05-15 21:34:40 +0000 UTC]

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Amanacer-Fiend0 In reply to WOLFBLADE111 [2020-11-02 14:51:52 +0000 UTC]

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