AmiastheDemon1211 — Vendetta, The Interdimensional Sustainer

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Description Character No. ???

Name: Vendetta Odalis Tamsu

Nickname: The True Creator, The Divine Conduit,

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Alter Ego: Amias Zencoto Juoda (middle and last name may also be Zalgen Nicholas)

Vendetta is one of the protagonists in Dull Eyes, even though not being seen until later on. He has a black coat, long grey pants, and a grey shirt underneath his coat. His skin is very pale, even close to being completely white as a skeleton. Vendetta has black eyes with red pupils, blue hair, and blue boots. He has another form though. This form is what he calls “Bansheon”, which is a ghost eeveelution. His Bansheon form looks similar of a Flareon, but his ears are blue wisps and his fur is black. Some other parts of his Bansheon form are blue as well. His eyes have slits while also being black with red pupils. Vendetta has a few personalities, such as being cold and emotionless, or excited and kind, to disgusting, weird, and psychotic. He will not hesitate to retaliate against others if he has to. Vendetta likes churros, cinnamon pretzels, the color black, drawing, reading, ice cream sandwiches, ice cream in general, seeing people suffer when they deserve it, helping others, and black flowers. He also loves being in the shadows and the night. Vendetta strongly dislikes it when people suffer, when people trash-talk him or his friends/relatives, being interrupted, absolutely hates his parents, people who decide to disturb the peace and cause chaos, and any kind of criminals, serial killers, pedophiles, etc.

Vendetta is a being that comes from an inaccessible realm only known as “The True Timeline”. He is the very first and original concept of Amias. Unlike the Gamma and Final Timeline, he was born as a normal boy like the Original and Beta Timelines. His original name was of course, Amias. Although, instead of being made fun of for being a conduit like in the Original, Beta, Gamma, and Final Timelines, he was abused and made fun of for his interests, appearances, and behavior. Amias never really dressed himself properly, usually wearing things that never matched, and was a bit rebellious. Because of these factors, everyone made fun of him or beat him up. Even his parents said that they were happy before he was born, and told Amias every single chance they got. This obviously damaged his mental health a lot. The only people he could count on were his two siblings, Alan and Mariah. They were the only two who never made fun of him, nor ever bullied him. When Amias was 10, his mother told him to leave the house and never come back, claiming that she was fed up with his behavior and saying that because of him, her reputation was ruined. Amias was understandably angry and protested, saying that just because of the smallest things he’s done, it never meant she had to abandon him and throw him out on the streets. Amias also yelled that both her and his father were horrible parents, and that they’re the reason that he’s like this, that and all of the bullying he had endured. And then, he said something he never thought he would say. Amias said that he wished they were dead. His mother finally had enough when his dad walked in and began to hit Amias with a belt. Suddenly, out of impulse, Amias punched the both of them in the gut and kicked them down. Immediately, both his father and mother told him to get out. While all three were arguing, Alan and Mariah heard they commotion and saw everything, even seeing Amias fight back. When Amias, his mother, and his father realized, Amias knew that he was in for a lot of trouble. However, instead of yelling at Amias for hurting them, they instead retaliated against their own parents. Then the parents came to a tough decision and kicked all three of them out. Alan and Mariah were stunned, but just ran out, crying. Amias was infuriated and yelled out that they would pay for their sins before running out as well. For about 1 year, they had to survive in the woods through the frigid and horrible conditions outside. Amias figured that things couldn’t get much worse, but he was wrong. One day, a bunch of wild animals attacked Amias and his siblings. Oddly enough, Amias found a sword on the ground and used it to fight back but is ultimately taken down. And then as the predators were about to finish off Amias, Alan and Mariah had stepped in and taken the blow for him. And then, they were eventually mutilated and killed. Amias found that only Mariah was alive and came to her. She said that she was sorry before losing consciousness and dying. Amias then cried and cried... Suddenly, he got up and roared in rage. A strange purple and black stone appeared and unleashed an unknown energy into him. And then, Amias went on a rampage and killed many of the wild animals before scaring the last remaining ones off. By then, Amias’ mental health had been severely deteriorated, and he could not bare to go on any further. Amias, yearning to escape his past, changed his name to Vendetta. Upon changing his name, his appearance had changed a bit. Vendetta then went up to the dead animals and used their coats of fur to make himself a coat. And so, Vendetta just walked and walked and walked until he reached the town. Some people recognized him and immediately started to poke fun at him. However, Vendetta was not having it and shot an electric bolt at one of them. Although it did not kill them, it was very painful. Vendetta said that it was a warning shot and he would not hesitate to shoot them as well. Later, Vendetta went to his old home and killed his parents, believing that it was because of them that he’s like this. This resulted in Vendetta needing to go to a homeless shelter. He only sat down on a bench and did nothing. He didn’t eat, sleep, move, or drink anything. One day, a boy named Hunter found Vendetta and convinced him to stay at his house. Vendetta had a harsh time trying to adjust to his new life, but eventually, he grew to understand that not everyone is corrupted as he thought they were. Not only that, but Vendetta became Hunter’s brother as well. Eventually, Vendetta realized that he had a lot more powers than he thought. He even realized that he could control Zero Point Energy as well as obtaining Quantum Manipulation. When Vendetta turned 18, he had enough power to bring his biological siblings back to life. He now resides in his house with his new family.

Alternate Bio:

Vendetta was originally known as Amias, a kind and gentle being who never hesitated to help others in need... However... due to everything that has happened to him throughout his life.. Amias was extremely shattered, torn down by the negativity that he never wanted to affect him, but it did anyway. No matter how much he tried, there would always be something to break him down and destroy him. Finally, Amias had enough and his personality changed as he himself began to grow twisted from the negativity. If negativity were to ever affect him, he’d start to lose it and turn to his psychotic personality. Eventually, a few other personalities began to build on him, such as being cold and emotionless, weird and disgusting, as well as serious and tough, the list goes on. When he could take it no longer and changed himself to ‘Vendetta’ as he found his past self weak and sensitive. While he has drastically changed throughout, Vendetta is still a lot like his past self, being the kind type, but piss him off, and it’s a death wish....

Previous Versions of Vendetta:

-Quantumkinesis (The user is able to manipulate quantum physics, a branch of physics that explains the behavior of matter and its interactions with energy on the scale of atoms and subatomic particles. With quantum manipulation, the user is able to enter parallel universes or bubble universes, multiverses and alternate realities, open portals via vortices and boomtubes, dimensional voids and open wormholes and survive a black hole. They are also able to enter different timelines/realities/dimensions and manipulate matter at the smallest level.);

-Zero-Point Energy Manipulation (The user is able to create, shape and manipulate Zero-Point Energy, the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical physical system may have; i.e. the vibrational energy retained by molecules even at a temperature of absolute zero.);

-Zero-Point Energy Generation (The user is able to generate zero-point energy, the lowest possible energy of a quantum mechanical physical system.);

-Negative Zone Creation (The user is able to create an area where things differ from normal state. Land can be affected as well as people, objects and animals.);

-Negative Emotion Empowerment (The user becomes stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by a quintessential negative emotions, such as anger, hatred, sadness, envy, depression, arguments, fear, etc. of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing their existing powers. Some users may be able to draw sustenance from the negative emotions or even slow or stop aging.);

-Negative Forces Manipulation (The user is able to manipulate all forms of negativity, physical and spiritual negativity, including Anti-matter, Nothingness, Demonic forces, Destruction, etc.);

-Immortality Negation (The user is able to negate immortality of others.)

-Age Acceleration (The user is able to accelerate the age of themselves and others/objects with varying speeds/rates, as in age 2 years in one year, 5 in 3 years or even 10 years in a day. The user is also able to make the aging automatic, so the victim ages at a rapid rate. If used offensively, the user can make beings and objects age to death, leaving nothing but dust. Because everything is subject to aging, this power could be used to destroy everything. The target may also be aged mentally to the senility. Alternatively, the user could make others who wish to be older (like a kid who wishes to be a teenager and a teenager who wishes to be an adult) but unless the user can reverse the process, the changes are permanent.);

-Healing Factor Nullification (The user is able to negate the healing factors of other beings and essentially render others more vulnerable to damage. Users who deal lethal attacks to others will place their victims in critical conditions due to the victim's body being unable to heal the damage.);

-Power Negation (The user can cancel out the powers of others or weaken their effects, making them unable to utilize their powers as long as they are under the user's focus/area. This protects the user from harmful attacks, and even possible undo the simulating-passive alternation powers of an opponent, in turn making them powerless. This can be in a form a nullification zone, a wave, continuous or one-time effect.);

-Omnislayer (The user can kill any being/destroy and slaughter entire races of even the most powerful entities. Users of this power have an unquenchable desire to kill and power which allows them to massacre beings who were previously thought to be unstoppable.);

-Asterokinesis (The user can create, shape and manipulate cosmic energies to produce nearly any effect they desire, including the molecular restructuring and transmutation of matter, the manipulation of matter across space and time, the creation of force fields, the creation of inter-dimensional portals and vortices, telekinesis, and cosmic awareness. The user is able to call upon the comets, meteors, asteroids, moons, planets, stars, nebula, neutron stars, quasars, black holes, white holes, and dark matter. They can generate stellar winds, solar flares, cosmic storms and invoke meteor showers.);

-Astroremkinesis (The user is able to create, shape and manipulate celestial/astronomical objects, such as comets, meteors, asteroids, planets, stars, constellations, moons, nebulas, galaxies, black holes, etc.);

-Antikinesis (The user can create, shape and manipulate antimatter, a material composed of antiparticles, which have the same mass as particles of ordinary matter but also opposite charges, as well as other particle properties such as lepton and baryon numbers and quantum spin. Collisions between particles and antiparticles lead to the annihilation of both, giving rise to variable proportions of intense photons (gamma rays), neutrinos, and less massive particle-antiparticle pairs. The total consequence of annihilation is a release of energy available for work, proportional to the total matter and antimatter mass.);

-Acido-Pyrokinesis (The user can create, shape and manipulate acid fire, whether separately or combined as both acid and fire simultaneously. Using and manipulating acidic fire will make the victims suffer devastatingly, causing more intense burning, causticity, and enhanced fumes with fiery effects, automatically being fatal, especially when the fumes are breathed in.)

-Fatumkinesis (The user is able to perceive, shape and manipulate destiny allowing them to affect reality in several ways both overt and hidden. Many users have an object that is physical manifestation of this power, common forms being Book or Spindle and a cutting tool.);

-Essokinesis (The user can create, shape and manipulate reality just by thinking about it; while weaker users are limited to what is already considered "real", stronger ones can make changes from nothing. Depending on the power of a reality warper, they may alter something as tangible as physics and the universe to something inconceivable like logic.);

-The Great Collapse (The user is able to destroy every single object in a universe, the universe itself, and every parallel universe, alternate dimension, plane of existence, possible universe, impossible world, divergent timeline, alternate continuity, and reality, effectively annihilating all of creation, even up to destroying the very origin of the verse/series franchise, effectively undoing the very act of creation itself.);

-Electrokinesis (The user can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the movement of charged particles (such as electrons or protons), allowing control over electric fields, all charge carriers (Ions, Electrons, Protons, and Positrons), and electronics. One could eventually grow to manipulate the weather and create thunderstorms.);

-Geokinesis (The user is able to create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc.);

-Typhokinesis (The user is able to create, shape and manipulate smoke, collection of airborne solid and liquid particulates and gases emitted when a material undergoes combustion or pyrolysis, together with the quantity of air that is entrained or otherwise mixed into the mass. It is commonly an unwanted by-product of fires, with smoke inhalation being the primary cause of death in victims of indoor fires. The smoke kills by a combination of thermal damage, poisoning and pulmonary irritation caused by carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide and other combustion products.);

-Neokinesis (The user can create, shape and manipulate neon, a colorless, odorless, inert monatomic gas under standard conditions, but when under low pressure glows a bright orange-red if an electric current is passed through it. Although neon is a very common element in the universe and solar system, it is very rare on Earth. Neon is used in signs, vacuum tubes, high-voltage indicators, lightning arrestors, wave meter tubes, television tubes, and helium-neon lasers. Liquefied neon is commercially used as a cryogenic refrigerant in applications not requiring the lower temperature range attainable with more extreme liquid helium refrigeration.);

-Vinteokinesis (The user is able to create, shape and manipulate video images and energy, allowing them to create energy constructs in shape of beings, tools, weapons, aspects of fantasy (such as an NPC, a person from a movie, etc.), and to use powers used in videos like turning invisible and summon mighty weapons. They may also develop the ability to become digital energy and travel through electronics, wires etc. in video form.);

-Betokinesis (The user can create/generate, shape and manipulate concrete, a composite material composed of coarse granular material (the aggregate or filler) embedded in a hard matrix of material (the cement or binder) that fills the space among the aggregate particles and glues them together.);

-Divine Charge (The user has a major power boost due to the influences of strong forces of a realm known as “The True Timeline” as the power in this realm are severely unstable and may cause the user to obtain enormous amounts. The power boost allows the user to manipulate as many elements, kinetic abilities, along with Zero-Point Energy, etc. Through time, the user will unlock many more abilities and obtain an even greater boost of power);

“That was a warning shot. Next time I won’t hesitate and fry you all like a piece of bacon...” (Vendetta warning his enemies)

“I see no reason for the innocent to be pushed around and face suffering.” (Vendetta talking about his hate for others’ suffering)

“NO ONE WILL EVER BREAK ME AGAIN!!!!!!” (Vendetta’s promise to himself and his reaction to negative impacts)
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Comments: 11

Goku-the-Jolteon [2020-11-13 02:00:04 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmiastheDemon1211 In reply to Goku-the-Jolteon [2020-11-13 02:04:45 +0000 UTC]

Vendetta: I guess so

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ashadj [2020-11-13 01:39:58 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmiastheDemon1211 In reply to Ashadj [2020-11-13 01:40:17 +0000 UTC]

Vendetta: Lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ashadj In reply to AmiastheDemon1211 [2020-11-13 01:40:34 +0000 UTC]

*pets* uwu

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmiastheDemon1211 In reply to Ashadj [2020-11-13 01:57:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ashadj In reply to AmiastheDemon1211 [2020-11-13 02:00:18 +0000 UTC]

W-what? I know that O.Ô;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmiastheDemon1211 In reply to Ashadj [2020-11-13 02:06:32 +0000 UTC]

Vendetta: Sorry 😐

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ashadj In reply to AmiastheDemon1211 [2020-11-13 02:06:57 +0000 UTC]

It’s fine lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

AmiastheDemon1211 In reply to Ashadj [2020-11-13 02:08:20 +0000 UTC]

Vendetta: I don’t really show emotions in public

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Ashadj In reply to AmiastheDemon1211 [2020-11-13 02:08:44 +0000 UTC]

I notice that uwu

👍: 0 ⏩: 0