amandao90 — Will Of Fire Chap 11

Published: 2010-05-04 04:01:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1002; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 4
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Description Neji was the first one at the gate. While he was waiting used his byakugan he could see Naruto and Sasuke coming  from the right and Shikamaru from the left.

Shikamaru arrived next then Sasuke and Naruto.

Shikamaru: show me your packs.

They all opened their packs to see scrolls kunai, shuriken , paper bombs and a few more items.

Shikamaru: Sasuke I want you as leader that sharingan of yours is useful for frontal assault. Then I want Naruto second since you can make many shadow clones to distract the enemy, if fall into an ambush.
I'll be behind you that way I can use my shadow jutsu to stop you or help you and neji with that byakugan I want you last since you can see behind us.

Sasuke: Okay I got it

Naruto: alright lets go already

Neji: Slow down Naruto!

Shikamaru: yea he right Naruto just hold your horses, im captain remember

Naruto: fine im just worried about how kankuro is doing

Sasuke: you dummy, you're always the same on every mission we go on.

Naruto: just shut up

Naruto crossed his arms and pouted

Shikamaru:  how do think I feel? It's Temari's brother plus Temari is pregnant and I didn't tell her about this mission. I'm going to meet her in the sand village.

Neji: so see your not the only one that is worried

Naruto: fine can we just hurry and go?

Shikamaru: yeah were ready so let's head out!

**** At the Hyuuga mansion**

**Knock Knock**

Hiashi: come in

Hinata walks in holding minato and Kiseki .

Tenten: awww Kiseki is so cute she looks just like you when you were little with a hint of Naruto in her.

Hinata: thanks, but minato is just like him.  He's hyper and loud.

Hiashi: can I hold kiseki?

Hinata hands Hiashi kiseki.

Hiashi: wow I'm having memories of when you were little.

Tenten: awww so cute I can't wait to see our twins.

Just then the door slide open and Hanabi walks in the room

Hanabi: awww there's my cute niece and nephew.

Hinata hands minato to hanabi.

Hanabi: I'm so glad you chose Naruto. You two make such cute babies I'm so jealous. I want one too.

Hinata starts blushing.

Hiashi: like hell you do! u aren't dating till your 30

Hinata: Hiashi-Sama,

Hinata and hanabi start giggling.

** At the Uchiha house**

Sakura is feeding Hinome with a bottle. When she hears a light knock on the door.

While holding Hinome she answers to door and sees iruka standing with shomei on his hip.

Sakura: awww shomei did you knock on the door

Shomei smiled real big and in a squeaky cheery voice

Shomei: yes, um can me and daddy-iruka want to watch Hinome?

Sakura: is that alright iruka-sensei?

Iruka: yea it will be fun

Sakura: alright that sounds good, I need to go see mast.. I mean Lady Hokage.

Iruka: okay well hand him over and you can go take a break

Iruka sat shomei down and sakura handed him Hinome. Sakura kissed hinome's cheek

Sakura: mommy loves you and I'll see you soon

Shomei waves bye to sakura

While walking home iruka is holding shomei's hand and holding Hinome in his arms when shomei looks at him and asks

Shomei: daddy-iruka, when is Kakashi-daddy going to be back?

Iruka: hopefully in a few days? Why aren't you having fun with me?

Shomei: yeah but Kakashi-daddy plays ball and ninja with me.

Iruka stopped walked and and his eyes opened wide

Iruka: he plays what with you??

Shomei: ninja, he gave me a paper kunai and shuriken and I throw them at him and hit him and he laughs and tickles my tummy.

Iruka: so this is what you two do when im at work?

Shomei: it's so much fun I love Kakashi-daddy and you too daddy-iruka.

Iruka: so who is the favorite?

Shomei looks around

Shomei: Hinome is my favorite today. Hehe

Then she starts giggling and iruka laughs with her.

Shomei starts walking then bumps into a guy in green spandex

Shomei looks up

Gai: well if it isn't my rival's daughter shomei. That's just like him to make beautiful babies.

Shomei: im not a baby im a big girl uncle gai.

Gai: so where is Kakashi?

Iruka : he is on a mission so me and shomei are visiting everyone and we even have Hinome with us.

Gai: yup that kid is going to have those great eyes like his daddy and Kakashi.

Iruka: yup since he is an Uchiha after all.
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