AMCAlmaron — The Bunker - Dragons Unite
Published: 2018-12-10 09:09:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 974; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description    The roof of the bunker shook, causing small amounts of dust and plaster to fall down upon Prince Taxid, waiting far below the surface as the Battle for Warfang raged above. Though faint, he could hear the rattling of assault rifles, the explosions of bombs and missiles, and the roars of whatever horrors Malefor had sent to the walls of the city.
   Taxid paced back and forth, his jaw clenched tight from anxiety. His father, the King, had yet to return to the safety of their bunker, located beneath the ancient Warfang Palace. The complex had survived wars like this before; it had been occupied by Napoleon’s forces as the Holy Roman Empire fell, and swastikas had flown from its flagpoles when the Drachenführer’s armies had forced their way inside during the Second World War. Each time, their foes had been vanquished, and the white and gold banner of the Kingdom of Avalar had been restored to its rightful position above the palace walls...until now.

   The bunker itself was a depressing maze of gray rooms, illuminated by dim, flickering lights which threw the halls into darkness whenever the power was disrupted. It was torture, being forced to sit in this bunker and hide, all the while hearing the sobbing of frightened aides and servants. Some murmured to each other, fearful for their friends and their families on the surface; others were pacing much like Taxid, while a handful of others had gathered in a small circle and were making prayers to every dragon god they could think of.
   Turning a corner, Taxid slipped through a door into his private sleeping quarters, where his beloved wife lay curled upon their bed, nursing her egg-heavy belly with a talon.
   "You're back!" Rose said, perking up as he entered. "Did they have anything to tell you?"
   "No, nothing new from the Generals or my father." Taxid sighed, joining her on the bed. "I should have just stayed with you."
   "You wouldn't have relaxed." Rose said, stroking his side lovingly. "Not until you'd found out for yourself."
   "I suppose." Taxid smiled, nuzzling her back. "I just...I feel useless down here."
   "You're not useless." Rose said, her voice soothing. "Your wife needs you here. That's your job." she added, a playful tone to her voice.
   "I know, I know," Taxid said, as Rose burrowed into his side, "but you know what I mean. Everyone's doing this to protect...us."
   "And everyone in the palace." Rose pointed out.
   "But they're only here because of us, too!" Taxid said. "And when this is all over, what will they say? That people fought and died bravely, while his royal lordship cowered in a cave like the spoiled brat he is." he bitterly finished.
   "Stop that." Rose said, raising her head. "Taxid, I mean it."
   "My father's out there right now, and I-"
   "Hush, my love." Rose said, nuzzling his cheek. "You're doing all you can-"
   "And it's not enough!" Taxid interrupted, his eyes wet. "I'm just as useless now as I was when I was a rotten little hatchling! How can I hope to ever be King if I can't follow his example?"
   "Tax', listen to me. Your father is up there because that's where he's needed." Rose insisted. "He's the King, not you. It's his job to lead in this time, not yours."
   "But I could help him..." Taxid weakly added.
   "You're helping him now by letting him know you're safe." Rose said, nuzzling him again. "How would he focus if he was worrying about his only child and what might happen to him?"
   Taxid sighed. She was right.
   "This doesn't make you any less of a dragon, my love." she said, holding his foreclaw in her own. "You'll be a great King some day. Just think how far you've come...you're not the dragon you once were, and everybody knows it."
   Taxid shut his eyes. "I'm sure there are plenty who still think of me as that uppity little snot of a dragon who thought he was better than everyone else, when he could barely even read." he grumbled.
   "I don't remember ever meeting him." Rose said. "I just remember the timid and polite young dragon, who always worked so hard to overcome his shortcomings, and fought his own adorable shyness to ask me to dance with him."
   Taxid smiled. "And I still remember the beautiful young dragoness who was so kind as to step forwards and offer me her talon. It's a shame that neither of us had a clue how to dance, though." he added, chuckling.
   Rose laughed as well. "It was still perfect. I'd never had so much fun in my life! And I've known ever since then that you've got a good heart. The fact that you're worrying even now proves it, Taxid. You're going to be one of Avalar's best Kings one day, if not the best! And a great father," she added, looking at her side.
   Taxid smiled, putting his foreclaw against Rose's egg-heavy belly. "I'll settle for being an okay King, just as long as you're there with me through it all."
   "And I shall." Rose said, nuzzling him again. "I love you."

Their moment of intimacy was cut short by a sudden, frantic banging on the door.
   "Your Highness, are you in there?" a voice called. "Please, it's important!"
   "Yes, I am!" Taxid responded, getting to his feet. "Come in, please."
   The door opened to reveal Lieutenant Sol, panting as he caught his breath. "Your Highness, you must come at once-"
   "What's happened?" Taxid asked, already fearing the response.
   "It's...it's your father! He's on the radio now, calling for you!"
   Taxid's legs had started moving long before the young soldier finished talking, and he rushed past him and into the hall, where he saw his mother standing in the doorway of her own chambers. Their eyes met for a moment, and then, without a word, the two began running down the corridors towards the bunker's communications centre. Outside the room, a small crowd of dragons had amassed, hoping to hear something, anything at all that might give them some idea as to what was happening on the surface.
   "Lacia? Taxid?" Gether's voice echoed from inside, distorted and cracked. "Please, answer me! Tell me you're there!"
   "Please, let me through, let me through!" Taxid said, forcing his way past the assembled dragons. "Father! I'm here!" he called, catching sight of the dragon operating the radio.
   "They're here now, your Majesty!" the operator said, leaping out of his seat upon sight of Taxid, and pointing towards the microphone.
   "Father, we hear you!" Taxid said, moving towards the radio equipment, and he heard a sigh of relief in response.  
   "What is the meaning of all this, Gether?" Lacia said, making her way to Taxid's side. "Surely you must have some good news for us."
   "I'm afraid I don't, my darling." Gether sighed. "Malefor's forces have overcome our defences. The city itself is holding, but it won't be long before the Palace falls to them."
   "Then what are you doing?" Lacia shrilled. "Get to the bunker at once!"
   "There's...there's no time, my love." Gether's voice continued. "I'm so sorry."
   Taxid felt his whole body go rigid, as if he'd been stabbed. Surely he must have heard that wrong? His father couldn't have said what he'd just said!
   "No..." Lacia croaked, and Taxid had to turn away when he saw that she was crying. "Gether, you can't leave us like this." she pleaded. "Not like this."
   "It's not the end," Gether continued, his voice more confident. "Have faith in me, and I'll hope that I'll see your faces again before this day is through."
   "Father?" Taxid managed to say, his voice unsteady.
   "Taxid, my child..." Gether replied, his voice proud. "My brave, wonderful son-"
   "Don't talk that way, father, please-"
   "I just need you to know," Gether continued, the connection starting to become distorted, "in case this is the last time we ever speak to one another, that I'm sorry for how...how distant I was when you were younger. I love you, my boy, and I was wrong to ever think you weren't fit to rule."
   "Father!" Taxid wailed, but his father paid his words no heed.
   "I, Gether of the House Lucien," he intoned, "King of Avalar, do hereby name my one and only son Taxid-"
   "Gether!" Lacia cried.
   "-as King of Avalar, from this day forth, until such-" There was a final burst of static, and the radio fell silent.
   "No!" Taxid screamed. It took a few moments for the reality to sink in, as the dead rasping fuzz of the radio signalled the worst. His legs gave out from under him and he slumped onto the desk, burying his face under his paws as he wept openly and loudly, not caring about his composure or appearance, as his mother, the soldiers, and the staff silently watched and internalized the horrific reality around them. The King was dead...long live the King.
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